Source code for virttest.lvsbs

Higher order classes for Libvirt Sandbox Service (lxc) service container testing

from autotest.client import utils
from autotest.client.shared.service import COMMANDS
from virttest.staging import service
import lvsb_base
import virsh

[docs]class SandboxService(object): """ Management for a single new/existing sandboxed service """ def __init__(self, params, service_name, uri='lxc:///'): """Initialize connection to sandbox service with name and parameters""" # Intended workflow is: # Use virt-sandbox-service for create/destroy # Use service/systemd for runtime management # Use virsh for list/edit/modify manipulation self.virsh = virsh.Virsh(uri=uri, ignore_status=True) self.command = lvsb_base.SandboxCommandBase(params, service_name) self.command.BINARY_PATH_PARAM = params.get('virt_sandbox_service_binary', "virt-sandbox-service") self.command.add_optarg('--connect', uri) # We need to pass self.service_name to service.Factory.create_service to # create a service. Then we will get a SpecificServiceManager object as # self.service. But SpecificServiceManager is not pickleable, save init # args here. self._run = self.service = service.Factory.create_service(self.service_name, run=self._run) # make self.start() --> self.service.start() self._bind_service_commands() def _bind_service_commands(self): """Setup service methods locally for __init__ and __setstate__""" for command in COMMANDS: # Use setattr to keep pylint quiet setattr(self, command, getattr(self.service, command)) def __getstate__(self): """Serialize instance for pickling""" # SandboxCommandBase is directly pickleable return {'command': self.command, 'run': self._run, 'virsh': dict(virsh)} def __setstate__(self, state): """Actualize instance from state""" # virsh is it's own dict of init params self.virsh = virsh.Virsh(**state['virsh']) # already used it's own get/sets state methods when unpickling state self.command = state['command'] # Recreate SpecificServiceManager from the init args self._run = state['run'] self.service = service.Factory.create_service(self.service_name, run=self._run) self._bind_service_commands() # Enforce read-only at all levels @property def service_name(self): return # property accessor functions must be defined before naming attribute def __get_uri__(self): return self.virsh.uri def __set_uri__(self, uri): self.virsh.uri = uri def __del_uri__(self): # Virsh class interface insists this attribute exist, but can be None self.virsh.uri = None # Property definition must follow accessor definitions uri = property(__get_uri__, __set_uri__, __del_uri__)
[docs] def create(self): return'create')
[docs] def destroy(self): return'destroy')
# Specialized list calls can just call self.virsh.dom_list() directly @property # behave like attribute to make value-access easier def list(self): """ Return list of dictionaries mapping column names to values """ # For simple callers, just return list of names to be convenient cmdresult = self.virsh.dom_list() # uri is passed automatically result = [] column_names = None # scope outside loop for lineno, line in cmdresult.stdout.strip(): if lineno == 0: column_names = line.strip().split() assert len(column_names) > 2 else: assert column_names is not None # raises exception when column_names & value count mismatch items = [(column_names[index].lower(), value.lower()) for index, value in line.strip().split()] # combine [('id',99), ('name', 'foobar'), ('state', 'running')] result.append(dict(items)) return result # Specialized list calls can just call self.virsh.dom_list() directly @property # behave like attribute for easy passing to XML handling methods def xmlstr(self): return self.virsh.dumpxml(self.service_name).stdout.strip()