Source code for virttest.qemu_io

import re
from autotest.client.shared import error
from autotest.client import utils
import utils_misc
import aexpect
import data_dir

[docs]class QemuIOParamError(Exception): """ Parameter Error for qemu-io command """ pass
[docs]class QemuIO(object): """ A class for execute qemu-io command """ def __init__(self, test, params, image_name, blkdebug_cfg="", prompt=r"qemu-io>\s*$", log_filename=None, io_options="", log_func=None): self.type = "" if log_filename: log_filename += "-" + utils_misc.generate_random_string(4) self.output_func = utils_misc.log_line self.output_params = (log_filename,) else: self.output_func = None self.output_params = () self.output_prefix = "" self.prompt = prompt self.blkdebug_cfg = blkdebug_cfg self.qemu_io_cmd = utils_misc.get_qemu_io_binary(params) self.io_options = io_options self.run_command = False self.image_name = image_name self.blkdebug_cfg = blkdebug_cfg self.log_func = log_func
[docs] def get_cmd_line(self, ignore_option=[], essential_option=[], forbid_option=[]): """ Generate the command line for qemu-io from the parameters :params ignore_option: list for the options should not in command :params essential_option: list for the essential options :params forbid_option: list for the option should not in command :return: qemu-io command line """ essential_flag = False qemu_io_cmd = self.qemu_io_cmd if self.io_options: for io_option in re.split(",", self.io_options): if io_option in ignore_option: pass elif io_option in forbid_option: raise QemuIOParamError else: if not essential_flag and io_option in essential_option: essential_flag = True if len(io_option) == 1: qemu_io_cmd += " -%s" % io_option else: qemu_io_cmd += " --%s" % io_option if essential_option and not essential_flag: raise QemuIOParamError if self.image_name: qemu_io_cmd += " " if self.blkdebug_cfg: qemu_io_cmd += "blkdebug:%s:" % self.blkdebug_cfg qemu_io_cmd += self.image_name return qemu_io_cmd
[docs] def cmd_output(self, command): """ Run a command in qemu-io """ pass
[docs] def close(self): """ Clean up """ pass
[docs]class QemuIOShellSession(QemuIO): """ Use a shell session to execute qemu-io command """ def __init__(self, test, params, image_name, blkdebug_cfg="", prompt=r"qemu+-io>\s*$", log_filename=None, io_options="", log_func=None): QemuIO.__init__(self, test, params, image_name, blkdebug_cfg, prompt, log_filename, io_options, log_func) self.type = "shell" forbid_option = ["h", "help", "V", "version", "c", "cmd"] self.qemu_io_cmd = self.get_cmd_line(forbid_option=forbid_option) self.create_session = True self.session = None @error.context_aware def cmd_output(self, command, timeout=60): """ Get output from shell session. If the create flag is True, init the shell session and set the create flag to False. :param command: command to execute in qemu-io :param timeout: timeout for execute the command """ qemu_io_cmd = self.qemu_io_cmd prompt = self.prompt output_func = self.output_func output_params = self.output_params output_prefix = self.output_prefix if self.create_session: error.context("Running command: %s" % qemu_io_cmd, self.log_func) self.session = aexpect.ShellSession(qemu_io_cmd, echo=True, prompt=prompt, output_func=output_func, output_params=output_params, output_prefix=output_prefix) # Record the command line in log file if self.output_func: params = self.output_params + (qemu_io_cmd, ) self.output_func(*params) self.create_session = False # Get the reaction from session self.session.cmd_output("\n") error.context("Executing command: %s" % command, self.log_func) return self.session.cmd_output(command, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the shell session for qemu-io """ if not self.create_session: self.session.close()
[docs]class QemuIOSystem(QemuIO): """ Run qemu-io with a command line which will return immediately """ def __init__(self, test, params, image_name, blkdebug_cfg="", prompt=r"qemu-io>\s*$", log_filename=None, io_options="", log_func=None): QemuIO.__init__(self, test, params, image_name, blkdebug_cfg, prompt, log_filename, io_options, log_func) ignore_option = ["c", "cmd"] essential_option = ["h", "help", "V", "version", "c", "cmd"] self.qemu_io_cmd = self.get_cmd_line(ignore_option=ignore_option, essential_option=essential_option) @error.context_aware def cmd_output(self, command, timeout=60): """ Get output from system_output. Add the command to the qemu-io command line with -c and record the output in the log file. :param command: command to execute in qemu-io :param timeout: timeout for execute the command """ qemu_io_cmd = self.qemu_io_cmd if command: qemu_io_cmd += " -c '%s'" % command error.context("Running command: %s" % qemu_io_cmd, self.log_func) output = utils.system_output(qemu_io_cmd, timeout=timeout) # Record command line in log file if self.output_func: params = self.output_params + (qemu_io_cmd,) self.output_func(*params) params = self.output_params + (output,) self.output_func(*params) return output
[docs] def close(self): """ To keep the the same interface with QemuIOShellSession """ pass