Source code for virttest.syslog_server

import re
import logging
import SocketServer

DEFAULT_FORMAT = '[AutotestSyslog (%s.%s)] %s'

[docs]def set_default_format(message_format): ''' Changes the default message format :type message_format: string :param message_format: a message format string with 3 placeholders: facility, priority and message. ''' global DEFAULT_FORMAT DEFAULT_FORMAT = message_format
[docs]def get_default_format(): ''' Returns the current default message format ''' return DEFAULT_FORMAT
[docs]class RequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): ''' A request handler that relays all received messages as DEBUG ''' RECORD_RE = re.compile('\<(\d+)\>(.*)') (LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG) = range(8) (LOG_KERN, LOG_USER, LOG_MAIL, LOG_DAEMON, LOG_AUTH, LOG_SYSLOG, LOG_LPR, LOG_NEWS, LOG_UUCP, LOG_CRON, LOG_AUTHPRIV, LOG_FTP) = range(12) (LOG_LOCAL0, LOG_LOCAL1, LOG_LOCAL2, LOG_LOCAL3, LOG_LOCAL4, LOG_LOCAL5, LOG_LOCAL6, LOG_LOCAL7) = range(16, 24) PRIORITY_NAMES = { LOG_ALERT: "alert", LOG_CRIT: "critical", LOG_DEBUG: "debug", LOG_EMERG: "emerg", LOG_ERR: "err", LOG_INFO: "info", LOG_NOTICE: "notice", LOG_WARNING: "warning" } FACILITY_NAMES = { LOG_AUTH: "auth", LOG_AUTHPRIV: "authpriv", LOG_CRON: "cron", LOG_DAEMON: "daemon", LOG_FTP: "ftp", LOG_KERN: "kern", LOG_LPR: "lpr", LOG_MAIL: "mail", LOG_NEWS: "news", LOG_AUTH: "security", LOG_SYSLOG: "syslog", LOG_USER: "user", LOG_UUCP: "uucp", LOG_LOCAL0: "local0", LOG_LOCAL1: "local1", LOG_LOCAL2: "local2", LOG_LOCAL3: "local3", LOG_LOCAL4: "local4", LOG_LOCAL5: "local5", LOG_LOCAL6: "local6", LOG_LOCAL7: "local7", }
[docs] def decodeFacilityPriority(self, priority): ''' Decode both the facility and priority embedded in a syslog message :type priority: integer :param priority: an integer with facility and priority encoded :return: a tuple with two strings ''' f = priority >> 3 p = priority & 7 return (self.FACILITY_NAMES.get(f, 'unknown'), self.PRIORITY_NAMES.get(p, 'unknown'))
[docs] def log(self, data, message_format=None): ''' Logs the received message as a DEBUG message ''' match = self.RECORD_RE.match(data) if match: if message_format is None: message_format = get_default_format() pri = int(match.groups()[0]) msg = match.groups()[1] (facility_name, priority_name) = self.decodeFacilityPriority(pri) logging.debug(message_format, facility_name, priority_name, msg)
[docs]class RequestHandlerTcp(RequestHandler):
[docs] def handle(self): ''' Handles a single request ''' data = self.request.recv(4096) self.log(data)
[docs]class RequestHandlerUdp(RequestHandler):
[docs] def handle(self): ''' Handles a single request ''' data = self.request[0] self.log(data)
[docs]class SysLogServerUdp(SocketServer.UDPServer): def __init__(self, address): SocketServer.UDPServer.__init__(self, address, RequestHandlerUdp)
[docs]class SysLogServerTcp(SocketServer.TCPServer): def __init__(self, address): SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self, address, RequestHandlerTcp)
[docs]def syslog_server(address='', port=SYSLOG_PORT, tcp=True, terminate_callable=None): if tcp: klass = SysLogServerTcp else: klass = SysLogServerUdp syslog = klass((address, port)) while True: if terminate_callable is not None: terminate = terminate_callable() else: terminate = False if not terminate: syslog.handle_request()
if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) syslog_server()