Source code for virttest.remote_build

import os
import re
from autotest.client import utils
import remote
import aexpect
import data_dir
import hashlib
import logging

[docs]class BuildError(Exception): def __init__(self, error_info): super(BuildError, self).__init__(error_info) self.error_info = error_info def __str__(self): e_msg = "Build Error: %s" % self.error_info return e_msg
[docs]class Builder(object): def __init__(self, params, address, source, shell_client=None, shell_port=None, file_transfer_client=None, file_transfer_port=None, username=None, password=None, make_flags="", build_dir=None, build_dir_prefix=None, shell_linesep=None, shell_prompt=None): """ :param params: Dictionary with test parameters, used to get the default values of all named parameters. :param address: Remote host or guest address :param source: Directory containing the source on the machine where this script is running :param shell_client: The client to use ('ssh', 'telnet' or 'nc') :param shell_port: Port to connect to for the shell client :param file_transfer_client: The file transfer client to use ('scp' or 'rss') :param file_transfer_port: Port to connect to for the file transfer client :param username: Username (if required) :param password: Password (if required) :param make_flags: Flags to pass to the make process, default: "" :param build_dir: Where to copy and build the files on target. If None, use params['tmp_dir'] :param build_dir_prefix: What to name the build directory on target If None, use the name of the source directory. :param shell_linesep: Line separator in the shell :param shell_prompt: Regexp that matches the prompt in the shell. """ def full_build_path(build_dir, directory_prefix, make_flags): """ Generates the full path for the build using the make flags and supplied build location. :return: The full path as a string """ extra_flags_hash = hashlib.sha1() extra_flags_hash.update(make_flags) directory_name = "%s-%s" % (directory_prefix, (extra_flags_hash.hexdigest())[:8]) return os.path.join(build_dir, directory_name) def def_helper(arg, param, default): if arg is None: return params.get(param, default) else: return arg self.address = address self.source = os.path.normpath(source) self.client = def_helper(shell_client, "shell_client", "ssh") self.port = def_helper(shell_port, "shell_port", "22") self.file_transfer_client = def_helper(file_transfer_client, "file_transfer_client", "scp") self.file_transfer_port = def_helper(file_transfer_port, "file_transfer_port", "22") self.username = def_helper(username, "username", "root") self.password = def_helper(password, "password", "redhat") self.make_flags = make_flags self.build_dir = def_helper(build_dir, "tmp_dir", "/tmp") if build_dir_prefix is None: build_dir_prefix = os.path.basename(source) self.full_build_path = full_build_path(self.build_dir, build_dir_prefix, make_flags) self.linesep = def_helper(shell_linesep, "shell_linesep", "\n") self.prompt = def_helper(shell_prompt, "shell_prompt", "^\[.*\][\#\$]\s*)$") self.session = remote.remote_login(self.client, self.address, self.port, self.username, self.password, self.prompt, self.linesep, timeout=360)
[docs] def sync_directories(self): """ Synchronize the directories between the local and remote machines :returns: True if any files needed to be copied; False otherwise. Does not support symlinks. """ def get_local_hashes(path): """ Create a dict of the hashes of all files in path on the local machine. :param path: Path to search """ def hash_file(file_name): """ Calculate hex-encoded hash of a file :param file_name: File to hash """ f = open(file_name, mode='rb') h = hashlib.sha1() while True: buf = if not buf: break h.update(buf) return h.hexdigest() def visit(arg, dir_name, file_names): """ Callback function to calculate and store hashes :param arg: Tuple with base path and the hash that will contain the results. :param dir_name: Current directory :param file_names: File names in the current directory """ (base_path, result) = arg for file_name in file_names: path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name) if os.path.isfile(path): result[os.path.relpath(path, base_path)] = hash_file(path) result = {} os.path.walk(path, visit, (path, result)) return result def get_remote_hashes(path, session, linesep): """ Create a dict of the hashes of all files in path on the remote machine. :param path: Path to search :param session: Session object to use :param linesep: Line separation string for the remote system """ cmd = 'test \! -d %s || find %s -type f | xargs sha1sum' % (path, path) status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if not status == 0: raise BuildError("Unable to get hashes of remote files: '%s'" % output) result = {} # Output is "<sum> <filename><linesep><sum> <filename>..." for line in output.split(linesep): if re.match("^[a-f0-9]{32,} [^ ].*$", line): (h, f) = line.split(None, 1) result[os.path.relpath(f, path)] = h return result def list_recursive_dirnames(path): """ List all directories that exist in path on the local machine :param path: Path to search """ def visit(arg, dir_name, file_names): """ Callback function list alla directories :param arg: Tuple with base path and the list that will contain the results. :param dir_name: Current directory :param file_names: File names in the current directory """ (base_path, result) = arg for file_name in file_names: path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name) if os.path.isdir(path): result.append(os.path.relpath(path, base_path)) result = [] os.path.walk(path, visit, (path, result)) return result remote_hashes = get_remote_hashes(self.full_build_path, self.session, self.linesep) local_hashes = get_local_hashes(self.source) to_transfer = [] for rel_path in local_hashes.keys(): rhash = remote_hashes.get(rel_path) if rhash is None or not rhash == local_hashes[rel_path]: to_transfer.append(rel_path) need_build = False if to_transfer:"Need to copy files to %s on target" % self.full_build_path) need_build = True # Create all directories dirs = list_recursive_dirnames(self.source) if dirs: dirs_text = " ".join(dirs) fmt_arg = (self.full_build_path, self.full_build_path, dirs_text) cmd = 'mkdir -p %s && cd %s && mkdir -p %s' % fmt_arg else: cmd = 'mkdir -p %s' % self.full_build_path status, output = self.session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if not status == 0: raise BuildError("Unable to create remote directories: '%s'" % output) # Copy files for file_name in to_transfer: local_path = os.path.join(self.source, file_name) remote_path = os.path.join(self.full_build_path, file_name) remote.copy_files_to(self.address, self.file_transfer_client, self.username, self.password, self.file_transfer_port, local_path, remote_path) else:"Directory %s on target already up-to-date" % self.full_build_path) return need_build
[docs] def make(self): """ Execute make on the remote system """"Building in %s on target" % self.full_build_path) cmd = 'make -C %s %s' % (self.full_build_path, self.make_flags) status, output = self.session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if not status == 0: raise BuildError("Unable to make: '%s'" % output)
[docs] def build(self): """ Synchronize all files and execute 'make' on the remote system if needed. :returns: The path to the build directory on the remote machine """ if self.sync_directories(): self.make() return self.full_build_path