Source code for virttest.cartesian_config_unittest


import unittest
import os
import gzip

import common
import cartesian_config

mydir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
testdatadir = os.path.join(mydir, 'unittest_data')

[docs]class CartesianConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): def _checkDictionaries(self, parser, reference): result = list(parser.get_dicts()) # as the dictionary list is very large, test each item individually: self.assertEquals(len(result), len(reference)) for resdict, refdict in zip(result, reference): # checking the dict name first should make some errors more visible self.assertEquals(resdict.get('name'), refdict.get('name')) self.assertEquals(resdict, refdict) def _checkConfigDump(self, config, dump): """Check if the parser output matches a config file dump""" configpath = os.path.join(testdatadir, config) dumppath = os.path.join(testdatadir, dump) if dumppath.endswith('.gz'): df = gzip.GzipFile(dumppath, 'r') else: df = open(dumppath, 'r') # we could have used pickle, but repr()-based dumps are easier to # enerate, debug, and edit dumpdata = eval( p = cartesian_config.Parser(configpath) self._checkDictionaries(p, dumpdata) def _checkStringConfig(self, string, reference): p = cartesian_config.Parser() p.parse_string(string) self._checkDictionaries(p, reference) def _checkStringDump(self, string, dump, defaults=False): p = cartesian_config.Parser(defaults=defaults) p.parse_string(string) self._checkDictionaries(p, dump)
[docs] def testSimpleVariant(self): self._checkStringConfig(""" c = abc variants: - a: x = va - b: x = vb """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'a'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'a'}, 'c': 'abc', 'dep': [], 'name': 'a', 'shortname': 'a', 'x': 'va'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'b'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'b'}, 'c': 'abc', 'dep': [], 'name': 'b', 'shortname': 'b', 'x': 'vb'}, ])
[docs] def testFilterMixing(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants: - unknown_qemu: - rhel64: only unknown_qemu variants: - kvm: - nokvm: variants: - testA: nokvm: no unknown_qemu - testB: """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'testA.kvm.unknown_qemu'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'testA.kvm.unknown_qemu'}, 'dep': [], 'name': 'testA.kvm.unknown_qemu', 'shortname': 'testA.kvm.unknown_qemu'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'testB.kvm.unknown_qemu'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'testB.kvm.unknown_qemu'}, 'dep': [], 'name': 'testB.kvm.unknown_qemu', 'shortname': 'testB.kvm.unknown_qemu'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'testB.nokvm.unknown_qemu'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'testB.nokvm.unknown_qemu'}, 'dep': [], 'name': 'testB.nokvm.unknown_qemu', 'shortname': 'testB.nokvm.unknown_qemu'}, ])
[docs] def testNameVariant(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests: # All tests in configuration - wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time - test2: run = "test1" variants virt_system: - @linux: - windows: variants host_os: - linux: image = linux - windows: image = windows only (host_os=linux) """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'linux.linux.wait.long'}, 'dep': [], 'host_os': 'linux', 'image': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'linux.wait.long', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'short_time', 'virt_system': 'linux'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).short'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'linux.linux.wait.short'}, 'dep': ['(host_os=linux).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).long'], 'host_os': 'linux', 'image': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).short', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'linux.wait.short', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'logn_time', 'virt_system': 'linux'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=linux).(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'linux.linux.test2'}, 'dep': [], 'host_os': 'linux', 'image': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=linux).(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'linux.test2', 'tests': 'test2', 'virt_system': 'linux'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=windows).(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': ''}, 'dep': [], 'host_os': 'linux', 'image': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=windows).(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': '', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'short_time', 'virt_system': 'windows'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=windows).(tests=wait).short'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': ''}, 'dep': ['(host_os=linux).(virt_system=windows).(tests=wait).long'], 'host_os': 'linux', 'image': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=windows).(tests=wait).short', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': '', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'logn_time', 'virt_system': 'windows'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=windows).(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': ''}, 'dep': [], 'host_os': 'linux', 'image': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(virt_system=windows).(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': '', 'tests': 'test2', 'virt_system': 'windows'}, ] )
[docs] def testDefaults(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests: - wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time - test2: run = "test1" variants virt_system [ default= linux ]: - linux: - @windows: variants host_os: - linux: image = linux - @windows: image = windows """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=windows).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'windows.linux.wait.long'}, 'dep': [], 'host_os': 'windows', 'image': 'windows', 'name': '(host_os=windows).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.long', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'short_time', 'virt_system': 'linux'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=windows).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).short'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'windows.linux.wait.short'}, 'dep': ['(host_os=windows).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).long'], 'host_os': 'windows', 'image': 'windows', 'name': '(host_os=windows).(virt_system=linux).(tests=wait).short', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.short', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'logn_time', 'virt_system': 'linux'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=windows).(virt_system=linux).(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'windows.linux.test2'}, 'dep': [], 'host_os': 'windows', 'image': 'windows', 'name': '(host_os=windows).(virt_system=linux).(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'test2', 'tests': 'test2', 'virt_system': 'linux'}, ], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants tests [default=system2]: - system1: """, [], True)
[docs] def testDel(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests: - wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time - test2: run = "test1" """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.long'}, 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.long', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'short_time'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).short'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.short'}, 'dep': ['(tests=wait).long'], 'name': '(tests=wait).short', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.short', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'logn_time'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'test2'}, 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'test2', 'tests': 'test2'}, ], True) self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests: - wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time - test2: run = "test1" del time """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.long'}, 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.long', 'tests': 'wait'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).short'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.short'}, 'dep': ['(tests=wait).long'], 'name': '(tests=wait).short', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.short', 'tests': 'wait'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'test2'}, 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'test2', 'tests': 'test2'}, ], True)
[docs] def testError1(self): self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants tests: wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time - test2: run = "test1" """, [], True)
[docs] def testMissingInclude(self): self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.MissingIncludeError, self._checkStringDump, """ include xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx """, [], True)
[docs] def testVariableAssignment(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests: -system1: var = 1 var = 2 var += a var <= b system = 2 ddd = ${tests + str(int(system) + 3)}4 error = ${tests + str(system + 3)}4 s.* ?= ${tests + "ahoj"}4 s.* ?+= c s.* ?<= d system += 4 var += "test" """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=system1)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'system1'}, 'ddd': 'system154', 'dep': [], 'error': '${tests + str(system + 3)}4', 'name': '(tests=system1)', 'shortname': 'system1', 'system': 'dsystem1ahoj4c4', 'tests': 'system1', 'var': 'b2atest'}, ], True)
[docs] def testCondition(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests [meta1]: - wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time - test2: run = "test1" test2: bbb = aaaa aaa = 1 """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.long'}, 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.long', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'short_time'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).short'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.short'}, 'dep': ['(tests=wait).long'], 'name': '(tests=wait).short', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.short', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'logn_time'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'test2'}, 'aaa': '1', 'bbb': 'aaaa', 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'test2', 'tests': 'test2'}, ], True) self._checkStringDump(""" variants: - a: foo = foo c: foo = bar - b: foo = foob variants: - c: bala = lalalala a: bala = balabala - d: """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'c.a'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'c.a'}, 'bala': 'balabala', 'dep': [], 'foo': 'bar', 'name': 'c.a', 'shortname': 'c.a'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'c.b'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'c.b'}, 'bala': 'lalalala', 'dep': [], 'foo': 'foob', 'name': 'c.b', 'shortname': 'c.b'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'd.a'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'd.a'}, 'dep': [], 'foo': 'foo', 'name': 'd.a', 'shortname': 'd.a'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'd.b'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'd.b'}, 'dep': [], 'foo': 'foob', 'name': 'd.b', 'shortname': 'd.b'}, ], True)
[docs] def testNegativeCondition(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests [meta1]: - wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time - test2: run = "test1" !test2: bbb = aaaa aaa = 1 """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.long'}, 'aaa': '1', 'bbb': 'aaaa', 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.long', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'short_time'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=wait).short'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'wait.short'}, 'aaa': '1', 'bbb': 'aaaa', 'dep': ['(tests=wait).long'], 'name': '(tests=wait).short', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'wait.short', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'logn_time'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'test2'}, 'dep': [], 'name': '(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'test2', 'tests': 'test2'}, ], True)
[docs] def testSyntaxErrors(self): self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.LexerError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants tests$: - system1: var = 1 var = 2 var += a var <= b system = 2 s.* ?= ${tests}4 s.* ?+= c s.* ?<= d system += 4 """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.LexerError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants tests [defaul$$$$t=system1]: - system1: """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants tests [default=system1] wrong: - system1: """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ only xxx...yyy """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ only xxx..,yyy """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ aaabbbb.ddd """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ aaa.bbb: variants test: -sss: """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants test [sss = bbb: -sss: """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants test [default]: -sss: """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants test [default] ddd: -sss: """, [], True) self.assertRaises(cartesian_config.ParserError, self._checkStringDump, """ variants test [default] ddd """, [], True)
[docs] def testComplicatedFilter(self): self._checkStringDump(""" variants tests: - wait: run = "wait" variants: - long: time = short_time - short: long time = logn_time only (host_os=linux), ( guest_os = linux ) - test2: run = "test1" variants guest_os: - linux: install = linux no (tests=wait)..short - windows: install = windows only test2 variants host_os: - linux: start = linux - windows: start = windows only test2 """, [ {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(guest_os=linux).(tests=wait).long'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'linux.linux.wait.long'}, 'dep': [], 'guest_os': 'linux', 'host_os': 'linux', 'install': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(guest_os=linux).(tests=wait).long', 'run': 'wait', 'shortname': 'linux.linux.wait.long', 'start': 'linux', 'tests': 'wait', 'time': 'short_time'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(guest_os=linux).(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'linux.linux.test2'}, 'dep': [], 'guest_os': 'linux', 'host_os': 'linux', 'install': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(guest_os=linux).(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'linux.linux.test2', 'start': 'linux', 'tests': 'test2'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=linux).(guest_os=windows).(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': ''}, 'dep': [], 'guest_os': 'windows', 'host_os': 'linux', 'install': 'windows', 'name': '(host_os=linux).(guest_os=windows).(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': '', 'start': 'linux', 'tests': 'test2'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=windows).(guest_os=linux).(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': 'windows.linux.test2'}, 'dep': [], 'guest_os': 'linux', 'host_os': 'windows', 'install': 'linux', 'name': '(host_os=windows).(guest_os=linux).(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': 'windows.linux.test2', 'start': 'windows', 'tests': 'test2'}, {'_name_map_file': {'<string>': '(host_os=windows).(guest_os=windows).(tests=test2)'}, '_short_name_map_file': {'<string>': ''}, 'dep': [], 'guest_os': 'windows', 'host_os': 'windows', 'install': 'windows', 'name': '(host_os=windows).(guest_os=windows).(tests=test2)', 'run': 'test1', 'shortname': '', 'start': 'windows', 'tests': 'test2'}, ], True) f = "only xxx.yyy..(xxx=333).aaa, ddd (eeee)" self._checkStringDump(f, [], True) lexer = cartesian_config.Lexer(cartesian_config.StrReader(f)) lexer.set_prev_indent(-1) lexer.get_next_check([cartesian_config.LIndent]) lexer.get_next_check([cartesian_config.LOnly]) p_filter = cartesian_config.parse_filter(lexer, lexer.rest_line()) self.assertEquals(p_filter, [[[cartesian_config.Label("xxx"), cartesian_config.Label("yyy")], [cartesian_config.Label("xxx", "333"), cartesian_config.Label("aaa")]], [[cartesian_config.Label("ddd")]], [[cartesian_config.Label("eeee")]], [[cartesian_config.Label("rrr"), cartesian_config.Label("aaa")]]], "Failed to parse filter.")
[docs] def testHugeTest1(self): self._checkConfigDump('testcfg.huge/test1.cfg', 'testcfg.huge/test1.cfg.repr.gz')
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()