Source code for virttest.qemu_installer

Installer code that implement KVM specific bits.

See BaseInstaller class in for interface details.

import os
import logging
from autotest.client import utils
from autotest.client.shared import error
import base_installer

__all__ = ['GitRepoInstaller', 'LocalSourceDirInstaller',
           'LocalSourceTarInstaller', 'RemoteSourceTarInstaller']

class QEMUBaseInstaller(base_installer.BaseInstaller):

    Base class for KVM installations

    # Name of acceptable QEMU binaries that may be built or installed.
    # We'll look for one of these binaries when linking the QEMU binary
    # to the test directory
    qemu_system = 'qemu-system-' + utils.system_output('uname -i')
    ACCEPTABLE_QEMU_BIN_NAMES = ['qemu-kvm', qemu_system]

    # The default names for the binaries
    QEMU_BIN = 'qemu'
    QEMU_IMG_BIN = 'qemu-img'
    QEMU_IO_BIN = 'qemu-io'
    QEMU_FS_PROXY_BIN = 'virtfs-proxy-helper'

    def _kill_qemu_processes(self):
        Kills all qemu processes and all processes holding /dev/kvm down

        :return: None
        logging.debug("Killing any qemu processes that might be left behind")
        utils.system("pkill qemu", ignore_status=True)
        # Let's double check to see if some other process is holding /dev/kvm
        if os.path.isfile("/dev/kvm"):
            utils.system("fuser -k /dev/kvm", ignore_status=True)

    def _cleanup_links_qemu(self):
        Removes previously created links, if they exist

        :return: None
        qemu_path = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, self.QEMU_BIN)
        qemu_img_path = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, self.QEMU_IMG_BIN)
        qemu_io_path = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, self.QEMU_IO_BIN)
        qemu_fs_proxy_path = os.path.join(self.test_builddir,

        # clean up previous links, if they exist
        for path in (qemu_path, qemu_img_path, qemu_io_path,
            if os.path.lexists(path):

    def _cleanup_link_unittest(self):
        Removes previously created links, if they exist

        :return: None
        qemu_unittest_path = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, "unittests")

        if os.path.lexists(qemu_unittest_path):

    def _create_symlink_unittest(self):
        Create symbolic links for qemu and qemu-img commands on test bindir

        :return: None
        unittest_src = os.path.join(self.install_prefix,
                                    'share', 'qemu', 'tests')
        unittest_dst = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, "unittests")

        if os.path.lexists(unittest_dst):
            logging.debug("Unlinking unittest dir")

        logging.debug("Linking unittest dir")
        os.symlink(unittest_src, unittest_dst)

    def _qemu_bin_exists_at_prefix(self):
        Attempts to find the QEMU binary at the installation prefix

        :return: full path of QEMU binary or None if not found
        result = None

        for name in self.ACCEPTABLE_QEMU_BIN_NAMES:
            qemu_bin_name = os.path.join(self.install_prefix, 'bin', name)
            if os.path.isfile(qemu_bin_name):
                result = qemu_bin_name

        if result is not None:
            logging.debug('Found QEMU binary at %s', result)
            logging.debug('Could not find QEMU binary at prefix %s',

        return result

    def _qemu_img_bin_exists_at_prefix(self):
        Attempts to find the qemu-img binary at the installation prefix

        :return: full path of qemu-img binary or None if not found
        qemu_img_bin_name = os.path.join(self.install_prefix,
                                         'bin', self.QEMU_IMG_BIN)
        if os.path.isfile(qemu_img_bin_name):
            logging.debug('Found qemu-img binary at %s', qemu_img_bin_name)
            return qemu_img_bin_name
            logging.debug('Could not find qemu-img binary at prefix %s',
            return None

    def _qemu_io_bin_exists_at_prefix(self):
        Attempts to find the qemu-io binary at the installation prefix

        :return: full path of qemu-io binary or None if not found
        qemu_io_bin_name = os.path.join(self.install_prefix,
                                        'bin', self.QEMU_IO_BIN)
        if os.path.isfile(qemu_io_bin_name):
            logging.debug('Found qemu-io binary at %s', qemu_io_bin_name)
            return qemu_io_bin_name
            logging.debug('Could not find qemu-io binary at prefix %s',
            return None

    def _qemu_fs_proxy_bin_exists_at_prefix(self):
        Attempts to find the qemu fs proxy binary at the installation prefix

        :return: full path of qemu fs proxy binary or None if not found
        qemu_fs_proxy_bin_name = os.path.join(self.install_prefix,
                                              'bin', self.QEMU_FS_PROXY_BIN)
        if os.path.isfile(qemu_fs_proxy_bin_name):
            logging.debug('Found qemu fs proxy binary at %s',
            return qemu_fs_proxy_bin_name
            logging.debug('Could not find qemu fs proxy binary at prefix %s',
            return None

    def _create_symlink_qemu(self):
        Create symbolic links for qemu and qemu-img commands on test bindir

        :return: None
        logging.debug("Linking QEMU binaries")

        qemu_dst = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, self.QEMU_BIN)
        qemu_img_dst = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, self.QEMU_IMG_BIN)
        qemu_io_dst = os.path.join(self.test_builddir, self.QEMU_IO_BIN)
        qemu_fs_proxy_dst = os.path.join(self.test_builddir,

        qemu_bin = self._qemu_bin_exists_at_prefix()
        if qemu_bin is not None:
            os.symlink(qemu_bin, qemu_dst)
            raise error.TestError('Invalid qemu path')

        qemu_img_bin = self._qemu_img_bin_exists_at_prefix()
        if qemu_img_bin is not None:
            os.symlink(qemu_img_bin, qemu_img_dst)
            raise error.TestError('Invalid qemu-img path')

        qemu_io_bin = self._qemu_io_bin_exists_at_prefix()
        if qemu_io_bin is not None:
            os.symlink(qemu_io_bin, qemu_io_dst)
            raise error.TestError('Invalid qemu-io path')

        qemu_fs_proxy_bin = self._qemu_fs_proxy_bin_exists_at_prefix()
        if qemu_fs_proxy_bin is not None:
            os.symlink(qemu_fs_proxy_bin, qemu_fs_proxy_dst)
            logging.warning('Qemu fs proxy path %s not found on source dir')

    def _install_phase_init(self):
        Initializes the built and installed software

        This uses a simple mechanism of looking up the installer name
        for deciding what action to do.

        :return: None
        if 'unit' in

        elif 'qemu' in

    def uninstall(self):
        Performs the uninstallation of KVM userspace component

        :return: None
        super(QEMUBaseInstaller, self).uninstall()

[docs]class GitRepoInstaller(QEMUBaseInstaller, base_installer.GitRepoInstaller): ''' Installer that deals with source code on Git repositories ''' pass
[docs]class LocalSourceDirInstaller(QEMUBaseInstaller, base_installer.LocalSourceDirInstaller): ''' Installer that deals with source code on local directories ''' pass
[docs]class LocalSourceTarInstaller(QEMUBaseInstaller, base_installer.LocalSourceTarInstaller): ''' Installer that deals with source code on local tarballs ''' pass
[docs]class RemoteSourceTarInstaller(QEMUBaseInstaller, base_installer.RemoteSourceTarInstaller): ''' Installer that deals with source code on remote tarballs ''' pass