Source code for virttest.qemu_qtree

Utility classes and functions to handle KVM Qtree parsing and verification.

:author: Lukas Doktor <>
:copyright: 2012 Red Hat Inc.
import logging
import os
import re
import storage
import data_dir
import utils_misc
import arch


_RE_BLANKS = re.compile(r'^([ ]*)')
_RE_CLASS = re.compile(r'^class ([^,]*), addr (\w\w:\w\w.\w+), pci id '
                       '(\w{4}:\w{4}) \(sub (\w{4}:\w{4})\)')

[docs]class IncompatibleTypeError(TypeError): def __init__(self, prop, desired_type, value): TypeError.__init__(self) self.prop = prop self.desired = desired_type self.value = value def __str__(self): return "%s have to be %s, not %s" % (self.prop, type(self.desired), type(self.value))
[docs]class QtreeNode(object): """ Generic Qtree node """ def __init__(self): self.parent = None # Parent node self.qtree = {} # List of qtree attributes self.children = [] # List of child nodes self.params = {} # generated params from qtree def __str__(self): out = self.str_short() if self.parent: out += "\n[parent]\n %s" % self.parent.str_short() if self.qtree: out += "\n[info qtree]" for tmp in self.qtree.iteritems(): out += "\n %s = %s" % (tmp[0], tmp[1]) if self.children: out += "\n[children]" for tmp in self.children: out += "\n %s" % tmp.str_short() if self.params: out += "\n[params]" for tmp in self.params.iteritems(): out += "\n %s = %s" % (tmp[0], [tmp[1]]) return out
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent): if not isinstance(parent, QtreeNode) and parent is not None: raise IncompatibleTypeError('parent', QtreeNode(), parent) self.parent = parent
[docs] def get_parent(self): return self.parent
[docs] def add_child(self, child): if not isinstance(child, QtreeNode): raise IncompatibleTypeError('child', QtreeNode(), child) self.children.append(child)
[docs] def replace_child(self, oldchild, newchild): if oldchild not in self.children: raise ValueError('child %s not in children %s' % (oldchild, self.children)) self.add_child(newchild) self.children.remove(oldchild)
[docs] def get_children(self): return self.children
[docs] def set_qtree(self, qtree): if not isinstance(qtree, dict): raise IncompatibleTypeError('qtree', {}, qtree) self.qtree = qtree
[docs] def set_qtree_prop(self, prop, value): if prop in self.qtree: raise ValueError("Property %s = %s, not rewriting with %s" % (prop, self.qtree.get(prop), value)) self.update_qtree_prop(prop, value)
[docs] def update_qtree_prop(self, prop, value): if prop.startswith("bus-prop: "): prop = prop[10:] if prop.startswith("dev-prop: "): prop = prop[10:] self.qtree[prop] = value
[docs] def get_qtree(self): return self.qtree
[docs] def guess_type(self): """ Detect type of this object from qtree props """ return QtreeNode
[docs] def str_short(self): return "id: '%s', type: %s" % (self.qtree.get('id'), type(self))
[docs] def str_qtree(self): out = "%s" % self.str_short() for child in self.children: for line in child.str_qtree().splitlines(): out += "\n %s" % line return out
[docs] def generate_params(self): pass
[docs] def get_params(self): return self.params
[docs] def update_params(self, param, value): self.params[param] = value
[docs] def verify(self): pass
[docs]class QtreeBus(QtreeNode): """ bus: qtree object """ def __init__(self): super(QtreeBus, self).__init__()
[docs] def add_child(self, child): if not isinstance(child, QtreeDev): raise IncompatibleTypeError('child', QtreeDev(), child) super(QtreeBus, self).add_child(child)
[docs] def guess_type(self): return QtreeBus
[docs]class QtreeDev(QtreeNode): """ dev: qtree object """ def __init__(self): super(QtreeDev, self).__init__()
[docs] def add_child(self, child): if not isinstance(child, QtreeBus): raise IncompatibleTypeError('child', QtreeBus(), child) super(QtreeDev, self).add_child(child)
[docs] def guess_type(self): if self.qtree['type'] == 'virtio-blk-device': return QtreeDisk elif ('drive' in self.qtree and self.qtree['type'] != 'usb-storage' and self.qtree['type'] != 'virtio-blk-pci'): # ^^ HOOK when usb-storage-containter is detected as disk return QtreeDisk else: return QtreeDev
[docs]class QtreeDisk(QtreeDev): """ qtree disk object """ def __init__(self): super(QtreeDisk, self).__init__() self.block = {} # Info from 'info block' def __str__(self): out = super(QtreeDisk, self).__str__() if self.block: out += "\n[info block]" for tmp in self.block.iteritems(): out += "\n%s = %s" % (tmp[0], tmp[1]) return out
[docs] def set_block_prop(self, prop, value): if prop in self.block: raise ValueError("Property %s = %s, not rewriting with %s" % (prop, self.block.get(prop), value)) self.update_block_prop(prop, value)
[docs] def update_block_prop(self, prop, value): if prop.startswith("bus-prop: "): prop = prop[10:] if prop.startswith("dev-prop: "): prop = prop[10:] self.block[prop] = value
[docs] def get_block(self): return self.block
[docs] def generate_params(self): if not self.qtree or not self.block: raise ValueError("Node doesn't have qtree or block info yet.") if self.block.get('backing_file'): self.params['image_snapshot'] = 'yes' self.params['image_name'] = os.path.realpath( self.block.get('backing_file')) elif self.block.get('file'): self.params['image_name'] = os.path.realpath( self.block.get('file')) else: raise ValueError("Missing 'file' or 'backing_file' information " "in self.block.") if self.block.get('ro') and self.block.get('ro') != '0': self.params['image_readonly'] = 'yes' self.params['drive_format'] = self.qtree.get('type')
[docs] def get_qname(self): return re.sub("['\"]", "", self.qtree.get('drive'))
[docs]class QtreeContainer(object): """ Container for Qtree """ def __init__(self): self.nodes = None
[docs] def get_qtree(self): """ :return: root of qtree """ if self.nodes: return self.nodes[-1]
[docs] def get_nodes(self): """ :return: flat list of all qtree nodes (last one is main-system-bus) """ return self.nodes
[docs] def parse_info_qtree(self, info): """ Parses 'info qtree' output. Creates list of self.nodes. Last node is the main-system-bus (whole qtree) """ def _replace_node(old, newtype): if isinstance(old, newtype): return old new = newtype() new.set_parent(old.get_parent()) new.get_parent().replace_child(old, new) new.set_qtree(old.get_qtree()) for child in old.get_children(): child.set_parent(new) new.add_child(child) return new def _hook_usb2_disk(node): """ usb2 disk - from point of qtree - is scsi disk inside the usb-storage device. """ # We're looking for scsi disk with grand-grand parent of # usb sorage type if not isinstance(node, QtreeDisk): return # Not a disk if not node.get_qtree().get('type').startswith('scsi'): return # Not scsi disk if not (node.get_parent() and node.get_parent().get_parent()): return # Doesn't have grand-grand parent if not (node.get_parent().get_parent().get_qtree().get('type') == 'usb-storage'): return # grand-grand parent is not usb-storage # This disk is not scsi disk, it's virtual usb-storage drive node.update_qtree_prop('type', 'usb2') info = info.split('\n') current = None offset = 0 self.nodes = [] line = info.pop(0) while True: _offset = len(_RE_BLANKS.match(line).group(0)) if not line.strip(): if len(info) == 0: break line = info.pop(0) continue if _offset >= offset: offset = _offset line = line[offset:] # Strip out all dev-prop/bus-prop/... # bus/dev/prop if line.startswith('bus: '): # bus: scsi.0 new = QtreeBus() if current: current.add_child(new) new.set_parent(current) current = new offset += OFFSET_PER_LEVEL line = ['id', line[5:].strip()] elif line.startswith('dev: '): # dev: scsi-disk, id "" new = QtreeDev() if current: current.add_child(new) new.set_parent(current) current = new line = line[5:].split(',') line[1] = line[1].strip() q_id = line[1][4:-1] if len(q_id) > 0: current.set_qtree_prop('id', q_id) offset += OFFSET_PER_LEVEL line = ['type', line[0]] elif _RE_CLASS.match(line): # class IDE controller, addr 00:01.1, pci id 8086:7010 (.. line = _RE_CLASS.match(line).groups() current.set_qtree_prop('class_addr', line[1]) current.set_qtree_prop('class_pciid', line[2]) current.set_qtree_prop('class_sub', line[3]) line = ['class_name', line[0]] elif '=' in line: # bus-prop: addr = 02.0 line = line.split('=', 1) elif ':' in line: # bar 0: i/o at 0xc280 [0xc2bf] line = line.split(':', 1) elif ' ' in line: # mmio ffffffffffffffff/0000000000100000 line = line.split(' ', 1) # HOOK: mmio can have multiple values if line[0] == 'mmio': if 'mmio' not in current.qtree: current.set_qtree_prop('mmio', []) current.qtree['mmio'].append(line[1]) line = None else: # Corrupted qtree raise ValueError('qtree line not recognized:\n%s' % line) if line: current.set_qtree_prop(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()) if len(info) == 0: break line = info.pop(0) else: # Node can be of different type current = _replace_node(current, current.guess_type()) self.nodes.append(current) current = current.get_parent() offset -= OFFSET_PER_LEVEL # Read out remaining self.nodes while offset > 0: current = _replace_node(current, current.guess_type()) self.nodes.append(current) current = current.get_parent() offset -= OFFSET_PER_LEVEL # This is the place to put HOOKs for nasty qtree devices for i in xrange(len(self.nodes)): _hook_usb2_disk(self.nodes[i])
[docs]class QtreeDisksContainer(object): """ Container for QtreeDisks verification. It's necessary because some information can be verified only from informations about all disks, not only from single disk. """ def __init__(self, nodes): """ work only with QtreeDisks instances """ self.disks = [] for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, QtreeDisk): if node.get_qname() != '<null>': self.disks.append(node)
[docs] def parse_info_block(self, info): """ Extracts all information about self.disks and fills them in. :param info: output of ``info block`` command :return: ``self.disks`` defined in qtree but not in ``info block``, ``self.disks`` defined in ``block info`` but not in qtree """ additional = 0 missing = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.disks)): disk = self.disks[i] name = disk.get_qname() if name not in info: logging.error("disk %s is in block but not in qtree", name) missing += 1 continue for prop, value in info[name].iteritems(): disk.set_block_prop(prop, value) for disk in self.disks: if disk.get_block() == {}: logging.error("disk in qtree but not in info block\n%s", disk) additional += 1 return (additional, missing)
[docs] def generate_params(self): """ Generate params from current self.qtree and self.block info. :note: disk name is not yet the one from autotest params :return: number of fails """ err = 0 for disk in self.disks: try: disk.generate_params() except ValueError: logging.error("generate_params error: %s", disk) err += 1 return err
[docs] def check_guests_proc_scsi(self, info): """ Check info from guest's /proc/scsi/scsi file with qtree/block info :note: Not tested disks are of different type (virtio_blk, ...) :param info: contents of guest's /proc/scsi/scsi file :return: Number of disks missing in guest os, disks missing in qtree, disks not tested from qtree, disks not tested from guest) """ # Check only channel, id and lun for now additional = 0 missing = 0 qtree_not_scsi = 0 proc_not_scsi = 0 # host, channel, id, lun, vendor _scsis = re.findall(r'Host:\s+(\w+)\s+Channel:\s+(\d+)\s+Id:\s+(\d+)' '\s+Lun:\s+(\d+)\n\s+Vendor:\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)' '\s+Model:.*\n.*Type:\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)', info) disks = set() # Check only scsi disks for disk in self.disks: if (disk.get_qtree()['type'].startswith('scsi') or disk.get_qtree()['type'].startswith('usb2')): props = disk.get_qtree() # New output from qtree will include hex number. Should # remove it in this function. for item in props: if re.match("\d+\s+\(.*?\)", props[item]): props[item] = re.findall("\d+", props[item])[0] disks.add('%d-%d-%d' % (int(props.get('channel')), int(props.get('scsi-id')), int(props.get('lun')))) else: qtree_not_scsi += 1 scsis = set() for scsi in _scsis: # Ignore IDE disks if scsi[5] != 'CD-ROM': # Qemu encode LUNs with scsi's with 'flat space addressing' # method if LUNs > 255, decode LUNs when LUN ID - 16384 > 255. lun_id = int(scsi[3]) if lun_id > 255 + 16384: lun_id -= 16384 scsis.add("%d-%d-%d" % (int(scsi[1]), int(scsi[2]), lun_id)) else: proc_not_scsi += 1 for disk in disks.difference(scsis): logging.error('Disk %s is in qtree but not in /proc/scsi/scsi.', disk) additional += 1 for disk in scsis.difference(disks): logging.error('Disk %s is in /proc/scsi/scsi but not in qtree.', disk) missing += 1 return (additional, missing, qtree_not_scsi, proc_not_scsi)
[docs] def check_disk_params(self, params): """ Check gathered info from qtree/block with params :param params: autotest params :return: number of errors """ def check_drive_format(node, params): """ checks the drive format according to qtree info """ expected = params.get('drive_format') if expected == 'scsi': if arch.ARCH in ('ppc64', 'ppc64le'): expected = 'spapr-vscsi' else: expected = 'lsi53c895a' elif expected.startswith('scsi'): expected = params.get('scsi_hba', 'virtio-scsi-pci') elif expected.startswith('usb'): expected = 'usb-storage' try: if expected == 'virtio': actual = node.qtree['type'] else: actual = node.parent.parent.qtree.get('type') except AttributeError: logging.error("Failed to check drive format, can't get parent" "of:\n%s", node) if actual == 'virtio-scsi-device': # new name for virtio-scsi actual = 'virtio-scsi-pci' if expected not in actual: return ("drive format in qemu is %s, in autotest %s" % (actual, expected)) err = 0 disks = {} for disk in self.disks: if isinstance(disk, QtreeDisk): disks[disk.get_qname()] = (disk.get_params().copy(), disk) # We don't have the params name so we need to map file_names instead qname = None for name in params.objects('cdroms'): image_name = utils_misc.get_path(data_dir.get_data_dir(), params.object_params(name).get('cdrom', '')) image_name = os.path.realpath(image_name) for (qname, disk) in disks.iteritems(): if disk[0].get('image_name') == image_name: break else: continue # Not /proc/scsi cdrom device disks.pop(qname) for name in params.objects('images'): current = None image_params = params.object_params(name) base_dir = image_params.get("images_base_dir", data_dir.get_data_dir()) image_name = os.path.realpath( storage.get_image_filename(image_params, base_dir)) for (qname, disk) in disks.iteritems(): if disk[0].get('image_name') == image_name: current = disk[0] current_node = disk[1] # autotest params might use relative path current['image_name'] = image_params.get('image_name') break if not current: logging.error("Disk %s is not in qtree but is in params.", name) err += 1 continue for prop in current.iterkeys(): handled = False if prop == "drive_format": out = check_drive_format(current_node, image_params) if out: logging.error("Disk %s %s", qname, out) err += 1 handled = True elif (image_params.get(prop) and image_params.get(prop) == current.get(prop)): handled = True if not handled: logging.error("Disk %s property %s=%s doesn't match params" " %s", qname, prop, current.get(prop), image_params.get(prop)) err += 1 disks.pop(qname) if disks: logging.error('Some disks were in qtree but not in autotest params' ': %s', disks) err += 1 return err