Source code for virttest.libvirt_xml.capability_xml

Module simplifying manipulation of XML described at

from virttest import xml_utils
from virttest.libvirt_xml import base, accessors, xcepts

[docs]class CapabilityXML(base.LibvirtXMLBase): """ Handler of libvirt capabilities and nonspecific item operations. Properties: uuid: string of host uuid guest_capabilities: dict, read-only get: dict map from os type names to dict map from arch names """ # TODO: Add more __slots__ and accessors to get some useful stats # e.g. guest_count etc. __slots__ = ('uuid', 'guest_capabilities', 'cpu_count', 'arch', 'model', 'vendor', 'feature_list', 'power_management_list', 'cpu_topology', 'cells_topology') __schema_name__ = "capability" def __init__(self, virsh_instance=base.virsh): accessors.XMLElementText(property_name="uuid", libvirtxml=self, forbidden=['set', 'del'], parent_xpath='/host', tag_name='uuid') # This will skip self.get_guest_capabilities() defined below accessors.AllForbidden(property_name="guest_capabilities", libvirtxml=self) # This will skip self.get_cpu_count() defined below accessors.AllForbidden(property_name="cpu_count", libvirtxml=self) # The set action is for test. accessors.XMLElementText(property_name="arch", libvirtxml=self, forbidden=['del'], parent_xpath='/host/cpu', tag_name='arch') accessors.XMLElementText(property_name="model", libvirtxml=self, forbidden=['del'], parent_xpath='/host/cpu', tag_name='model') accessors.XMLElementText(property_name="vendor", libvirtxml=self, forbidden=['del'], parent_xpath='/host/cpu', tag_name='vendor') accessors.XMLElementDict(property_name="cpu_topology", libvirtxml=self, forbidden=['del'], parent_xpath='/host/cpu', tag_name='topology') accessors.XMLElementNest(property_name='cells_topology', libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/host', tag_name='topology', subclass=TopologyXML, subclass_dargs={ 'virsh_instance': virsh_instance}) # This will skip self.get_feature_list() defined below accessors.AllForbidden(property_name="feature_list", libvirtxml=self) # This will skip self.get_power_management_list() defined below accessors.AllForbidden(property_name="power_management_list", libvirtxml=self) super(CapabilityXML, self).__init__(virsh_instance) # calls set_xml accessor method self['xml'] = self.__dict_get__('virsh').capabilities()
[docs] def get_guest_capabilities(self): """ Accessor method for guest_capabilities property (in __slots__). Return a guest capabilities dict in following schema: {<os_type>: {<arch name>: {'wordsize': '', 'emulator': '', 'machine': [<machine name>, ...], 'domaini_<type>': {'emulator': ''}}}} """ guest_capa = {} xmltreefile = self.__dict_get__('xml') for guest in xmltreefile.findall('guest'): os_type_name = guest.find('os_type').text # Multiple guest definitions can share same os_type (e.g. hvm, pvm) if os_type_name == 'xen': os_type_name = 'pv' guest_arch = guest_capa.get(os_type_name, {}) for arch in guest.findall('arch'): arch_name = arch.get('name') arch_prop = guest_arch.get(arch_name, {}) arch_prop['wordsize'] = arch.find('wordsize').text arch_prop['emulator'] = arch.find('emulator').text m_list = [] for machine in arch.findall('machine'): machine_text = machine.text # Don't add duplicate entries if not m_list.count(machine_text): m_list.append(machine_text) arch_prop['machine'] = m_list for domain in arch.findall('domain'): domain_name = "domain_" + domain.get('type') dom_prop = {} if domain.find('emulator') is not None: dom_prop['emulator'] = domain.find('emulator').text arch_prop[domain_name] = dom_prop guest_arch[arch_name] = arch_prop guest_capa[os_type_name] = guest_arch return guest_capa
[docs] def get_power_management_list(self): """ Accessor method for power_management_list property (in __slots__) """ xmltreefile = self.__dict_get__('xml') pms = xmltreefile.find('host').find('power_management').getchildren() return [pm.tag for pm in pms]
[docs] def get_feature_list(self): """ Accessor method for feature_list property (in __slots__) """ feature_list = [] # [<feature1>, <feature2>, ...] xmltreefile = self.__dict_get__('xml') for feature_node in xmltreefile.findall('/host/cpu/feature'): feature_list.append(feature_node) return feature_list
[docs] def get_feature(self, num): """ Get a feature element from feature list by number :return: Feature element """ count = len(self.feature_list) try: num = int(num) return self.feature_list[num] except (ValueError, TypeError): raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLError("Invalid feature number %s" % num) except IndexError: raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLError("Only %d feature(s)" % count)
[docs] def get_feature_name(self, num): """ Get assigned feature name :param num: Assigned feature number :return: Assigned feature name """ return self.get_feature(num).get('name')
[docs] def get_cpu_count(self): """ Accessor method for cpu_count property (in __slots__) """ cpu_count = 0 xmltreefile = self.__dict_get__('xml') for cpus in xmltreefile.findall('/host/topology/cells/cell/cpus'): cpu_num = cpus.get('num') cpu_count += int(cpu_num) return cpu_count
[docs] def remove_feature(self, num): """ Remove a assigned feature from xml :param num: Assigned feature number """ xmltreefile = self.__dict_get__('xml') feature_remove_node = self.get_feature(num) cpu_node = xmltreefile.find('/host/cpu') cpu_node.remove(feature_remove_node)
[docs] def check_feature_name(self, name): """ Check feature name valid or not. :param name: The checked feature name :return: True if check pass """ sys_feature = [] cpu_xml_file = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') for line in cpu_xml_file.readlines(): if line.find('flags') != -1: feature_names = line.split(':')[1].strip() sys_sub_feature = feature_names.split(' ') sys_feature = list(set(sys_feature + sys_sub_feature)) cpu_xml_file.close() return (name in sys_feature)
[docs] def set_feature(self, num, value): """ Set a assigned feature value to xml :param num: Assigned feature number :param value: The feature name modified to """ feature_set_node = self.get_feature(num) feature_set_node.set('name', value)
[docs] def add_feature(self, value): """ Add a feature Element to xml :param value: The added feature name """ xmltreefile = self.__dict_get__('xml') cpu_node = xmltreefile.find('/host/cpu') xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement(cpu_node, 'feature', {'name': value})
[docs]class TopologyXML(base.LibvirtXMLBase): """ Handler of cells topology element in libvirt capabilities. Properties: num: string of node cell numbers cell: list of cpu dict """ __slots__ = ('num', 'cell') def __init__(self, virsh_instance=base.virsh): """ Create new cells topology XML instance """ accessors.XMLAttribute(property_name="num", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/', tag_name='cells', attribute='num') accessors.AllForbidden(property_name="cell", libvirtxml=self) super(TopologyXML, self).__init__(virsh_instance) self.xml = self.__dict_get__('virsh').capabilities() self.xmltreefile.reroot("/host/topology") self.xmltreefile.write()
[docs] def get_cell(self): """ Return CellXML instances list """ cell_list = [] for cell_node in self.xmltreefile.findall('/cells/cell'): xml_str = xml_utils.ElementTree.tostring( cell_node) new_cell = CellXML() new_cell.xml = xml_str cell_list.append(new_cell) return cell_list
[docs]class CellXML(base.LibvirtXMLBase): """ Handler of cell element in libvirt capabilities. Properties: cell_id: string of node cell number id memory: int, memory size mem_unit: string of memory unit pages: list of pages dict sibling: list of sibling dict cpus_num: string of cpus number cpu: list of cpu dict """ __slots__ = ('cell_id', 'memory', 'mem_unit', 'pages', 'sibling', 'cpus_num', 'cpu') def __init__(self, virsh_instance=base.virsh): """ Create new cpus XML instance """ accessors.XMLAttribute(property_name="cell_id", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/', tag_name='cell', attribute='id') accessors.XMLElementInt(property_name="memory", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/', tag_name='memory') accessors.XMLAttribute(property_name="mem_unit", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/', tag_name='memory', attribute='unit') accessors.XMLElementList(property_name="pages", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/', marshal_from=self.marshal_from_pages, marshal_to=self.marshal_to_pages) accessors.XMLElementList(property_name="sibling", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/distances', marshal_from=self.marshal_from_sibling, marshal_to=self.marshal_to_sibling) accessors.XMLAttribute(property_name="cpus_num", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/', tag_name='cpus', attribute='num') accessors.XMLElementList(property_name="cpu", libvirtxml=self, parent_xpath='/cpus', marshal_from=self.marshal_from_cpu, marshal_to=self.marshal_to_cpu) super(CellXML, self).__init__(virsh_instance) self.xml = u"<cell></cell>" @staticmethod
[docs] def marshal_from_pages(item, index, libvirtxml): """ Convert a dict to pages tag and attributes. """ del index del libvirtxml if not isinstance(item, dict): raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLError("Expected a dictionary of pages " "attributes, not a %s" % str(item)) return ('pages', dict(item))
[docs] def marshal_to_pages(tag, attr_dict, index, libvirtxml, text): """ Convert a pages tag and attributes to a dict. """ del index del libvirtxml if tag != 'pages': return None attr_dict['text'] = text return dict(attr_dict)
[docs] def marshal_from_sibling(item, index, libvirtxml): """ Convert a dict to sibling tag and attributes. """ del index del libvirtxml if not isinstance(item, dict): raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLError("Expected a dictionary of sibling " "attributes, not a %s" % str(item)) return ('sibling', dict(item))
[docs] def marshal_to_sibling(tag, attr_dict, index, libvirtxml): """ Convert a sibling tag and attributes to a dict. """ del index del libvirtxml if tag != 'sibling': return None return dict(attr_dict)
[docs] def marshal_from_cpu(item, index, libvirtxml): """ Convert a dict to cpu tag and attributes. """ del index del libvirtxml if not isinstance(item, dict): raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLError("Expected a dictionary of cpu " "attributes, not a %s" % str(item)) return ('cpu', dict(item))
[docs] def marshal_to_cpu(tag, attr_dict, index, libvirtxml): """ Convert a cpu tag and attributes to a dict. """ del index del libvirtxml if tag != 'cpu': return None return dict(attr_dict)