Source code for virttest.build_helper

import logging
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
from autotest.client.shared import git, error
from autotest.client import utils, os_dep
import data_dir

[docs]class GitRepoParamHelper(git.GitRepoHelper): ''' Helps to deal with git repos specified in cartersian config files This class attempts to make it simple to manage a git repo, by using a naming standard that follows this basic syntax: <prefix>_name_<suffix> <prefix> is always 'git_repo' and <suffix> sets options for this git repo. Example for repo named foo: git_repo_foo_uri = git:// git_repo_foo_base_uri = /home/user/code/foo git_repo_foo_branch = master git_repo_foo_lbranch = master git_repo_foo_commit = bb5fb8e678aabe286e74c4f2993dc2a9e550b627 ''' def __init__(self, params, name, destination_dir): ''' Instantiates a new GitRepoParamHelper ''' self.params = params = name self.destination_dir = destination_dir self._parse_params() def _parse_params(self): ''' Parses the params items for entries related to this repo This method currently does everything that the parent class __init__() method does, that is, sets all instance variables needed by other methods. That means it's not strictly necessary to call parent's __init__(). ''' config_prefix = 'git_repo_%s' % logging.debug('Parsing parameters for git repo %s, configuration ' 'prefix is %s' % (, config_prefix)) self.base_uri = self.params.get('%s_base_uri' % config_prefix) if self.base_uri is None: logging.debug('Git repo %s base uri is not set' % else: logging.debug('Git repo %s base uri: %s' % (, self.base_uri)) self.uri = self.params.get('%s_uri' % config_prefix) logging.debug('Git repo %s uri: %s' % (, self.uri)) self.branch = self.params.get('%s_branch' % config_prefix, 'master') logging.debug('Git repo %s branch: %s' % (, self.branch)) self.lbranch = self.params.get('%s_lbranch' % config_prefix) if self.lbranch is None: self.lbranch = self.branch logging.debug('Git repo %s lbranch: %s' % (, self.lbranch)) self.commit = self.params.get('%s_commit' % config_prefix) if self.commit is None: logging.debug('Git repo %s commit is not set' % else: logging.debug('Git repo %s commit: %s' % (, self.commit)) self.tag = self.params.get('%s_tag' % config_prefix) if self.tag is None: logging.debug('Git repo %s tag is not set' % else: logging.debug('Git repo %s tag: %s' % (, self.tag)) self.key_file = None tag_signed = self.params.get('%s_tag_signed' % config_prefix) if tag_signed is None: logging.warning('Git repo %s tag is not signed' % logging.warning('This means we will not verify if the key was ' 'made by whomever claims to have made it ' '(dangerous)') else: self.key_file = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(), 'gpg', tag_signed) if os.path.isfile(self.key_file): logging.debug('Git repo %s tag %s will be verified with public ' 'key file %s',, self.tag, self.key_file) else: raise error.TestError('GPG public key file %s not found, will ' 'not proceed with testing' % self.key_file) self.cmd = os_dep.command('git') self.recursive = self.params.get('%s_recursive', 'yes')
[docs] def execute(self): super(GitRepoParamHelper, self).execute() cwd = os.path.curdir os.chdir(self.destination_dir) utils.system('git remote add origin %s' % self.uri, ignore_status=True) if self.recursive == 'yes': utils.system('git submodule init') utils.system('git submodule update') if self.tag: utils.system('git checkout %s' % self.tag) if self.key_file is not None: try: gnupg_home = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), 'gnupg') if not os.path.isdir(gnupg_home): os.makedirs(gnupg_home) os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg_home utils.system('gpg --import %s' % self.key_file) logging.debug('Verifying if tag is actually signed with ' 'GPG key ID %s' % self.key_file) utils.system('git tag -v %s' % self.tag) except error.CmdError: raise error.TestError("GPG signature check for git repo " "%s failed" % # Log the top commit message, good for quick reference utils.system('git log -1') os.chdir(cwd)
[docs]class LocalSourceDirHelper(object): ''' Helper class to deal with source code sitting somewhere in the filesystem ''' def __init__(self, source_dir, destination_dir): ''' :param source_dir: :param destination_dir: :return: new LocalSourceDirHelper instance ''' self.source = source_dir self.destination = destination_dir
[docs] def execute(self): ''' Copies the source directory to the destination directory ''' if os.path.isdir(self.destination): shutil.rmtree(self.destination) if os.path.isdir(self.source): shutil.copytree(self.source, self.destination)
[docs]class LocalSourceDirParamHelper(LocalSourceDirHelper): ''' Helps to deal with source dirs specified in cartersian config files This class attempts to make it simple to manage a source dir, by using a naming standard that follows this basic syntax: <prefix>_name_<suffix> <prefix> is always 'local_src' and <suffix> sets options for this source dir. Example for source dir named foo: local_src_foo_path = /home/user/foo ''' def __init__(self, params, name, destination_dir): ''' Instantiate a new LocalSourceDirParamHelper ''' self.params = params = name self.destination_dir = destination_dir self._parse_params() def _parse_params(self): ''' Parses the params items for entries related to source dir ''' config_prefix = 'local_src_%s' % logging.debug('Parsing parameters for local source %s, configuration ' 'prefix is %s' % (, config_prefix)) self.path = self.params.get('%s_path' % config_prefix) logging.debug('Local source directory %s path: %s' % (, self.path)) self.source = self.path self.destination = self.destination_dir
[docs]class LocalTarHelper(object): ''' Helper class to deal with source code in a local tarball ''' def __init__(self, source, destination_dir): self.source = source self.destination = destination_dir
[docs] def extract(self): ''' Extracts the tarball into the destination directory ''' if os.path.isdir(self.destination): shutil.rmtree(self.destination) if os.path.isfile(self.source) and tarfile.is_tarfile(self.source): name = os.path.basename(self.destination) temp_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.destination), '%s.tmp' % name) logging.debug('Temporary directory for extracting tarball is %s' % temp_dir) if not os.path.isdir(temp_dir): os.makedirs(temp_dir) tarball = tarball.extractall(temp_dir) # # If there's a directory at the toplevel of the tarfile, assume # it's the root for the contents, usually source code # tarball_info = tarball.members[0] if tarball_info.isdir(): content_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, else: content_path = temp_dir # # Now move the content directory to the final destination # shutil.move(content_path, self.destination) else: raise OSError("%s is not a file or tar file" % self.source)
[docs] def execute(self): ''' Executes all action this helper is supposed to perform This is the main entry point method for this class, and all other helper classes. ''' self.extract()
[docs]class LocalTarParamHelper(LocalTarHelper): ''' Helps to deal with source tarballs specified in cartersian config files This class attempts to make it simple to manage a tarball with source code, by using a naming standard that follows this basic syntax: <prefix>_name_<suffix> <prefix> is always 'local_tar' and <suffix> sets options for this source tarball. Example for source tarball named foo: local_tar_foo_path = /tmp/foo-1.0.tar.gz ''' def __init__(self, params, name, destination_dir): ''' Instantiates a new LocalTarParamHelper ''' self.params = params = name self.destination_dir = destination_dir self._parse_params() def _parse_params(self): ''' Parses the params items for entries related to this local tar helper ''' config_prefix = 'local_tar_%s' % logging.debug('Parsing parameters for local tar %s, configuration ' 'prefix is %s' % (, config_prefix)) self.path = self.params.get('%s_path' % config_prefix) logging.debug('Local source tar %s path: %s' % (, self.path)) self.source = self.path self.destination = self.destination_dir
[docs]class RemoteTarHelper(LocalTarHelper): ''' Helper that fetches a tarball and extracts it locally ''' def __init__(self, source_uri, destination_dir): self.source = source_uri self.destination = destination_dir
[docs] def execute(self): ''' Executes all action this helper class is supposed to perform This is the main entry point method for this class, and all other helper classes. This implementation fetches the remote tar file and then extracts it using the functionality present in the parent class. ''' name = os.path.basename(self.source) base_dest = os.path.dirname(self.destination_dir) dest = os.path.join(base_dest, name) utils.get_file(self.source, dest) self.source = dest self.extract()
[docs]class RemoteTarParamHelper(RemoteTarHelper): ''' Helps to deal with remote source tarballs specified in cartersian config This class attempts to make it simple to manage a tarball with source code, by using a naming standard that follows this basic syntax: <prefix>_name_<suffix> <prefix> is always 'local_tar' and <suffix> sets options for this source tarball. Example for source tarball named foo: remote_tar_foo_uri = ''' def __init__(self, params, name, destination_dir): ''' Instantiates a new RemoteTarParamHelper instance ''' self.params = params = name self.destination_dir = destination_dir self._parse_params() def _parse_params(self): ''' Parses the params items for entries related to this remote tar helper ''' config_prefix = 'remote_tar_%s' % logging.debug('Parsing parameters for remote tar %s, configuration ' 'prefix is %s' % (, config_prefix)) self.uri = self.params.get('%s_uri' % config_prefix) logging.debug('Remote source tar %s uri: %s' % (, self.uri)) self.source = self.uri self.destination = self.destination_dir
[docs]class PatchHelper(object): ''' Helper that encapsulates the patching of source code with patch files ''' def __init__(self, source_dir, patches): ''' Initializes a new PatchHelper ''' self.source_dir = source_dir self.patches = patches
[docs] def download(self): ''' Copies patch files from remote locations to the source directory ''' for patch in self.patches: utils.get_file(patch, os.path.join(self.source_dir, os.path.basename(patch)))
[docs] def patch(self): ''' Patches the source dir with all patch files ''' os.chdir(self.source_dir) for patch in self.patches: utils.system('patch -p1 < %s' % os.path.basename(patch))
[docs] def execute(self): ''' Performs all steps necessary to download patches and apply them ''' self.patch()
[docs]class PatchParamHelper(PatchHelper): ''' Helps to deal with patches specified in cartersian config files This class attempts to make it simple to patch source coude, by using a naming standard that follows this basic syntax: [<git_repo>|<local_src>|<local_tar>|<remote_tar>]_<name>_patches <prefix> is either a 'local_src' or 'git_repo', that, together with <name> specify a directory containing source code to receive the patches. That is, for source code coming from git repo foo, patches would be specified as: git_repo_foo_patches = ['http://foo/bar.patch', 'http://foo/baz.patch'] And for for patches to be applied on local source code named also foo: local_src_foo_patches = ['http://foo/bar.patch', 'http://foo/baz.patch'] ''' def __init__(self, params, prefix, source_dir): ''' Initializes a new PatchParamHelper instance ''' self.params = params self.prefix = prefix self.source_dir = source_dir self._parse_params() def _parse_params(self): ''' Parses the params items for entries related to this set of patches This method currently does everything that the parent class __init__() method does, that is, sets all instance variables needed by other methods. That means it's not strictly necessary to call parent's __init__(). ''' logging.debug('Parsing patch parameters for prefix %s' % self.prefix) patches_param_key = '%s_patches' % self.prefix self.patches_str = self.params.get(patches_param_key, '[]') logging.debug('Patches config for prefix %s: %s' % (self.prefix, self.patches_str)) self.patches = eval(self.patches_str) logging.debug('Patches for prefix %s: %s' % (self.prefix, ", ".join(self.patches)))
[docs]class GnuSourceBuildInvalidSource(Exception): ''' Exception raised when build source dir/file is not valid ''' pass
[docs]class SourceBuildFailed(Exception): ''' Exception raised when building with parallel jobs fails This serves as feedback for code using :class:`virttest.build_helper.BuildHelper`. ''' pass
[docs]class SourceBuildParallelFailed(Exception): ''' Exception raised when building with parallel jobs fails This serves as feedback for code using :class:`virttest.build_helper.BuildHelper`. ''' pass
[docs]class GnuSourceBuildHelper(object): ''' Handles software installation of GNU-like source code This basically means that the build will go though the classic GNU autotools steps: ./configure, make, make install ''' def __init__(self, source, build_dir, prefix, configure_options=[]): ''' :type source: string :param source: source directory or tarball :type prefix: string :param prefix: installation prefix :type build_dir: string :param build_dir: temporary directory used for building the source code :type configure_options: list :param configure_options: options to pass to configure :throws: GnuSourceBuildInvalidSource ''' self.source = source self.build_dir = build_dir self.prefix = prefix self.configure_options = configure_options self.install_debug_info = True self.include_pkg_config_path()
[docs] def include_pkg_config_path(self): ''' Adds the current prefix to the list of paths that pkg-config searches This is currently not optional as there is no observed adverse side effects of enabling this. As the "prefix" is usually only valid during a test run, we believe that having other pkg-config files (``*.pc``) in either ``<prefix>/share/pkgconfig`` or ``<prefix>/lib/pkgconfig`` is exactly for the purpose of using them. :return: None ''' env_var = 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' include_paths = [os.path.join(self.prefix, 'share', 'pkgconfig'), os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib', 'pkgconfig')] if os.environ.has_key(env_var): paths = os.environ[env_var].split(':') for include_path in include_paths: if include_path not in paths: paths.append(include_path) os.environ[env_var] = ':'.join(paths) else: os.environ[env_var] = ':'.join(include_paths) logging.debug('PKG_CONFIG_PATH is: %s' % os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'])
[docs] def get_configure_path(self): ''' Checks if 'configure' exists, if not, return '' as a fallback ''' configure_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.source, "configure")) autogen_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.source, "")) if os.path.exists(configure_path): return configure_path elif os.path.exists(autogen_path): return autogen_path else: raise GnuSourceBuildInvalidSource( 'configure script does not exist')
[docs] def get_available_configure_options(self): ''' Return the list of available options of a GNU like configure script This will run the "configure" script at the source directory :return: list of options accepted by configure script ''' help_raw = utils.system_output('%s --help' % self.get_configure_path(), ignore_status=True) help_output = help_raw.split("\n") option_list = [] for line in help_output: cleaned_line = line.lstrip() if cleaned_line.startswith("--"): option = cleaned_line.split()[0] option = option.split("=")[0] option_list.append(option) return option_list
[docs] def enable_debug_symbols(self): ''' Enables option that leaves debug symbols on compiled software This makes debugging a lot easier. ''' enable_debug_option = "--disable-strip" if enable_debug_option in self.get_available_configure_options(): self.configure_options.append(enable_debug_option) logging.debug('Enabling debug symbols with option: %s' % enable_debug_option)
[docs] def get_configure_command(self): ''' Formats configure script with all options set :return: string with all configure options, including prefix ''' prefix_option = "--prefix=%s" % self.prefix options = self.configure_options options.append(prefix_option) return "%s %s" % (self.get_configure_path(), " ".join(options))
[docs] def configure(self): ''' Runs the "configure" script passing appropriate command line options ''' configure_command = self.get_configure_command()'Running configure on build dir') os.chdir(self.build_dir) utils.system(configure_command)
[docs] def make_parallel(self): ''' Runs "make" using the correct number of parallel jobs ''' parallel_make_jobs = utils.count_cpus() make_command = "make -j %s" % parallel_make_jobs"Running parallel make on build dir") os.chdir(self.build_dir) utils.system(make_command)
[docs] def make_non_parallel(self): ''' Runs "make", using a single job ''' os.chdir(self.build_dir) utils.system("make")
[docs] def make_clean(self): ''' Runs "make clean" ''' os.chdir(self.build_dir) utils.system("make clean")
[docs] def make(self, failure_feedback=True): ''' Runs a parallel make, falling back to a single job in failure :param failure_feedback: return information on build failure by raising the appropriate exceptions :raise: SourceBuildParallelFailed if parallel build fails, or SourceBuildFailed if single job build fails ''' try: self.make_parallel() except error.CmdError: try: self.make_clean() self.make_non_parallel() except error.CmdError: if failure_feedback: raise SourceBuildFailed if failure_feedback: raise SourceBuildParallelFailed
[docs] def make_install(self): ''' Runs "make install" ''' os.chdir(self.build_dir) utils.system("make install")
install = make_install
[docs] def execute(self): ''' Runs appropriate steps for *building* this source code tree ''' if self.install_debug_info: self.enable_debug_symbols() self.configure() self.make()
[docs]class LinuxKernelBuildHelper(object): ''' Handles Building Linux Kernel. ''' def __init__(self, params, prefix, source): ''' :type params: dict :param params: dictionary containing the test parameters :type source: string :param source: source directory or tarball :type prefix: string :param prefix: installation prefix ''' self.params = params self.prefix = prefix self.source = source self._parse_params() def _parse_params(self): ''' Parses the params items for entries related to guest kernel ''' configure_opt_key = '%s_config' % self.prefix self.config = self.params.get(configure_opt_key, '') build_image_key = '%s_build_image' % self.prefix self.build_image = self.params.get(build_image_key, 'arch/x86/boot/bzImage') build_target_key = '%s_build_target' % self.prefix self.build_target = self.params.get(build_target_key, 'bzImage') kernel_path_key = '%s_kernel_path' % self.prefix image_dir = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(), 'images') default_kernel_path = os.path.join(image_dir, self.build_target) self.kernel_path = self.params.get(kernel_path_key, default_kernel_path)'Parsing Linux kernel build parameters for %s', self.prefix)
[docs] def make_guest_kernel(self): ''' Runs "make", using a single job ''' os.chdir(self.source)"Building guest kernel") logging.debug("Kernel config is %s" % self.config) utils.get_file(self.config, '.config') # FIXME currently no support for builddir # run old config utils.system('yes "" | make oldconfig > /dev/null') parallel_make_jobs = utils.count_cpus() make_command = "make -j %s %s" % ( parallel_make_jobs, self.build_target)"Running parallel make on src dir") utils.system(make_command)
[docs] def make_clean(self): ''' Runs "make clean" ''' os.chdir(self.source) utils.system("make clean")
[docs] def make(self, failure_feedback=True): ''' Runs a parallel make :param failure_feedback: return information on build failure by raising the appropriate exceptions :raise: SourceBuildParallelFailed if parallel build fails, or ''' try: self.make_clean() self.make_guest_kernel() except error.CmdError: if failure_feedback: raise SourceBuildParallelFailed
[docs] def cp_linux_kernel(self): ''' Copying Linux kernel to target path ''' os.chdir(self.source) utils.force_copy(self.build_image, self.kernel_path)
install = cp_linux_kernel
[docs] def execute(self): ''' Runs appropriate steps for *building* this source code tree ''' self.make()
[docs]class GnuSourceBuildParamHelper(GnuSourceBuildHelper): ''' Helps to deal with gnu_autotools build helper in cartersian config files This class attempts to make it simple to build source coude, by using a naming standard that follows this basic syntax: [<git_repo>|<local_src>]_<name>_<option> = value To pass extra options to the configure script, while building foo from a git repo, set the following variable: git_repo_foo_configure_options = --enable-feature ''' def __init__(self, params, name, destination_dir, install_prefix): ''' Instantiates a new GnuSourceBuildParamHelper ''' self.params = params = name self.destination_dir = destination_dir self.install_prefix = install_prefix self._parse_params() def _parse_params(self): ''' Parses the params items for entries related to source directory This method currently does everything that the parent class __init__() method does, that is, sets all instance variables needed by other methods. That means it's not strictly necessary to call parent's __init__(). ''' logging.debug('Parsing gnu_autotools build parameters for %s' % configure_opt_key = '%s_configure_options' % configure_options = self.params.get(configure_opt_key, '').split() logging.debug('Configure options for %s: %s' % (, configure_options)) self.source = self.destination_dir self.build_dir = self.destination_dir self.prefix = self.install_prefix self.configure_options = configure_options self.include_pkg_config_path() # Support the install_debug_info feature, that automatically # adds/keeps debug information on generated libraries/binaries install_debug_info_cfg = self.params.get("install_debug_info", "yes") self.install_debug_info = install_debug_info_cfg != "no"