Source code for virttest.libvirt_xml.accessors

Specializations of base.AccessorBase for particular XML manipulation types

import logging
import re
import sys
from virttest import xml_utils
from virttest.propcan import PropCanBase
from virttest.libvirt_xml import xcepts, base
# The backports module will take care of picking the builtin if available
from virttest.staging.backports import bin

[docs]def type_check(name, thing, expected): """ Check that thing is expected subclass or instance, raise ValueError if not """ is_a = type(thing) is_a_name = str(is_a) if not isinstance(expected, list): expected = [expected] for e in expected: try: it_is = issubclass(thing, e) except TypeError: it_is = isinstance(thing, e) if it_is: return raise ValueError('%s value is not any of %s, it is a %s' % (name, expected, is_a_name))
[docs]def add_to_slots(*args): """ Return list of AccessorBase.__all_slots__ + args """ for slot in args: type_check('slot name', slot, str) return AccessorBase.__all_slots__ + args
[docs]class AccessorBase(PropCanBase): """ Base class for a callable operating on a LibvirtXMLBase subclass instance """ # Gets AccessorGeneratorBase subclass's required_accessor_data_keys added __slots__ = ('operation', 'property_name', 'libvirtxml') def __init__(self, operation, property_name, libvirtxml, **dargs): """ Initialize accessor to operate on lvxml with accessor_data for property :param operation: Debug String for 'Getter', 'Setter', or 'Delter' :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param dargs: Necessary for subclasses to extend required parameters """ type_check('Parameter property_name', property_name, str) type_check('Operation attribute', operation, str) type_check('__slots__ attribute', self.__all_slots__, [tuple, list]) type_check('Parameter libvirtxml', libvirtxml, base.LibvirtXMLBase) super(AccessorBase, self).__init__() self.__dict_set__('operation', operation) self.__dict_set__('property_name', property_name) self.__dict_set__('libvirtxml', libvirtxml) for slot in self.__all_slots__: if slot in AccessorBase.__all_slots__: continue # already checked these # Don't care about value type if slot not in dargs: raise ValueError('Required accessor generator parameter %s' % slot) self.__dict_set__(slot, dargs[slot]) # Subclass expected to override this and specify parameters __call__ = NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): return ("%s's %s for %s with %s" % (self.libvirtxml.__class__.__name__, self.operation, self.property_name, str(dict(self))))
[docs] def xmltreefile(self): """ Retrieve xmltreefile instance from libvirtxml instance """ return self.libvirtxml.xmltreefile
[docs] def element_by_parent(self, parent_xpath, tag_name, create=True): """ Retrieve/create an element instance at parent_xpath/tag_name :param parent_xpath: xpath of parent element :param tag_name: name of element under parent to retrieve/create :param create: True to create new element if not exist :return: ElementTree.Element instance :raise: LibvirtXMLError: If element not exist & create=False """ type_check('parent_xpath', parent_xpath, str) type_check('tag_name', tag_name, str) parent_element = self.xmltreefile().find(parent_xpath) if (parent_element == self.xmltreefile().getroot() and parent_element.tag == tag_name): return parent_element excpt_str = ('Exception thrown from %s for property "%s" while' ' looking for element tag "%s", on parent at xpath' ' "%s", in XML\n%s\n' % (self.operation, self.property_name, tag_name, parent_xpath, str(self.xmltreefile()))) if parent_element is None: if create: # This will only work for simple XPath strings self.xmltreefile().create_by_xpath(parent_xpath) parent_element = self.xmltreefile().find(parent_xpath) # if create or not, raise if not exist if parent_element is None: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError(excpt_str) try: element = parent_element.find(tag_name) except: logging.error(excpt_str) raise if element is None: if create: # Create the element element = xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement(parent_element, tag_name) else: # create is False raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError('Error in %s for property ' '"%s", element tag "%s" not ' 'found on parent at xpath "%s"' ' in XML\n%s\n' % (self.operation, self.property_name, tag_name, parent_xpath, str(self.xmltreefile()))) return element
[docs]class ForbiddenBase(AccessorBase): """ Raise LibvirtXMLAccessorError when called w/ or w/o a value arg. """ __slots__ = [] def __call__(self, value=None): if value: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLForbiddenError("%s %s to '%s' on %s " "forbidden" % (self.operation, self.property_name, str(value), str(self))) else: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLForbiddenError("%s %s on %s " "forbidden" % (self.operation, self.property_name, str(self)))
[docs]class AccessorGeneratorBase(object): """ Accessor method/class generator for specific property name """ def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, **dargs): """ Initialize accessor methods, marking operations in forbidden as such :param property_name: Name of the property :param libvirtxml: Instance reference to LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional string list of 'get', 'set', and/or 'del' :param dargs: Specific AccessorGeneratorBase subclass info. """ if forbidden is None: forbidden = [] type_check('forbidden', forbidden, list) self.forbidden = forbidden type_check('libvirtxml', libvirtxml, base.LibvirtXMLBase) self.libvirtxml = libvirtxml type_check('property_name', property_name, str) self.property_name = property_name self.dargs = dargs # Lookup all property names possibly needing accessors for operation in ('get', 'set', 'del'): self.set_if_not_defined(operation)
[docs] def set_if_not_defined(self, operation): """ Setup a callable instance for operation only if not already defined """ # Don't overwrite methods in libvirtxml instance if not hasattr(self.libvirtxml, self.accessor_name(operation)): if operation not in self.forbidden: self.assign_callable(operation, self.make_callable(operation)) else: # operation is forbidden self.assign_callable(operation, self.make_forbidden(operation))
[docs] def accessor_name(self, operation): """ Return instance name for operation, defined by subclass (i.e. 'get_foo') """ return "%s_%s" % (operation, self.property_name)
[docs] def callable_name(operation): """ Return class name for operation (i.e. 'Getter'), defined by subclass. """ return operation.capitalize() + 'ter'
[docs] def make_callable(self, operation): """ Return an callable instance for operation """ callable_class = getattr(self, self.callable_name(operation)) return callable_class( self.callable_name(operation), self.property_name, self.libvirtxml, **self.dargs)
[docs] def make_forbidden(self, operation): """ Return a forbidden callable instance for operation """ return ForbiddenBase(operation, self.property_name, self.libvirtxml)
[docs] def assign_callable(self, operation, callable_inst): """ Set reference on objectified libvirtxml instance to callable_inst """ self.libvirtxml.__super_set__(self.accessor_name(operation), callable_inst)
# Implementation of specific accessor generator subclasses follows
[docs]class AllForbidden(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of forbidden accessor classes for those undefined on libvirtxml """ def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml): """ Create exception raising accessors for those undefined on libvirtxml :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass """ super(AllForbidden, self).__init__(property_name=property_name, libvirtxml=libvirtxml, forbidden=['get', 'set', 'del'])
[docs]class XMLElementText(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of accessor classes operating on element.text """ required_dargs = ('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, parent_xpath=None, tag_name=None): """ Create undefined accessors on libvirt instance :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional list of 'get', 'set', 'del' :param parent_xpath: XPath string of parent element :param tag_name: element tag name to manipulate text attribute on. """ super(XMLElementText, self).__init__(property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden, parent_xpath=parent_xpath, tag_name=tag_name)
[docs] class Getter(AccessorBase): """ Retrieve text on element """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __call__(self): return self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False).text
[docs] class Setter(AccessorBase): """ Set text to value on element """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __call__(self, value): element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=True) element.text = str(value) self.xmltreefile().write()
[docs] class Delter(AccessorBase): """ Remove element and ignore if it doesn't exist (same as False) """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __call__(self): try: element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False) except (xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError, # element doesn't exist xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError): # parent doesn't exist pass # already gone else: parent = self.xmltreefile().find(self.parent_xpath) if parent is not None: parent.remove(element) self.xmltreefile().write()
[docs]class XMLElementInt(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of accessor classes operating on element.text as an integer """ __radix2func_dict__ = {0: int, 2: bin, 8: oct, 10: int, 16: hex} required_dargs = ('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'radix') def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, parent_xpath=None, tag_name=None, radix=10): """ Create undefined accessors on libvirt instance :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional list of 'Getter', 'Setter', 'Delter' :param parent_xpath: XPath string of parent element :param tag_name: element tag name to manipulate text attribute on. """ try: self.__radix2func_dict__[radix] except KeyError: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLError("Param radix=%s for XMLElementInt " "is not accepted." % radix) super(XMLElementInt, self).__init__(property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden, parent_xpath=parent_xpath, tag_name=tag_name, radix=radix)
[docs] class Getter(AccessorBase): """ Retrieve text on element and convert to int """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'radix') def __call__(self): element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False) try: result = int(element.text, self.radix) except ValueError: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLError("Value of %s in %s is %s," "not a Integer." % (self.tag_name, self.parent_xpath, element.text)) return result
[docs] class Setter(AccessorBase): """ Set text on element after converting to int then to str """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'radix') def __call__(self, value): type_check(self.property_name + ' value', value, int) element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=True) convertFunc = XMLElementInt.__radix2func_dict__[self.radix] element.text = str(convertFunc(value)) self.xmltreefile().write()
Delter = XMLElementText.Delter
[docs]class XMLElementBool(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of accessor classes operating purely element existence """ required_dargs = ('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, parent_xpath=None, tag_name=None): """ Create undefined accessors on libvirt instance :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional list of 'get', 'set', 'del' :param parent_xpath: XPath string of parent element :param tag_name: element tag name to manipulate text attribute on. """ super(XMLElementBool, self).__init__(property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden, parent_xpath=parent_xpath, tag_name=tag_name)
[docs] class Getter(AccessorBase): """ Retrieve text on element """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __call__(self): try: # Throws exception if parent path or element not exist self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False) return True except (xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError, xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError): return False
[docs] class Setter(AccessorBase): """ Create element when True, delete when false """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __call__(self, value): if bool(value) is True: self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=True) else: delattr(self.libvirtxml, self.property_name) self.xmltreefile().write()
Delter = XMLElementText.Delter
[docs]class XMLAttribute(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of accessor classes operating on an attribute of an element """ def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, parent_xpath=None, tag_name=None, attribute=None): """ Create undefined accessors on libvirt instance :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional list of 'Getter', 'Setter', 'Delter' :param parent_xpath: XPath string of parent element :param tag_name: element tag name to manipulate text attribute on. :param attribute: Attribute name to manupulate """ super(XMLAttribute, self).__init__(property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden, parent_xpath=parent_xpath, tag_name=tag_name, attribute=attribute)
[docs] class Getter(AccessorBase): """ Get attribute value """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'attribute') def __call__(self): element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False) value = element.get(self.attribute, None) if value is None: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError("Attribute %s not found " "on element %s" % (self.attribute, element.tag)) return value
[docs] class Setter(AccessorBase): """ Set attribute value """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'attribute') def __call__(self, value): element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=True) element.set(self.attribute, str(value)) self.xmltreefile().write()
[docs] class Delter(AccessorBase): """ Remove attribute """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'attribute') def __call__(self): element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False) try: del element.attrib[self.attribute] except KeyError: pass # already doesn't exist self.xmltreefile().write()
[docs]class XMLElementDict(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of accessor classes operating as a dictionary of attributes """ def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, parent_xpath=None, tag_name=None): """ Create undefined accessors on libvirt instance :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional list of 'Getter', 'Setter', 'Delter' :param parent_xpath: XPath string of parent element :param tag_name: element tag name to manipulate text attribute on. """ super(XMLElementDict, self).__init__(property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden, parent_xpath=parent_xpath, tag_name=tag_name)
[docs] class Getter(AccessorBase): """ Retrieve attributes on element """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __call__(self): element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False) return dict(element.items())
[docs] class Setter(AccessorBase): """ Set attributes to value on element """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name') def __call__(self, value): type_check(self.property_name + ' value', value, dict) element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=True) for attr_key, attr_value in value.items(): element.set(str(attr_key), str(attr_value)) self.xmltreefile().write()
# Inheriting from XMLElementText not work right Delter = XMLElementText.Delter
[docs]class XMLElementNest(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of accessor classes operating on a LibvirtXMLBase subclass """ required_dargs = ('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'subclass', 'subclass_dargs') def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, parent_xpath=None, tag_name=None, subclass=None, subclass_dargs=None): """ Create undefined accessors on libvirt instance :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional list of 'Getter', 'Setter', 'Delter' :param parent_xpath: XPath string of parent element :param tag_name: element tag name to manipulate text attribute on. :param subclass: A LibvirtXMLBase subclass with root tag == tag_name :param subclass_dargs: dict. to pass as kw args to subclass.__init__ N/B: Works ONLY if tag_name is unique within parent element """ type_check('subclass', subclass, base.LibvirtXMLBase) type_check('subclass_dargs', subclass_dargs, dict) super(XMLElementNest, self).__init__(property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden, parent_xpath=parent_xpath, tag_name=tag_name, subclass=subclass, subclass_dargs=subclass_dargs)
[docs] class Getter(AccessorBase): """ Retrieve instance of subclass with it's xml set to rerooted xpath/tag """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'subclass', 'subclass_dargs') def __call__(self): xmltreefile = self.xmltreefile() # Don't re-invent XPath generation method/behavior nested_root_element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=False) nested_root_xpath = xmltreefile.get_xpath(nested_root_element) # Try to make XMLTreeFile copy, rooted at nested_root_xpath # with copies of any/all child elements also nested_xtf = xmltreefile.reroot(nested_root_xpath) # Create instance of subclass to assign nested_xtf onto nestedinst = self.subclass(**self.subclass_dargs) # nestedxml.xmltreefile.restore() will fail on nested_xtf.__del__ nestedinst.set_xml(str(nested_xtf)) # set from string not filename! return nestedinst
[docs] class Setter(AccessorBase): """ Set attributes to value on element """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'subclass') def __call__(self, value): type_check('Instance of %s' % self.subclass.__name__, value, self.subclass) # Will overwrite if exists existing_element = self.element_by_parent(self.parent_xpath, self.tag_name, create=True) existing_parent = self.xmltreefile().get_parent(existing_element) self.xmltreefile().remove(existing_element) existing_parent.append(value.xmltreefile.getroot()) self.xmltreefile().write()
# Nothing fancy, just make sure that part of tree doesn't exist Delter = XMLElementText.Delter
[docs]class XMLElementList(AccessorGeneratorBase): """ Class of accessor classes operating on a list of child elements Other generators here have a hard-time dealing with XML that has multiple child-elements with the same tag. This class allows treating these structures as lists of arbitrary user-defined objects. User-defined marshal functions are called to perform the conversion to/from the format described in __init__. """ required_dargs = ('parent_xpath', 'tag_name', 'marshal_from', 'marshal_to') def __init__(self, property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden=None, parent_xpath=None, marshal_from=None, marshal_to=None): """ Create undefined accessors on libvirt instance :param property_name: String name of property (for exception detail) :param libvirtxml: An instance of a LibvirtXMLBase subclass :param forbidden: Optional list of 'Getter', 'Setter', 'Delter' :param parent_xpath: XPath string of parent element :param marshal_from: Callable, passed the item, index, and libvirtxml instance. Must return tuple of tag-name, an attribute-dict, and an optional text or raise ValueError exception. :param marshal_to: Callable. Passed a the item tag, attribute-dict, index, libvirtxml, and optional text instance. Returns item value accepted by marshal_from or None to skip """ if not callable(marshal_from) or not callable(marshal_to): raise ValueError("Both marshal_from and marshal_to must be " "callable") super(XMLElementList, self).__init__(property_name, libvirtxml, forbidden, parent_xpath=parent_xpath, marshal_from=marshal_from, marshal_to=marshal_to)
[docs] class Getter(AccessorBase): """ Retrieve list of values as returned by the marshal_to callable """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'marshal_to') def __call__(self): # Parent structure cannot be pre-determined as in other classes parent = self.xmltreefile().find(self.parent_xpath) if parent is None: # Used as "undefined" signal, raising exception may # not be appropriate when other accessors are used # to generate missing structure. return None result = [] # Give user-defined marshal functions a way to act on # item order if needed, and/or help with error reporting. index = 0 # user-defined marshal functions might want to use # index numbers to filter/skip certain elements # but also support specific item ordering. for child in parent.getchildren(): # Call user-defined helper to translate Element # into simple pre-defined format. try: # To support an optional text parameter, compatible # with no text parameter. item = self.marshal_to(child.tag, dict(child.items()), index, self.libvirtxml, child.text) except TypeError: item = self.marshal_to(child.tag, dict(child.items()), index, self.libvirtxml) if item is not None: result.append(item) # Always use absolute index (even if item was None) index += 1 return result
[docs] class Setter(AccessorBase): """ Set child elements as returned by the marshal_to callable """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'marshal_from') def __call__(self, value): type_check('value', value, list) # Allow other classes to generate parent structure parent = self.xmltreefile().find(self.parent_xpath) if parent is None: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError # Remove existing by calling accessor method, allowing # any "untouchable" or "filtered" elements (by marshal) # to be ignored and left as-is. delattr(self.libvirtxml, self.property_name) # Allow user-defined marshal function to determine # if item order is important. Also give more meaningful # exception message below, if there is a problem. index = 0 for item in value: try: # Call user-defined conversion from simple # format, back to Element instances. element_tuple = self.marshal_from(item, index, self.libvirtxml) except ValueError: # Defined in marshal API, to help with error reporting # and debugging with more rich message. msg = ("Call to %s by set accessor method for property %s " "with unsupported item type %s, at index %d, " " with value %s." % (str(self.marshal_from), self.property_name, str(type(item)), index, str(item))) raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError(msg) # Handle element text values in element_tuple[1]. text = None new_dict = element_tuple[1].copy() if 'text' in element_tuple[1].keys(): del new_dict['text'] # To support text in element, marshal_from may return an # additional text value, check the length of element tuple if len(element_tuple) == 3: text = element_tuple[2] parent_element = xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement( parent, element_tuple[0], new_dict, text) # To support child element contains text, create sub element # with text under new created parent element. if 'text' in element_tuple[1].keys(): text_dict = element_tuple[1]['text'] attr_dict = {} for text_key, text_val in text_dict.items(): xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement( parent_element, text_key, attr_dict, text_val) index += 1 self.xmltreefile().write()
[docs] class Delter(AccessorBase): """ Remove ALL child elements for which marshal_to does NOT return None """ __slots__ = add_to_slots('parent_xpath', 'marshal_to') def __call__(self): parent = self.xmltreefile().find(self.parent_xpath) if parent is None: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError("Parent element %s not " "found" % self.parent_xpath) # Don't delete while traversing list todel = [] index = 0 for child in parent.getchildren(): try: # To support an optional text parameter, compatible # with no text parameter. item = self.marshal_to(child.tag, dict(child.items()), index, self.libvirtxml, child.text) except TypeError: item = self.marshal_to(child.tag, dict(child.items()), index, self.libvirtxml) # Always use absolute index (even if item was None) index += 1 # Account for case where child elements are mixed in # with other elements not supported by this class. # Also permits marshal functions to do element filtering # if the class should only address specificly attributed # elements. if item is not None: todel.append(child) for child in todel: parent.remove(child)