Source code for virttest.ovirt

oVirt SDK wrapper module.

:copyright: 2008-2012 Red Hat Inc.

import time
import logging

    from ovirtsdk.api import API
    from ovirtsdk.xml import params as param
except ImportError:
    logging.warning("ovirtsdk module not present, please install it")

import virt_vm

_api = None
_connected = False

[docs]class WaitStateTimeoutError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, output): Exception.__init__(self, msg, output) self.msg = msg self.output = output
[docs]class WaitVMStateTimeoutError(WaitStateTimeoutError): def __str__(self): str = "Timeout expired when waiting for VM to %s," str += " actual state is: %s" return str % (self.msg, self.output)
[docs]class WaitHostStateTimeoutError(WaitStateTimeoutError): def __str__(self): str = "Timeout expired when waiting for Host to %s," str += " actual state is: %s" return str % (self.msg, self.output)
[docs]def connect(params): """ Connect ovirt manager API. """ url = params.get('ovirt_engine_url') username = params.get('ovirt_engine_user') password = params.get('ovirt_engine_password') version = params.get('ovirt_engine_version') if url is None or username is None or password is None: logging.error('ovirt_engine[url|user|password] are necessary!!') if version is None: version = param.Version(major='3', minor='5') else: version = param.Version(version) global _api, _connected try: # Try to connect oVirt API if connection doesn't exist, # otherwise, directly return existing API connection. if not _connected: _api = API(url, username, password, insecure=True) _connected = True return (_api, version) else: return (_api, version) except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to connect: %s\n' % str(e)) else:'Succeed to connect oVirt/Rhevm manager\n')
[docs]def disconnect(): """ Disconnect ovirt manager connection. """ global _api, _connected if _connected: return _api.disconnect()
[docs]class VMManager(virt_vm.BaseVM): """ This class handles all basic VM operations for oVirt. """ def __init__(self, params, root_dir, address_cache=None, state=None): """ Initialize the object and set a few attributes. :param name: The name of the object :param params: A dict containing VM params (see method make_qemu_command for a full description) :param root_dir: Base directory for relative filenames :param address_cache: A dict that maps MAC addresses to IP addresses :param state: If provided, use this as self.__dict__ """ if state: self.__dict__ = state else: self.process = None self.serial_console = None self.redirs = {} self.vnc_port = 5900 self.vnclisten = "" self.pci_assignable = None self.netdev_id = [] self.device_id = [] self.pci_devices = [] self.uuid = None self.only_pty = False self.remote_sessions = [] self.spice_port = 8000 = params.get("main_vm", "") self.params = params self.root_dir = root_dir self.address_cache = address_cache self.vnclisten = "" self.driver_type = "v2v" super(VMManager, self).__init__(, params) (self.api, self.version) = connect(params) if self.update_instance()
[docs] def update_instance(self): self.instance = self.api.vms.get(
[docs] def list(self): """ List all of VMs. """ vm_list = [] try: vms = self.api.vms.list(query='name=*') for i in range(len(vms)): vm_list.append(vms[i].name) return vm_list except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get vms:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def state(self): """ Return VM state. """ try: self.update_instance() return self.instance.status.state except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get %s status:\n%s' % (, str(e)))
[docs] def get_mac_address(self, net_name='*'): """ Return MAC address of a VM. """ try: return self.instance.nics.get(name=net_name).get_mac().get_address() except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get %s status:\n%s' % (, str(e)))
[docs] def lookup_by_storagedomains(self, storage_name): """ Lookup VM object in storage domain according to VM name. """ try: storage = self.api.storagedomains.get(storage_name) return storage.vms.get( except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get %s from %s:\n%s' % (, storage_name, str(e)))
[docs] def is_dead(self): """ Judge if a VM is dead. """ if self.state() == 'down':'VM %s status is <Down>' % return True else: return False
[docs] def is_alive(self): """ Judge if a VM is alive. """ return not self.is_dead()
[docs] def is_paused(self): """ Return if VM is suspend. """ if self.state() == 'suspended': return True else: logging.debug('VM %s status is %s ' % (, self.state())) return False
[docs] def start(self, wait_for_up=True, timeout=300): """ Start a VM. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout if self.is_dead():'Starting VM %s' % self.instance.start() vm_powering_up = False vm_up = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.state() == 'powering_up': vm_powering_up = True if wait_for_up:'Waiting for VM to reach <Up> status') if self.state() == 'up': vm_up = True break else: break time.sleep(1) if not vm_powering_up and not vm_up: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("START", self.state()) else: logging.debug('VM is alive')
[docs] def suspend(self, timeout): """ Suspend a VM. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout vm_suspend = False while time.time() < end_time: try:'Suspend VM %s' % self.instance.suspend()'Waiting for VM to reach <Suspended> status') if self.is_paused(): vm_suspend = True break except Exception, e: if e.reason == 'Bad Request' \ and 'asynchronous running tasks' in e.detail: logging.warning("VM has asynchronous running tasks, " "trying again") time.sleep(1) else: raise e time.sleep(1) if not vm_suspend: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("SUSPEND", self.state())
[docs] def resume(self, timeout): """ Resume a suspended VM. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout try: if self.state() != 'up':'Resume VM %s' % self.instance.start()'Waiting for VM to <UP> status') vm_resume = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.state() == 'up': vm_resume = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_resume: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("RESUME", self.state()) else: logging.debug('VM already up') except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to resume VM:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def shutdown(self, gracefully=True, timeout=300): """ Shut down a running VM. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout if self.is_alive():'Shutdown VM %s' % if gracefully: self.instance.shutdown() else: self.instance.stop()'Waiting for VM to reach <Down> status') vm_down = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.is_dead(): vm_down = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_down: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("DOWN", self.state()) else: logging.debug('VM already down')
[docs] def delete(self, timeout=300): """ Delete a VM. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout if in self.list():'Delete VM %s' % self.instance.delete()'Waiting for VM to be <Deleted>') vm_delete = False while time.time() < end_time: if not in self.list(): vm_delete = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_delete: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("DELETE", self.state())'VM was removed successfully') else: logging.debug('VM not exist')
[docs] def destroy(self, gracefully=False): """ Destroy a VM. """ if self.api.vms is None: return self.shutdown(gracefully)
[docs] def delete_from_export_domain(self, export_name): """ Remove a VM from specified export domain. :param export_name: export domain name. """ vm = self.lookup_by_storagedomains(export_name) try: vm.delete() except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to remove VM:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def import_from_export_domain(self, export_name, storage_name, cluster_name, timeout=300): """ Import a VM from export domain to data domain. :param export_name: Export domain name. :param storage_name: Storage domain name. :param cluster_name: Cluster name. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout vm = self.lookup_by_storagedomains(export_name) storage_domains = self.api.storagedomains.get(storage_name) clusters = self.api.clusters.get(cluster_name)'Import VM %s' % vm.import_vm(param.Action(storage_domain=storage_domains, cluster=clusters))'Waiting for VM to reach <Down> status') vm_down = False while time.time() < end_time: if in self.list(): if self.is_dead(): vm_down = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_down: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("DOWN", self.state())'Import %s successfully',
[docs] def export_from_export_domain(self, export_name, timeout=300): """ Export a VM from storage domain to export domain. :param export_name: Export domain name. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout storage_domains = self.api.storagedomains.get(export_name)'Export VM %s' % self.instance.export(param.Action(storage_domain=storage_domains))'Waiting for VM to reach <Down> status') vm_down = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.is_dead(): vm_down = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_down: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("DOWN", self.state())'Export %s successfully',
[docs] def snapshot(self, snapshot_name='my_snapshot', timeout=300): """ Create a snapshot to VM. :param snapshot_name: 'my_snapshot' is default snapshot name. :param timeout: Time out """ end_time = time.time() + timeout snap_params = param.Snapshot(description=snapshot_name, vm=self.instance)'Creating a snapshot %s for VM %s' % (snapshot_name, self.instance.snapshots.add(snap_params)'Waiting for snapshot creation to finish') vm_snapsnop = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.state() != 'image_locked': vm_snapsnop = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_snapsnop: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("SNAPSHOT", self.state())'Snapshot was created successfully')
[docs] def create_template(self, cluster_name, template_name='my_template', timeout=300): """ Create a template from VM. :param cluster_name: cluster name. :param template_name: 'my_template' is default template name. :param timeout: Time out """ end_time = time.time() + timeout cluster = self.api.clusters.get(cluster_name) tmpl_params = param.Template(name=template_name, vm=self.instance, cluster=cluster) try:'Creating a template %s from VM %s' % (template_name, self.api.templates.add(tmpl_params)'Waiting for VM to reach <Down> status') vm_down = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.is_dead(): vm_down = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_down: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("DOWN", self.state()) except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to create a template from VM:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def add(self, memory, disk_size, cluster_name, storage_name, nic_name='eth0', network_interface='virtio', network_name='ovirtmgmt', disk_interface='virtio', disk_format='raw', template_name='Blank', timeout=300): """ Create VM with one NIC and one Disk. :param memory: VM's memory size such as 1024*1024*1024=1GB. :param disk_size: VM's disk size such as 512*1024=512MB. :param nic_name: VM's NICs name such as 'eth0'. :param network_interface: VM's network interface such as 'virtio'. :param network_name: network such as ovirtmgmt for ovirt, rhevm for rhel. :param disk_format: VM's disk format such as 'raw' or 'cow'. :param disk_interface: VM's disk interface such as 'virtio'. :param cluster_name: cluster name. :param storage_name: storage domain name. :param template_name: VM's template name, default is 'Blank'. :param timeout: Time out """ end_time = time.time() + timeout # network name is ovirtmgmt for ovirt, rhevm for rhel. vm_params = param.VM(, memory=memory, cluster=self.api.clusters.get(cluster_name), template=self.api.templates.get(template_name)) storage = self.api.storagedomains.get(storage_name) storage_params = param.StorageDomains(storage_domain=[storage]) nic_params = param.NIC(name=nic_name, network=param.Network(name=network_name), interface=network_interface) disk_params = param.Disk(storage_domains=storage_params, size=disk_size, type_='system', status=None, interface=disk_interface, format=disk_format, sparse=True, bootable=True) try:'Creating a VM %s' % self.api.vms.add(vm_params)'NIC is added to VM %s' % self.instance.nics.add(nic_params)'Disk is added to VM %s' % self.instance.disks.add(disk_params)'Waiting for VM to reach <Down> status') vm_down = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.is_dead(): vm_down = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_down: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("DOWN", self.state()) except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to create VM with disk and NIC\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def add_vm_from_template(self, cluster_name, template_name='Blank', new_name='my_new_vm', timeout=300): """ Create a VM from template. :param cluster_name: cluster name. :param template_name: default template is 'Blank'. :param new_name: 'my_new_vm' is a default new VM's name. :param timeout: Time out """ end_time = time.time() + timeout vm_params = param.VM(name=new_name, cluster=self.api.clusters.get(cluster_name), template=self.api.templates.get(template_name)) try:'Creating a VM %s from template %s' % (new_name, template_name)) self.api.vms.add(vm_params)'Waiting for VM to reach <Down> status') vm_down = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.is_dead(): vm_down = True break time.sleep(1) if not vm_down: raise WaitVMStateTimeoutError("DOWN", self.state())'VM was created from template successfully') except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to create VM from template:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def get_address(self, index=0): """ Return the address of the guest through ovirt node tcpdump cache. :param index: Name or index of the NIC whose address is requested. :return: IP address of NIC. :raise VMIPAddressMissingError: If no IP address is found for the the NIC's MAC address """ nic = self.virtnet[index] if nic.nettype == 'bridge': mac = self.get_mac_address() ip = self.address_cache.get(mac) # TODO: Verify MAC-IP address mapping on remote ovirt node if not ip: raise virt_vm.VMIPAddressMissingError(mac) return ip else: raise ValueError("Ovirt only support bridge nettype now.")
[docs]class DataCenterManager(object): """ This class handles all basic datacenter operations. """ def __init__(self, params): = params.get("dc_name", "") self.params = params (self.api, self.version) = connect(params) if self.instance = self.api.datacenters.get(
[docs] def list(self): """ List all of datacenters. """ dc_list = [] try:'List Data centers') dcs = self.api.datacenters.list(query='name=*') for i in range(len(dcs)): dc_list.append(dcs[i].name) return dc_list except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get data centers:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def add(self, storage_type): """ Add a new data center. """ if not = "my_datacenter" try:'Creating a %s type datacenter %s' % (storage_type, if self.api.datacenters.add(param.DataCenter(, storage_type=storage_type, version=self.version)):'Data center was created successfully') except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to create data center:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs]class ClusterManager(object): """ This class handles all basic cluster operations. """ def __init__(self, params): = params.get("cluster_name", "") self.params = params (self.api, self.version) = connect(params) if self.instance = self.api.clusters.get(
[docs] def list(self): """ List all of clusters. """ cluster_list = [] try:'List clusters') clusters = self.api.clusters.list(query='name=*') for i in range(len(clusters)): cluster_list.append(clusters[i].name) return cluster_list except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get clusters:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def add(self, dc_name, cpu_type='Intel Nehalem Family'): """ Add a new cluster into data center. """ if not = "my_cluster" dc = self.api.datacenters.get(dc_name) try:'Creating a cluster %s in datacenter %s' % (, dc_name)) if self.api.clusters.add(param.Cluster(, cpu=param.CPU(id=cpu_type), data_center=dc, version=self.version)):'Cluster was created successfully') except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to create cluster:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs]class HostManager(object): """ This class handles all basic host operations. """ def __init__(self, params): = params.get("hostname", "") self.params = params (self.api, self.version) = connect(params) if self.instance = self.api.hosts.get(
[docs] def list(self): """ List all of hosts. """ host_list = [] try:'List hosts') hosts = self.api.hosts.list(query='name=*') for i in range(len(hosts)): host_list.append(hosts[i].name) return host_list except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get hosts:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def state(self): """ Return host state. """ try: return self.instance.status.state except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get %s status:\n%s' % (, str(e)))
[docs] def add(self, host_address, host_password, cluster_name, timeout=300): """ Register a host into specified cluster. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout if not = 'my_host' clusters = self.api.clusters.get(cluster_name) host_params = param.Host(, address=host_address, cluster=clusters, root_password=host_password) try:'Registing a host %s into cluster %s' % (, cluster_name)) if self.api.hosts.add(host_params):'Waiting for host to reach the <Up> status ...') host_up = False while time.time() < end_time: if self.state() == 'up': host_up = True break time.sleep(1) if not host_up: raise WaitHostStateTimeoutError("UP", self.state())'Host was installed successfully') except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to install host:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def get_address(self): """ Return host IP address. """ try:'Get host %s IP' % return self.instance.get_address() except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get host %s IP address:\n%s' % (, str(e)))
[docs]class StorageDomainManager(object): """ This class handles all basic storage domain operations. """ def __init__(self, params): = params.get("storage_name", "") self.params = params (self.api, self.version) = connect(params) if self.instance = self.api.storagedomains.get(
[docs] def list(self): """ List all of storagedomains. """ storage_list = [] try:'List storage domains') storages = self.api.storagedomains.list() for i in range(len(storages)): storage_list.append(storages[i].name) return storage_list except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to get storage domains:\n%s' % str(e))
[docs] def attach_iso_export_domain_into_datacenter(self, address, path, dc_name, host_name, domain_type, storage_type='nfs', name='my_iso'): """ Attach ISO/export domain into data center. :param name: ISO or Export name. :param host_name: host name. :param dc_name: data center name. :param path: ISO/export domain path. :param address: ISO/export domain address. :param domain_type: storage domain type, it may be 'iso' or 'export'. :param storage_type: storage type, it may be 'nfs', 'iscsi', or 'fc'. """ dc = self.api.datacenters.get(dc_name) host = self.api.hosts.get(host_name) storage_params = param.Storage(type_=storage_type, address=address, path=path) storage_domain__params = param.StorageDomain(name=name, data_center=dc, type_=domain_type, host=host, storage=storage_params) try:'Create/import ISO storage domain %s' % name) if self.api.storagedomains.add(storage_domain__params):'%s domain was created/imported successfully' % domain_type)'Attach ISO storage domain %s' % name) if self.api.datacenters.get(dc_name).storagedomains.add( self.api.storagedomains.get(name)):'%s domain was attached successfully' % domain_type)'Activate ISO storage domain %s' % name) if self.api.datacenters.get(dc_name).storagedomains.get( name).activate():'%s domain was activated successfully' % domain_type) except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to add %s domain:\n%s' % (domain_type, str(e)))