Source code for virttest.utils_spice

Common spice test utility functions.

import os
import logging
import time
import sys
from autotest.client.shared import error
from aexpect import ShellCmdError, ShellStatusError
from virttest import utils_net, utils_misc

[docs]class RVConnectError(Exception): """Exception raised in case that remote-viewer fails to connect""" pass
def _is_pid_alive(session, pid): try: session.cmd("ps -p %s" % pid) except ShellCmdError: return False return True
[docs]def wait_timeout(timeout=10): """ time.sleep(timeout) + logging.debug(timeout) :param timeout=10 """ logging.debug("Waiting (timeout=%ss)", timeout) time.sleep(timeout)
[docs]def kill_app(vm_name, app_name, params, env): """ Kill selected app on selected VM :params vm_name - VM name in parameters :params app_name - name of application """ vm = env.get_vm(params[vm_name]) vm.verify_alive() vm_session = vm.wait_for_login( timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))"Try to kill %s", app_name) if vm.params.get("os_type") == "linux": vm_session.cmd("pkill %s" % app_name .split(os.path.sep)[-1]) elif vm.params.get("os_type") == "windows": vm_session.cmd_output("taskkill /F /IM %s" % app_name .split('\\')[-1]) vm.verify_alive() vm_session.close()
[docs]def verify_established(client_vm, host, port, rv_binary, tls_port=None, secure_channels=None): """ Parses netstat output for established connection on host:port :param client_session - vm.wait_for_login() :param host - host ip addr :param port - port for client to connect :param rv_binary - remote-viewer binary """ rv_binary = rv_binary.split(os.path.sep)[-1] client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login(timeout=60) tls_count = 0 # !!! -n means do not resolve port names if ".exe" in rv_binary: cmd = "netstat -n" else: cmd = ('(netstat -pn 2>&1| grep "^tcp.*:.*%s.*ESTABLISHED.*%s.*")' % (host, rv_binary)) netstat_out = client_session.cmd_output(cmd)"netstat output: %s", netstat_out) if tls_port: tls_count = netstat_out.count(tls_port) else: tls_port = port if (netstat_out.count(port) + tls_count) < 4: logging.error("Not enough channels were open") raise RVConnectError() if secure_channels: if tls_count < len(secure_channels.split(',')): logging.error("Not enough secure channels open") raise RVConnectError() for line in netstat_out.split('\n'): if ((port in line and "ESTABLISHED" not in line) or (tls_port in line and "ESTABLISHED" not in line)): logging.error("Failed to get established connection from netstat") raise RVConnectError() if "ESTABLISHED" not in netstat_out: logging.error("Failed to get established connection from netstat") raise RVConnectError()"%s connection to %s:%s successful.", rv_binary, host, port) client_session.close()
[docs]def start_vdagent(guest_session, test_timeout): """ Sending commands to start the spice-vdagentd service :param guest_session: ssh session of the VM :param test_timeout: timeout time for the cmds """ cmd = "service spice-vdagentd start" try: guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=test_timeout) except ShellStatusError: logging.debug("Status code of \"%s\" was not obtained, most likely" "due to a problem with colored output" % cmd) except: raise error.TestFail("Guest Vdagent Daemon Start failed") logging.debug("------------ End of guest checking for Spice Vdagent" " Daemon ------------") wait_timeout(3)
[docs]def restart_vdagent(guest_session, test_timeout): """ Sending commands to restart the spice-vdagentd service :param guest_session: ssh session of the VM :param test_timeout: timeout time for the cmds """ cmd = "service spice-vdagentd restart" try: guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=test_timeout) except ShellCmdError: raise error.TestFail("Couldn't restart spice vdagent process") except: raise error.TestFail("Guest Vdagent Daemon Check failed") logging.debug("------------ End of Spice Vdagent" " Daemon Restart ------------") wait_timeout(3)
[docs]def stop_vdagent(guest_session, test_timeout): """ Sending commands to stop the spice-vdagentd service :param guest_session: ssh session of the VM :param test_timeout: timeout time for the cmds """ cmd = "service spice-vdagentd stop" try: guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=test_timeout) except ShellStatusError: logging.debug("Status code of \"%s\" was not obtained, most likely" "due to a problem with colored output" % cmd) except ShellCmdError: raise error.TestFail("Couldn't turn off spice vdagent process") except: raise error.TestFail("Guest Vdagent Daemon Check failed") logging.debug("------------ End of guest checking for Spice Vdagent" " Daemon ------------") wait_timeout(3)
[docs]def verify_vdagent(guest_session, test_timeout): """ Verifying vdagent is installed on a VM :param guest_session: ssh session of the VM :param test_timeout: timeout time for the cmds """ cmd = "rpm -qa | grep spice-vdagent" try: guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=test_timeout) finally: logging.debug("----------- End of guest check to see if vdagent " "package is available ------------") wait_timeout(3)
[docs]def get_vdagent_status(vm_session, test_timeout): """ Return the status of vdagent :param vm_session: ssh session of the VM :param test_timeout: timeout time for the cmd """ output = "" cmd = "service spice-vdagentd status" wait_timeout(3) try: output = vm_session.cmd( cmd,, timeout=test_timeout) except ShellCmdError: # getting the status of vdagent stopped returns 3, which results in a # ShellCmdError return("stopped") except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] raise error.TestFail( "Failed attempting to get status of spice-vdagentd") wait_timeout(3) return(output)
[docs]def verify_virtio(guest_session, test_timeout): """ Verify Virtio linux driver is properly loaded. :param guest_session: ssh session of the VM :param test_timeout: timeout time for the cmds """ cmd = "ls /dev/virtio-ports/" try: guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=test_timeout) finally: logging.debug("------------ End of guest check of the Virtio-Serial" " Driver------------") wait_timeout(3)
[docs]def install_rv_win(client, host_path, client_path='C:\\virt-viewer.msi'): """ Install remote-viewer on a windows client :param client: VM object :param host_path: Location of installer on host :param client_path: Location of installer after copying """ session = client.wait_for_login( timeout=int(client.params.get("login_timeout", 360))) client.copy_files_to(host_path, client_path) try: session.cmd_output('start /wait msiexec /i ' + client_path + ' INSTALLDIR="C:\\virt-viewer"') except: pass
[docs]def install_usbclerk_win(client, host_path, client_path="C:\\usbclerk.msi"): """ Install remote-viewer on a windows client :param client: VM object :param host_path: Location of installer on host :param client_path: Location of installer after copying """ session = client.wait_for_login(timeout=int( client.params.get("login_timeout", 360))) client.copy_files_to(host_path, client_path) try: session.cmd_output("start /wait msiexec /i " + client_path + " /qn") except: pass
[docs]def clear_interface(vm, login_timeout=360, timeout=5): """ Clears user interface of a vm without reboot :param vm: VM where cleaning is required """ # kill remote-viewer window if it is open if vm.params.get("os_type") == "windows": session = vm.wait_for_login() try: session.cmd("taskkill /F /IM remote-viewer.exe") except:"Remote-viewer not running") else: clear_interface_linux(vm, login_timeout, timeout)
[docs]def clear_interface_linux(vm, login_timeout, timeout): """ Clears user interface of a vm without reboot :param vm: VM where cleaning is required """"restarting X/gdm on: %s", session = vm.wait_for_login(username="root", password="123456", timeout=login_timeout) if "release 7" in session.cmd('cat /etc/redhat-release'): command = "gdm" pgrep_process = "'^gdm$'" else: command = "Xorg" pgrep_process = "Xorg" try: pid = session.cmd("pgrep %s" % pgrep_process) session.cmd("killall %s" % command) utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: _is_pid_alive(session, pid), 10, timeout, 0.2) except: pass try: session.cmd("ps -C %s" % command) except ShellCmdError: raise error.TestFail("X/gdm not running")
[docs]def deploy_epel_repo(guest_session, params): """ Deploy epel repository to RHEL VM If It's RHEL6 or 5. :param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM :param params """ # Check existence of epel repository try: guest_session.cmd("test -a /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo") except ShellCmdError: arch = guest_session.cmd("arch") if "i686" in arch: arch = "i386" else: arch = arch[:-1] if "release 5" in guest_session.cmd("cat /etc/redhat-release"): cmd = ("yum -y localinstall" "pub/epel/5/%s/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm 2>&1" % arch)"Installing epel repository to %s", params.get("guest_vm")) guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=90) elif "release 6" in guest_session.cmd("cat /etc/redhat-release"): cmd = ("yum -y localinstall" "pub/epel/6/%s/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 2>&1" % arch)"Installing epel repository to %s", params.get("guest_vm")) guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=90) elif "release 7" in guest_session.cmd("cat /etc/redhat-release"): cmd = ("yum -y localinstall" "pub/epel/7/%s/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm 2>&1" % arch)"Installing epel repository to %s", params.get("guest_vm")) guest_session.cmd(cmd,, timeout=90) else: raise Exception("Unsupported RHEL guest")
[docs]def gen_rv_file(params, guest_vm, host_subj=None, cacert=None): """ Generates vv file for remote-viewer :param params: all parameters of the test :param guest_vm: object of a guest VM :param host_subj: subject of the host :param cacert: location of certificate of host """ full_screen = params.get("full_screen") proxy = params.get("spice_proxy") rv_file = open('rv_file.vv', 'w') rv_file.write("[virt-viewer]\n" + "type=%s\n" % params.get("display") + "host=%s\n" % utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params) + "port=%s\n" % guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")) ticket = params.get("spice_password", None) ticket_send = params.get("spice_password_send", None) qemu_ticket = params.get("qemu_password", None) if ticket_send: ticket = ticket_send if qemu_ticket: ticket = qemu_ticket if ticket: rv_file.write("password=%s\n" % ticket) if guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_ssl") == "yes": rv_file.write("tls-port=%s\n" % guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_tls_port")) rv_file.write("tls-ciphers=DEFAULT\n") if host_subj: rv_file.write("host-subject=%s\n" % host_subj) if cacert: cert = open(cacert) ca = ca = ca.replace('\n', r'\n') rv_file.write("ca=%s\n" % ca) if full_screen == "yes": rv_file.write("fullscreen=1\n") if proxy: rv_file.write("proxy=%s\n" % proxy)