Source code for virttest.utils_misc

Virtualization test utility functions.

:copyright: 2008-2009 Red Hat Inc.

import time
import string
import random
import socket
import os
import stat
import signal
import re
import logging
import commands
import subprocess
import fcntl
import sys
import inspect
import tarfile
import shutil
import getpass
import ctypes
import threading
from autotest.client import utils, os_dep
from autotest.client.shared import error, logging_config
from autotest.client.shared import git, base_job
import data_dir
import cartesian_config
import utils_selinux
    from staging import utils_koji
except ImportError:
    from autotest.client.shared import utils_koji

import platform
ARCH = platform.machine()

[docs]class UnsupportedCPU(error.TestError): pass
# TODO: remove this import when log_last_traceback is moved to autotest import traceback # TODO: this function is being moved into autotest. For compatibility # reasons keep it here too but new code should use the one from base_utils.
[docs]def log_last_traceback(msg=None, log=logging.error): """ Writes last traceback into specified log. :warning: This function is being moved into autotest and your code should use autotest.client.shared.base_utils function instead. :param msg: Override the default message. ["Original traceback"] :param log: Where to log the traceback [logging.error] """ if not log: log = logging.error if msg: log(msg) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() if not exc_traceback: log('Requested log_last_traceback but no exception was raised.') return log("Original " + "".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)))
[docs]def aton(sr): """ Transform a string to a number(include float and int). If the string is not in the form of number, just return false. :param sr: string to transfrom :return: float, int or False for failed transform """ try: return int(sr) except ValueError: try: return float(sr) except ValueError: return False
[docs]def find_substring(string, pattern1, pattern2=None): """ Return the match of pattern1 in string. Or return the match of pattern2 if pattern is not matched. :param string: string :param pattern1: first pattern want to match in string, must set. :param pattern2: second pattern, it will be used if pattern1 not match, optional. :return: Match substring or None """ if not pattern1: logging.debug("pattern1: get empty string.") return None pattern = pattern1 if pattern2: pattern += "|%s" % pattern2 ret = re.findall(pattern, string) if not ret: logging.debug("Could not find matched string with pattern: %s", pattern) return None return ret[0]
[docs]def lock_file(filename, mode=fcntl.LOCK_EX): lockfile = open(filename, "w") fcntl.lockf(lockfile, mode) return lockfile
[docs]def unlock_file(lockfile): fcntl.lockf(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN) lockfile.close()
# Utility functions for dealing with external processes
[docs]def unique(llist): """ Return a list of the elements in list, but without duplicates. :param list: List with values. :return: List with non duplicate elements. """ n = len(llist) if n == 0: return [] u = {} try: for x in llist: u[x] = 1 except TypeError: return None else: return u.keys()
[docs]def find_command(cmd): """ Try to find a command in the PATH, paranoid version. :param cmd: Command to be found. :raise: ValueError in case the command was not found. """ common_bin_paths = ["/usr/libexec", "/usr/local/sbin", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/bin"] try: path_paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(":") except IndexError: path_paths = [] path_paths = unique(common_bin_paths + path_paths) for dir_path in path_paths: cmd_path = os.path.join(dir_path, cmd) if os.path.isfile(cmd_path): return os.path.abspath(cmd_path) raise ValueError('Missing command: %s' % cmd)
[docs]def pid_exists(pid): """ Return True if a given PID exists. :param pid: Process ID number. """ try: os.kill(pid, 0) return True except Exception: return False
[docs]def safe_kill(pid, signal): """ Attempt to send a signal to a given process that may or may not exist. :param signal: Signal number. """ try: os.kill(pid, signal) return True except Exception: return False
[docs]def kill_process_tree(pid, sig=signal.SIGKILL): """Signal a process and all of its children. If the process does not exist -- return. :param pid: The pid of the process to signal. :param sig: The signal to send to the processes. """ if not safe_kill(pid, signal.SIGSTOP): return children = commands.getoutput("ps --ppid=%d -o pid=" % pid).split() for child in children: kill_process_tree(int(child), sig) safe_kill(pid, sig) safe_kill(pid, signal.SIGCONT)
[docs]def kill_process_by_pattern(pattern): """Send SIGTERM signal to a process with matched pattern. :param pattern: normally only matched against the process name """ cmd = "pkill -f %s" % pattern result =, ignore_status=True) if result.exit_status: logging.error("Failed to run '%s': %s", cmd, result) else:"Succeed to run '%s'.", cmd)
[docs]def get_open_fds(pid): return len(os.listdir('/proc/%s/fd' % pid))
[docs]def get_virt_test_open_fds(): return get_open_fds(os.getpid())
[docs]def process_or_children_is_defunct(ppid): """Verify if any processes from PPID is defunct. Attempt to verify if parent process and any children from PPID is defunct (zombie) or not. :param ppid: The parent PID of the process to verify. """ defunct = False try: pids = utils.get_children_pids(ppid) except error.CmdError: # Process doesn't exist return True for pid in pids: cmd = "ps --no-headers -o cmd %d" % int(pid) proc_name = utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True) if '<defunct>' in proc_name: defunct = True break return defunct
# The following are utility functions related to ports.
[docs]def is_port_free(port, address): """ Return True if the given port is available for use. :param port: Port number """ try: s = socket.socket() #s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if address == "localhost": s.bind(("localhost", port)) free = True else: s.connect((address, port)) free = False except socket.error: if address == "localhost": free = False else: free = True s.close() return free
[docs]def find_free_port(start_port, end_port, address="localhost"): """ Return a host free port in the range [start_port, end_port]. :param start_port: First port that will be checked. :param end_port: Port immediately after the last one that will be checked. """ for i in range(start_port, end_port): if is_port_free(i, address): return i return None
[docs]def find_free_ports(start_port, end_port, count, address="localhost"): """ Return count of host free ports in the range [start_port, end_port]. :param count: Initial number of ports known to be free in the range. :param start_port: First port that will be checked. :param end_port: Port immediately after the last one that will be checked. """ ports = [] i = start_port while i < end_port and count > 0: if is_port_free(i, address): ports.append(i) count -= 1 i += 1 return ports
# An easy way to log lines to files when the logging system can't be used _open_log_files = {} _log_file_dir = "/tmp" _log_lock = threading.RLock() def _acquire_lock(lock, timeout=10): end_time = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < end_time: if lock.acquire(False): return True time.sleep(0.05) return False
[docs]class LogLockError(Exception): pass
[docs]def log_line(filename, line): """ Write a line to a file. :param filename: Path of file to write to, either absolute or relative to the dir set by set_log_file_dir(). :param line: Line to write. """ global _open_log_files, _log_file_dir, _log_lock if not _acquire_lock(_log_lock): raise LogLockError("Could not acquire exclusive lock to access" " _open_log_files") try: path = get_path(_log_file_dir, filename) if path not in _open_log_files: # First, let's close the log files opened in old directories close_log_file(filename) # Then, let's open the new file try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except OSError: pass _open_log_files[path] = open(path, "w") timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") _open_log_files[path].write("%s: %s\n" % (timestr, line)) _open_log_files[path].flush() finally: _log_lock.release()
[docs]def set_log_file_dir(directory): """ Set the base directory for log files created by log_line(). :param dir: Directory for log files. """ global _log_file_dir _log_file_dir = directory
[docs]def get_log_file_dir(): """ get the base directory for log files created by log_line(). """ global _log_file_dir return _log_file_dir
[docs]def close_log_file(filename): global _open_log_files, _log_file_dir, _log_lock remove = [] if not _acquire_lock(_log_lock): raise LogLockError("Could not acquire exclusive lock to access" " _open_log_files") try: for k in _open_log_files: if os.path.basename(k) == filename: f = _open_log_files[k] f.close() remove.append(k) if remove: for key_to_remove in remove: _open_log_files.pop(key_to_remove) finally: _log_lock.release()
# The following are miscellaneous utility functions.
[docs]def get_path(base_path, user_path): """ Translate a user specified path to a real path. If user_path is relative, append it to base_path. If user_path is absolute, return it as is. :param base_path: The base path of relative user specified paths. :param user_path: The user specified path. """ if os.path.isabs(user_path) or utils.is_url(user_path): return user_path else: return os.path.join(base_path, user_path)
[docs]def generate_random_string(length, ignore_str=string.punctuation, convert_str=""): """ Return a random string using alphanumeric characters. :param length: Length of the string that will be generated. :param ignore_str: Characters that will not include in generated string. :param convert_str: Characters that need to be escaped (prepend "\\"). :return: The generated random string. """ r = random.SystemRandom() sr = "" chars = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation if not ignore_str: ignore_str = "" for i in ignore_str: chars = chars.replace(i, "") while length > 0: tmp = r.choice(chars) if convert_str and (tmp in convert_str): tmp = "\\%s" % tmp sr += tmp length -= 1 return sr
[docs]def generate_random_id(): """ Return a random string suitable for use as a qemu id. """ return "id" + generate_random_string(6)
[docs]def generate_tmp_file_name(file_name, ext=None, directory='/tmp/'): """ Returns a temporary file name. The file is not created. """ while True: file_name = (file_name + '-' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-") + generate_random_string(4)) if ext: file_name += '.' + ext file_name = os.path.join(directory, file_name) if not os.path.exists(file_name): break return file_name
[docs]def format_str_for_message(sr): """ Format str so that it can be appended to a message. If str consists of one line, prefix it with a space. If str consists of multiple lines, prefix it with a newline. :param str: string that will be formatted. """ lines = str.splitlines() num_lines = len(lines) sr = "\n".join(lines) if num_lines == 0: return "" elif num_lines == 1: return " " + sr else: return "\n" + sr
[docs]def wait_for(func, timeout, first=0.0, step=1.0, text=None): """ Wait until func() evaluates to True. If func() evaluates to True before timeout expires, return the value of func(). Otherwise return None. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds :param first: Time to sleep before first attempt :param steps: Time to sleep between attempts in seconds :param text: Text to print while waiting, for debug purposes """ start_time = time.time() end_time = time.time() + float(timeout) time.sleep(first) while time.time() < end_time: if text: logging.debug("%s (%f secs)", text, (time.time() - start_time)) output = func() if output: return output time.sleep(step) return None
[docs]def get_hash_from_file(hash_path, dvd_basename): """ Get the a hash from a given DVD image from a hash file (Hash files are usually named MD5SUM or SHA1SUM and are located inside the download directories of the DVDs) :param hash_path: Local path to a hash file. :param cd_image: Basename of a CD image """ hash_file = open(hash_path, 'r') for line in hash_file.readlines(): if dvd_basename in line: return line.split()[0]
[docs]def run_tests(parser, job): """ Runs the sequence of KVM tests based on the list of dictionaries generated by the configuration system, handling dependencies. :param parser: Config parser object. :param job: Autotest job object. :return: True, if all tests ran passed, False if any of them failed. """ last_index = -1 for count, dic in enumerate(parser.get_dicts()):"Test %4d: %s" % (count + 1, dic["shortname"])) last_index += 1 status_dict = {} failed = False # Add the parameter decide if setup host env in the test case # For some special tests we only setup host in the first and last case # When we need to setup host env we need the host_setup_flag as following: # 0(00): do nothing # 1(01): setup env # 2(10): cleanup env # 3(11): setup and cleanup env index = 0 setup_flag = 1 cleanup_flag = 2 for param_dict in parser.get_dicts(): cartesian_config.postfix_parse(param_dict) if param_dict.get("host_setup_flag", None) is not None: flag = int(param_dict["host_setup_flag"]) if index == 0: param_dict["host_setup_flag"] = flag | setup_flag elif index == last_index: param_dict["host_setup_flag"] = flag | cleanup_flag else: param_dict["host_setup_flag"] = flag else: if index == 0: param_dict["host_setup_flag"] = setup_flag elif index == last_index: param_dict["host_setup_flag"] = cleanup_flag index += 1 # Add kvm module status sysfs_dir = param_dict.get("sysfs_dir", "/sys") param_dict["kvm_default"] = get_module_params(sysfs_dir, 'kvm') if param_dict.get("skip") == "yes": continue dependencies_satisfied = True for dep in param_dict.get("dep"): for test_name in status_dict.keys(): if dep not in test_name: continue # So the only really non-fatal state is WARN, # All the others make it not safe to proceed with dependency # execution if status_dict[test_name] not in ['GOOD', 'WARN']: dependencies_satisfied = False break test_iterations = int(param_dict.get("iterations", 1)) test_tag = param_dict.get( "vm_type") + "." + param_dict.get("shortname") if dependencies_satisfied: # Setting up profilers during test execution. profilers = param_dict.get("profilers", "").split() for profiler in profilers: job.profilers.add(profiler, **param_dict) # We need only one execution, profiled, hence we're passing # the profile_only parameter to job.run_test(). profile_only = bool(profilers) or None test_timeout = int(param_dict.get("test_timeout", 14400)) current_status = job.run_test_detail("virt", params=param_dict, tag=test_tag, iterations=test_iterations, profile_only=profile_only, timeout=test_timeout) for profiler in profilers: job.profilers.delete(profiler) else: # We will force the test to fail as TestNA during preprocessing param_dict['dependency_failed'] = 'yes' current_status = job.run_test_detail("virt", params=param_dict, tag=test_tag, iterations=test_iterations) if not base_job.JOB_STATUSES[current_status]: failed = True status_dict[param_dict.get("name")] = current_status return not failed
[docs]def display_attributes(instance): """ Inspects a given class instance attributes and displays them, convenient for debugging. """ logging.debug("Attributes set:") for member in inspect.getmembers(instance): name, value = member attribute = getattr(instance, name) if not (name.startswith("__") or callable(attribute) or not value): logging.debug(" %s: %s", name, value)
[docs]def get_full_pci_id(pci_id): """ Get full PCI ID of pci_id. :param pci_id: PCI ID of a device. """ cmd = "lspci -D | awk '/%s/ {print $1}'" % pci_id status, full_id = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: return None return full_id
[docs]def get_vendor_from_pci_id(pci_id): """ Check out the device vendor ID according to pci_id. :param pci_id: PCI ID of a device. """ cmd = "lspci -n | awk '/%s/ {print $3}'" % pci_id return re.sub(":", " ", commands.getoutput(cmd))
[docs]def get_dev_pts_max_id(): """ Get the maxi ID of pseudoterminal interfaces for /dev/pts :param None """ cmd = "ls /dev/pts/ | grep '^[0-9]*$' | sort -n" try: max_id =, verbose=False).stdout.strip().split("\n")[-1] except IndexError: return None pts_file = "/dev/pts/%s" % max_id if not os.path.exists(pts_file): return None return max_id
[docs]def get_archive_tarball_name(source_dir, tarball_name, compression): ''' Get the name for a tarball file, based on source, name and compression ''' if tarball_name is None: tarball_name = os.path.basename(source_dir) if not tarball_name.endswith('.tar'): tarball_name = '%s.tar' % tarball_name if compression and not tarball_name.endswith('.%s' % compression): tarball_name = '%s.%s' % (tarball_name, compression) return tarball_name
[docs]def archive_as_tarball(source_dir, dest_dir, tarball_name=None, compression='bz2', verbose=True): ''' Saves the given source directory to the given destination as a tarball If the name of the archive is omitted, it will be taken from the source_dir. If it is an absolute path, dest_dir will be ignored. But, if both the destination directory and tarball anem is given, and the latter is not an absolute path, they will be combined. For archiving directory '/tmp' in '/net/server/backup' as file 'tmp.tar.bz2', simply use: >>> utils_misc.archive_as_tarball('/tmp', '/net/server/backup') To save the file it with a different name, say 'host1-tmp.tar.bz2' and save it under '/net/server/backup', use: >>> utils_misc.archive_as_tarball('/tmp', '/net/server/backup', 'host1-tmp') To save with gzip compression instead (resulting in the file '/net/server/backup/host1-tmp.tar.gz'), use: >>> utils_misc.archive_as_tarball('/tmp', '/net/server/backup', 'host1-tmp', 'gz') ''' tarball_name = get_archive_tarball_name(source_dir, tarball_name, compression) if not os.path.isabs(tarball_name): tarball_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, tarball_name) else: tarball_path = tarball_name if verbose: logging.debug('Archiving %s as %s' % (source_dir, tarball_path)) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(source_dir)) tarball = tarfile.TarFile(name=tarball_path, mode='w') tarball =, mode='w:%s' % compression) tarball.add(os.path.basename(source_dir)) tarball.close()
[docs]def parallel(targets): """ Run multiple functions in parallel. :param targets: A sequence of tuples or functions. If it's a sequence of tuples, each tuple will be interpreted as (target, args, kwargs) or (target, args) or (target,) depending on its length. If it's a sequence of functions, the functions will be called without arguments. :return: A list of the values returned by the functions called. """ threads = [] for target in targets: if isinstance(target, tuple) or isinstance(target, list): t = utils.InterruptedThread(*target) else: t = utils.InterruptedThread(target) threads.append(t) t.start() return [t.join() for t in threads]
[docs]class VirtLoggingConfig(logging_config.LoggingConfig): """ Used with the sole purpose of providing convenient logging setup for the KVM test auxiliary programs. """
[docs] def configure_logging(self, results_dir=None, verbose=False): super(VirtLoggingConfig, self).configure_logging(use_console=True, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def umount(src, mount_point, fstype, verbose=False, fstype_mtab=None): """ Umount the src mounted in mount_point. :src: mount source :mount_point: mount point :type: file system type :param fstype_mtab: file system type in mtab could be different :type fstype_mtab: str """ if fstype_mtab is None: fstype_mtab = fstype if is_mounted(src, mount_point, fstype, None, verbose, fstype_mtab): umount_cmd = "umount %s" % mount_point try: utils.system(umount_cmd, verbose=verbose) return True except error.CmdError: return False else: logging.debug("%s is not mounted under %s", src, mount_point) return True
[docs]def mount(src, mount_point, fstype, perm=None, verbose=False, fstype_mtab=None): """ Mount the src into mount_point of the host. :src: mount source :mount_point: mount point :fstype: file system type :perm: mount permission :param fstype_mtab: file system type in mtab could be different :type fstype_mtab: str """ if perm is None: perm = "rw" if fstype_mtab is None: fstype_mtab = fstype if is_mounted(src, mount_point, fstype, perm, verbose, fstype_mtab): logging.debug("%s is already mounted in %s with %s", src, mount_point, perm) return True mount_cmd = "mount -t %s %s %s -o %s" % (fstype, src, mount_point, perm) try: utils.system(mount_cmd, verbose=verbose) except error.CmdError: return False return is_mounted(src, mount_point, fstype, perm, verbose, fstype_mtab)
[docs]def is_mounted(src, mount_point, fstype, perm=None, verbose=False, fstype_mtab=None): """ Check mount status from /etc/mtab :param src: mount source :type src: string :param mount_point: mount point :type mount_point: string :param fstype: file system type :type fstype: string :param perm: mount permission :type perm: string :param verbose: if display mtab content :type verbose: Boolean :param fstype_mtab: file system type in mtab could be different :type fstype_mtab: str :return: if the src is mounted as expect :rtype: Boolean """ if perm is None: perm = "" if fstype_mtab is None: fstype_mtab = fstype # Version 4 nfs displays 'nfs4' in mtab if fstype == "nfs": fstype_mtab = "nfs\d?" mount_point = os.path.realpath(mount_point) if fstype not in ['nfs', 'smbfs', 'glusterfs', 'hugetlbfs']: if src: src = os.path.realpath(src) else: # Allow no passed src(None or "") src = "" mount_string = "%s %s %s %s" % (src, mount_point, fstype_mtab, perm) logging.debug("Searching '%s' in mtab...", mount_string) if verbose: logging.debug("/etc/mtab contents:\n%s", file("/etc/mtab").read()) if re.findall(mount_string.strip(), file("/etc/mtab").read()): logging.debug("%s is mounted.", src) return True else: logging.debug("%s is not mounted.", src) return False
[docs]def install_host_kernel(job, params): """ Install a host kernel, given the appropriate params. :param job: Job object. :param params: Dict with host kernel install params. """ install_type = params.get('host_kernel_install_type') if install_type == 'rpm':'Installing host kernel through rpm') rpm_url = params.get('host_kernel_rpm_url') k_basename = os.path.basename(rpm_url) dst = os.path.join("/var/tmp", k_basename) k = utils.get_file(rpm_url, dst) host_kernel = job.kernel(k) host_kernel.install(install_vmlinux=False) utils.write_keyval(job.resultdir, {'software_version_kernel': k_basename}) host_kernel.boot() elif install_type in ['koji', 'brew']:'Installing host kernel through koji/brew') koji_cmd = params.get('host_kernel_koji_cmd') koji_build = params.get('host_kernel_koji_build') koji_tag = params.get('host_kernel_koji_tag') k_deps = utils_koji.KojiPkgSpec(tag=koji_tag, build=koji_build, package='kernel', subpackages=['kernel-devel', 'kernel-firmware']) k = utils_koji.KojiPkgSpec(tag=koji_tag, build=koji_build, package='kernel', subpackages=['kernel']) c = utils_koji.KojiClient(koji_cmd)'Fetching kernel dependencies (-devel, -firmware)') c.get_pkgs(k_deps, job.tmpdir)'Installing kernel dependencies (-devel, -firmware) ' 'through %s', install_type) k_deps_rpm_file_names = [os.path.join(job.tmpdir, rpm_file_name) for rpm_file_name in c.get_pkg_rpm_file_names(k_deps)]'rpm -U --force %s' % " ".join(k_deps_rpm_file_names)) c.get_pkgs(k, job.tmpdir) k_rpm = os.path.join(job.tmpdir, c.get_pkg_rpm_file_names(k)[0]) host_kernel = job.kernel(k_rpm) host_kernel.install(install_vmlinux=False) utils.write_keyval(job.resultdir, {'software_version_kernel': " ".join(c.get_pkg_rpm_file_names(k_deps))}) host_kernel.boot() elif install_type == 'git':'Chose to install host kernel through git, proceeding') repo = params.get('host_kernel_git_repo') repo_base = params.get('host_kernel_git_repo_base', None) branch = params.get('host_kernel_git_branch') commit = params.get('host_kernel_git_commit') patch_list = params.get('host_kernel_patch_list') if patch_list: patch_list = patch_list.split() kernel_config = params.get('host_kernel_config', None) repodir = os.path.join("/tmp", 'kernel_src') r = git.GitRepoHelper(uri=repo, branch=branch, destination_dir=repodir, commit=commit, base_uri=repo_base) r.execute() host_kernel = job.kernel(r.destination_dir) if patch_list: host_kernel.patch(patch_list) if kernel_config: host_kernel.config(kernel_config) host_kernel.install() git_repo_version = '%s:%s:%s' % (r.uri, r.branch, r.get_top_commit()) utils.write_keyval(job.resultdir, {'software_version_kernel': git_repo_version}) host_kernel.boot() else:'Chose %s, using the current kernel for the host', install_type) k_version = utils.system_output('uname -r', ignore_status=True) utils.write_keyval(job.resultdir, {'software_version_kernel': k_version})
[docs]def install_disktest_on_vm(test, vm, src_dir, dst_dir): """ Install stress to vm. :param vm: virtual machine. :param src_dir: Source path. :param dst_dir: Instaltation path. """ disktest_src = src_dir disktest_dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, "disktest") session = vm.wait_for_login() session.cmd("rm -rf %s" % (disktest_dst)) session.cmd("mkdir -p %s" % (disktest_dst)) session.cmd("sync") vm.copy_files_to(disktest_src, disktest_dst) session.cmd("sync") session.cmd("cd %s; make;" % (os.path.join(disktest_dst, "src"))) session.cmd("sync") session.close()
[docs]def qemu_has_option(option, qemu_path="/usr/bin/qemu-kvm"): """ Helper function for command line option wrappers :param option: Option need check. :param qemu_path: Path for qemu-kvm. """ hlp = commands.getoutput("%s -help" % qemu_path) return bool("^-%s(\s|$)" % option, hlp, re.MULTILINE))
[docs]def bitlist_to_string(data): """ Transform from bit list to ASCII string. :param data: Bit list to be transformed """ result = [] pos = 0 c = 0 while pos < len(data): c += data[pos] << (7 - (pos % 8)) if (pos % 8) == 7: result.append(c) c = 0 pos += 1 return ''.join([chr(c) for c in result])
[docs]def string_to_bitlist(data): """ Transform from ASCII string to bit list. :param data: String to be transformed """ data = [ord(c) for c in data] result = [] for ch in data: i = 7 while i >= 0: if ch & (1 << i) != 0: result.append(1) else: result.append(0) i -= 1 return result
[docs]def strip_console_codes(output, custom_codes=None): """ Remove the Linux console escape and control sequences from the console output. Make the output readable and can be used for result check. Now only remove some basic console codes using during boot up. :param output: The output from Linux console :type output: string :param custom_codes: The codes added to the console codes which is not covered in the default codes :type output: string :return: the string wihout any special codes :rtype: string """ if "\x1b" not in output: return output old_word = "" return_str = "" index = 0 output = "\x1b[m%s" % output console_codes = "%[G@8]|\[[@A-HJ-MPXa-hl-nqrsu\`]" console_codes += "|\[[\d;]+[HJKgqnrm]|#8|\([B0UK]|\)|\[\d+S" if custom_codes is not None and custom_codes not in console_codes: console_codes += "|%s" % custom_codes while index < len(output): tmp_index = 0 tmp_word = "" while (len(re.findall("\x1b", tmp_word)) < 2 and index + tmp_index < len(output)): tmp_word += output[index + tmp_index] tmp_index += 1 tmp_word = re.sub("\x1b", "", tmp_word) index += len(tmp_word) + 1 if tmp_word == old_word: continue try: special_code = re.findall(console_codes, tmp_word)[0] except IndexError: if index + tmp_index < len(output): raise ValueError("%s is not included in the known console " "codes list %s" % (tmp_word, console_codes)) continue if special_code == tmp_word: continue old_word = tmp_word return_str += tmp_word[len(special_code):] return return_str
[docs]def get_module_params(sys_path, module_name): """ Get the kvm module params :param sys_path: sysfs path for modules info :param module_name: module to check """ dir_params = os.path.join(sys_path, "module", module_name, "parameters") module_params = {} if os.path.isdir(dir_params): for filename in os.listdir(dir_params): full_dir = os.path.join(dir_params, filename) tmp = open(full_dir, 'r').read().strip() module_params[full_dir] = tmp else: return None return module_params
[docs]def create_x509_dir(path, cacert_subj, server_subj, passphrase, secure=False, bits=1024, days=1095): """ Creates directory with freshly generated: ca-cart.pem, ca-key.pem, server-cert.pem, server-key.pem, :param path: defines path to directory which will be created :param cacert_subj: ca-cert.pem subject :param server_key.csr: subject :param passphrase: passphrase to ca-key.pem :param secure: defines if the server-key.pem will use a passphrase :param bits: bit length of keys :param days: cert expiration :raise ValueError: openssl not found or rc != 0 :raise OSError: if os.makedirs() fails """ ssl_cmd = os_dep.command("openssl") path = path + os.path.sep # Add separator to the path shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(path) server_key = "" if secure: server_key = "server-key.pem" cmd_set = [ ('%s genrsa -des3 -passout pass:%s -out %sca-key.pem %d' % (ssl_cmd, passphrase, path, bits)), ('%s req -new -x509 -days %d -key %sca-key.pem -passin pass:%s -out ' '%sca-cert.pem -subj "%s"' % (ssl_cmd, days, path, passphrase, path, cacert_subj)), ('%s genrsa -out %s %d' % (ssl_cmd, path + server_key, bits)), ('%s req -new -key %s -out %s/server-key.csr -subj "%s"' % (ssl_cmd, path + server_key, path, server_subj)), ('%s x509 -req -passin pass:%s -days %d -in %sserver-key.csr -CA ' '%sca-cert.pem -CAkey %sca-key.pem -set_serial 01 -out %sserver-cert.pem' % (ssl_cmd, passphrase, days, path, path, path, path)) ] if not secure: cmd_set.append('%s rsa -in %s -out %sserver-key.pem' % (ssl_cmd, path + server_key, path)) for cmd in cmd_set:
[docs]def convert_ipv4_to_ipv6(ipv4): """ Translates a passed in string of an ipv4 address to an ipv6 address. :param ipv4: a string of an ipv4 address """ converted_ip = "::ffff:" split_ipaddress = ipv4.split('.') try: socket.inet_aton(ipv4) except socket.error: raise ValueError("ipv4 to be converted is invalid") if (len(split_ipaddress) != 4): raise ValueError("ipv4 address is not in dotted quad format") for index, string in enumerate(split_ipaddress): if index != 1: test = str(hex(int(string)).split('x')[1]) if len(test) == 1: final = "0" final += test test = final else: test = str(hex(int(string)).split('x')[1]) if len(test) == 1: final = "0" final += test + ":" test = final else: test += ":" converted_ip += test return converted_ip
[docs]def get_thread_cpu(thread): """ Get the light weight process(thread) used cpus. :param thread: thread checked :type thread: string :return: A list include all cpus the thread used :rtype: list """ cmd = "ps -o cpuid,lwp -eL | grep -w %s$" % thread cpu_thread = utils.system_output(cmd) if not cpu_thread: return [] return list(set([_.strip().split()[0] for _ in cpu_thread.splitlines()]))
[docs]def get_pid_cpu(pid): """ Get the process used cpus. :param pid: process id :type thread: string :return: A list include all cpus the process used :rtype: list """ cmd = "ps -o cpuid -L -p %s" % pid cpu_pid = utils.system_output(cmd) if not cpu_pid: return [] return list(set([_.strip() for _ in cpu_pid.splitlines()]))
# Utility functions for numa node pinning
[docs]def get_node_cpus(i=0): """ Get cpu ids of one node :return: the cpu lists :rtype: list """ cmd ="numactl --hardware") return re.findall("node %s cpus: (.*)" % i, cmd.stdout)[0].split()
[docs]def cpu_str_to_list(origin_str): """ Convert the cpu string to a list. The string may include comma and hyphen. :param origin_str: the cpu info string read from system :type origin_str: string :return: A list of the cpu ids :rtype: list """ if isinstance(origin_str, str): origin_str = "".join([_ for _ in origin_str if _ in string.printable]) cpu_list = [] for cpu in origin_str.strip().split(","): if "-" in cpu: start, end = cpu.split("-") for cpu_id in range(int(start), int(end) + 1): cpu_list.append(cpu_id) else: try: cpu_id = int(cpu) cpu_list.append(cpu_id) except ValueError: logging.error("Illegimate string in cpu " "informations: %s" % cpu) cpu_list = [] break cpu_list.sort() return cpu_list
[docs]def get_cpu_info(session=None): """ Return information about the CPU architecture :param session: session Object :return: A dirt of cpu information """ cpu_info = {} cmd = "lscpu" if session is None: output = utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True).splitlines() else: try: output = session.cmd_output(cmd).splitlines() finally: session.close() cpu_info = dict(map(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(":")], output)) return cpu_info
[docs]def yum_install(pkg_list, session=None, timeout=300): """ Try to install packages on system :param pkg_list: list of packages :session: session Object :return: True if all packages installed, False if any error """ if not isinstance(pkg_list, list): logging.error("Parameter error.") return False yum_cmd = "rpm -q {0} || yum -y install {0}" for pkg in pkg_list: if session: status = session.cmd_status(yum_cmd.format(pkg), timeout=timeout) else: status =, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=False).exit_status if status: logging.error("Failed to install package: %s" % pkg) return False return True
[docs]def add_identities_into_ssh_agent(): """ Adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent """ ssh_env = subprocess.check_output(["ssh-agent"]).decode("utf-8")"The current SSH ENV: %s", ssh_env) re_auth_sock = re.compile('SSH_AUTH_SOCK=(?P<SSH_AUTH_SOCK>[^;]*);') ssh_auth_sock =, ssh_env).group("SSH_AUTH_SOCK") logging.debug("The SSH_AUTH_SOCK: %s", ssh_auth_sock) re_agent_pid = re.compile('SSH_AGENT_PID=(?P<SSH_AGENT_PID>[^;]*);') ssh_agent_pid =, ssh_env).group("SSH_AGENT_PID") logging.debug("SSH_AGENT_PID: %s", ssh_agent_pid) logging.debug("Update SSH envrionment variables") os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = ssh_auth_sock os.system("set SSH_AUTH_SOCK " + ssh_auth_sock) os.environ['SSH_AGENT_PID'] = ssh_agent_pid"set SSH_AGENT_PID " + ssh_agent_pid)"Adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent")"ssh-add")
[docs]class NumaInfo(object): """ Numa topology for host. Also provide the function for check the memory status of the node. """ def __init__(self, all_nodes_path=None, online_nodes_path=None): """ :param all_nodes_path: Alternative path to /sys/devices/system/node/possible. Useful for unittesting. :param all_nodes_path: Alternative path to /sys/devices/system/node/online. Useful for unittesting. """ self.numa_sys_path = "/sys/devices/system/node" self.all_nodes = self.get_all_nodes(all_nodes_path) self.online_nodes = self.get_online_nodes(online_nodes_path) self.nodes = {} self.distances = {} for node_id in self.online_nodes: self.nodes[node_id] = NumaNode(node_id + 1) self.distances[node_id] = self.get_node_distance(node_id)
[docs] def get_all_nodes(self, all_nodes_path=None): """ Get all node ids in host. :return: All node ids in host :rtype: list """ if all_nodes_path is None: all_nodes = get_path(self.numa_sys_path, "possible") else: all_nodes = all_nodes_path all_nodes_file = open(all_nodes, "r") nodes_info = all_nodes_file.close() return cpu_str_to_list(nodes_info)
[docs] def get_online_nodes(self, online_nodes_path=None): """ Get node ids online in host :return: The ids of node which is online :rtype: list """ if online_nodes_path is None: online_nodes = get_path(self.numa_sys_path, "online") else: online_nodes = online_nodes_path online_nodes_file = open(online_nodes, "r") nodes_info = online_nodes_file.close() return cpu_str_to_list(nodes_info)
[docs] def get_node_distance(self, node_id): """ Get the distance from the give node to other nodes include itself. :param node_id: Node that you want to check :type node_id: string :return: A list in of distance for the node in positive-sequence :rtype: list """ cmd ="numactl --hardware") try: node_distances = cmd.stdout.split("node distances:")[-1].strip() node_distance = re.findall("%s:.*" % node_id, node_distances)[0] node_distance = node_distance.split(":")[-1] except Exception: logging.warn("Get unexpect information from numctl") numa_sys_path = self.numa_sys_path distance_path = get_path(numa_sys_path, "node%s/distance" % node_id) if not os.path.isfile(distance_path): logging.error("Can not get distance information for" " node %s" % node_id) return [] node_distance_file = open(distance_path, 'r') node_distance = node_distance_file.close() return node_distance.strip().split()
[docs] def read_from_node_meminfo(self, node_id, key): """ Get specific value of a given node from memoinfo file :param node_id: The node you want to check :type node_id: string :param key: The value you want to check such as MemTotal etc. :type key: string :return: The value in KB :rtype: string """ memory_path = os.path.join(self.numa_sys_path, "node%s/meminfo" % node_id) memory_file = open(memory_path, "r") memory_info = memory_file.close() return re.findall("%s:\s+(\d+)" % key, memory_info)[0]
[docs]class NumaNode(object): """ Numa node to control processes and shared memory. """ def __init__(self, i=-1, all_nodes_path=None, online_nodes_path=None): """ :param all_nodes_path: Alternative path to /sys/devices/system/node/possible. Useful for unittesting. :param all_nodes_path: Alternative path to /sys/devices/system/node/online. Useful for unittesting. """ self.extra_cpus = [] if i < 0: host_numa_info = NumaInfo(all_nodes_path, online_nodes_path) available_nodes = host_numa_info.nodes.keys() self.cpus = self.get_node_cpus(available_nodes[-1]).split() if len(available_nodes) > 1: self.extra_cpus = self.get_node_cpus( available_nodes[-2]).split() self.node_id = available_nodes[-1] else: self.cpus = self.get_node_cpus(i - 1).split() if i == 1: self.extra_cpus = self.get_node_cpus(i).split() else: self.extra_cpus = self.get_node_cpus(0).split() self.node_id = i - 1 self.dict = {} for i in self.cpus: self.dict[i] = [] for i in self.extra_cpus: self.dict[i] = []
[docs] def get_node_cpus(self, i): """ Get cpus of a specific node :param i: Index of the CPU inside the node. """ cmd ="numactl --hardware") cpus = re.findall("node %s cpus: (.*)" % i, cmd.stdout) if cpus: cpus = cpus[0] else: break_flag = False cpulist_path = "/sys/devices/system/node/node%s/cpulist" % i try: cpulist_file = open(cpulist_path, 'r') cpus = cpulist_file.close() except IOError: logging.warn("Can not find the cpu list information from both" " numactl and sysfs. Please check your system.") break_flag = True if not break_flag: # Try to expand the numbers with '-' to a string of numbers # separated by blank. There number of '-' in the list depends # on the physical architecture of the hardware. try: convert_list = re.findall("\d+-\d+", cpus) for cstr in convert_list: _ = " " start = min(int(cstr.split("-")[0]), int(cstr.split("-")[1])) end = max(int(cstr.split("-")[0]), int(cstr.split("-")[1])) for n in range(start, end + 1, 1): _ += "%s " % str(n) cpus = re.sub(cstr, _, cpus) except (IndexError, ValueError): logging.warn("The format of cpu list is not the same as" " expected.") break_flag = False if break_flag: cpus = "" return cpus
[docs] def get_cpu_topology(self, cpu_id): """ Return cpu info dict get from sysfs. :param cpu_id: integer, cpu id number :return: topology dict of certain cpu """ topology_path = "/sys/devices/system/node/node%s" % self.node_id topology_path += "/cpu%s/topology/" % cpu_id cpu_topo = {"id": str(cpu_id)} core_id_path = topology_path + "core_id" siblings_path = topology_path + "thread_siblings_list" socket_id_path = topology_path + "physical_package_id" key_list = ["core_id", "siblings", "socket_id"] for key in key_list: try: key_path = eval(key + '_path') file_obj = open(key_path, 'r') key_val ='\n') file_obj.close() cpu_topo[key] = key_val except IOError: logging.warn("Can not find file %s from sysfs. Please check " "your system." % key_path) cpu_topo[key] = None return cpu_topo
[docs] def free_cpu(self, i, thread=None): """ Release pin of one node. :param i: Index of the node. :param thread: Thread ID, remove all threads if thread ID isn't set """ if not thread: self.dict[i] = [] else: self.dict[i].remove(thread)
def _flush_pin(self): """ Flush pin dict, remove the record of exited process. """ cmd ="ps -eLf | awk '{print $4}'") all_pids = cmd.stdout for i in self.cpus: for j in self.dict[i]: if str(j) not in all_pids: self.free_cpu(i, j) @error.context_aware def pin_cpu(self, process, cpu=None, extra=False): """ Pin one process to a single cpu. :param process: Process ID. :param cpu: CPU ID, pin thread to free CPU if cpu ID isn't set """ self._flush_pin() if cpu: error.context("Pinning process %s to the CPU(%s)" % (process, cpu)) else: error.context("Pinning process %s to the available CPU" % (process)) cpus = self.cpus if extra: cpus = self.extra_cpus for i in cpus: if (cpu is not None and cpu == i) or (cpu is None and not self.dict[i]): self.dict[i].append(process) cmd = "taskset -p %s %s" % (hex(2 ** int(i)), process) logging.debug("NumaNode (%s): " % i + cmd) return i
[docs] def show(self): """ Display the record dict in a convenient way. """"Numa Node record dict:") for i in self.cpus:" %s: %s" % (i, self.dict[i]))
[docs]def get_dev_major_minor(dev): """ Get the major and minor numbers of the device @return: Tuple(major, minor) numbers of the device """ try: rdev = os.stat(dev).st_rdev return (os.major(rdev), os.minor(rdev)) except IOError, details: raise error.TestError("Fail to get major and minor numbers of the " "device %s:\n%s" % (dev, details))
[docs]class Flag(str): """ Class for easy merge cpuflags. """ aliases = {} def __new__(cls, flag): if flag in Flag.aliases: flag = Flag.aliases[flag] return str.__new__(cls, flag) def __eq__(self, other): s = set(self.split("|")) o = set(other.split("|")) if s & o: return True else: return False def __str__(self): return self.split("|")[0] def __repr__(self): return self.split("|")[0] def __hash__(self, *args, **kwargs): return 0
kvm_map_flags_to_test = { Flag('avx'): set(['avx']), Flag('sse3|pni'): set(['sse3']), Flag('ssse3'): set(['ssse3']), Flag('sse4.1|sse4_1|sse4.2|sse4_2'): set(['sse4']), Flag('aes'): set(['aes', 'pclmul']), Flag('pclmuldq'): set(['pclmul']), Flag('pclmulqdq'): set(['pclmul']), Flag('rdrand'): set(['rdrand']), Flag('sse4a'): set(['sse4a']), Flag('fma4'): set(['fma4']), Flag('xop'): set(['xop']), } kvm_map_flags_aliases = { 'sse4_1': 'sse4.1', 'sse4_2': 'sse4.2', 'pclmuldq': 'pclmulqdq', 'sse3': 'pni', 'ffxsr': 'fxsr_opt', 'xd': 'nx', 'i64': 'lm', 'psn': 'pn', 'clfsh': 'clflush', 'dts': 'ds', 'htt': 'ht', 'CMPXCHG8B': 'cx8', 'Page1GB': 'pdpe1gb', 'LahfSahf': 'lahf_lm', 'ExtApicSpace': 'extapic', 'AltMovCr8': 'cr8_legacy', 'cr8legacy': 'cr8_legacy' }
[docs]def kvm_flags_to_stresstests(flags): """ Covert [cpu flags] to [tests] :param cpuflags: list of cpuflags :return: Return tests like string. """ tests = set([]) for f in flags: tests |= kvm_map_flags_to_test[f] param = "" for f in tests: param += "," + f return param
[docs]def set_cpu_status(cpu_num, enable=True): """ Set assigned cpu to be enable or disable """ if cpu_num == 0: raise error.TestNAError("The 0 cpu cannot be set!") cpu_status = get_cpu_status(cpu_num) if cpu_status == -1: return False cpu_file = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s/online" % cpu_num if enable: cpu_enable = 1 else: cpu_enable = 0 if cpu_status == cpu_enable: logging.debug("No need to set, %s has already been '%s'" % (cpu_file, cpu_enable)) return True try: cpu_file_w = open(cpu_file, 'w') cpu_file_w.write("%s" % cpu_enable) cpu_file_w.close() except IOError: return False return True
[docs]def get_cpu_status(cpu_num): """ Get cpu status to check it's enable or disable """ if cpu_num == 0: logging.debug("The 0 cpu always be enable.") return 1 cpu_file = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s/online" % cpu_num if not os.path.exists(cpu_file): logging.debug("'%s' cannot be found!" % cpu_file) return -1 cpu_file_r = open(cpu_file, 'r') cpu_status = int( cpu_file_r.close() return cpu_status
[docs]def get_cpu_flags(cpu_info=""): """ Returns a list of the CPU flags """ cpu_flags_re = "flags\s+:\s+([\w\s]+)\n" if not cpu_info: fd = open("/proc/cpuinfo") cpu_info = fd.close() cpu_flag_lists = re.findall(cpu_flags_re, cpu_info) if not cpu_flag_lists: return [] cpu_flags = cpu_flag_lists[0] return re.split("\s+", cpu_flags.strip())
[docs]def get_cpu_vendor(cpu_info="", verbose=True): """ Returns the name of the CPU vendor """ vendor_re = "vendor_id\s+:\s+(\w+)" if not cpu_info: fd = open("/proc/cpuinfo") cpu_info = fd.close() vendor = re.findall(vendor_re, cpu_info) if not vendor: vendor = 'unknown' else: vendor = vendor[0] if verbose: logging.debug("Detected CPU vendor as '%s'", vendor) return vendor
[docs]def get_support_machine_type(qemu_binary="/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm"): """ Get the machine type the host support,return a list of machine type """ o = utils.system_output("%s -M ?" % qemu_binary) s = re.findall("(\S*)\s*RHEL[-\s]", o) c = re.findall("(RHEL.*PC)", o) return (s, c)
[docs]def get_host_cpu_models(): """ Get cpu model from host cpuinfo """ def _cpu_flags_sort(cpu_flags): """ Update the cpu flags get from host to a certain order and format """ flag_list = re.split("\s+", cpu_flags.strip()) flag_list.sort() cpu_flags = " ".join(flag_list) return cpu_flags def _make_up_pattern(flags): """ Update the check pattern to a certain order and format """ pattern_list = re.split(",", flags.strip()) pattern_list.sort() pattern = r"(\b%s\b)" % pattern_list[0] for i in pattern_list[1:]: pattern += r".+(\b%s\b)" % i return pattern if ARCH in ('ppc64', 'ppc64le'): return [] # remove -cpu and leave it on qemu to decide cpu_types = {"AuthenticAMD": ["Opteron_G5", "Opteron_G4", "Opteron_G3", "Opteron_G2", "Opteron_G1"], "GenuineIntel": ["Broadwell", "Haswell", "SandyBridge", "Westmere", "Nehalem", "Penryn", "Conroe"]} cpu_type_re = {"Opteron_G5": "f16c,fma,tbm", "Opteron_G4": "avx,xsave,aes,sse4.2|sse4_2,sse4.1|sse4_1,cx16,ssse3,sse4a", "Opteron_G3": "cx16,sse4a", "Opteron_G2": "cx16", "Opteron_G1": "", "Broadwell": "adx,rdseed,3dnowprefetch", "Haswell": "fma,avx2,movbe,hle", "SandyBridge": "avx,xsave,aes,sse4_2|sse4.2,sse4.1|sse4_1,cx16,ssse3", "Westmere": "aes,sse4.2|sse4_2,sse4.1|sse4_1,cx16,ssse3", "Nehalem": "sse4.2|sse4_2,sse4.1|sse4_1,cx16,ssse3", "Penryn": "sse4.1|sse4_1,cx16,ssse3", "Conroe": "ssse3"} fd = open("/proc/cpuinfo") cpu_info = fd.close() cpu_flags = " ".join(get_cpu_flags(cpu_info)) vendor = get_cpu_vendor(cpu_info) cpu_model = None cpu_support_model = [] if cpu_flags: cpu_flags = _cpu_flags_sort(cpu_flags) for cpu_type in cpu_types.get(vendor): pattern = _make_up_pattern(cpu_type_re.get(cpu_type)) if re.findall(pattern, cpu_flags): cpu_model = cpu_type break else: logging.warn("Can not Get cpu flags from cpuinfo") if cpu_model: cpu_type_list = cpu_types.get(vendor) cpu_support_model = cpu_type_list[cpu_type_list.index(cpu_model):] return cpu_support_model
[docs]def extract_qemu_cpu_models(qemu_cpu_help_text): """ Get all cpu models from qemu -cpu help text. :param qemu_cpu_help_text: text produced by <qemu> -cpu '?' :return: list of cpu models """ def check_model_list(pattern): cpu_re = re.compile(pattern) qemu_cpu_model_list = cpu_re.findall(qemu_cpu_help_text) if qemu_cpu_model_list: return qemu_cpu_model_list else: return None x86_pattern_list = "x86\s+\[?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\]?.*\n" ppc64_pattern_list = "PowerPC\s+\[?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\.?[0-9]?)\]?.*\n" for pattern_list in [x86_pattern_list, ppc64_pattern_list]: model_list = check_model_list(pattern_list) if model_list is not None: return model_list e_msg = ("CPU models reported by qemu -cpu ? not supported by virt-tests. " "Please work with us to add support for it") logging.error(e_msg) for line in qemu_cpu_help_text.splitlines(): logging.error(line) raise UnsupportedCPU(e_msg)
[docs]def get_qemu_cpu_models(qemu_binary): """Get listing of CPU models supported by QEMU Get list of CPU models by parsing the output of <qemu> -cpu '?' """ cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu '?'" result = return extract_qemu_cpu_models(result.stdout)
def _get_backend_dir(params): """ Get the appropriate backend directory. Example: backends/qemu. """ return os.path.join(data_dir.get_root_dir(), 'backends', params.get("vm_type"))
[docs]def get_qemu_binary(params): """ Get the path to the qemu binary currently in use. """ # Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH for built libraries (libspice-server) qemu_binary_path = get_path(_get_backend_dir(params), params.get("qemu_binary", "qemu")) if not os.path.isfile(qemu_binary_path): logging.debug('Could not find params qemu in %s, searching the ' 'host PATH for one to use', qemu_binary_path) try: qemu_binary = find_command('qemu-kvm') logging.debug('Found %s', qemu_binary) except ValueError: qemu_binary = find_command('kvm') logging.debug('Found %s', qemu_binary) else: library_path = os.path.join(_get_backend_dir(params), 'install_root', 'lib') if os.path.isdir(library_path): library_path = os.path.abspath(library_path) qemu_binary = ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s %s" % (library_path, qemu_binary_path)) else: qemu_binary = qemu_binary_path return qemu_binary
[docs]def get_qemu_dst_binary(params): """ Get the path to the qemu dst binary currently in use. """ qemu_dst_binary = params.get("qemu_dst_binary", None) if qemu_dst_binary is None: return qemu_dst_binary qemu_binary_path = get_path(_get_backend_dir(params), qemu_dst_binary) # Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH for built libraries (libspice-server) library_path = os.path.join(_get_backend_dir(params), 'install_root', 'lib') if os.path.isdir(library_path): library_path = os.path.abspath(library_path) qemu_dst_binary = ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s %s" % (library_path, qemu_binary_path)) else: qemu_dst_binary = qemu_binary_path return qemu_dst_binary
[docs]def get_qemu_img_binary(params): """ Get the path to the qemu-img binary currently in use. """ qemu_img_binary_path = get_path(_get_backend_dir(params), params.get("qemu_img_binary", "qemu-img")) if not os.path.isfile(qemu_img_binary_path): logging.debug('Could not find params qemu-img in %s, searching the ' 'host PATH for one to use', qemu_img_binary_path) qemu_img_binary = find_command('qemu-img') logging.debug('Found %s', qemu_img_binary) else: qemu_img_binary = qemu_img_binary_path return qemu_img_binary
[docs]def get_qemu_io_binary(params): """ Get the path to the qemu-io binary currently in use. """ qemu_io_binary_path = get_path(_get_backend_dir(params), params.get("qemu_io_binary", "qemu-io")) if not os.path.isfile(qemu_io_binary_path): logging.debug('Could not find params qemu-io in %s, searching the ' 'host PATH for one to use', qemu_io_binary_path) qemu_io_binary = find_command('qemu-io') logging.debug('Found %s', qemu_io_binary) else: qemu_io_binary = qemu_io_binary_path return qemu_io_binary
[docs]def get_qemu_best_cpu_model(params): """ Try to find out the best CPU model available for qemu. This function can't be in qemu_vm, because it is used in env_process, where there's no vm object available yet, and env content is synchronized in multi host testing. 1) Get host CPU model 2) Verify if host CPU model is in the list of supported qemu cpu models 3) If so, return host CPU model 4) If not, return the default cpu model set in params, if none defined, return 'qemu64'. """ host_cpu_models = get_host_cpu_models() qemu_binary = get_qemu_binary(params) qemu_cpu_models = get_qemu_cpu_models(qemu_binary) # Let's try to find a suitable model on the qemu list for host_cpu_model in host_cpu_models: if host_cpu_model in qemu_cpu_models: return host_cpu_model # If no host cpu model can be found on qemu_cpu_models, choose the default return params.get("default_cpu_model", None)
[docs]def check_if_vm_vcpu_match(vcpu_desire, vm): """ This checks whether the VM vCPU quantity matches the value desired. """ vcpu_actual = vm.get_cpu_count() if vcpu_desire != vcpu_actual: logging.debug("CPU quantity mismatched !!! guest said it got %s " "but we assigned %s" % (vcpu_actual, vcpu_desire)) return False"CPU quantity matched: %s" % vcpu_actual) return True
[docs]class ForAll(list): def __getattr__(self, name): def wrapper(*args, **kargs): return map(lambda o: o.__getattribute__(name)(*args, **kargs), self) return wrapper
[docs]class ForAllP(list): """ Parallel version of ForAll """ def __getattr__(self, name): def wrapper(*args, **kargs): threads = [] for o in self: threads.append( utils.InterruptedThread(o.__getattribute__(name), args=args, kwargs=kargs)) for t in threads: t.start() return map(lambda t: t.join(), threads) return wrapper
[docs]class ForAllPSE(list): """ Parallel version of and suppress exception. """ def __getattr__(self, name): def wrapper(*args, **kargs): threads = [] for o in self: threads.append( utils.InterruptedThread(o.__getattribute__(name), args=args, kwargs=kargs)) for t in threads: t.start() result = [] for t in threads: ret = {} try: ret["return"] = t.join() except Exception: ret["exception"] = sys.exc_info() ret["args"] = args ret["kargs"] = kargs result.append(ret) return result return wrapper
[docs]def get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): if not pid_files_dir: base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) pid_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, "..", "..", "" % program_name)) else: pid_path = os.path.join(pid_files_dir, "" % program_name) return pid_path
[docs]def write_pid(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Try to drop <program_name>.pid in the main autotest directory. Args: program_name: prefix for file name """ pidfile = open(get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir), "w") try: pidfile.write("%s\n" % os.getpid()) finally: pidfile.close()
[docs]def delete_pid_file_if_exists(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Tries to remove <program_name>.pid from the main autotest directory. """ pidfile_path = get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir) try: os.remove(pidfile_path) except OSError: if not os.path.exists(pidfile_path): return raise
[docs]def get_pid_from_file(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Reads the pid from <program_name>.pid in the autotest directory. :param program_name the name of the program :return: the pid if the file exists, None otherwise. """ pidfile_path = get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir) if not os.path.exists(pidfile_path): return None pidfile = open(get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir), 'r') try: try: pid = int(pidfile.readline()) except IOError: if not os.path.exists(pidfile_path): return None raise finally: pidfile.close() return pid
[docs]def program_is_alive(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Checks if the process is alive and not in Zombie state. :param program_name the name of the program :return: True if still alive, False otherwise """ pid = get_pid_from_file(program_name, pid_files_dir) if pid is None: return False return utils.pid_is_alive(pid)
[docs]def signal_program(program_name, sig=signal.SIGTERM, pid_files_dir=None): """ Sends a signal to the process listed in <program_name>.pid :param program_name the name of the program :param sig signal to send """ pid = get_pid_from_file(program_name, pid_files_dir) if pid: utils.signal_pid(pid, sig)
[docs]def normalize_data_size(value_str, order_magnitude="M", factor="1024"): """ Normalize a data size in one order of magnitude to another (MB to GB, for example). :param value_str: a string include the data and unit :param order_magnitude: the magnitude order of result :param factor: the factor between two relative order of magnitude. Normally could be 1024 or 1000 """ def _get_magnitude_index(magnitude_list, magnitude_value): for i in magnitude_list: order_magnitude = re.findall("[\s\d](%s)" % i, str(magnitude_value), re.I) if order_magnitude: return magnitude_list.index(order_magnitude[0].upper()) return -1 magnitude_list = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T'] try: data = float(re.findall("[\d\.]+", value_str)[0]) except IndexError: logging.error("Incorrect data size format. Please check %s" " has both data and unit." % value_str) return "" magnitude_index = _get_magnitude_index(magnitude_list, value_str) order_magnitude_index = _get_magnitude_index(magnitude_list, " %s" % order_magnitude) if data == 0: return 0 elif magnitude_index < 0 or order_magnitude_index < 0: logging.error("Unknown input order of magnitude. Please check your" "value '%s' and desired order of magnitude" " '%s'." % (value_str, order_magnitude)) return "" if magnitude_index > order_magnitude_index: multiple = float(factor) else: multiple = float(factor) ** -1 for _ in range(abs(magnitude_index - order_magnitude_index)): data *= multiple return str(data)
[docs]def get_free_disk(session, mount): """ Get FreeSpace for given mount point. :parm session: shell Object. :parm mount: mount point(eg. C:, /mnt) :return string: freespace M-bytes """ if re.match(r"[a-zA-Z]:", mount): cmd = "wmic logicaldisk where \"DeviceID='%s'\" " % mount cmd += "get FreeSpace" output = session.cmd_output(cmd) free = "%sK" % re.findall(r"\d+", output)[0] else: cmd = "df -h %s" % mount output = session.cmd_output(cmd) free = re.findall(r"\b([\d.]+[BKMGPETZ])\b", output, re.M | re.I)[2] free = float(normalize_data_size(free, order_magnitude="M")) return int(free)
[docs]def get_free_mem(session, os_type): """ Get Free memory for given OS. :parm session: shell Object. :parm os_type: os type (eg. linux or windows) :return string: freespace M-bytes """ if os_type != "windows": cmd = "grep 'MemFree:' /proc/meminfo" output = session.cmd_output(cmd) free = re.findall(r"\d+\s\w", output)[0] else: output = session.cmd_output("wmic OS get FreePhysicalMemory") free = "%sK" % re.findall("\d+", output)[0] free = float(normalize_data_size(free, order_magnitude="M")) return int(free)
[docs]def verify_running_as_root(): """ Verifies whether we're running under UID 0 (root). :raise: error.TestNAError """ if os.getuid() != 0: raise error.TestNAError("This test requires root privileges " "(currently running with user %s)" % getpass.getuser())
[docs]def selinux_enforcing(): """ Deprecated function Returns True if SELinux is in enforcing mode, False if permissive/disabled Alias to utils_selinux.is_enforcing() """ logging.warning("This function was deprecated, Please use " "utils_selinux.is_enforcing().") return utils_selinux.is_enforcing()
[docs]def get_winutils_vol(session, label="WIN_UTILS"): """ Return Volume ID of winutils CDROM ISO file should be create via command ``mkisofs -V $label -o winutils.iso``. :param session: session Object :param label: volume ID of WIN_UTILS.iso :return: volume ID """ cmd = "wmic logicaldisk where (VolumeName='%s') get DeviceID" % label output = session.cmd(cmd, timeout=120) device ='(\w):', output, re.M) if not device: return "" return
[docs]def format_windows_disk(session, did, mountpoint=None, size=None, fstype="ntfs"): """ Create a partition on disk in windows guest and format it. :param session: session object to guest. :param did: disk index which show in 'diskpart list disk'. :param mountpoint: mount point for the disk. :param fstype: filesystem type for the disk. :param ostype: guest os type 'windows' or 'linux'. :return Boolean: disk usable or not. """ list_disk_cmd = "echo list disk > disk && " list_disk_cmd += "echo exit >> disk && diskpart /s disk" disks = session.cmd_output(list_disk_cmd) if size is not None: size = int(float(normalize_data_size(size, order_magnitude="M"))) for disk in disks.splitlines(): if"DISK %s" % did, disk, re.I | re.M): cmd_header = 'echo list disk > disk &&' cmd_header += 'echo select disk %s >> disk &&' % did cmd_footer = '&& echo exit>> disk && diskpart /s disk' cmd_footer += '&& del /f disk' detail_cmd = 'echo detail disk >> disk' detail_cmd = ' '.join([cmd_header, detail_cmd, cmd_footer]) logging.debug("Detail for 'Disk%s'" % did) details = session.cmd_output(detail_cmd) if"Status.*Offline", details, re.I | re.M): online_cmd = 'echo online disk>> disk' online_cmd = ' '.join([cmd_header, online_cmd, cmd_footer])"Online 'Disk%s'" % did) session.cmd(online_cmd) if"Read.*Yes", details, re.I | re.M): set_rw_cmd = 'echo attributes disk clear readonly>> disk' set_rw_cmd = ' '.join([cmd_header, set_rw_cmd, cmd_footer])"Clear readonly bit on 'Disk%s'" % did) session.cmd(set_rw_cmd) if size is None: mkpart_cmd = 'echo create partition primary >> disk' else: mkpart_cmd = 'echo create partition primary size=%s >> disk' % size mkpart_cmd = ' '.join([cmd_header, mkpart_cmd, cmd_footer])"Create partition on 'Disk%s'" % did) session.cmd(mkpart_cmd)"Format the 'Disk%s' to %s" % (did, fstype)) format_cmd = 'echo list partition >> disk && ' format_cmd += 'echo select partition 1 >> disk && ' if mountpoint is None: format_cmd += 'echo assign >> disk && ' else: format_cmd += 'echo assign letter=%s >> disk && ' % mountpoint format_cmd += 'echo format fs=%s quick >> disk ' % fstype format_cmd = ' '.join([cmd_header, format_cmd, cmd_footer]) session.cmd(format_cmd, timeout=300) return True return False
[docs]def format_linux_disk(session, did, mountpoint, size, fstype="ext3"): """ Create a partition on disk in linux guest and format and mount it. :param session: session object to guest. :param did: disk serial, kname or wwn. :param mountpoint: mount point for the disk. :param fstype: filesystem type for the disk. :param ostype: guest os type 'windows' or 'linux'. :return Boolean: disk usable or not. """ list_disk_cmd = "lsblk -p -oKNAME,MOUNTPOINT,SERIAL,SIZE,MODEL,WWN" disks = session.cmd_output(list_disk_cmd) logging.debug("Disks detail: %s" % disks) for disk in disks.splitlines(): if did in disk: kname = disk.split()[0]"Create partition on disk '%s'" % kname) mkpart_cmd = "parted -s %s mkpart primary 0 %s" % (kname, size) session.cmd(mkpart_cmd)"Format partition to '%s'" % fstype) format_cmd = "yes|mkfs -t %s %s" % (kname, fstype) session.cmd(format_cmd)"Mount the disk to '%s'" % mountpoint) mount_cmd = "mount -t %s %s %s" % (fstype, kname, mountpoint) session.cmd(mount_cmd) return True return False
[docs]def format_guest_disk(session, did, mountpoint, size, fstype, ostype): """ Create a partition on disk in guest and format and mount it. :param session: session object to guest. :param did: disk ID in guest. :param mountpoint: mount point for the disk. :param fstype: filesystem type for the disk. :param ostype: guest os type 'windows' or 'linux'. :return Boolean: disk usable or not. """ if ostype == "windows": return format_windows_disk(session, did, mountpoint, size, fstype) return format_linux_disk(session, did, mountpoint, size, fstype)
[docs]def get_windows_drive_letters(session): """ Get drive letters has been assigned :param session: session object to guest :return list: letters has been assigned """ list_letters_cmd = "fsutil fsinfo drives" drive_letters = re.findall(r'(\w+):\\', session.cmd_output(list_letters_cmd), re.M) return drive_letters
[docs]def valued_option_dict(options, split_pattern, start_count=0, dict_split=None): """ Divide the valued options into key and value :param options: the valued options get from cfg :param split_pattern: patten used to split options :param dict_split: patten used to split sub options and insert into dict :param start_count: the start_count to insert option_dict :return: dict include option and its value """ option_dict = {} if options.strip() is not None: pat = re.compile(split_pattern) option_list = pat.split(options.lstrip(split_pattern)) logging.debug("option_list is %s", option_list) for match in option_list[start_count:]: match_list = match.split(dict_split) if len(match_list) == 2: key = match_list[0] value = match_list[1] if key not in option_dict: option_dict[key] = value else: logging.debug("key %s in option_dict", key) option_dict[key] = option_dict[key].split() option_dict[key].append(value) return option_dict
[docs]def get_image_info(image_file): """ Get image information and put it into a dict. Image information like this: :: ******************************* image: /path/vm1_6.3.img file format: raw virtual size: 10G (10737418240 bytes) disk size: 888M .... image: /path/vm2_6.3.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0M (1024000 bytes) disk size: 196M .... ******************************* And the image info dict will be like this :: image_info_dict = {'format':'raw', 'vsize' : '10737418240', 'dsize' : '931135488', 'csize' : '65536'} """ try: cmd = "qemu-img info %s" % image_file image_info =, ignore_status=False).stdout.strip() image_info_dict = {} vsize = None if image_info: for line in image_info.splitlines(): if line.find("file format") != -1: image_info_dict['format'] = line.split(':')[-1].strip() elif line.find("virtual size") != -1 and vsize is None: # Use the value in (xxxxxx bytes) since it's the more # realistic value. For a "1000k" disk, qemu-img will # show 1.0M and 1024000 bytes. The 1.0M will translate # into 1048576 bytes which isn't necessarily correct vsize = line.split("(")[-1].strip().split(" ")[0] image_info_dict['vsize'] = int(vsize) elif line.find("disk size") != -1: dsize = line.split(':')[-1].strip() image_info_dict['dsize'] = int(float( normalize_data_size(dsize, order_magnitude="B", factor=1024))) elif line.find("cluster_size") != -1: csize = line.split(':')[-1].strip() image_info_dict['csize'] = int(csize) return image_info_dict except (KeyError, IndexError, error.CmdError), detail: raise error.TestError("Fail to get information of %s:\n%s" % (image_file, detail))
[docs]def get_test_entrypoint_func(name, module): ''' Returns the test entry point function for a loaded module :param name: the name of the test. Usually supplied on a cartesian config file using the "type" key :type name: str :param module: a loaded python module for containing the code for the test named on ``name`` :type module: module :raises: ValueError if module does not have a suitable function :returns: the test entry point function :rtype: func ''' has_run = hasattr(module, "run") legacy_run = "run_%s" % name has_legacy_run = hasattr(module, legacy_run) if has_run: if has_legacy_run: msg = ('Both legacy and new test entry point function names ' 'present. Please update your test and use "run()" ' 'instead of "%s()". Also, please avoid using "%s()" ' 'as a regular function name in your test as it causes ' 'confusion with the legacy naming standard. Function ' '"run()" will be used in favor of "%s()"') logging.warn(msg, legacy_run, legacy_run, legacy_run) return getattr(module, "run") elif has_legacy_run: logging.warn('Legacy test entry point function name found. Please ' 'update your test and use "run()" as the new function ' 'name') return getattr(module, legacy_run) else: raise ValueError("Missing test entry point")
[docs]class KSMError(Exception): """ Base exception for KSM setup """ pass
[docs]class KSMNotSupportedError(KSMError): """ Thrown when host does not support KSM. """ pass
[docs]class KSMTunedError(KSMError): """ Thrown when KSMTuned Error happen. """ pass
[docs]class KSMTunedNotSupportedError(KSMTunedError): """ Thrown when host does not support KSMTune. """ pass
[docs]class KSMController(object): """KSM Manager""" def __init__(self): """ Preparations for ksm. """ _KSM_PATH = "/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/" self.ksm_path = _KSM_PATH self.ksm_params = {} # Default control way is files on host # But it will be ksmctl command on older ksm version self.interface = "sysfs" if os.path.isdir(self.ksm_path): _KSM_PARAMS = os.listdir(_KSM_PATH) for param in _KSM_PARAMS: self.ksm_params[param] = _KSM_PATH + param self.interface = "sysfs" if not os.path.isfile(self.ksm_params["run"]): raise KSMNotSupportedError else: try: os_dep.command("ksmctl") except ValueError: raise KSMNotSupportedError _KSM_PARAMS = ["run", "pages_to_scan", "sleep_millisecs"] # No _KSM_PATH needed here for param in _KSM_PARAMS: self.ksm_params[param] = None self.interface = "ksmctl"
[docs] def is_module_loaded(self): """Check whether ksm module has been loaded.""" if utils.system("lsmod |grep ksm", ignore_status=True): return False return True
[docs] def load_ksm_module(self): """Try to load ksm module.""" utils.system("modprobe ksm")
[docs] def unload_ksm_module(self): """Try to unload ksm module.""" utils.system("modprobe -r ksm")
[docs] def get_ksmtuned_pid(self): """ Return ksmtuned process id(0 means not running). """ try: os_dep.command("ksmtuned") except ValueError: raise KSMTunedNotSupportedError process_id = utils.system_output("ps -C ksmtuned -o pid=", ignore_status=True) if process_id: return int(re.findall("\d+", process_id)[0]) return 0
[docs] def start_ksmtuned(self): """Start ksmtuned service""" if self.get_ksmtuned_pid() == 0: utils.system("ksmtuned")
[docs] def stop_ksmtuned(self): """Stop ksmtuned service""" pid = self.get_ksmtuned_pid() if pid: utils.system("kill -1 %s" % pid)
[docs] def restart_ksmtuned(self): """Restart ksmtuned service""" self.stop_ksmtuned() self.start_ksmtuned()
[docs] def start_ksm(self, pages_to_scan=None, sleep_ms=None): """ Start ksm function. """ if not self.is_ksm_running(): feature_args = {'run': 1} if self.interface == "ksmctl": if pages_to_scan is None: pages_to_scan = 5000 if sleep_ms is None: sleep_ms = 50 feature_args["pages_to_scan"] = pages_to_scan feature_args["sleep_millisecs"] = sleep_ms self.set_ksm_feature(feature_args)
[docs] def stop_ksm(self): """ Stop ksm function. """ if self.is_ksm_running(): return self.set_ksm_feature({"run": 0})
[docs] def restart_ksm(self, pages_to_scan=None, sleep_ms=None): """Restart ksm service""" self.stop_ksm() self.start_ksm(pages_to_scan, sleep_ms)
[docs] def is_ksm_running(self): """ Verify whether ksm is running. """ if self.interface == "sysfs": running = utils.system_output("cat %s" % self.ksm_params["run"]) else: output = utils.system_output("ksmctl info") try: running = re.findall("\d+", output)[0] except IndexError: raise KSMError if running != '0': return True return False
[docs] def get_writable_features(self): """Get writable features for setting""" writable_features = [] if self.interface == "sysfs": # Get writable parameters for key, value in self.ksm_params.items(): if stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(value).st_mode) & stat.S_IWRITE: writable_features.append(key) else: for key in self.ksm_params.keys(): writable_features.append(key) return writable_features
[docs] def set_ksm_feature(self, feature_args): """ Set ksm features. :param feature_args: a dict include features and their's value. """ for key in feature_args.keys(): if key not in self.get_writable_features(): logging.error("Do not support setting of '%s'.", key) raise KSMError if self.interface == "sysfs": # Get writable parameters for key, value in feature_args.items(): utils.system("echo %s > %s" % (value, self.ksm_params[key])) else: if "run" in feature_args.keys() and feature_args["run"] == 0: utils.system("ksmctl stop") else: # For ksmctl both pages_to_scan and sleep_ms should have value # So start it anyway if run is 1 # Default is original value if feature is not in change list. if "pages_to_scan" not in feature_args.keys(): pts = self.get_ksm_feature("pages_to_scan") else: pts = feature_args["pages_to_scan"] if "sleep_millisecs" not in feature_args.keys(): ms = self.get_ksm_feature("sleep_millisecs") else: ms = feature_args["sleep_millisecs"] utils.system("ksmctl start %s %s" % (pts, ms))
[docs] def get_ksm_feature(self, feature): """ Get ksm feature's value. """ if feature in self.ksm_params.keys(): feature = self.ksm_params[feature] if self.interface == "sysfs": return utils.system_output("cat %s" % feature).strip() else: output = utils.system_output("ksmctl info") _KSM_PARAMS = ["run", "pages_to_scan", "sleep_millisecs"] ksminfos = re.findall("\d+", output) if len(ksminfos) != 3: raise KSMError try: return ksminfos[_KSM_PARAMS.index(feature)] except ValueError: raise KSMError
[docs]def monotonic_time(): """ Get monotonic time """ def monotonic_time_os(): """ Get monotonic time using ctypes """ class struct_timespec(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('tv_sec', ctypes.c_long), ('tv_nsec', ctypes.c_long)] lib = ctypes.CDLL("", use_errno=True) clock_gettime = lib.clock_gettime clock_gettime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(struct_timespec)] timespec = struct_timespec() # CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW == 4 if not clock_gettime(4, ctypes.pointer(timespec)) == 0: errno = ctypes.get_errno() raise OSError(errno, os.strerror(errno)) return timespec.tv_sec + timespec.tv_nsec * 10 ** -9 monotonic_attribute = getattr(time, "monotonic", None) if callable(monotonic_attribute): # Introduced in Python 3.3 return time.monotonic() else: return monotonic_time_os()
[docs]def verify_host_dmesg(dmesg_log_file=None, trace_re=None): """ Find host call trace in dmesg log. :param dmesg_log_file: The file used to save host dmesg. If None, will save host dmesg to logging.debug. :param trace_re: re string used to filter call trace. """ panic_re = [r"BUG:.*---\[ end trace .* \]---"] panic_re.append(r"----------\[ cut here.* BUG .*\[ end trace .* \]---") panic_re.append(r"general protection fault:.* RSP.*>") panic_re = "|".join(panic_re) dmesg = utils.system_output("dmesg", timeout=30, ignore_status=True) if dmesg: match =, dmesg, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.I) if match is not None: err = "Found call trace in host dmesg." d_log = "Host dmesg log:\n%s" % dmesg if dmesg_log_file: file(dmesg_log_file, "w+").write(d_log) err += " Please check host dmesg log %s." % dmesg_log_file else: err += " Please check host dmesg log in debug log." logging.debug(d_log) raise error.TestError(err)
[docs]def add_ker_cmd(kernel_cmdline, kernel_param, remove_similar=False): """ Add a parameter to kernel command line content :param kernel_cmdline: Original kernel command line. :type kernel_cmdline: string :param kernel_param: parameter want to change include the value. :type kernel_param: string :param remove_similar: remove the value of the parameter that already in kernel cmd line or not. :type remove_similar: bool :return: kernel command line :rtype: string """ kernel_param = kernel_param.strip() kernel_cmdline = kernel_cmdline.strip() kernel_cmdline_cmp = " %s " % kernel_cmdline need_update = True if " %s " % kernel_param in kernel_cmdline_cmp: logging.debug("Parameter already in kernel command line.") need_update = False elif "=" in kernel_param and remove_similar: kernel_param_key = kernel_param.split("=")[0] kernel_cmdline = re.sub(" %s= " % kernel_param_key, " ", kernel_cmdline_cmp).strip() if need_update: kernel_cmdline += " %s" % kernel_param return kernel_cmdline
[docs]def rm_ker_cmd(kernel_cmdline, kernel_param): """ Remove a parameter from kernel command line content :param kernel_cmdline: Original kernel command line. :type kernel_cmdline: string :param kernel_param: parameter want to change include the value. :type kernel_param: string :return: kernel command line :rtype: string """ kernel_param = kernel_param.strip() kernel_cmdline = kernel_cmdline.strip() kernel_cmdline_cmp = " %s " % kernel_cmdline if " %s " % kernel_param in kernel_cmdline_cmp: kernel_cmdline = re.sub(" %s " % kernel_param, " ", kernel_cmdline_cmp).strip() return kernel_cmdline
[docs]def check_module(module_name, submodules=[]): """ Check whether module and its submodules work. """ module_info = utils.loaded_module_info(module_name) logging.debug(module_info) # Return if module is not loaded. if not len(module_info): logging.debug("Module %s was not loaded.", module_name) return False module_work = True l_sub = module_info.get('submodules') for submodule in submodules: if submodule not in l_sub: logging.debug("Submodule %s of %s is not loaded.", submodule, module_name) module_work = False return module_work
[docs]def get_pci_devices_in_group(str_flag=""): """ Get PCI Devices. Classify pci devices accroding its bus and slot, devices with same bus and slot will be put together. The format will be {'domain:bus:slot': 'device_function',...} :param str_flag: the match string to filter devices. """ d_lines ="lspci -bDnn | grep \"%s\"" % str_flag).stdout devices = {} for line in d_lines.splitlines(): pci_id = line.strip().split()[0] # It's a string with format: domain:bus:slot -> 0000:00:12 pci_slot = pci_id.split('.')[0] # The function of pci device pci_function = pci_id.split('.')[1] pci_list = devices.get(pci_slot, []) pci_list.append(pci_id) devices[pci_slot] = pci_list return devices
[docs]def get_pci_group_by_id(pci_id, device_type=""): """ Fit pci_id to a group list which has same domain:bus:slot. :param pci_id: pci id of a device: domain:bus:slot.function or domain:bus:slot even bus:slot :param device_type: string which can stand device like 'Ethernet', 'Fibre' """ if len(pci_id.split(':')) < 2: logging.error("Please provide formal pci id.") # Informal pci_id, no matched list return [] devices = get_pci_devices_in_group(device_type) for device_key, device_value in devices.items(): for value in device_value: if value.count(pci_id): return devices[device_key] # No matched devices return []
[docs]def get_pci_vendor_device(pci_id): """ Get vendor and device number by pci id. :return: a 'vendor device' list include all matched devices """ matched_pci ="lspci -n -s %s" % pci_id, ignore_status=True).stdout pci_vd = [] for line in matched_pci.splitlines(): for string in line.split(): vd = re.match("\w\w\w\w:\w\w\w\w", string) if vd is not None: pci_vd.append( break return pci_vd
[docs]def bind_device_driver(pci_id, driver_type): """ Bind device driver. :param driver_type: Supported drivers: igb, lpfc, vfio-pci """ vd_list = get_pci_vendor_device(pci_id) if len(vd_list) == 0: logging.error("Can't find device matched.") return False bind_file = "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%s/new_id" % driver_type vendor = vd_list[0].split(':')[0] device = vd_list[0].split(':')[1] bind_cmd = "echo %s %s > %s" % (vendor, device, bind_file) return, ignore_status=True).exit_status == 0
[docs]def unbind_device_driver(pci_id): """ Unbind device current driver. """ vd_list = get_pci_vendor_device(pci_id) if len(vd_list) == 0: logging.error("Can't find device matched.") return False unbind_file = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/driver/unbind" % pci_id unbind_cmd = "echo %s > %s" % (pci_id, unbind_file) return, ignore_status=True).exit_status == 0
[docs]def check_device_driver(pci_id, driver_type): """ Check whether device's driver is same as expected. """ device_driver = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/driver" % pci_id if not os.path.isdir(device_driver): logging.debug("Make sure %s has binded driver.") return False driver ="readlink %s" % device_driver, ignore_status=True).stdout.strip() driver = os.path.basename(driver) logging.debug("% is %s, expect %s", pci_id, driver, driver_type) return driver == driver_type
[docs]class VFIOError(Exception): def __init__(self, err): Exception.__init__(self, err) self.error = err def __str__(self): return self.error
[docs]class VFIOController(object): """Control Virtual Function for testing""" def __init__(self, load_modules=True, allow_unsafe_interrupts=True): """ Initalize prerequisites for enabling VFIO. """ # Step1: Check whether kernel add parameter of iommu self.check_iommu() # Step2: Check whether modules have been probed # Necessary modules for vfio and their submodules. self.vfio_modules = {'vfio': [], 'vfio_pci': [], 'vfio_iommu_type1': []} # Used for checking modules modules_error = [] for key, value in self.vfio_modules.items(): if check_module(key, value): continue elif load_modules: try: utils.load_module(key) except error.CmdError, detail: modules_error.append("Load module %s failed: %s" % (key, detail)) else: modules_error.append("Module %s does not work." % key) if len(modules_error): raise VFIOError(str(modules_error)) # Step3: Enable the interrupt remapping support lnk = "/sys/module/vfio_iommu_type1/parameters/allow_unsafe_interrupts" if allow_unsafe_interrupts: try:"echo Y > %s" % lnk) except error.CmdError, detail: raise VFIOError(str(detail))
[docs] def check_iommu(self): """ Check whether iommu group is available. """ grub_file = "/etc/grub2.cfg" if"ls %s" % grub_file, ignore_status=True).exit_status: grub_file = "/etc/grub.cfg" grub_content ="cat %s" % grub_file).stdout for line in grub_content.splitlines(): if"vmlinuz.*intel_iommu=on", line): return raise VFIOError("Please add 'intel_iommu=on' to kernel and " "reboot to effect it.")
[docs] def get_pci_iommu_group_id(self, pci_id, device_type=""): """ Get pci devices iommu group id """ pci_group_devices = get_pci_group_by_id(pci_id, device_type) if len(pci_group_devices) == 0: raise error.TestError("Can't find device in provided pci group: %s" % pci_id) readlink_cmd = ("readlink /sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/iommu_group" % pci_group_devices[0]) try: group_id = int(os.path.basename( except ValueError, detail: raise error.TestError("Get iommu group id failed:%s" % detail) return group_id
[docs] def get_iommu_group_devices(self, group_id): """ Get all devices in one group by its id. """ output ="ls /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/%s/devices/" % group_id).stdout group_devices = [] for line in output.splitlines(): devices = line.split() group_devices += devices return group_devices
[docs] def bind_device_to_iommu_group(self, pci_id): """ Bind device to iommu group. """ return bind_device_driver(pci_id, "vfio-pci")
[docs] def add_device_to_iommu_group(self, pci_id): """ Add one single device to iommu group. """ unbind_device_driver(pci_id) if not self.bind_device_to_iommu_group(pci_id): logging.debug('Bind vfio driver for %s failed.', pci_id) return False if not check_device_driver(pci_id, "vfio-pci"): logging.debug("Awesome, driver does not match after binding.") return False return True
[docs] def check_vfio_id(self, group_id): """ Check whether given vfio group has been established. """ return os.path.exists("/dev/vfio/%s" % group_id)
[docs]class SELinuxBoolean(object): """ SELinuxBoolean class for managing SELinux boolean value. """ def __init__(self, params): # Setup SSH connection from utils_conn import SSHConnection self.ssh_obj = SSHConnection(params) self.ssh_obj.conn_setup() self.cleanup_local = True self.cleanup_remote = True self.ssh_user = params.get("server_user", "root") self.server_ip = params.get("server_ip") self.set_bool_local = params.get("set_sebool_local", "no") self.set_bool_remote = params.get("set_sebool_remote", "no") self.local_bool_var = params.get("local_boolean_varible") self.remote_bool_var = params.get("remote_boolean_varible", self.local_bool_var) self.local_bool_value = params.get("local_boolean_value") self.remote_bool_value = params.get("remote_boolean_value", self.local_bool_value)
[docs] def get_sebool_local(self): """ Get SELinux boolean value from local host. """ get_sebool_cmd = "getsebool %s | awk -F'-->' '{print $2}'" % ( self.local_bool_var) logging.debug("The command: %s", get_sebool_cmd) result = return result.stdout.strip()
[docs] def get_sebool_remote(self): """ Get SELinux boolean value from remote host. """ ssh_cmd = "ssh %s@%s " % (self.ssh_user, self.server_ip) get_sebool_cmd = "getsebool %s" % self.remote_bool_var cmd = ssh_cmd + "'%s'" % get_sebool_cmd + "| awk -F'-->' '{print $2}'" logging.debug("The command: %s", cmd) result = return result.stdout.strip()
[docs] def setup(self): """ Set SELinux boolean value. """ # Change SELinux boolean value on local host if self.set_bool_local == "yes": self.setup_local() # Change SELinux boolean value on remote host if self.set_bool_remote == "yes": self.setup_remote()
[docs] def cleanup(self, keep_authorized_keys=False): """ Cleanup SELinux boolean value. """ self.ssh_obj.auto_recover = True # Recover local SELinux boolean value if self.cleanup_local: result ="setsebool %s %s" % (self.local_bool_var, self.local_boolean_orig)) if result.exit_status: raise error.TestError(result.stderr.strip()) # Recover remote SELinux boolean value if self.cleanup_remote: ssh_cmd = "ssh %s@%s " % (self.ssh_user, self.server_ip) cmd = ssh_cmd + "'setsebool %s %s'" % (self.remote_bool_var, self.remote_boolean_orig) result = if result.exit_status: raise error.TestError(result.stderr.strip()) # Recover SSH connection if self.ssh_obj.auto_recover and not keep_authorized_keys: del self.ssh_obj
[docs] def setup_local(self): """ Set SELinux boolean value on the local """ # Get original SELinux boolean value, nothing to do if it # equals to specified value self.local_boolean_orig = self.get_sebool_local() if self.local_bool_value == self.local_boolean_orig: self.cleanup_local = False return result ="setsebool %s %s" % (self.local_bool_var, self.local_bool_value)) if result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError(result.stderr.strip()) boolean_curr = self.get_sebool_local() logging.debug("To check local boolean value: %s", boolean_curr) if boolean_curr != self.local_bool_value: raise error.TestFail(result.stderr.strip())
[docs] def setup_remote(self): """ Set SELinux boolean value on remote host. """ # Get original SELinux boolean value, nothing to do if it # equals to specified value self.remote_boolean_orig = self.get_sebool_remote() if self.remote_bool_value == self.remote_boolean_orig: self.cleanup_remote = False return ssh_cmd = "ssh %s@%s " % (self.ssh_user, self.server_ip) set_boolean_cmd = ssh_cmd + "'setsebool %s %s'" % ( self.remote_bool_var, self.remote_bool_value) result = if result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError(result.stderr.strip()) boolean_curr = self.get_sebool_remote() logging.debug("To check remote boolean value: %s", boolean_curr) if boolean_curr != self.remote_bool_value: raise error.TestFail(result.stderr.strip())