Source code for virttest.base_installer

This module implements classes that perform the installation of the
virtualization software on a host system.

These classes can be, and usually are, inherited by subclasses that implement
custom logic for each virtualization hypervisor/software.

import os
import logging
from autotest.client import utils, os_dep
from autotest.client.shared import error
import build_helper
import utils_misc
import yumrepo
import arch
    from staging import utils_koji
except ImportError:
    from autotest.client.shared import utils_koji

[docs]class NoModuleError(Exception): ''' Error raised when no suitable modules were found to load ''' pass
[docs]class VirtInstallException(Exception): ''' Base virtualization software components installation exception ''' pass
[docs]class VirtInstallFailed(VirtInstallException): ''' Installation of virtualization software components failed ''' pass
[docs]class VirtInstallNotInstalled(VirtInstallException): ''' Virtualization software components are not installed ''' pass
[docs]class BaseInstaller(object): ''' Base virtualization software installer This class holds all the skeleton features for installers and should be inherited from when creating a new installer. ''' def __init__(self, mode, name, test=None, params=None): ''' Instantiates a new base installer :param mode: installer mode, such as git_repo, local_src, etc :param name: installer short name, foo for git_repo_foo :param test: test :param params: params ''' self.mode = mode = name self.params = params self.param_key_prefix = '%s_%s' % (self.mode, # If a installer has a failure that can be worked around, save that self.minor_failure = False self.minor_failure_reason = '' if test and params: self.set_install_params(test, params) def _set_test_dirs(self, test): ''' Save common test directories paths as class attributes Test variables values are saved here again because it's not possible to pickle the test instance inside BaseInstaller due to limitations in the pickle protocol. And, in case this pickle thing needs more explanation, take a loot at the Env class inside build_helper. Besides that, we also ensure that srcdir exists, by creating it if necessary. For reference: * bindir = tests/<test> * srcdir = tests/<test>/src * resultsdir = results/<job>/<testname.tag>/results So, for KVM tests, it'd evaluate to: * bindir = tests/kvm/ * srcdir = tests/kvm/src * resultsdir = results/<job>/kvm.<other_variant_names>.build/results ''' self.test_bindir = test.bindir self.test_srcdir = test.srcdir self.test_builddir = test.builddir self.test_resultsdir = test.resultsdir # # test_builddir is guaranteed to exist, but test_srcdir is not # if not os.path.isdir(test.srcdir): os.makedirs(test.srcdir) def _set_param_load_module(self): ''' Checks whether kernel modules should be loaded Default behavior is to load modules unless set to 'no' Configuration file parameter: load_modules Class attribute set: should_load_modules ''' load_modules = self.params.get('load_modules', 'no') if not load_modules or load_modules == 'yes': self.should_load_modules = True elif load_modules == 'no': self.should_load_modules = False def _set_param_module_list(self): ''' Sets the list of kernel modules to be loaded during installation Configuration file parameter: module_list Class attribute set: module_list ''' self.module_list = self.params.get('module_list', []) def _set_param_save_results(self): ''' Checks whether to save the result of the build on test.resultsdir Configuration file parameter: save_results Class attribute set: save_results ''' self.save_results = True save_results = self.params.get('save_results', 'no') if save_results == 'no': self.save_results = False def _set_param_install_debug_info(self): ''' Sets whether to enable debug information on installed software Configuration file parameter: install_debug_info Class attribute set: install_debug_info ''' self.install_debug_info = True install_debug_info = self.params.get('install_debug_info', 'no') if install_debug_info == 'no': self.install_debug_info = False def _set_param_cleanup(self): ''' Sets whether to enable debug information on installed software Configuration file parameter: installer_cleanup Class attribute set: cleanup ''' self.cleanup = True cleanup = self.params.get('installer_cleanup', 'yes') if cleanup == 'no': logging.debug("Setting installer cleanup attribute to False") self.cleanup = False
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test=None, params=None): ''' Called by test to setup parameters from the configuration file '''"calling set install params") if test is not None: self._set_test_dirs(test) if params is not None: self.params = params self._set_param_load_module() self._set_param_module_list() self._set_param_save_results() self._set_param_install_debug_info() self._set_param_cleanup()
def _install_phase_cleanup(self): ''' Optional install phase for removing previous version of the software If a particular virtualization software installation mechanism needs to download files (it most probably does), override this method with custom functionality. This replaces methods such as KojiInstaller._get_packages() ''' pass def _install_phase_cleanup_verify(self): ''' Optional install phase for removing previous version of the software If a particular virtualization software installation mechanism needs to download files (it most probably does), override this method with custom functionality. This replaces methods such as KojiInstaller._get_packages() ''' pass def _install_phase_download(self): ''' Optional install phase for downloading software If a particular virtualization software installation mechanism needs to download files (it most probably does), override this method with custom functionality. This replaces methods such as KojiInstaller._get_packages() ''' pass def _install_phase_download_verify(self): ''' Optional install phase for checking downloaded software If you want to make sure the downloaded software is in good shape, override this method. Ideas for using this method: * check MD5SUM/SHA1SUM for tarball downloads * check RPM files, probably by signature (rpm -k) * git status and check if there's no locally modified files ''' pass def _install_phase_prepare(self): ''' Optional install phase for preparing software If a particular virtualization software installation mechanism needs to do something to the obtained software, such as extracting a tarball or applying patches, this should be done here. ''' pass def _install_phase_prepare_verify(self): ''' Optional install phase for checking software preparation Ideas for using this method: * git status and check if there are locally patched files ''' pass def _install_phase_build(self): ''' Optional install phase for building software If a particular virtualization software installation mechanism needs to compile source code, it should be done here. ''' pass def _install_phase_build_verify(self): ''' Optional install phase for checking software build Ideas for using this method: * running 'make test' or something similar to it ''' pass def _install_phase_install(self): ''' Optional install phase for actually installing software Ideas for using this method: * running 'make install' or something similar to it * running 'yum localinstall *.rpm' ''' pass def _install_phase_install_verify(self): ''' Optional install phase for checking the installed software This should verify the installed software is in a desirable state. Ideas for using this include: * checking if installed files exists (like os.path.exists()) * checking packages are indeed installed (rpm -q <pkg>.rpm) ''' pass def _install_phase_init(self): ''' Optional install phase for initializing the installed software This should initialize the installed software. Ideas for using this: * loading kernel modules * running services: 'service <daemon> start' * linking software (whether built or downloaded) to a common path ''' pass def _install_phase_init_verify(self): ''' Optional install phase for checking that software is initialized This should verify that the installed software is running. Ideas for using this include: * checking service (daemon) status: 'service <daemon> status' * checking service (functionality) status: 'virsh capabilities' ''' pass
[docs] def write_version_keyval(self, test): try: version = self.get_version() except AttributeError: version = "Unknown" sw_version = {('software_version_%s' % version} logging.debug("Writing test keyval %s", sw_version) test.write_test_keyval(sw_version)
[docs] def load_modules(self, module_list=None): ''' Load Linux Kernel modules the virtualization software may depend on If module_directory is not set, the list of modules will simply be loaded by the system stock modprobe tool, meaning that modules will be looked for in the system default module paths. :type module_list: list :param module_list: list of kernel modules names to load ''' if module_list is None: module_list = self.module_list if not module_list: raise NoModuleError("Module list empty")"Loading modules from default locations through " "modprobe") for module in module_list: utils.system("modprobe %s" % module)
[docs] def unload_modules(self, module_list=None): ''' Unloads kernel modules By default, if no module list is explicitly provided, the list on params (coming from the configuration file) will be used. ''' if module_list is None: module_list = self.module_list"Unloading kernel modules: %s" % " ".join(module_list)) for module in module_list: utils.unload_module(module)
[docs] def reload_modules(self): """ Reload the kernel modules (unload, then load) """ self.unload_modules() self.load_modules()
[docs] def reload_modules_if_needed(self): if self.should_load_modules: self.reload_modules()
[docs] def install(self, cleanup=True, download=True, prepare=True, build=True, install=True, init=True): ''' Performs the installation of the virtualization software This is the main entry point of this class, and should either be reimplemented completely, or simply implement one or many of the install phases. ''' if (cleanup and self.cleanup): self._install_phase_cleanup() self._install_phase_cleanup_verify() if download: self._install_phase_download() self._install_phase_download_verify() if prepare: self._install_phase_prepare() self._install_phase_prepare_verify() if build: self._install_phase_build() self._install_phase_build_verify() if install: self._install_phase_install() self._install_phase_install_verify() if init: self._install_phase_init() self._install_phase_init_verify() self.reload_modules_if_needed() if self.save_results: utils_misc.archive_as_tarball(self.test_srcdir, self.test_resultsdir)
[docs] def uninstall(self): ''' Performs the uninstallations of the virtualization software Note: This replaces old qemu_installer._clean_previous_install() ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NoopInstaller(BaseInstaller): ''' Dummy installer that does nothing, useful when software is pre-installed ''' def __init__(self, mode, name, test=None, params=None): ''' If no previous install test ran, try to figure out modules to load. :param mode (str): Install mode (yum, git, etc). :param name (str): Installer name. :param test: Virt test object. :param params: Dict with test params. ''' if params['vm_type'] == 'qemu': params['module_list'] = arch.get_kvm_module_list() super(NoopInstaller, self).__init__(mode, name, test, params)
[docs] def install(self):"Assuming virtualization software to be already " "installed. Doing nothing")
[docs]class YumInstaller(BaseInstaller): ''' Installs virtualization software using YUM Notice: this class implements a change of behaviour if compared to qemu_installer.YumInstaller.set_install_params(). There's no longer a default package list, as each virtualization technology will have a completely different default. This should now be kept at the configuration file only. For now this class implements support for installing from the configured yum repos only. If the use case of installing from local RPM packages arises, we'll implement that. '''
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test, params): super(YumInstaller, self).set_install_params(test, params) os_dep.command("rpm") os_dep.command("yum") if self.install_debug_info: os_dep.command("debuginfo-install") self.yum_pkgs = eval(params.get("%s_pkgs" % self.param_key_prefix, "[]"))
[docs] def get_version(self): return " ".join(self.yum_pkgs)
def _install_phase_cleanup(self): packages_to_remove = " ".join(self.yum_pkgs) utils.system("yum remove -y %s" % packages_to_remove) def _install_phase_install(self): if self.yum_pkgs: os.chdir(self.test_srcdir) utils.system("yum --nogpgcheck -y install %s" % " ".join(self.yum_pkgs)) if self.install_debug_info: utils.system("debuginfo-install --enablerepo='*debuginfo' -y %s" % " ".join(self.yum_pkgs))
[docs]class KojiInstaller(BaseInstaller): ''' Handles virtualization software installation via koji/brew It uses YUM to install and remove packages. Change notice: this is not a subclass of YumInstaller anymore. The parameters this class uses are different (koji_tag, koji_pgks) and the install process runs YUM. '''
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test, params): super(KojiInstaller, self).set_install_params(test, params) os_dep.command("rpm") os_dep.command("yum") self.tag = params.get("%s_tag" % self.param_key_prefix, None) self.koji_cmd = params.get("%s_cmd" % self.param_key_prefix, None) if self.tag is not None: utils_koji.set_default_koji_tag(self.tag) self.koji_pkgs = params.get("%s_pkgs" % self.param_key_prefix, "").split() self.koji_scratch_pkgs = params.get("%s_scratch_pkgs" % self.param_key_prefix, "").split() self.koji_yumrepo_baseurl = params.get("%s_yumrepo_baseurl" % self.param_key_prefix, None) if self.install_debug_info: self._expand_koji_pkgs_with_debuginfo()
[docs] def get_version(self): return " ".join(self._get_rpm_file_names())
def _expand_koji_pkgs_with_debuginfo(self): ''' Include debuginfo RPMs on koji_pkgs :return: None ''' logging.debug("Koji package list to be updated with debuginfo pkgs") koji_pkgs_with_debug = [] for pkg_text in self.koji_pkgs: pkg = utils_koji.KojiPkgSpec(pkg_text) debuginfo_pkg_name = '%s-debuginfo' % pkg.package # if no subpackages are set, then all packages will be installed # so there's no need to manually include debuginfo packages if pkg.subpackages: # make sure we do not include the debuginfo package if # already specified in the list of subpackages if debuginfo_pkg_name not in pkg.subpackages: pkg.subpackages.append(debuginfo_pkg_name) pkg_with_debug_text = pkg.to_text() logging.debug("KojiPkgSpec with debuginfo package added: %s", pkg_with_debug_text) koji_pkgs_with_debug.append(pkg_with_debug_text) # swap current koji_pkgs with on that includes debuginfo pkgs self.koji_pkgs = koji_pkgs_with_debug def _get_rpm_names(self): all_rpm_names = [] koji_client = utils_koji.KojiClient(cmd=self.koji_cmd) for pkg_text in self.koji_pkgs: pkg = utils_koji.KojiPkgSpec(pkg_text) rpm_names = koji_client.get_pkg_rpm_names(pkg) all_rpm_names += rpm_names for scratch_pkg_text in self.koji_scratch_pkgs: pkg = utils_koji.KojiScratchPkgSpec(scratch_pkg_text) rpm_urls = koji_client.get_scratch_pkg_urls(pkg) file_names = map(os.path.basename, rpm_urls) for f in file_names: r = utils_koji.RPMFileNameInfo(f) all_rpm_names.append(r.get_nvr_info()['name']) return all_rpm_names def _get_rpm_file_names(self): all_rpm_file_names = [] koji_client = utils_koji.KojiClient(cmd=self.koji_cmd) for pkg_text in self.koji_pkgs: pkg = utils_koji.KojiPkgSpec(pkg_text) rpm_file_names = koji_client.get_pkg_rpm_file_names(pkg) all_rpm_file_names += rpm_file_names for scratch_pkg_text in self.koji_scratch_pkgs: pkg = utils_koji.KojiScratchPkgSpec(scratch_pkg_text) rpm_urls = koji_client.get_scratch_pkg_urls(pkg) file_names = map(os.path.basename, rpm_urls) all_rpm_file_names += file_names return all_rpm_file_names def _install_phase_cleanup(self): removable_packages = " ".join(self._get_rpm_names()) utils.system("yum -y remove %s" % removable_packages) def _install_phase_download(self): koji_client = utils_koji.KojiClient(cmd=self.koji_cmd) for pkg_text in self.koji_pkgs: pkg = utils_koji.KojiPkgSpec(pkg_text) if pkg.is_valid(): koji_client.get_pkgs(pkg, dst_dir=self.test_srcdir) else: logging.error('Package specification (%s) is invalid: %s' % (pkg, pkg.describe_invalid())) for pkg_text in self.koji_scratch_pkgs: pkg = utils_koji.KojiScratchPkgSpec(pkg_text) koji_client.get_scratch_pkgs(pkg, dst_dir=self.test_srcdir) def _install_phase_install(self): if self.koji_yumrepo_baseurl is not None: repo = yumrepo.YumRepo(self.param_key_prefix, self.koji_yumrepo_baseurl) logging.debug('Enabling YUM Repo "%s" at "%s"', self.param_key_prefix, self.koji_yumrepo_baseurl) os.chdir(self.test_srcdir) rpm_file_names = " ".join(self._get_rpm_file_names()) utils.system("yum --nogpgcheck -y install %s" % rpm_file_names) if self.koji_yumrepo_baseurl is not None: logging.debug('Disabling YUM Repo "%s" at "%s"', self.param_key_prefix, self.koji_yumrepo_baseurl) repo.remove()
[docs]class BaseLocalSourceInstaller(BaseInstaller):
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test, params): super(BaseLocalSourceInstaller, self).set_install_params(test, params) self._set_install_prefix() self._set_source_destination() # # There are really no choices for patch helpers # self.patch_helper = build_helper.PatchParamHelper( self.params, self.param_key_prefix, self.source_destination) # # These helpers should be set by child classes # self.content_helper = None self.build_helper = None
def _set_install_prefix(self): ''' Prefix for installation of application built from source When installing virtualization software from *source*, this is where the resulting binaries will be installed. Usually this is the value passed to the configure script, ie: ./configure --prefix=<value> ''' prefix = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, 'install_root') self.install_prefix = os.path.abspath(prefix) def _set_source_destination(self): ''' Sets the source code destination directory path ''' self.source_destination = os.path.join(self.test_srcdir, def _set_build_helper(self): ''' Sets the build helper, default is 'gnu_autotools' ''' build_helper_name = self.params.get('%s_build_helper' % self.param_key_prefix, 'gnu_autotools') if build_helper_name == 'gnu_autotools': self.build_helper = build_helper.GnuSourceBuildParamHelper( self.params, self.param_key_prefix, self.source_destination, self.install_prefix) elif build_helper_name == 'linux_kernel': self.build_helper = build_helper.LinuxKernelBuildHelper( self.params, self.param_key_prefix, self.source_destination) def _install_phase_prepare(self): if self.patch_helper is not None: self.patch_helper.execute() def _install_phase_download(self): if self.content_helper is not None: self.content_helper.execute() def _install_phase_build(self): if self.build_helper is not None: if (isinstance(self.build_helper, build_helper.GnuSourceBuildHelper) or isinstance(self.build_helper, build_helper.LinuxKernelBuildHelper)): try: self.build_helper.execute() except build_helper.SourceBuildParallelFailed: # Flag minor the failure self.minor_failure = True self.minor_failure_reason = "Failed to do parallel build" except build_helper.SourceBuildFailed: # Failed the current test raise error.TestFail("Failed to build %s" % else: self.build_helper.execute() def _install_phase_install(self): if self.build_helper is not None: self.build_helper.install()
[docs]class LocalSourceDirInstaller(BaseLocalSourceInstaller): ''' Handles software installation by building/installing from a source dir '''
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test, params): super(LocalSourceDirInstaller, self).set_install_params(test, params) self.content_helper = build_helper.LocalSourceDirParamHelper( params,, self.source_destination) self._set_build_helper()
[docs]class LocalSourceTarInstaller(BaseLocalSourceInstaller): ''' Handles software installation by building/installing from a tarball '''
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test, params): super(LocalSourceTarInstaller, self).set_install_params(test, params) self.content_helper = build_helper.LocalTarParamHelper( params,, self.source_destination) self._set_build_helper()
[docs]class RemoteSourceTarInstaller(BaseLocalSourceInstaller): ''' Handles software installation by building/installing from a remote tarball '''
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test, params): super(RemoteSourceTarInstaller, self).set_install_params(test, params) self.content_helper = build_helper.RemoteTarParamHelper( params,, self.source_destination) self._set_build_helper()
[docs]class GitRepoInstaller(BaseLocalSourceInstaller):
[docs] def set_install_params(self, test, params): super(GitRepoInstaller, self).set_install_params(test, params) self.content_helper = build_helper.GitRepoParamHelper( params,, self.source_destination) self._set_build_helper()
[docs] def get_version(self): uri = self.content_helper.uri branch = self.content_helper.branch commit = self.content_helper.get_top_commit() return "%s:%s:%s" % (uri, branch, commit)
[docs]class FailedInstaller: """ Class used to be returned instead of the installer if a installation fails Useful to make sure no installer object is used if virt installation fails """ def __init__(self, msg="Virtualization software install failed"): self._msg = msg
[docs] def load_modules(self): """ Will refuse to load the kerkel modules as install failed """ raise VirtInstallFailed("Kernel modules not available. reason: %s" % self._msg)