Source code for virttest.bootstrap

import logging
import os
import glob
import shutil
import sys
from autotest.client.shared import logging_manager, error
from autotest.client import utils
import utils_misc
import data_dir
import asset
import cartesian_config
import utils_selinux
import defaults
import arch

basic_program_requirements = ['7za', 'tcpdump', 'nc', 'ip', 'arping']

recommended_programs = {'qemu': [('qemu-kvm', 'kvm'), ('qemu-img',),
                        'libvirt': [('virsh',), ('virt-install',),
                                    ('fakeroot',), ('semanage',),
                                    ('getfattr',), ('restorecon',)],
                        'openvswitch': [],
                        'lvsb': [('semanage',), ('getfattr',), ('restorecon',), ('virt-sandbox')],
                        'v2v': [],
                        'libguestfs': [('perl',)]}

mandatory_programs = {'qemu': basic_program_requirements + ['gcc'],
                      'libvirt': basic_program_requirements,
                      'openvswitch': basic_program_requirements,
                      'lvsb': ['virt-sandbox', 'virt-sandbox-service', 'virsh'],
                      'v2v': basic_program_requirements,
                      'libguestfs': basic_program_requirements}

mandatory_headers = {'qemu': ['Python.h', 'types.h', 'socket.h', 'unistd.h'],
                     'libvirt': [],
                     'openvswitch': [],
                     'v2v': [],
                     'lvsb': [],
                     'libguestfs': []}

first_subtest = {'qemu': ['unattended_install', 'steps'],
                 'libvirt': ['unattended_install'],
                 'openvswitch': ['unattended_install'],
                 'v2v': ['unattended_install'],
                 'libguestfs': ['unattended_install'],
                 'lvsb': []}

last_subtest = {'qemu': ['shutdown'],
                'libvirt': ['shutdown', 'remove_guest'],
                'openvswitch': ['shutdown'],
                'v2v': ['shutdown'],
                'libguestfs': ['shutdown'],
                'lvsb': []}

test_filter = ['__init__', 'cfg', '']

[docs]def get_guest_os_info_list(test_name, guest_os): """ Returns a list of matching assets compatible with the specified test name and guest OS """ os_info_list = [] cartesian_parser = cartesian_config.Parser() cartesian_parser.parse_file(data_dir.get_backend_cfg_path(test_name, 'guest-os.cfg')) cartesian_parser.only_filter(guest_os) dicts = cartesian_parser.get_dicts() for params in dicts: image_name = params.get('image_name', 'image').split('/')[-1] shortname = params.get('shortname', guest_os) os_info_list.append({'asset': image_name, 'variant': shortname}) if not os_info_list: logging.error("Could not find any assets compatible with %s for %s", guest_os, test_name) raise ValueError("Missing compatible assets for %s", guest_os) return os_info_list
def _get_config_filter(): config_filter = ['__init__', ] for provider_subdir in asset.get_test_provider_subdirs(): config_filter.append(os.path.join('%s' % provider_subdir, 'cfg')) return config_filter config_filter = _get_config_filter()
[docs]def verify_mandatory_programs(t_type, guest_os): failed_cmds = [] cmds = mandatory_programs[t_type] for cmd in cmds: try:'%s OK', utils_misc.find_command(cmd)) except ValueError: if cmd == '7za' and guest_os != defaults.DEFAULT_GUEST_OS: logging.warn("Command 7za (required to uncompress JeOS) " "missing. You can still use virt-test with guest" " OS's other than JeOS.") continue logging.error("Required command %s is missing. You must " "install it", cmd) failed_cmds.append(cmd) includes = mandatory_headers[t_type] available_includes = glob.glob('/usr/include/*/*') for include in available_includes: include_basename = os.path.basename(include) if include_basename in includes:'%s OK', include) includes.pop(includes.index(include_basename)) if includes: for include in includes: logging.error("Required include %s is missing. You may have to " "install it", include) failures = failed_cmds + includes if failures: raise ValueError('Missing (cmds/includes): %s' % " ".join(failures))
[docs]def write_subtests_files(config_file_list, output_file_object, test_type=None): """ Writes a collection of individual subtests config file to one output file Optionally, for tests that we know their type, write the 'virt_test_type' configuration automatically. """ if test_type is not None: output_file_object.write(" - @type_specific:\n") output_file_object.write(" variants subtest:\n") for provider_name, config_path in config_file_list: config_file = open(config_path, 'r') write_test_type_line = False write_provider_line = False for line in config_file.readlines(): if line.startswith('- ') and provider_name is not None: name, deps = line.split(":") name = name[1:].strip() if name[0] == "@": name = name[1:] line = "- %s.%s:%s" % (provider_name, name, deps) # special virt_test_type line output if test_type is not None: if write_test_type_line: type_line = (" virt_test_type = %s\n" % test_type) output_file_object.write(type_line) provider_line = (" provider = %s\n" % provider_name) output_file_object.write(provider_line) write_test_type_line = False elif line.startswith('- '): write_test_type_line = True output_file_object.write(" %s" % line) else: if write_provider_line: provider_line = (" provider = %s\n" % provider_name) output_file_object.write(provider_line) write_provider_line = False elif line.startswith('- '): write_provider_line = True # regular line output output_file_object.write(" %s" % line) config_file.close()
[docs]def get_directory_structure(rootdir, guest_file): rootdir = rootdir.rstrip(os.sep) start = rootdir.rfind(os.sep) + 1 previous_indent = 0 indent = 0 number_variants = 0 for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(rootdir): folders = path[start:].split(os.sep) folders = folders[1:] indent = len(folders) if indent > previous_indent: guest_file.write("%svariants:\n" % (4 * (indent + number_variants - 1) * " ")) number_variants += 1 elif indent < previous_indent: number_variants = indent indent += number_variants try: base_folder = folders[-1] except IndexError: base_folder = [] base_cfg = "%s.cfg" % base_folder base_cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), base_cfg) if os.path.isfile(base_cfg_path): base_file = open(base_cfg_path, 'r') for line in base_file.readlines(): guest_file.write("%s%s" % ((4 * (indent - 1) * " "), line)) else: if base_folder: guest_file.write("%s- %s:\n" % ((4 * (indent - 1) * " "), base_folder)) variant_printed = False if files: files.sort() for f in files: if f.endswith(".cfg"): bf = f[:len(f) - 4] if bf not in subdirs: if not variant_printed: guest_file.write("%svariants:\n" % ((4 * (indent) * " "))) variant_printed = True base_file = open(os.path.join(path, f), 'r') for line in base_file.readlines(): guest_file.write("%s%s" % ((4 * (indent + 1) * " "), line)) indent -= number_variants previous_indent = indent
[docs]def create_guest_os_cfg(t_type): root_dir = data_dir.get_root_dir() guest_os_cfg_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'shared', 'cfg', 'guest-os') guest_os_cfg_path = data_dir.get_backend_cfg_path(t_type, 'guest-os.cfg') guest_os_cfg_file = open(guest_os_cfg_path, 'w') get_directory_structure(guest_os_cfg_dir, guest_os_cfg_file)
[docs]def create_subtests_cfg(t_type): root_dir = data_dir.get_root_dir() specific_test_list = [] specific_file_list = [] specific_subdirs = asset.get_test_provider_subdirs(t_type) provider_names_specific = asset.get_test_provider_names(t_type) provider_info_specific = [] for specific_provider in provider_names_specific: provider_info_specific.append(asset.get_test_provider_info(specific_provider)) for subdir in specific_subdirs: specific_test_list += data_dir.SubdirGlobList(subdir, '*.py', test_filter) specific_file_list += data_dir.SubdirGlobList(subdir, '*.cfg', config_filter) shared_test_list = [] shared_file_list = [] shared_subdirs = asset.get_test_provider_subdirs('generic') provider_names_shared = asset.get_test_provider_names('generic') provider_info_shared = [] for shared_provider in provider_names_shared: provider_info_shared.append(asset.get_test_provider_info(shared_provider)) if not t_type == 'lvsb': for subdir in shared_subdirs: shared_test_list += data_dir.SubdirGlobList(subdir, '*.py', test_filter) shared_file_list += data_dir.SubdirGlobList(subdir, '*.cfg', config_filter) all_specific_test_list = [] for test in specific_test_list: for p in provider_info_specific: provider_base_path = p['backends'][t_type]['path'] if provider_base_path in test: provider_name = p['name'] break basename = os.path.basename(test) if basename != "": all_specific_test_list.append("%s.%s" % (provider_name, basename.split(".")[0])) all_shared_test_list = [] for test in shared_test_list: for p in provider_info_shared: provider_base_path = p['backends']['generic']['path'] if provider_base_path in test: provider_name = p['name'] break basename = os.path.basename(test) if basename != "": all_shared_test_list.append("%s.%s" % (provider_name, basename.split(".")[0])) all_specific_test_list.sort() all_shared_test_list.sort() all_test_list = set(all_specific_test_list + all_shared_test_list) first_subtest_file = [] last_subtest_file = [] non_dropin_tests = [] tmp = [] for shared_file in shared_file_list: provider_name = None for p in provider_info_shared: provider_base_path = p['backends']['generic']['path'] if provider_base_path in shared_file: provider_name = p['name'] break shared_file_obj = open(shared_file, 'r') for line in shared_file_obj.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("type"): cartesian_parser = cartesian_config.Parser() cartesian_parser.parse_string(line) td = cartesian_parser.get_dicts().next() values = td['type'].split(" ") for value in values: if t_type not in non_dropin_tests: non_dropin_tests.append("%s.%s" % (provider_name, value)) shared_file_name = os.path.basename(shared_file) shared_file_name = shared_file_name.split(".")[0] if shared_file_name in first_subtest[t_type]: if [provider_name, shared_file] not in first_subtest_file: first_subtest_file.append([provider_name, shared_file]) elif shared_file_name in last_subtest[t_type]: if [provider_name, shared_file] not in last_subtest_file: last_subtest_file.append([provider_name, shared_file]) else: if [provider_name, shared_file] not in tmp: tmp.append([provider_name, shared_file]) shared_file_list = tmp tmp = [] for shared_file in specific_file_list: provider_name = None for p in provider_info_specific: provider_base_path = p['backends'][t_type]['path'] if provider_base_path in shared_file: provider_name = p['name'] break shared_file_obj = open(shared_file, 'r') for line in shared_file_obj.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("type"): cartesian_parser = cartesian_config.Parser() cartesian_parser.parse_string(line) td = cartesian_parser.get_dicts().next() values = td['type'].split(" ") for value in values: if value not in non_dropin_tests: non_dropin_tests.append("%s.%s" % (provider_name, value)) shared_file_name = os.path.basename(shared_file) shared_file_name = shared_file_name.split(".")[0] if shared_file_name in first_subtest[t_type]: if [provider_name, shared_file] not in first_subtest_file: first_subtest_file.append([provider_name, shared_file]) elif shared_file_name in last_subtest[t_type]: if [provider_name, shared_file] not in last_subtest_file: last_subtest_file.append([provider_name, shared_file]) else: if [provider_name, shared_file] not in tmp: tmp.append([provider_name, shared_file]) specific_file_list = tmp non_dropin_tests.sort() non_dropin_tests = set(non_dropin_tests) dropin_tests = all_test_list - non_dropin_tests dropin_file_list = [] tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) for dropin_test in dropin_tests: provider = dropin_test.split(".")[0] d_type = dropin_test.split(".")[-1] autogen_cfg_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '%s.cfg' % dropin_test) autogen_cfg_file = open(autogen_cfg_path, 'w') autogen_cfg_file.write("# Drop-in test - auto generated snippet\n") autogen_cfg_file.write("- %s:\n" % dropin_test) autogen_cfg_file.write(" virt_test_type = %s\n" % t_type) autogen_cfg_file.write(" type = %s\n" % d_type) autogen_cfg_file.close() dropin_file_list.append([provider, autogen_cfg_path]) dropin_file_list_2 = [] dropin_tests = os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir.get_root_dir(), "dropin")) dropin_cfg_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'dropin.cfg') dropin_cfg_file = open(dropin_cfg_path, 'w') dropin_cfg_file.write("# Auto generated snippet for dropin tests\n") dropin_cfg_file.write("- dropin:\n") dropin_cfg_file.write(" variants:\n") for dropin_test in dropin_tests: if dropin_test == "README": continue dropin_cfg_file.write(" - %s:\n" % dropin_test) dropin_cfg_file.write(" virt_test_type = %s\n" % t_type) dropin_cfg_file.write(" type = dropin\n") dropin_cfg_file.write(" start_vm = no\n") dropin_cfg_file.write(" dropin_path = %s\n" % dropin_test) dropin_cfg_file.close() dropin_file_list_2.append(['io-github-autotest-qemu', dropin_cfg_path]) subtests_cfg = os.path.join(root_dir, 'backends', t_type, 'cfg', 'subtests.cfg') subtests_file = open(subtests_cfg, 'w') subtests_file.write( "# Do not edit, auto generated file from subtests config\n") subtests_file.write("variants subtest:\n") write_subtests_files(first_subtest_file, subtests_file) write_subtests_files(specific_file_list, subtests_file, t_type) write_subtests_files(shared_file_list, subtests_file) write_subtests_files(dropin_file_list, subtests_file) write_subtests_files(dropin_file_list_2, subtests_file) write_subtests_files(last_subtest_file, subtests_file) subtests_file.close()
[docs]def create_config_files(test_dir, shared_dir, interactive, step=None, force_update=False): def is_file_tracked(fl): tracked_result ="git ls-files %s --error-unmatch" % fl, ignore_status=True, verbose=False) return tracked_result.exit_status == 0 if step is None: step = 0"") step += 1"%d - Generating config set", step) config_file_list = data_dir.SubdirGlobList(os.path.join(test_dir, "cfg"), "*.cfg", config_filter) config_file_list = [cf for cf in config_file_list if is_file_tracked(cf)] config_file_list_shared = glob.glob(os.path.join(shared_dir, "cfg", "*.cfg")) # Handle overrides of cfg files. Let's say a test provides its own # subtest.cfg.sample, this file takes precedence over the shared # subtest.cfg.sample. So, yank this file from the cfg file list. config_file_list_shared_keep = [] for cf in config_file_list_shared: basename = os.path.basename(cf) target = os.path.join(test_dir, "cfg", basename) if target not in config_file_list: config_file_list_shared_keep.append(cf) config_file_list += config_file_list_shared_keep for config_file in config_file_list: src_file = config_file dst_file = os.path.join(test_dir, "cfg", os.path.basename(config_file)) if not os.path.isfile(dst_file): logging.debug("Creating config file %s from sample", dst_file) shutil.copyfile(src_file, dst_file) else: diff_cmd = "diff -Naur %s %s" % (dst_file, src_file) diff_result = diff_cmd, ignore_status=True, verbose=False) if diff_result.exit_status != 0:"%s result:\n %s", diff_result.command, diff_result.stdout) if interactive: answer = utils.ask("Config file %s differs from %s." "Overwrite?" % (dst_file, src_file)) elif force_update: answer = "y" else: answer = "n" if answer == "y": logging.debug("Restoring config file %s from sample", dst_file) shutil.copyfile(src_file, dst_file) else: logging.debug("Preserving existing %s file", dst_file) else: logging.debug("Config file %s exists, not touching", dst_file) return step
[docs]def haz_defcon(datadir, imagesdir, isosdir, tmpdir): """ Compare current types from Defaults, or if default, compare on-disk type """ # Searching through default contexts is very slow. # Exploit restorecon -n to find any defaults try: # First element is list, third tuple item is desired context data_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(datadir, False)[0][2] except IndexError: # object matches default, get current on-disk context data_type = utils_selinux.get_context_of_file(datadir) # Extract just the type component data_type = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(data_type) try: # Do not descend, we want to know the base-dir def. context images_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(imagesdir, False)[0][2] except IndexError: images_type = utils_selinux.get_context_of_file(imagesdir) images_type = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(images_type) try: isos_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(isosdir, False)[0][2] except IndexError: isos_type = utils_selinux.get_context_of_file(isosdir) isos_type = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(isos_type) try: tmp_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(tmpdir, False)[0][2] except IndexError: tmp_type = utils_selinux.get_context_of_file(tmpdir) tmp_type = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(tmp_type) # hard-coded values b/c only four of them and widly-used if data_type == 'virt_var_lib_t': if images_type == 'virt_image_t': if isos_type == 'virt_content_t': if tmp_type == 'user_tmp_t': return True # No changes needed return False
[docs]def set_defcon(datadir, imagesdir, isosdir, tmpdir): """ Tries to set datadir default contexts returns True if changed """ made_changes = False try: # Returns list of tuple(pathname, from, to) of context differences # between on-disk and defaults. Only interested in top-level # object [0] and the context it would change to [2] data_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(datadir, False)[0][2] # Extrach only the type existing_data = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(data_type) except IndexError: existing_data = None try: images_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(imagesdir, False)[0][2] existing_images = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(images_type) except IndexError: existing_images = None try: isos_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(isosdir, False)[0][2] existing_isos = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(isos_type) except IndexError: existing_isos = None try: tmp_type = utils_selinux.diff_defcon(tmpdir, False)[0][2] existing_tmp = utils_selinux.get_type_from_context(tmp_type) except IndexError: existing_tmp = None # Only print slow info message one time could_be_slow = False msg = "Defining default contexts, this could take a few seconds..." # Changing default contexts is *slow*, avoid it if not necessary if existing_data is None or existing_data is not 'virt_var_lib_t': # semanage gives errors if don't treat /usr & /usr/local the same data_regex = utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local(datadir) could_be_slow = True # This applies only to datadir symlink, not sub-directories! utils_selinux.set_defcon('virt_var_lib_t', data_regex) made_changes = True if existing_images is None or existing_images is not 'virt_image_t': # Applies to imagesdir and everything below images_regex = utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local(imagesdir) images_regex = utils_selinux.transmogrify_sub_dirs(images_regex) if not could_be_slow: could_be_slow = True utils_selinux.set_defcon('virt_image_t', images_regex) made_changes = True if existing_isos is None or existing_isos is not 'virt_content_t': # Applies to isosdir and everything below isos_regex = utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local(isosdir) isos_regex = utils_selinux.transmogrify_sub_dirs(isos_regex) if not could_be_slow: could_be_slow = True utils_selinux.set_defcon('virt_content_t', isos_regex) made_changes = True if existing_tmp is None or existing_tmp is not 'user_tmp_t': tmp_regex = utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local(tmpdir) tmp_regex = utils_selinux.transmogrify_sub_dirs(tmp_regex) if not could_be_slow: could_be_slow = True utils_selinux.set_defcon('user_tmp_t', tmp_regex) made_changes = True return made_changes
[docs]def verify_selinux(datadir, imagesdir, isosdir, tmpdir, interactive, selinux=False): """ Verify/Set/Warn about SELinux and default file contexts for testing. :param datadir: Abs. path to data-directory symlink :param imagesdir: Abs. path to data/images directory :param isosdir: Abs. path to data/isos directory :param tmpdir: Abs. path to virt-test tmp dir :param interactive: True if running from console :param selinux: Whether setup SELinux contexts for shared/data """ # datadir can be a symlink, but these must not have any imagesdir = os.path.realpath(imagesdir) isosdir = os.path.realpath(isosdir) tmpdir = os.path.realpath(tmpdir) needs_relabel = None try: # Raise SeCmdError if selinux not installed if utils_selinux.get_status() == 'enforcing': # Check if default contexts are set if not haz_defcon(datadir, imagesdir, isosdir, tmpdir): if selinux: answer = "y" else: if interactive: answer = utils.ask("Setup all undefined default SE" "Linux contexts for shared/data/?") else: answer = "n" else: answer = "n" if answer.lower() == "y": # Assume relabeling is needed if changes made needs_relabel = set_defcon(datadir, imagesdir, isosdir, tmpdir) # Only relabel if files/dirs don't match default labels_ok = utils_selinux.verify_defcon(datadir, False) labels_ok &= utils_selinux.verify_defcon(imagesdir, True) labels_ok &= utils_selinux.verify_defcon(isosdir, True) labels_ok &= utils_selinux.verify_defcon(tmpdir, True) if labels_ok: needs_relabel = False else: logging.warning("On-disk SELinux labels do not match defaults") needs_relabel = True # Disabled or Permissive mode is same result as not installed else:"SELinux in permissive or disabled, testing" "in enforcing mode is highly encourraged.") except utils_selinux.SemanageError:"Could not set default SELinux contexts. Please")"consider installing the semanage program then ")"verifying and/or running running:") # Paths must be transmogrified (changed) into regular expressions"semanage fcontext --add -t virt_var_lib_t '%s'", utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local(datadir))"semanage fcontext --add -t virt_image_t '%s'", utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local( utils_selinux.transmogrify_sub_dirs(imagesdir)))"semanage fcontext --add -t virt_content_t '%s'", utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local( utils_selinux.transmogrify_sub_dirs(isosdir)))"semanage fcontext --add -t user_tmp_t '%s'", utils_selinux.transmogrify_usr_local( utils_selinux.transmogrify_sub_dirs(tmpdir))) needs_relabel = None # Next run will catch if relabeling needed except utils_selinux.SelinuxError: # Catchall SELinux related"SELinux not available, or error in command/setup.")"Please manually verify default file contexts before")"testing with SELinux enabled and enforcing.") if needs_relabel: if selinux: answer = "y" else: if interactive: answer = utils.ask("Relabel from default contexts?") else: answer = "n" if answer.lower() == 'y': changes = utils_selinux.apply_defcon(datadir, False) changes += utils_selinux.apply_defcon(imagesdir, True) changes += utils_selinux.apply_defcon(isosdir, True) changes += utils_selinux.apply_defcon(tmpdir, True)"Corrected contexts on %d files/dirs", len(changes))
[docs]def bootstrap(options, interactive=False): """ Common virt test assistant module. :param options: Command line options. :param interactive: Whether to ask for confirmation. :raise error.CmdError: If JeOS image failed to uncompress :raise ValueError: If 7za was not found """ if interactive: logging_manager.configure_logging(utils_misc.VirtLoggingConfig(), verbose=options.vt_verbose)"%s test config helper", options.vt_type) step = 0"") step += 1"%d - Updating all test providers", step) asset.download_all_test_providers(options.vt_update_providers)"") step += 1"%d - Checking the mandatory programs and headers", step) guest_os = options.vt_guest_os or defaults.DEFAULT_GUEST_OS try: verify_mandatory_programs(options.vt_type, guest_os) except Exception, details:'Install the missing programs and/or headers and ' 're-run boostrap') sys.exit(1)"") step += 1"%d - Checking the recommended programs", step) verify_recommended_programs(options.vt_type)"") step += 1"%d - Verifying directories", step) datadir = data_dir.get_data_dir() shared_dir = os.path.dirname(datadir) sub_dir_list = ["images", "isos", "steps_data", "gpg"] for sub_dir in sub_dir_list: sub_dir_path = os.path.join(datadir, sub_dir) if not os.path.isdir(sub_dir_path): logging.debug("Creating %s", sub_dir_path) os.makedirs(sub_dir_path) else: logging.debug("Dir %s exists, not creating", sub_dir_path) test_dir = data_dir.get_backend_dir(options.vt_type) if options.vt_type == 'libvirt': step = create_config_files(test_dir, shared_dir, interactive, step, force_update=options.vt_update_config) create_subtests_cfg(options.vt_type) create_guest_os_cfg(options.vt_type) # Don't bother checking if changes can't be made if os.getuid() == 0: verify_selinux(datadir, os.path.join(datadir, 'images'), os.path.join(datadir, 'isos'), data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), interactive, options.vt_selinux_setup) # lvsb test doesn't use any shared configs elif options.vt_type == 'lvsb': create_subtests_cfg(options.vt_type) if os.getuid() == 0: # Don't bother checking if changes can't be made verify_selinux(datadir, os.path.join(datadir, 'images'), os.path.join(datadir, 'isos'), data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), interactive, options.vt_selinux_setup) else: # Some other test step = create_config_files(test_dir, shared_dir, interactive, step, force_update=options.vt_update_config) create_subtests_cfg(options.vt_type) create_guest_os_cfg(options.vt_type) if not options.vt_config: restore_image = not (options.vt_no_downloads or options.vt_keep_image) else: restore_image = False if restore_image:"") step += 1"%s - Verifying (and possibly downloading) guest image", step) for os_info in get_guest_os_info_list(options.vt_type, guest_os): os_asset = os_info['asset'] asset.download_asset(os_asset, interactive=interactive, restore_image=restore_image) check_modules = [] if options.vt_type == "qemu": check_modules = arch.get_kvm_module_list() elif options.vt_type == "openvswitch": check_modules = ["openvswitch"] if check_modules:"") step += 1"%d - Checking for modules %s", step, ", ".join(check_modules)) for module in check_modules: if not utils.module_is_loaded(module): logging.warning("Module %s is not loaded. You might want to " "load it", module) else: logging.debug("Module %s loaded", module) online_docs_url = ''"") step += 1"%d - If you wish, you may take a look at the online docs for " "more info", step)"")
[docs]def setup(options): """ Run pre tests setup (Uncompress test image(s), such as the JeOS image). :param test_name: Test name, such as "qemu". :param guest_os: Specify the guest image used for bootstrapping. By default the JeOS image is used. """ if not options.vt_keep_image: test_name = options.vt_type guest_os = options.vt_guest_os or defaults.DEFAULT_GUEST_OS"Running pre tests setup for test type %s and guest OS %s", test_name, guest_os) try: for os_info in get_guest_os_info_list(test_name, guest_os): asset_info = asset.get_asset_info(os_info['asset']) asset.uncompress_asset(asset_info, force=True) # Some guests will not have guest os info list available, # So there will be no need for the uncompress phase. except ValueError: pass