Source code for virttest.utils_config

import ast
import logging
import os.path
import ConfigParser
import StringIO

[docs]class ConfigError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg
[docs]class ConfigNoOptionError(ConfigError): def __init__(self, option, path): self.option = option self.path = path def __str__(self): return "There's no option %s in config file %s." % ( self.option, self.path)
[docs]class LibvirtConfigUnknownKeyTypeError(ConfigError): def __init__(self, key, key_type): self.key = key self.key_type = key_type def __str__(self): return "Unknown type %s for key %s." % (self.key, self.key_type)
[docs]class LibvirtConfigUnknownKeyError(ConfigError): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def __str__(self): return 'Unknown config key %s' % self.key
[docs]class SectionlessConfig(object): """ This is a wrapper class for python's internal library ConfigParser except allows manipulating sectionless configuration file with a dict-like way. Example config file test.conf: ># This is a comment line. >a = 1 >b = [hi, there] >c = hello >d = "hi, there" >e = [hi, > there] Example script using `try...finally...` statement: >>> from virttest import utils_config >>> config = utils_config.SectionlessConfig('test.conf') >>> try: ... print len(config) ... print config ... print config['a'] ... del config['a'] ... config['f'] = 'test' ... print config ... finally: ... config.restore() Example script using `with` statement: >>> from virttest import utils_config >>> with utils_config.SectionlessConfig('test.conf') as config: ... print len(config) ... print config ... print config['a'] ... del config['a'] ... config['f'] = 'test' ... print config """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # Prevent of converting option names to lower case self.parser.optionxform = str self.backup_content = open(path, 'r').read() read_fp = StringIO.StringIO('[root]\n' + self.backup_content) self.parser.readfp(read_fp) def __sync_file(self): out_file = open(self.path, 'w') try: out_file.write(self.__str__()) finally: out_file.close() def __len__(self): return len(self.parser.items('root')) def __getitem__(self, option): try: return self.parser.get('root', option) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: raise ConfigNoOptionError(option, self.path) def __setitem__(self, option, value): self.parser.set('root', option, value) self.__sync_file() def __delitem__(self, option): res = self.parser.remove_option('root', option) if res: self.__sync_file() else: raise ConfigNoOptionError(option, self.path) def __contains__(self, item): return self.parser.has_option('root', item) def __str__(self): write_fp = StringIO.StringIO() self.parser.write(write_fp) return write_fp.getvalue().split('\n', 1)[1] def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.restore()
[docs] def restore(self): out_file = open(self.path, 'w') try: out_file.write(self.backup_content) finally: out_file.close()
[docs] def set_raw(self, option, value): self[option] = "%s" % value
[docs] def set_string(self, option, value): self[option] = '"%s"' % value
[docs] def set_int(self, option, value): self[option] = '%d' % int(value)
[docs] def set_float(self, option, value): self[option] = '%s' % float(value)
[docs] def set_boolean(self, option, value): if type(value) == str: value = int(value) if bool(value): self[option] = '1' else: self[option] = '0'
[docs] def set_list(self, option, value): # TODO: line separation value = ['"%s"' % i for i in list(value)] self[option] = '[%s]' % ', '.join(value)
[docs] def get_raw(self, option): return self[option]
[docs] def get_string(self, option): raw_str = self[option].strip() if raw_str.startswith('"') and raw_str.endswith('"'): raw_str = raw_str[1:-1] elif raw_str.startswith("'") and raw_str.endswith("'"): raw_str = raw_str[1:-1] else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for string: %s" % raw_str) return raw_str
[docs] def get_int(self, option): return int(self.get_raw(option))
[docs] def get_float(self, option): return float(self.get_raw(option))
[docs] def get_boolean(self, option): try: bool_str = self.get_string(option).lower() except ValueError: bool_str = str(self.get_int(option)) if bool_str in ["1", "yes", "true", "on"]: return True if bool_str in ["0", "no", "false", "off"]: return False raise ValueError("Invalid value for boolean: %s" % bool_str)
[docs] def get_list(self, option): list_str = self.get_raw(option) return [str(i) for i in ast.literal_eval(list_str)]
[docs]class LibvirtConfigCommon(SectionlessConfig): """ A abstract class to manipulate options of a libvirt related configure files in a property's way. Variables "__option_types__" and "conf_path" must be setup in the inherented classes before use. "__option_types__" is a dict contains every possible option as keys and their type ("boolean", "int", "string", "float" or "list") as values. Basic usage: 1) Create a config file object: >>> # LibvirtdConfig is a subclass of LibvirtConfigCommon. >>> config = LibvirtdConfig() 2) Set or update an option: >>> config.listen_tcp = True >>> config.listen_tcp = 1 >>> config.listen_tcp = "1" # All three have the same effect. >>> # If the setting value don't meet the specified type. >>> config.listen_tcp = "invalid" >>> # It'll thown an warning message and set a raw string instead. >>> # Use set_* methods when need to customize the result. >>> config.set_raw("'1'") 3) Get an option: >>> is_listening = config.listen_tcp >>> print is_listening True 4) Delete an option from the config file: >>> del config.listen_tcp 5) Make the changes take effect in libvirt by restart libvirt daemon. >>> from virttest import utils_libvirtd >>> utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd().restart() 6) Restore the content of the config file. >>> config.restore() """ __option_types__ = {} conf_path = '' def __init__(self, path=''): if path: self.conf_path = path if not self.conf_path: raise ConfigError("Path for config file is not set up.") if not self.__option_types__: raise ConfigError("__option_types__ is not set up.") if not os.path.isfile(self.conf_path): raise ConfigError("Path for config file %s don't exists." % self.conf_path) super(LibvirtConfigCommon, self).__init__(self.conf_path) def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.__option_types__: key_type = self.__option_types__[key] if key_type not in ['boolean', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'list']: raise LibvirtConfigUnknownKeyTypeError(key, key_type) else: get_func = eval('self.get_' + key_type) try: return get_func(key) except ConfigNoOptionError: return None else: raise LibvirtConfigUnknownKeyError(key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in self.__option_types__: key_type = self.__option_types__[key] if key_type not in ['boolean', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'list']: raise LibvirtConfigUnknownKeyTypeError(key, key_type) else: set_func = eval('self.set_' + key_type) try: set_func(key, value) except ValueError: logging.warning("Key %s might not have type %s. Set raw " "string instead.", key, key_type) self.set_raw(key, value) super(LibvirtConfigCommon, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __delattr__(self, key): if key in self.__option_types__: key_type = self.__option_types__[key] if key_type not in ['boolean', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'list']: raise LibvirtConfigUnknownKeyTypeError(key, key_type) else: try: del self[key] except ConfigNoOptionError: pass super(LibvirtConfigCommon, self).__setattr__(key, None) else: raise LibvirtConfigUnknownKeyError(key)
[docs]class LibvirtdConfig(LibvirtConfigCommon): """ Class for libvirt daemon config file. """ conf_path = '/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf' __option_types__ = { 'listen_tls': 'boolean', 'listen_tcp': 'boolean', 'tls_port': 'string', 'tcp_port': 'string', 'listen_addr': 'string', 'mdns_adv': 'boolean', 'mdns_name': 'string', 'unix_sock_group': 'string', 'unix_sock_ro_perms': 'string', 'unix_sock_rw_perms': 'string', 'unix_sock_dir': 'string', 'auth_unix_ro': 'string', 'auth_unix_rw': 'string', 'auth_tcp': 'string', 'auth_tls': 'string', 'access_drivers': 'list', 'key_file': 'string', 'cert_file': 'string', 'ca_file': 'string', 'crl_file': 'string', 'tls_no_sanity_certificate': 'boolean', 'tls_no_verify_certificate': 'boolean', 'tls_allowed_dn_list': 'list', 'sasl_allowed_username_list': 'list', 'max_clients': 'int', 'max_queued_clients': 'int', 'min_workers': 'int', 'max_workers': 'int', 'prio_workers': 'int', 'max_requests': 'int', 'max_client_requests': 'int', 'log_level': 'int', 'log_filters': 'string', 'log_outputs': 'string', 'log_buffer_size': 'int', 'audit_level': 'int', 'audit_logging': 'int', 'host_uuid': 'string', 'keepalive_interval': 'int', 'keepalive_count': 'int', 'keepalive_required': 'boolean', }
[docs]class LibvirtQemuConfig(LibvirtConfigCommon): """ Class for libvirt qemu config file. """ conf_path = '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf' __option_types__ = { 'vnc_listen': 'string', 'vnc_auto_unix_socket': 'boolean', 'vnc_tls': 'boolean', 'vnc_tls_x509_cert_dir': 'string', 'vnc_tls_x509_verify': 'boolean', 'vnc_password': 'string', 'vnc_sasl': 'boolean', 'vnc_sasl_dir': 'string', 'vnc_allow_host_audio': 'boolean', 'spice_listen': 'string', 'spice_tls': 'boolean', 'spice_tls_x509_cert_dir': 'string', 'spice_password': 'string', 'remote_display_port_min': 'int', 'remote_display_port_max': 'int', 'remote_websocket_port_min': 'int', 'remote_websocket_port_max': 'int', 'security_driver': 'list', 'security_default_confined': 'boolean', 'security_require_confined': 'boolean', 'user': 'string', 'group': 'string', 'dynamic_ownership': 'boolean', 'cgroup_controllers': 'list', 'cgroup_device_acl': 'list', 'save_image_format': 'string', 'dump_image_format': 'string', 'snapshot_image_format': 'string', 'auto_dump_path': 'string', 'auto_dump_bypass_cache': 'boolean', 'auto_start_bypass_cache': 'boolean', 'hugetlbfs_mount': 'list', 'bridge_helper': 'string', 'clear_emulator_capabilities': 'boolean', 'set_process_name': 'boolean', 'max_processes': 'int', 'max_files': 'int', 'mac_filter': 'boolean', 'relaxed_acs_check': 'boolean', 'allow_disk_format_probing': 'boolean', 'lock_manager': 'string', 'max_queued': 'int', 'keepalive_interval': 'int', 'keepalive_count': 'int', 'seccomp_sandbox': 'int', 'migration_address': 'string', 'migration_port_min': 'int', 'migration_port_max': 'int', }
[docs]class LibvirtdSysConfig(LibvirtConfigCommon): """ Class for sysconfig libvirtd config file. """ conf_path = '/etc/sysconfig/libvirtd' __option_types__ = { 'LIBVIRTD_CONFIG': 'string', 'LIBVIRTD_ARGS': 'string', 'KRB5_KTNAME': 'string', 'QEMU_AUDIO_DRV': 'string', 'SDL_AUDIODRIVER': 'string', 'LIBVIRTD_NOFILES_LIMIT': 'int', }
[docs]class LibvirtGuestsConfig(LibvirtConfigCommon): """ Class for sysconfig libvirt-guests config file. """ conf_path = '/etc/sysconfig/libvirt-guests' __option_types__ = { 'URIS': 'string', 'ON_BOOT': 'string', 'START_DELAY': 'int', 'ON_SHUTDOWN': 'string', 'PARALLEL_SHUTDOWN': 'int', 'SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT': 'int', 'BYPASS_CACHE': 'boolean' }