Source code for virttest.env_process

import os
import time
import commands
import re
import logging
import glob
import threading
import shutil
import sys
import copy
from autotest.client import utils
from autotest.client import os_dep
from autotest.client.shared import error
import aexpect
import qemu_monitor
import ppm_utils
import test_setup
import virt_vm
import video_maker
import utils_misc
import storage
import qemu_storage
import utils_libvirtd
import remote
import data_dir
import utils_net
import utils_disk
import nfs
import libvirt_vm
from autotest.client import local_host

    import PIL.Image
except ImportError:
    logging.warning('No python imaging library installed. PPM image '
                    'conversion to JPEG disabled. In order to enable it, '
                    'please install python-imaging or the equivalent for your '

_screendump_thread = None
_screendump_thread_termination_event = None

_vm_register_thread = None
_vm_register_thread_termination_event = None

kernel_modified = False
kernel_cmdline = None

[docs]def preprocess_image(test, params, image_name, vm_process_status=None): """ Preprocess a single QEMU image according to the instructions in params. :param test: Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing image preprocessing parameters. :param vm_process_status: This is needed in postprocess_image. Add it here only for keep it work with process_images() :note: Currently this function just creates an image if requested. """ base_dir = params.get("images_base_dir", data_dir.get_data_dir()) if not storage.preprocess_image_backend(base_dir, params, image_name): logging.error("Backend can't be prepared correctly.") image_filename = storage.get_image_filename(params, base_dir) create_image = False if params.get("force_create_image") == "yes": create_image = True elif (params.get("create_image") == "yes" and not storage.file_exists(params, image_filename)): create_image = True if params.get("backup_image_before_testing", "no") == "yes": image = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, base_dir, image_name) image.backup_image(params, base_dir, "backup", True, True) if create_image: if storage.file_exists(params, image_filename): # As rbd image can not be covered, so need remove it if we need # force create a new image. storage.file_remove(params, image_filename) image = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, base_dir, image_name)"Create image on %s." % image.storage_type) image.create(params)
[docs]def preprocess_vm(test, params, env, name): """ Preprocess a single VM object according to the instructions in params. Start the VM if requested and get a screendump. :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing VM preprocessing parameters. :param env: The environment (a dict-like object). :param name: The name of the VM object. """ vm = env.get_vm(name) vm_type = params.get('vm_type') connect_uri = params.get('connect_uri') target = params.get('target') create_vm = False if not vm: create_vm = True elif vm_type == 'libvirt': connect_uri = libvirt_vm.normalize_connect_uri(connect_uri) if (not vm.connect_uri == connect_uri): create_vm = True else: pass if create_vm: vm = env.create_vm(vm_type, target, name, params, test.bindir) old_vm = copy.copy(vm) if vm_type == 'libvirt': if not vm.exists() and (params.get("type") != "unattended_install" and params.get("type") != "svirt_install"): error_msg = "Test VM %s does not exist." % name if name == params.get("main_vm"): error_msg += " You may need --install option to create the guest." raise error.TestError(error_msg) else: raise error.TestNAError(error_msg) remove_vm = False if params.get("force_remove_vm") == "yes": remove_vm = True if remove_vm: vm.remove() start_vm = False update_virtnet = False gracefully_kill = params.get("kill_vm_gracefully") == "yes" if params.get("migration_mode"): start_vm = True elif params.get("start_vm") == "yes": # need to deal with libvirt VM differently than qemu if vm_type == 'libvirt' or vm_type == 'v2v': if not vm.is_alive(): start_vm = True else: if not vm.is_alive(): start_vm = True if params.get("check_vm_needs_restart", "yes") == "yes": if vm.needs_restart(name=name, params=params, basedir=test.bindir): vm.devices = None start_vm = True old_vm.destroy(gracefully=gracefully_kill) update_virtnet = True if start_vm: if vm_type == "libvirt" and params.get("type") != "unattended_install": vm.params = params vm.start() elif vm_type == "v2v": vm.params = params vm.start() else: if update_virtnet: vm.update_vm_id() vm.virtnet = utils_net.VirtNet(params, name, vm.instance) # Start the VM (or restart it if it's already up) if params.get("reuse_previous_config", "no") == "no": vm.create(name, params, test.bindir, timeout=int(params.get("vm_create_timeout", 20)), migration_mode=params.get("migration_mode"), migration_fd=params.get("migration_fd"), migration_exec_cmd=params.get("migration_exec_cmd_dst")) else: vm.create(timeout=int(params.get("vm_create_timeout", 20)), migration_mode=params.get("migration_mode"), migration_fd=params.get("migration_fd"), migration_exec_cmd=params.get("migration_exec_cmd_dst")) elif not vm.is_alive(): # VM is dead and won't be started, update params vm.devices = None vm.params = params else: # Only work when parameter 'start_vm' is no and VM is alive if params.get("kill_vm_before_test") == "yes" and\ params.get("start_vm") == "no": old_vm.destroy(gracefully=gracefully_kill) else: # VM is alive and we just need to open the serial console vm.create_serial_console() pause_vm = False if params.get("paused_after_start_vm") == "yes": pause_vm = True # Check the status of vm if (not vm.is_alive()) or (vm.is_paused()): pause_vm = False if pause_vm: vm.pause() if params.get("check_kernel_cmd_line_from_serial") == "yes": debug_msg = "" if vm.is_paused(): debug_msg += "VM is paused." elif not vm.is_alive(): debug_msg += "VM is not alive." elif vm.serial_console is None: debug_msg += "There is no serial console in VM." if debug_msg: debug_msg += " Skip the kernel command line check." logging.warn(debug_msg) return cmd_line = params.get("kernel_cmd_line_str", "Command line:") try: output = vm.serial_console.read_until_output_matches(cmd_line, timeout=60) kernel_cmd_line = re.findall("%s.*" % cmd_line, output[1])[0] kernel_options_exist = params.get("kernel_options_exist", "") kernel_options_not_exist = params.get("kernel_options_not_exist", "") err_msg = "" for kernel_option in kernel_options_exist.split(): if kernel_option not in kernel_cmd_line: err_msg += "%s not in kernel command line" % kernel_option err_msg += " as expect." for kernel_option in kernel_options_not_exist.split(): if kernel_option in kernel_cmd_line: err_msg += "%s exist in kernel command" % kernel_option err_msg += " line." if err_msg: err_msg += " Kernel command line get from" err_msg += " serial output is %s" % kernel_cmd_line raise error.TestError(err_msg)"Kernel command line get from serial port is" " as expect") except Exception, err: logging.warn("Did not get the kernel command line from serial " "port output. Skip the kernel command line check." "Error is %s" % err)
[docs]def postprocess_image(test, params, image_name, vm_process_status=None): """ Postprocess a single QEMU image according to the instructions in params. :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing image postprocessing parameters. :param vm_process_status: (optional) vm process status like running, dead or None for no vm exist. """ clone_master = params.get("clone_master", None) base_dir = data_dir.get_data_dir() image = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, base_dir, image_name) check_image_flag = params.get("check_image") == "yes" if vm_process_status == "running" and check_image_flag: if params.get("skip_image_check_during_running") == "yes": logging.debug("Guest is still running, skip the image check.") check_image_flag = False else: image_info_output = image_info = {} if image_info_output is not None: for image_info_item in image_info_output.splitlines(): option = image_info_item.split(":") if len(option) == 2: image_info[option[0].strip()] = option[1].strip() else: logging.debug("Can not find matched image for selected guest " "os, skip the image check.") check_image_flag = False if ("lazy refcounts" in image_info and image_info["lazy refcounts"] == "true"): logging.debug("Should not check image while guest is alive" " when the image is create with lazy refcounts." " Skip the image check.") check_image_flag = False if check_image_flag: try: if clone_master is None: image.check_image(params, base_dir) elif clone_master == "yes": if image_name in params.get("master_images_clone").split(): image.check_image(params, base_dir) # Allow test to overwrite any pre-testing automatic backup # with a new backup. i.e. assume pre-existing image/backup # would not be usable after this test succeeds. The best # example for this is when 'unattended_install' is run. if params.get("backup_image", "no") == "yes": image.backup_image(params, base_dir, "backup", True) elif params.get("restore_image", "no") == "yes": image.backup_image(params, base_dir, "restore", True) except Exception, e: if params.get("restore_image_on_check_error", "no") == "yes": image.backup_image(params, base_dir, "restore", True) if params.get("remove_image_on_check_error", "no") == "yes": cl_images = params.get("master_images_clone", "") if image_name in cl_images.split(): image.remove() if (params.get("skip_cluster_leak_warn") == "yes" and "Leaked clusters" in e.message): logging.warn(e.message) else: raise e if params.get("restore_image_after_testing", "no") == "yes": image.backup_image(params, base_dir, "restore", True) if params.get("remove_image") == "yes":"Remove image on %s." % image.storage_type) if clone_master is None: image.remove() elif clone_master == "yes": if image_name in params.get("master_images_clone").split(): image.remove()
[docs]def postprocess_vm(test, params, env, name): """ Postprocess a single VM object according to the instructions in params. Kill the VM if requested and get a screendump. :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing VM postprocessing parameters. :param env: The environment (a dict-like object). :param name: The name of the VM object. """ vm = env.get_vm(name) if not vm: return # Close all SSH sessions that might be active to this VM for s in vm.remote_sessions[:]: try: s.close() vm.remote_sessions.remove(s) except Exception: pass if params.get("kill_vm") == "yes": kill_vm_timeout = float(params.get("kill_vm_timeout", 0)) if kill_vm_timeout: utils_misc.wait_for(vm.is_dead, kill_vm_timeout, 0, 1) vm.destroy(gracefully=params.get("kill_vm_gracefully") == "yes")
[docs]def process_command(test, params, env, command, command_timeout, command_noncritical): """ Pre- or post- custom commands to be executed before/after a test is run :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param env: The environment (a dict-like object). :param command: Command to be run. :param command_timeout: Timeout for command execution. :param command_noncritical: If True test will not fail if command fails. """ # Export environment vars for k in params: os.putenv("KVM_TEST_%s" % k, str(params[k])) # Execute commands try: utils.system("cd %s; %s" % (test.bindir, command)) except error.CmdError, e: if command_noncritical: logging.warn(e) else: raise
class _CreateImages(threading.Thread): """ Thread which creates images. In case of failure it stores the exception in self.exc_info """ def __init__(self, image_func, test, images, params, exit_event, vm_process_status): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.image_func = image_func self.test = test self.images = images self.params = params self.exit_event = exit_event self.exc_info = None self.vm_process_status = vm_process_status def run(self): try: _process_images_serial(self.image_func, self.test, self.images, self.params, self.exit_event, self.vm_process_status) except Exception: self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.exit_event.set()
[docs]def process_images(image_func, test, params, vm_process_status=None): """ Wrapper which chooses the best way to process images. :param image_func: Process function :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param vm_process_status: (optional) vm process status like running, dead or None for no vm exist. """ images = params.objects("images") if len(images) > 20: # Lets do it in parallel _process_images_parallel(image_func, test, params, vm_process_status=vm_process_status) else: _process_images_serial(image_func, test, images, params, vm_process_status=vm_process_status)
def _process_images_serial(image_func, test, images, params, exit_event=None, vm_process_status=None): """ Original process_image function, which allows custom set of images :param image_func: Process function :param test: An Autotest test object. :param images: List of images (usually params.objects("images")) :param params: A dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param exit_event: (optional) exit event which interrupts the processing :param vm_process_status: (optional) vm process status like running, dead or None for no vm exist. """ for image_name in images: image_params = params.object_params(image_name) image_func(test, image_params, image_name, vm_process_status) if exit_event and exit_event.is_set(): logging.error("Received exit_event, stop processing of images.") break def _process_images_parallel(image_func, test, params, vm_process_status=None): """ The same as _process_images but in parallel. :param image_func: Process function :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param vm_process_status: (optional) vm process status like running, dead or None for no vm exist. """ images = params.objects("images") no_threads = min(len(images) / 5, 2 * local_host.LocalHost().get_num_cpu()) exit_event = threading.Event() threads = [] for i in xrange(no_threads): imgs = images[i::no_threads] threads.append(_CreateImages(image_func, test, imgs, params, exit_event, vm_process_status)) threads[-1].start() finished = False while not finished: finished = True for thread in threads: if thread.is_alive(): finished = False time.sleep(0.5) break if exit_event.is_set(): # Failure in some thread logging.error("Image processing failed:") for thread in threads: if thread.exc_info: # Throw the first failure raise thread.exc_info[1], None, thread.exc_info[2] del exit_event del threads[:]
[docs]def process(test, params, env, image_func, vm_func, vm_first=False): """ Pre- or post-process VMs and images according to the instructions in params. Call image_func for each image listed in params and vm_func for each VM. :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param env: The environment (a dict-like object). :param image_func: A function to call for each image. :param vm_func: A function to call for each VM. :param vm_first: Call vm_func first or not. """ def _call_vm_func(): for vm_name in params.objects("vms"): vm_params = params.object_params(vm_name) vm_func(test, vm_params, env, vm_name) def _call_image_func(): if params.get("skip_image_processing") == "yes": return if params.objects("vms"): for vm_name in params.objects("vms"): vm_params = params.object_params(vm_name) vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) unpause_vm = False if vm is None or vm.is_dead(): vm_process_status = 'dead' else: vm_process_status = 'running' if vm is not None and vm.is_alive() and not vm.is_paused(): vm.pause() unpause_vm = True vm_params['skip_cluster_leak_warn'] = "yes" try: process_images(image_func, test, vm_params, vm_process_status) finally: if unpause_vm: vm.resume() else: process_images(image_func, test, params) if not vm_first: _call_image_func() _call_vm_func() if vm_first: _call_image_func()
@error.context_aware def preprocess(test, params, env): """ Preprocess all VMs and images according to the instructions in params. Also, collect some host information, such as the KVM version. :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param env: The environment (a dict-like object). """ error.context("preprocessing") # First, let's verify if this test does require root or not. If it # does and the test suite is running as a regular user, we shall just # throw a TestNAError exception, which will skip the test. if params.get('requires_root', 'no') == 'yes': utils_misc.verify_running_as_root() # throw a TestNAError exception if command requested by test is not # installed. if params.get("cmds_installed_host"): for cmd in params.get("cmds_installed_host").split(): try: os_dep.command(cmd) except ValueError, msg: raise error.TestNAError(msg.message) vm_type = params.get('vm_type') setup_pb = False ovs_pb = False for nic in params.get('nics', "").split(): nic_params = params.object_params(nic) if nic_params.get('netdst') == 'private': setup_pb = True params_pb = nic_params params['netdst_%s' % nic] = nic_params.get("priv_brname", 'atbr0') if nic_params.get("priv_br_type") == "openvswitch": ovs_pb = True if setup_pb: if ovs_pb: brcfg = test_setup.PrivateOvsBridgeConfig(params_pb) else: brcfg = test_setup.PrivateBridgeConfig(params_pb) brcfg.setup() base_dir = data_dir.get_data_dir() if params.get("storage_type") == "iscsi": iscsidev = qemu_storage.Iscsidev(params, base_dir, "iscsi") params["image_name"] = iscsidev.setup() params["image_raw_device"] = "yes" if params.get("storage_type") == "lvm": lvmdev = qemu_storage.LVMdev(params, base_dir, "lvm") params["image_name"] = lvmdev.setup() params["image_raw_device"] = "yes" env.register_lvmdev("lvm_%s" % params["main_vm"], lvmdev) if params.get("storage_type") == "nfs": image_nfs = nfs.Nfs(params) image_nfs.setup() image_name_only = os.path.basename(params["image_name"]) params['image_name'] = os.path.join(image_nfs.mount_dir, image_name_only) for image_name in params.objects("images"): name_tag = "image_name_%s" % image_name if params.get(name_tag): image_name_only = os.path.basename(params[name_tag]) params[name_tag] = os.path.join(image_nfs.mount_dir, image_name_only) # Start tcpdump if it isn't already running # The fact it has to be started here is so that the test params # have to be honored. env.start_tcpdump(params) # Add migrate_vms to vms migrate_vms = params.objects("migrate_vms") if migrate_vms: vms = list(set(params.objects("vms") + migrate_vms)) params["vms"] = ' '.join(vms) # Destroy and remove VMs that are no longer needed in the environment requested_vms = params.objects("vms") for key in env.keys(): vm = env[key] if not isinstance(vm, virt_vm.BaseVM): continue if not in requested_vms: vm.destroy() del env[key] if (params.get("auto_cpu_model") == "yes" and vm_type == "qemu"): if not env.get("cpu_model"): env["cpu_model"] = utils_misc.get_qemu_best_cpu_model(params) params["cpu_model"] = env.get("cpu_model") kvm_ver_cmd = params.get("kvm_ver_cmd", "") if kvm_ver_cmd: try: cmd_result = kvm_version = cmd_result.stdout.strip() except error.CmdError: kvm_version = "Unknown" else: # Get the KVM kernel module version and write it as a keyval if os.path.exists("/dev/kvm"): try: kvm_version = open("/sys/module/kvm/version").read().strip() except Exception: kvm_version = os.uname()[2] else: logging.warning("KVM module not loaded") kvm_version = "Unknown" logging.debug("KVM version: %s" % kvm_version) test.write_test_keyval({"kvm_version": kvm_version}) # Get the KVM userspace version and write it as a keyval kvm_userspace_ver_cmd = params.get("kvm_userspace_ver_cmd", "") if kvm_userspace_ver_cmd: try: cmd_result = kvm_userspace_version = cmd_result.stdout.strip() except error.CmdError: kvm_userspace_version = "Unknown" else: qemu_path = utils_misc.get_qemu_binary(params) version_line = commands.getoutput("%s -help | head -n 1" % qemu_path) matches = re.findall("[Vv]ersion .*?,", version_line) if matches: kvm_userspace_version = " ".join(matches[0].split()[1:]).strip(",") else: kvm_userspace_version = "Unknown" logging.debug("KVM userspace version: %s" % kvm_userspace_version) test.write_test_keyval({"kvm_userspace_version": kvm_userspace_version}) libvirtd_inst = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd() if params.get("setup_hugepages") == "yes": h = test_setup.HugePageConfig(params) suggest_mem = h.setup() if suggest_mem is not None: params['mem'] = suggest_mem if vm_type == "libvirt": libvirtd_inst.restart() if params.get("setup_thp") == "yes": thp = test_setup.TransparentHugePageConfig(test, params) thp.setup() if params.get("setup_ksm") == "yes": ksm = test_setup.KSMConfig(params, env) ksm.setup(env) if params.get("setup_egd") == "yes": egd = test_setup.EGDConfig(params, env) egd.setup() if vm_type == "libvirt": if params.get("setup_libvirt_polkit") == "yes": pol = test_setup.LibvirtPolkitConfig(params) try: pol.setup() except test_setup.PolkitWriteLibvirtdConfigError, e: logging.error(str(e)) except test_setup.PolkitRulesSetupError, e: logging.error(str(e)) except Exception, e: logging.error("Unexpected error: '%s'" % str(e)) libvirtd_inst.restart() if vm_type == "libvirt": connect_uri = params.get("connect_uri") connect_uri = libvirt_vm.normalize_connect_uri(connect_uri) # Set the LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI to make virsh command # work on connect_uri as default behavior. os.environ['LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI'] = connect_uri # Execute any pre_commands if params.get("pre_command"): process_command(test, params, env, params.get("pre_command"), int(params.get("pre_command_timeout", "600")), params.get("pre_command_noncritical") == "yes") kernel_extra_params_add = params.get("kernel_extra_params_add", "") kernel_extra_params_remove = params.get("kernel_extra_params_remove", "") if params.get("disable_pci_msi"): disable_pci_msi = params.get("disable-pci_msi") if disable_pci_msi == "yes": if "pci=" in kernel_extra_params_add: kernel_extra_params_add = re.sub("pci=.*?\s+", "pci=nomsi ", kernel_extra_params_add) else: kernel_extra_params_add += " pci=nomsi" params["ker_remove_similar_pci"] = "yes" else: kernel_extra_params_remove += " pci=nomsi" if kernel_extra_params_add or kernel_extra_params_remove: global kernel_cmdline, kernel_modified image_filename = storage.get_image_filename(params, data_dir.get_data_dir()) grub_file = params.get("grub_file", "/boot/grub2/grub.cfg") kernel_cfg_pos_reg = params.get("kernel_cfg_pos_reg", r".*vmlinuz-\d+.*") disk_obj = utils_disk.GuestFSModiDisk(image_filename) kernel_config_ori = disk_obj.read_file(grub_file) kernel_config = re.findall(kernel_cfg_pos_reg, kernel_config_ori) if not kernel_config: raise error.TestError("Cannot find the kernel config, reg is %s" % kernel_cfg_pos_reg) kernel_config = kernel_config[0] kernel_cmdline = kernel_config kernel_need_modify = False kernel_config_set = kernel_config debug_msg = "Guest cmdline extra_params setting:" if kernel_extra_params_add: debug_msg += " added '%s'" % kernel_extra_params_add kernel_extra_params = kernel_extra_params_add.split() for kernel_extra_param in kernel_extra_params: param_tag = kernel_extra_param.split("=")[0] params_kernel = params.object_params(param_tag) rm_s = params_kernel.get("ker_remove_similar", "no") == "yes" kernel_config_set = utils_misc.add_ker_cmd(kernel_config_set, kernel_extra_param, rm_s) if kernel_extra_params_remove: debug_msg += " removed '%s'" % kernel_extra_params_remove kernel_extra_params = kernel_extra_params_remove.split() for kernel_extra_param in kernel_extra_params: kernel_config_set = utils_misc.rm_ker_cmd(kernel_config_set, kernel_extra_param) if kernel_config_set.strip() != kernel_cmdline.strip(): kernel_need_modify = True if kernel_need_modify: for vm in env.get_all_vms(): if vm: vm.destroy() env.unregister_vm( disk_obj.replace_image_file_content(grub_file, kernel_config, kernel_config_set) kernel_modified = True del disk_obj params["check_kernel_cmd_line_from_serial"] = "yes" if kernel_extra_params_add: params['kernel_options_exist'] = kernel_extra_params_add if kernel_extra_params_remove: params['kernel_options_not_exist'] = kernel_extra_params_remove logging.debug(debug_msg) # Clone master image from vms. base_dir = data_dir.get_data_dir() if params.get("master_images_clone"): for vm_name in params.get("vms").split(): vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) if vm: vm.destroy() env.unregister_vm(vm_name) vm_params = params.object_params(vm_name) for image in vm_params.get("master_images_clone").split(): image_obj = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, base_dir, image) image_obj.clone_image(params, vm_name, image, base_dir) # Preprocess all VMs and images if params.get("not_preprocess", "no") == "no": process(test, params, env, preprocess_image, preprocess_vm) # Start the screendump thread if params.get("take_regular_screendumps") == "yes": global _screendump_thread, _screendump_thread_termination_event _screendump_thread_termination_event = threading.Event() _screendump_thread = threading.Thread(target=_take_screendumps, name='ScreenDump', args=(test, params, env)) _screendump_thread.start() # Start the register query thread if params.get("store_vm_register") == "yes" and\ params.get("vm_type") == "qemu": global _vm_register_thread, _vm_register_thread_termination_event _vm_register_thread_termination_event = threading.Event() _vm_register_thread = threading.Thread(target=_store_vm_register, name='VmRegister', args=(test, params, env)) _vm_register_thread.start() return params @error.context_aware def postprocess(test, params, env): """ Postprocess all VMs and images according to the instructions in params. :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: Dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param env: The environment (a dict-like object). """ error.context("postprocessing") err = "" # Postprocess all VMs and images try: process(test, params, env, postprocess_image, postprocess_vm, vm_first=True) except Exception, details: err += "\nPostprocess: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) # Terminate the screendump thread global _screendump_thread, _screendump_thread_termination_event if _screendump_thread is not None: _screendump_thread_termination_event.set() _screendump_thread.join(10) _screendump_thread = None # Encode an HTML 5 compatible video from the screenshots produced dir_rex = "(screendump\S*_[0-9]+_iter%s)" % test.iteration screendump_dir = re.findall(dir_rex, str(os.listdir(test.debugdir))) if screendump_dir: screendump_dir = os.path.join(test.debugdir, screendump_dir[0]) if (params.get("encode_video_files", "yes") == "yes" and glob.glob("%s/*" % screendump_dir)): try: video = video_maker.GstPythonVideoMaker() if ((video.has_element('vp8enc') and video.has_element('webmmux'))): video_file = "%s.webm" % screendump_dir else: video_file = "%s.ogg" % screendump_dir video_file = os.path.join(test.debugdir, video_file) logging.debug("Encoding video file %s", video_file) video.start(screendump_dir, video_file) except Exception, detail: "Video creation failed for %s: %s", screendump_dir, detail) # Warn about corrupt PPM files screendump_temp_dir = params.get("screendump_temp_dir") if screendump_temp_dir: screendump_temp_dir = utils_misc.get_path( test.bindir, screendump_temp_dir) else: screendump_temp_dir = test.debugdir ppm_file_rex = "*_iter%s.ppm" % test.iteration for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(screendump_temp_dir, ppm_file_rex)): if not ppm_utils.image_verify_ppm_file(f): logging.warn("Found corrupt PPM file: %s", f) # Should we convert PPM files to PNG format? if params.get("convert_ppm_files_to_png", "no") == "yes": try: for f in glob.glob( os.path.join(screendump_temp_dir, ppm_file_rex)): if ppm_utils.image_verify_ppm_file(f): new_path = f.replace(".ppm", ".png") image =, format='PNG') except NameError: pass # Should we keep the PPM files? if params.get("keep_ppm_files", "no") != "yes": for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(screendump_temp_dir, ppm_file_rex)): os.unlink(f) # Should we keep the screendump dirs? if params.get("keep_screendumps", "no") != "yes": for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(test.debugdir, "screendumps_*")): if os.path.isdir(d) and not os.path.islink(d): shutil.rmtree(d, ignore_errors=True) # Should we keep the video files? if params.get("keep_video_files", "yes") != "yes": for f in (glob.glob(os.path.join(test.debugdir, '*.ogg')) + glob.glob(os.path.join(test.debugdir, '*.webm'))): os.unlink(f) # Terminate the register query thread global _vm_register_thread, _vm_register_thread_termination_event if _vm_register_thread is not None: _vm_register_thread_termination_event.set() _vm_register_thread.join(10) _vm_register_thread = None # Kill all unresponsive VMs if params.get("kill_unresponsive_vms") == "yes": for vm in env.get_all_vms(): if vm.is_dead() or vm.is_paused(): continue try: # Test may be fast, guest could still be booting if len(vm.virtnet) > 0: session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=vm.LOGIN_WAIT_TIMEOUT) session.close() else: session = vm.wait_for_serial_login( timeout=vm.LOGIN_WAIT_TIMEOUT) session.close() except (remote.LoginError, virt_vm.VMError, IndexError), e: logging.warn(e) vm.destroy(gracefully=False) # Kill VMs with deleted disks for vm in env.get_all_vms(): destroy = False vm_params = params.object_params( for image in vm_params.objects('images'): if params.object_params(image).get('remove_image') == 'yes': destroy = True if destroy and not vm.is_dead(): logging.debug('Image of VM %s was removed, destroing it.', vm.destroy() # Terminate the tcpdump thread env.stop_tcpdump() # Kill all aexpect tail threads aexpect.kill_tail_threads() living_vms = [vm for vm in env.get_all_vms() if vm.is_alive()] # Close all monitor socket connections of living vm. for vm in living_vms: if hasattr(vm, "monitors"): for m in vm.monitors: try: m.close() except Exception: pass # Close the serial console session, as it'll help # keeping the number of filedescriptors used by virt-test honest. vm.cleanup_serial_console() libvirtd_inst = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd() vm_type = params.get("vm_type") if params.get("setup_hugepages") == "yes": try: h = test_setup.HugePageConfig(params) h.cleanup() if vm_type == "libvirt": libvirtd_inst.restart() except Exception, details: err += "\nHP cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) if params.get("setup_thp") == "yes": try: thp = test_setup.TransparentHugePageConfig(test, params) thp.cleanup() except Exception, details: err += "\nTHP cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) if params.get("setup_ksm") == "yes": try: ksm = test_setup.KSMConfig(params, env) ksm.cleanup(env) except Exception, details: err += "\nKSM cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) if params.get("setup_egd") == "yes" and params.get("kill_vm") == "yes": try: egd = test_setup.EGDConfig(params, env) egd.cleanup() except Exception, details: err += "\ cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) if vm_type == "libvirt": if params.get("setup_libvirt_polkit") == "yes": try: pol = test_setup.LibvirtPolkitConfig(params) pol.cleanup() libvirtd_inst.restart() except test_setup.PolkitConfigCleanupError, e: err += "\nPolkit cleanup: %s" % str(e).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(e) except Exception, details: err += "\nPolkit cleanup: %s" % str(details ).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error("Unexpected error: %s" % details) global kernel_cmdline, kernel_modified if kernel_modified and params.get("restore_kernel_cmd", "yes") == "yes": image_filename = storage.get_image_filename(params, data_dir.get_data_dir()) grub_file = params.get("grub_file", "/boot/grub2/grub.cfg") kernel_cfg_pos_reg = params.get("kernel_cfg_pos_reg", r".*vmlinuz-\d+.*") for vm in env.get_all_vms(): if vm: vm.destroy() disk_obj = utils_disk.GuestFSModiDisk(image_filename) kernel_config_cur = disk_obj.read_file(grub_file) kernel_config = re.findall(kernel_cfg_pos_reg, kernel_config_cur) if not kernel_config: raise error.TestError("Cannot find the kernel config, reg is %s" % kernel_cfg_pos_reg) kernel_config = kernel_config[0] disk_obj.replace_image_file_content(grub_file, kernel_config, kernel_cmdline) kernel_modified = False del disk_obj logging.debug("Restore the guest cmd line after test.") # Execute any post_commands if params.get("post_command"): try: process_command(test, params, env, params.get("post_command"), int(params.get("post_command_timeout", "600")), params.get("post_command_noncritical") == "yes") except Exception, details: err += "\nPostprocess command: %s" % str(details).replace('\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) base_dir = data_dir.get_data_dir() if params.get("storage_type") == "iscsi": try: iscsidev = qemu_storage.Iscsidev(params, base_dir, "iscsi") iscsidev.cleanup() except Exception, details: err += "\niscsi cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) if params.get("storage_type") == "lvm": try: lvmdev = env.get_lvmdev("lvm_%s" % params["main_vm"]) lvmdev.cleanup() except Exception, details: err += "\nLVM cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) env.unregister_lvmdev("lvm_%s" % params["main_vm"]) if params.get("storage_type") == "nfs": try: image_nfs = nfs.Nfs(params) image_nfs.cleanup() except Exception, details: err += "\nnfs cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') setup_pb = False ovs_pb = False for nic in params.get('nics', "").split(): nic_params = params.object_params(nic) if params.get('netdst_%s' % nic) == 'private': setup_pb = True params_pb = nic_params break else: setup_pb = params.get("netdst") == 'private' params_pb = params if params_pb.get("priv_br_type") == "openvswitch": ovs_pb = True if setup_pb: try: if ovs_pb: brcfg = test_setup.PrivateOvsBridgeConfig(params_pb) else: brcfg = test_setup.PrivateBridgeConfig(params_pb) brcfg.cleanup() except Exception, details: err += "\nPB cleanup: %s" % str(details).replace('\\n', '\n ') logging.error(details) if err: raise virt_vm.VMError("Failures occurred while postprocess:%s" % err) if params.get("verify_host_dmesg", "yes") == "yes": utils_misc.verify_host_dmesg()
[docs]def postprocess_on_error(test, params, env): """ Perform postprocessing operations required only if the test failed. :param test: An Autotest test object. :param params: A dict containing all VM and image parameters. :param env: The environment (a dict-like object). """ params.update(params.object_params("on_error"))
def _take_screendumps(test, params, env): global _screendump_thread_termination_event temp_dir = test.debugdir if params.get("screendump_temp_dir"): temp_dir = utils_misc.get_path(test.bindir, params.get("screendump_temp_dir")) try: os.makedirs(temp_dir) except OSError: pass random_id = utils_misc.generate_random_string(6) temp_filename = "scrdump-%s-iter%s.ppm" % (random_id, test.iteration) temp_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, temp_filename) delay = float(params.get("screendump_delay", 5)) quality = int(params.get("screendump_quality", 30)) inactivity_treshold = float(params.get("inactivity_treshold", 1800)) inactivity_watcher = params.get("inactivity_watcher", "log") cache = {} counter = {} inactivity = {} while True: for vm in env.get_all_vms(): if vm.instance not in counter.keys(): counter[vm.instance] = 0 if vm.instance not in inactivity.keys(): inactivity[vm.instance] = time.time() if not vm.is_alive(): continue vm_pid = vm.get_pid() try: vm.screendump(filename=temp_filename, debug=False) except qemu_monitor.MonitorError, e: logging.warn(e) continue except AttributeError, e: logging.warn(e) continue if not os.path.exists(temp_filename): logging.warn("VM '%s' failed to produce a screendump", continue if not ppm_utils.image_verify_ppm_file(temp_filename): logging.warn("VM '%s' produced an invalid screendump", os.unlink(temp_filename) continue screendump_dir = "screendumps_%s_%s_iter%s" % (, vm_pid, test.iteration) screendump_dir = os.path.join(test.debugdir, screendump_dir) try: os.makedirs(screendump_dir) except OSError: pass counter[vm.instance] += 1 filename = "%04d.jpg" % counter[vm.instance] screendump_filename = os.path.join(screendump_dir, filename) vm.verify_bsod(screendump_filename) image_hash = utils.hash_file(temp_filename) if image_hash in cache: time_inactive = time.time() - inactivity[vm.instance] if time_inactive > inactivity_treshold: msg = ( "%s screen is inactive for more than %d s (%d min)" % (, time_inactive, time_inactive / 60)) if inactivity_watcher == "error": try: raise virt_vm.VMScreenInactiveError(vm, time_inactive) except virt_vm.VMScreenInactiveError: logging.error(msg) # Let's reset the counter inactivity[vm.instance] = time.time() test.background_errors.put(sys.exc_info()) elif inactivity_watcher == 'log': logging.debug(msg) try:[image_hash], screendump_filename) except OSError: pass else: inactivity[vm.instance] = time.time() try: try: image =, format="JPEG", quality=quality) cache[image_hash] = screendump_filename except IOError, error_detail: logging.warning("VM '%s' failed to produce a " "screendump: %s",, error_detail) # Decrement the counter as we in fact failed to # produce a converted screendump counter[vm.instance] -= 1 except NameError: pass os.unlink(temp_filename) if _screendump_thread_termination_event is not None: if _screendump_thread_termination_event.isSet(): _screendump_thread_termination_event = None break _screendump_thread_termination_event.wait(delay) else: # Exit event was deleted, exit this thread break
[docs]def store_vm_register(vm, log_filename, append=False): """ Store the register information of vm into a log file :param vm: VM object :type vm: vm object :param log_filename: log file name :type log_filename: string :param append: Add the log to the end of the log file or not :type append: bool :return: Store the vm register information to log file or not :rtype: bool """ try: output ='registers', debug=False) timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) except qemu_monitor.MonitorError, err: logging.warn(err) return False except AttributeError, err: logging.warn(err) return False log_filename = "%s_%s" % (log_filename, timestamp) if append: vr_log = open(log_filename, 'r+'), 2) output += "\n" else: vr_log = open(log_filename, 'w') vr_log.write(output) vr_log.close() return True
def _store_vm_register(test, params, env): def report_result(status, results): msg = "%s." % status for vm_instance in results.keys(): if results[vm_instance] > 0: msg += " Used to failed to get register info from guest" msg += " %s for %s times." % (vm_instance, results[vm_instance]) if msg != "%s." % status: logging.debug(msg) global _vm_register_thread_termination_event delay = float(params.get("vm_register_delay", 5)) counter = {} vm_register_error_count = {} while True: for vm in env.get_all_vms(): if vm.instance not in vm_register_error_count: vm_register_error_count[vm.instance] = 0 if not vm.is_alive(): if vm_register_error_count[vm.instance] < 1: logging.warning("%s is not alive. Can't query the register status" % vm_register_error_count[vm.instance] += 1 continue vm_pid = vm.get_pid() vr_dir = utils_misc.get_path(test.debugdir, "vm_register_%s_%s" % (, vm_pid)) try: os.makedirs(vr_dir) except OSError: pass if vm.instance not in counter: counter[vm.instance] = 1 vr_filename = "%04d" % counter[vm.instance] vr_filename = utils_misc.get_path(vr_dir, vr_filename) stored_log = store_vm_register(vm, vr_filename) if vm_register_error_count[vm.instance] >= 1: logging.debug("%s alive now. Used to failed to get register" " info from guest %s" " times" % (, vm_register_error_count[vm.instance])) vm_register_error_count[vm.instance] = 0 if stored_log: counter[vm.instance] += 1 if _vm_register_thread_termination_event is not None: if _vm_register_thread_termination_event.isSet(): _vm_register_thread_termination_event = None report_result("Thread quit", vm_register_error_count) break _vm_register_thread_termination_event.wait(delay) else: report_result("Thread quit", vm_register_error_count) # Exit event was deleted, exit this thread break