Source code for virttest.libvirt_network_unittest

#!/usr/bin/env python
Unit tests for Manipulator classes in libvirt_xml module.
import unittest

import common
from virsh_unittest import FakeVirshFactory
from autotest.client.utils import CmdResult
from libvirt_xml.network_xml import NetworkXML
from staging.backports import itertools

# The output of virsh.net_list with only default net
_DEFAULT_NET = (' Name                 State      Autostart     Persistent\n'
                ' default              active     yes           yes\n')

# Set initial state of test net
global _net_state
_net_state = {'active': False,
              'autostart': False,
              'persistent': False}

[docs]class NetworkTestBase(unittest.TestCase): """ Base class for NetworkXML test providing fake virsh commands. """ @staticmethod def _net_list(option='--all', **dargs): """Bogus net_list command""" cmd = 'virsh net-list --all' if not _net_state['active'] and not _net_state['persistent']: test_net = '' else: if _net_state['active']: active = 'active' else: active = 'inactive' if _net_state['persistent']: persistent = 'yes' else: persistent = 'no' if _net_state['autostart']: autostart = 'yes' else: autostart = 'no' test_net = ' %-21s%-11s%-14s%-11s\n' % ( 'unittest', active, autostart, persistent) output = _DEFAULT_NET + test_net return CmdResult(cmd, output) @staticmethod def _net_define(xmlfile='unittest.xml', **dargs): """Bogus net_define command""" _net_state['persistent'] = True @staticmethod def _net_undefine(name='unittest', **dargs): """Bogus net_undefine command""" _net_state['persistent'] = False _net_state['autostart'] = False @staticmethod def _net_start(name='unittest', **dargs): """Bogus net_start command""" _net_state['active'] = True @staticmethod def _net_destroy(name='unittest', **dargs): """Bogus net_destroy command""" _net_state['active'] = False @staticmethod def _net_autostart(name='unittest', extra='', **dargs): """Bogus net_autostart command""" if _net_state['persistent']: if extra == '--disable': _net_state['autostart'] = False else: _net_state['autostart'] = True else: _net_state['autostart'] = False
[docs] def setUp(self): # Use defined virsh methods below self.bogus_virsh = FakeVirshFactory(preserve=['net_state_dict']) self.bogus_virsh.__super_set__('net_list', self._net_list) self.bogus_virsh.__super_set__('net_define', self._net_define) self.bogus_virsh.__super_set__('net_undefine', self._net_undefine) self.bogus_virsh.__super_set__('net_start', self._net_start) self.bogus_virsh.__super_set__('net_destroy', self._net_destroy) self.bogus_virsh.__super_set__('net_autostart', self._net_autostart)
[docs]class NetworkXMLTest(NetworkTestBase): """ Unit test class for manipulator methods in NetworkXML class. """
[docs] def test_sync_and_state_dict(self): """ Unit test for sync and state_dict methods of NetworkXML class. Traverse all possible state and call sync using the state. """ # Test sync without state option test_xml = NetworkXML(network_name='unittest', virsh_instance=self.bogus_virsh) test_xml.sync() new_state = test_xml.state_dict() state = {'active': True, 'persistent': True, 'autostart': True} self.assertEqual(state, new_state) for values in itertools.product([True, False], repeat=3): # Change network to all possible states. keys = ['active', 'persistent', 'autostart'] state = dict(zip(keys, values)) test_xml.sync(state=state) # Check result's validity. new_state = test_xml.state_dict() # Transient network can't set autostart if state == {'active': True, 'persistent': False, 'autostart': True}: state = {'active': True, 'persistent': False, 'autostart': False} # Non-exist network should return None when retieving state. if not state['active'] and not state['persistent']: assert new_state is None else: self.assertEqual(state, new_state)
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()