Source code for virttest.utils_test.libvirt

High-level libvirt test utility functions.

This module is meant to reduce code size by performing common test procedures.
Generally, code here should look like test code.

More specifically:
    - Functions in this module should raise exceptions if things go wrong
    - Functions in this module typically use functions and classes from
      lower-level modules (e.g. utils_misc, qemu_vm, aexpect).
    - Functions in this module should not be used by lower-level modules.
    - Functions in this module should be used in the right context.
      For example, a function should not be used where it may display
      misleading or inaccurate info or debug messages.

:copyright: 2014 Red Hat Inc.

import re
import os
import ast
import logging
import shutil
import threading
import time
from virttest import virsh
from virttest import xml_utils
from virttest import iscsi
from virttest import nfs
from virttest import data_dir
from virttest import aexpect
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import utils_selinux
from virttest import libvirt_storage
from virttest import utils_net
from virttest import gluster
from virttest import remote
from virttest.test_setup import LibvirtPolkitConfig
from virttest.utils_libvirtd import service_libvirtd_control
from autotest.client import utils
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest.libvirt_xml import vm_xml
from virttest.libvirt_xml import network_xml
from virttest.libvirt_xml import xcepts
from virttest.libvirt_xml import NetworkXML
from virttest.libvirt_xml import IPXML
from virttest.libvirt_xml import pool_xml
from virttest.libvirt_xml import nwfilter_xml
from virttest.libvirt_xml.devices import disk
from virttest.libvirt_xml.devices import hostdev
from virttest.libvirt_xml.devices import controller
from virttest.libvirt_xml.devices import seclabel
from virttest.libvirt_xml.devices import channel
from __init__ import ping
    from autotest.client import lv_utils
except ImportError:
    from virttest.staging import lv_utils

[docs]class LibvirtNetwork(object): """ Class to create a temporary network for testing. """
[docs] def create_vnet_xml(self): """ Create XML for a virtual network. """ net_xml = NetworkXML() = ip = IPXML(address=self.address) net_xml.ip = ip return self.address, net_xml
[docs] def create_macvtap_xml(self): """ Create XML for a macvtap network. """ net_xml = NetworkXML() = net_xml.forward = {'mode': 'bridge', 'dev': self.iface} ip = utils_net.get_ip_address_by_interface(self.iface) return ip, net_xml
[docs] def create_bridge_xml(self): """ Create XML for a bridged network. """ net_xml = NetworkXML() = net_xml.forward = {'mode': 'bridge'} net_xml.bridge = {'name': self.iface} ip = utils_net.get_ip_address_by_interface(self.iface) return ip, net_xml
def __init__(self, net_type, address=None, iface=None, net_name=None, persistent=False): if net_name is None: = 'virt-test-%s' % net_type else: = net_name self.address = address self.iface = iface self.persistent = persistent if net_type == 'vnet': if not self.address: raise error.TestError('Create vnet need address be set') self.ip, net_xml = self.create_vnet_xml() elif net_type == 'macvtap': if not self.iface: raise error.TestError('Create macvtap need iface be set') self.ip, net_xml = self.create_macvtap_xml() elif net_type == 'bridge': if not self.iface: raise error.TestError('Create bridge need iface be set') self.ip, net_xml = self.create_bridge_xml() else: raise error.TestError('Unknown libvirt network type %s' % net_type) if self.persistent: net_xml.define() net_xml.start() else: net_xml.create()
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Clear up network. """ virsh.net_destroy( if self.persistent: virsh.net_undefine(
[docs]def cpus_parser(cpulist): """ Parse a list of cpu list, its syntax is a comma separated list, with '-' for ranges and '^' denotes exclusive. :param cpulist: a list of physical CPU numbers """ hyphens = [] carets = [] commas = [] others = [] if cpulist is None: return None else: if "," in cpulist: cpulist_list = re.split(",", cpulist) for cpulist in cpulist_list: if "-" in cpulist: tmp = re.split("-", cpulist) hyphens = hyphens + range(int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[-1]) + 1) elif "^" in cpulist: tmp = re.split("\^", cpulist)[-1] carets.append(int(tmp)) else: try: commas.append(int(cpulist)) except ValueError: logging.error("The cpulist has to be an " "integer. (%s)", cpulist) elif "-" in cpulist: tmp = re.split("-", cpulist) hyphens = range(int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[-1]) + 1) elif "^" in cpulist: tmp = re.split("^", cpulist)[-1] carets.append(int(tmp)) else: try: others.append(int(cpulist)) return others except ValueError: logging.error("The cpulist has to be an " "integer. (%s)", cpulist) cpus_set = set(hyphens).union(set(commas)).difference(set(carets)) return sorted(list(cpus_set))
[docs]def cpus_string_to_affinity_list(cpus_string, num_cpus): """ Parse the cpus_string string to a affinity list. e.g host_cpu_count = 4 0 --> [y,-,-,-] 0,1 --> [y,y,-,-] 0-2 --> [y,y,y,-] 0-2,^2 --> [y,y,-,-] r --> [y,y,y,y] """ # Check the input string. single_pattern = r"\d+" between_pattern = r"\d+-\d+" exclude_pattern = r"\^\d+" sub_pattern = r"(%s)|(%s)|(%s)" % (exclude_pattern, single_pattern, between_pattern) pattern = r"^((%s),)*(%s)$" % (sub_pattern, sub_pattern) if not re.match(pattern, cpus_string): logging.debug("Cpus_string=%s is not a supported format for cpu_list." % cpus_string) # Init a list for result. affinity = [] for i in range(int(num_cpus)): affinity.append('-') # Letter 'r' means all cpus. if cpus_string == "r": for i in range(len(affinity)): affinity[i] = "y" return affinity # Split the string with ','. sub_cpus = cpus_string.split(",") # Parse each sub_cpus. for cpus in sub_cpus: if "-" in cpus: minmum = cpus.split("-")[0] maxmum = cpus.split("-")[-1] for i in range(int(minmum), int(maxmum) + 1): affinity[i] = "y" elif "^" in cpus: affinity[int(cpus.strip("^"))] = "-" else: affinity[int(cpus)] = "y" return affinity
[docs]def cpu_allowed_list_by_task(pid, tid): """ Get the Cpus_allowed_list in status of task. """ cmd = "cat /proc/%s/task/%s/status|grep Cpus_allowed_list:| awk '{print $2}'" % (pid, tid) result =, ignore_status=True) if result.exit_status: return None return result.stdout.strip()
[docs]def clean_up_snapshots(vm_name, snapshot_list=[]): """ Do recovery after snapshot :param vm_name: Name of domain :param snapshot_list: The list of snapshot name you want to remove """ if not snapshot_list: # Get all snapshot names from virsh snapshot-list snapshot_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name) # Get snapshot disk path for snap_name in snapshot_list: # Delete useless disk snapshot file if exists snap_xml = virsh.snapshot_dumpxml(vm_name, snap_name).stdout.strip() xtf_xml = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(snap_xml) disks_path = xtf_xml.findall('disks/disk/source') for disk in disks_path: os.system('rm -f %s' % disk.get('file')) # Delete snapshots of vm virsh.snapshot_delete(vm_name, snap_name) else: # Get snapshot disk path from domain xml because # there is no snapshot info with the name dom_xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name).xmltreefile disk_path = dom_xml.find('devices/disk/source').get('file') for name in snapshot_list: snap_disk_path = disk_path.split(".")[0] + "." + name os.system('rm -f %s' % snap_disk_path)
[docs]def get_all_cells(): """ Use virsh freecell --all to get all cells on host :: # virsh freecell --all 0: 124200 KiB 1: 1059868 KiB -------------------- Total: 1184068 KiB That would return a dict like: :: cell_dict = {"0":"124200 KiB", "1":"1059868 KiB", "Total":"1184068 KiB"} :return: cell_dict """ fc_result = virsh.freecell(options="--all", ignore_status=True) if fc_result.exit_status: if fc_result.stderr.count("NUMA not supported"): raise error.TestNAError(fc_result.stderr.strip()) else: raise error.TestFail(fc_result.stderr.strip()) output = fc_result.stdout.strip() cell_list = output.splitlines() # remove "------------" line del cell_list[-2] cell_dict = {} for cell_line in cell_list: cell_info = cell_line.split(":") cell_num = cell_info[0].strip() cell_mem = cell_info[-1].strip() cell_dict[cell_num] = cell_mem return cell_dict
[docs]def check_blockjob(vm_name, target, check_point="none", value="0"): """ Run blookjob command to check block job progress, bandwidth, ect. :param vm_name: Domain name :param target: Domian disk target dev :param check_point: Job progrss, bandwidth or none(no job) :param value: Value of progress, bandwidth or 0(no job) :return: Boolean value, true for pass, false for fail """ if check_point not in ["progress", "bandwidth", "none"]: logging.error("Check point must be: progress, bandwidth or none") return False try: cmd_result = virsh.blockjob(vm_name, target, "--info", ignore_status=True) output = cmd_result.stdout.strip() err = cmd_result.stderr.strip() status = cmd_result.exit_status except: raise error.TestFail("Error occur when running blockjob command.") if status == 0: # libvirt print job progress to stderr if not len(err): logging.debug("No block job find") if check_point == "none": return True else: if check_point == "none": logging.error("Expect no job but find block job:\n%s", err) elif check_point == "progress": progress = value + " %" if, err): return True elif check_point == "bandwidth": bandwidth = value + " MiB/s" if bandwidth == output.split(':')[1].strip(): logging.debug("Bandwidth is equal to %s", bandwidth) return True else: logging.error("Bandwidth is not equal to %s", bandwidth) else: logging.error("Run blockjob command fail") return False
[docs]def setup_or_cleanup_nfs(is_setup, mount_dir="nfs-mount", is_mount=False, export_options="rw,no_root_squash", mount_options="rw", export_dir="nfs-export", restore_selinux=""): """ Set SElinux to "permissive" and Set up nfs service on localhost. Or clean up nfs service on localhost and restore SElinux. Note: SElinux status must be backed up and restored after use. Example: # Setup NFS. res = setup_or_cleanup_nfs(is_setup=True) # Backup SELinux status. selinux_bak = res["selinux_status_bak"] # Do something. ... # Cleanup NFS and restore NFS. res = setup_or_cleanup_nfs(is_setup=False, restore_selinux=selinux_bak) :param is_setup: Boolean value, true for setup, false for cleanup :param mount_dir: NFS mount dir. This can be an absolute path on the host or a relative path origin from libvirt tmp dir. Default to "nfs-mount". :param is_mount: Boolean value, Whether the target NFS should be mounted. :param export_options: Options for nfs dir. Default to "nfs-export". :param mount_options: Options for mounting nfs dir. Default to "rw". :param export_dir: NFS export dir. This can be an absolute path on the host or a relative path origin from libvirt tmp dir. Default to "nfs-export". :return: A dict contains export and mount result parameters: export_dir: Absolute directory of exported local NFS file system. mount_dir: Absolute directory NFS file system mounted on. selinux_status_bak: SELinux status before set """ result = {} tmpdir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() if not os.path.isabs(export_dir): export_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, export_dir) if not os.path.isabs(mount_dir): mount_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, mount_dir) result["export_dir"] = export_dir result["mount_dir"] = mount_dir result["selinux_status_bak"] = utils_selinux.get_status() nfs_params = {"nfs_mount_dir": mount_dir, "nfs_mount_options": mount_options, "nfs_mount_src": export_dir, "setup_local_nfs": "yes", "export_options": export_options} _nfs = nfs.Nfs(nfs_params) if is_setup: # Set selinux to permissive that the file in nfs # can be used freely if utils_selinux.is_enforcing(): utils_selinux.set_status("permissive") _nfs.setup() if not is_mount: _nfs.umount() del result["mount_dir"] else: if restore_selinux: utils_selinux.set_status(restore_selinux) _nfs.unexportfs_in_clean = True _nfs.cleanup() return result
[docs]def setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(is_setup, is_login=True, emulated_image="emulated-iscsi", image_size="1G", chap_user="", chap_passwd="", restart_tgtd="no", portal_ip=""): """ Set up(and login iscsi target) or clean up iscsi service on localhost. :param is_setup: Boolean value, true for setup, false for cleanup :param is_login: Boolean value, true for login, false for not login :param emulated_image: name of iscsi device :param image_size: emulated image's size :param chap_user: CHAP authentication username :param chap_passwd: CHAP authentication password :return: iscsi device name or iscsi target """ tmpdir = os.path.join(data_dir.get_root_dir(), 'tmp') emulated_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, emulated_image) emulated_target = ("" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m"), emulated_image)) iscsi_params = {"emulated_image": emulated_path, "target": emulated_target, "image_size": image_size, "iscsi_thread_id": "virt", "chap_user": chap_user, "chap_passwd": chap_passwd, "restart_tgtd": restart_tgtd, "portal_ip": portal_ip} _iscsi = iscsi.Iscsi.create_iSCSI(iscsi_params) if is_setup: if is_login: _iscsi.login() # The device doesn't necessarily appear instantaneously, so give # about 5 seconds for it to appear before giving up iscsi_device = utils_misc.wait_for(_iscsi.get_device_name, 5, 0, 1, "Searching iscsi device name.") if iscsi_device: logging.debug("iscsi device: %s", iscsi_device) return iscsi_device if not iscsi_device: logging.error("Not find iscsi device.") # Cleanup and return "" - caller needs to handle that # _iscsi.export_target() will have set the emulated_id and # export_flag already on success... _iscsi.cleanup()"rm -f %s" % emulated_path) else: _iscsi.export_target() return (emulated_target, _iscsi.luns) else: _iscsi.export_flag = True _iscsi.emulated_id = _iscsi.get_target_id() _iscsi.cleanup()"rm -f %s" % emulated_path)"vgscan --cache", ignore_status=True) return ""
[docs]def get_host_ipv4_addr(): """ Get host ipv4 addr """ if_up = utils_net.get_net_if(state="UP") for i in if_up: ipv4_value = utils_net.get_net_if_addrs(i)["ipv4"] logging.debug("ipv4_value is %s", ipv4_value) if ipv4_value != []: ip_addr = ipv4_value[0] break if ip_addr is not None:"ipv4 address is %s", ip_addr) else: raise error.TestFail("Fail to get ip address") return ip_addr
[docs]def setup_or_cleanup_gluster(is_setup, vol_name, brick_path="", pool_name="", file_path="/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol"): """ Set up or clean up glusterfs environment on localhost :param is_setup: Boolean value, true for setup, false for cleanup :param vol_name: gluster created volume name :param brick_path: Dir for create glusterfs :return: ip_addr or nothing """ try: utils_misc.find_command("gluster") except ValueError: raise error.TestNAError("Missing command 'gluster'") if not brick_path: tmpdir = os.path.join(data_dir.get_root_dir(), 'tmp') brick_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, pool_name) if is_setup: ip_addr = get_host_ipv4_addr() gluster.add_rpc_insecure(file_path) gluster.glusterd_start() logging.debug("finish start gluster") gluster.gluster_vol_create(vol_name, ip_addr, brick_path, force=True) gluster.gluster_allow_insecure(vol_name) logging.debug("finish vol create in gluster") return ip_addr else: gluster.gluster_vol_stop(vol_name, True) gluster.gluster_vol_delete(vol_name) gluster.gluster_brick_delete(brick_path) return ""
[docs]def define_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, cleanup_flag, **kwargs): """ To define a given type pool(Support types: 'dir', 'netfs', logical', iscsi', 'gluster', 'disk' and 'fs'). :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param pool_type: Type of the pool :param pool_target: Target for underlying storage :param cleanup_flag: A list contains 3 booleans and 1 string stands for need_cleanup_nfs, need_cleanup_iscsi, need_cleanup_logical, selinux_bak and need_cleanup_gluster :param kwargs: key words for special pool define. eg, glusterfs pool source path and source name, etc """ extra = "" vg_name = pool_name cleanup_nfs = False cleanup_iscsi = False cleanup_logical = False selinux_bak = "" cleanup_gluster = False if not os.path.exists(pool_target) and pool_type != "gluster": os.mkdir(pool_target) if pool_type == "dir": pass elif pool_type == "netfs": # Set up NFS server without mount res = setup_or_cleanup_nfs(True, pool_target, False) nfs_path = res["export_dir"] selinux_bak = res["selinux_status_bak"] cleanup_nfs = True extra = "--source-host %s --source-path %s" % ('localhost', nfs_path) elif pool_type == "logical": # Create vg by using iscsi device lv_utils.vg_create(vg_name, setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(True)) cleanup_iscsi = True cleanup_logical = True extra = "--source-name %s" % vg_name elif pool_type == "iscsi": # Set up iscsi target without login iscsi_target, _ = setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(True, False) cleanup_iscsi = True extra = "--source-host %s --source-dev %s" % ('localhost', iscsi_target) elif pool_type == "disk": # Set up iscsi target and login device_name = setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(True) cleanup_iscsi = True # Create a partition to make sure disk pool can start cmd = "parted -s %s mklabel msdos" % device_name cmd = "parted -s %s mkpart primary ext4 0 100" % device_name extra = "--source-dev %s" % device_name elif pool_type == "fs": # Set up iscsi target and login device_name = setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(True) cleanup_iscsi = True # Format disk to make sure fs pool can start cmd = "mkfs.ext4 -F %s" % device_name extra = "--source-dev %s" % device_name elif pool_type == "gluster": gluster_source_path = kwargs.get('gluster_source_path') gluster_source_name = kwargs.get('gluster_source_name') gluster_file_name = kwargs.get('gluster_file_name') gluster_file_type = kwargs.get('gluster_file_type') gluster_file_size = kwargs.get('gluster_file_size') gluster_vol_number = kwargs.get('gluster_vol_number') # Prepare gluster service and create volume hostip = setup_or_cleanup_gluster(True, gluster_source_name, pool_name=pool_name) logging.debug("hostip is %s", hostip) # create image in gluster volume file_path = "gluster://%s/%s" % (hostip, gluster_source_name) for i in range(gluster_vol_number): file_name = "%s_%d" % (gluster_file_name, i)"qemu-img create -f %s %s/%s %s" % (gluster_file_type, file_path, file_name, gluster_file_size)) cleanup_gluster = True extra = "--source-host %s --source-path %s --source-name %s" % \ (hostip, gluster_source_path, gluster_source_name) elif pool_type in ["scsi", "mpath", "rbd", "sheepdog"]: raise error.TestNAError( "Pool type '%s' has not yet been supported in the test." % pool_type) else: raise error.TestFail("Invalid pool type: '%s'." % pool_type) # Mark the clean up flags cleanup_flag[0] = cleanup_nfs cleanup_flag[1] = cleanup_iscsi cleanup_flag[2] = cleanup_logical cleanup_flag[3] = selinux_bak cleanup_flag[4] = cleanup_gluster try: result = virsh.pool_define_as(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, extra, ignore_status=True) except error.CmdError: logging.error("Define '%s' type pool fail.", pool_type) return result
[docs]def verify_virsh_console(session, user, passwd, timeout=10, debug=False): """ Run commands in console session. """ log = "" console_cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo" try: while True: match, text = session.read_until_last_line_matches( [r"[E|e]scape character is", r"login:", r"[P|p]assword:", session.prompt], timeout, internal_timeout=1) if match == 0: if debug: logging.debug("Got '^]', sending '\\n'") session.sendline() elif match == 1: if debug: logging.debug("Got 'login:', sending '%s'", user) session.sendline(user) elif match == 2: if debug: logging.debug("Got 'Password:', sending '%s'", passwd) session.sendline(passwd) elif match == 3: if debug: logging.debug("Got Shell prompt -- logged in") break status, output = session.cmd_status_output(console_cmd)"output of command:\n%s", output) session.close() except (aexpect.ShellError, aexpect.ExpectError), detail: log = session.get_output() logging.error("Verify virsh console failed:\n%s\n%s", detail, log) session.close() return False if not"processor", output): logging.error("Verify virsh console failed: Result does not match.") return False return True
[docs]def pci_label_from_address(address_dict, radix=10): """ Generate a pci label from a dict of address. :param address_dict: A dict contains domain, bus, slot and function. :param radix: The radix of your data in address_dict. Example: :: address_dict = {'domain': '0x0000', 'bus': '0x08', 'slot': '0x10', 'function': '0x0'} radix = 16 return = pci_0000_08_10_0 """ try: domain = int(address_dict['domain'], radix) bus = int(address_dict['bus'], radix) slot = int(address_dict['slot'], radix) function = int(address_dict['function'], radix) except (TypeError, KeyError), detail: raise error.TestError(detail) pci_label = ("pci_%04x_%02x_%02x_%01x" % (domain, bus, slot, function)) return pci_label
[docs]def mk_label(disk, label="msdos", session=None): """ Set label for disk. """ mklabel_cmd = "parted -s %s mklabel %s" % (disk, label) if session: session.cmd(mklabel_cmd) else:
[docs]def mk_part(disk, size="100M", session=None): """ Create a partition for disk """ mkpart_cmd = ("parted -s -a optimal %s mklabel msdos -- " "mkpart primary ext4 0 %s" % (disk, size)) if session: session.cmd(mkpart_cmd) else:
[docs]def mkfs(partition, fs_type, options="", session=None): """ Make a file system on the partition """ mkfs_cmd = "mkfs.%s -F %s %s" % (fs_type, partition, options) if session: session.cmd(mkfs_cmd) else:
[docs]def get_parts_list(session=None): """ Get all partition lists. """ parts_cmd = "cat /proc/partitions" if session: _, parts_out = session.cmd_status_output(parts_cmd) else: parts_out = parts = [] if parts_out: for line in parts_out.rsplit("\n"): if line.startswith("major") or line == "": continue parts_line = line.rsplit() if len(parts_line) == 4: parts.append(parts_line[3]) logging.debug("Find parts: %s" % parts) return parts
[docs]def yum_install(pkg_list, session=None): """ Try to install packages on system """ if not isinstance(pkg_list, list): raise error.TestError("Parameter error.") yum_cmd = "rpm -q {0} || yum -y install {0}" for pkg in pkg_list: if session: status = session.cmd_status(yum_cmd.format(pkg)) else: status = if status: raise error.TestFail("Failed to install package: %s" % pkg)
[docs]def check_actived_pool(pool_name): """ Check if pool_name exist in active pool list """ sp = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() if not sp.pool_exists(pool_name): raise error.TestFail("Can't find pool %s" % pool_name) if not sp.is_pool_active(pool_name): raise error.TestFail("Pool %s is not active." % pool_name) logging.debug("Find active pool %s", pool_name) return True
[docs]class PoolVolumeTest(object): """Test class for storage pool or volume""" def __init__(self, test, params): self.tmpdir = test.tmpdir self.params = params self.selinux_bak = ""
[docs] def cleanup_pool(self, pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, **kwargs): """ Delete vols, destroy the created pool and restore the env """ sp = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() source_format = kwargs.get('source_format') source_name = kwargs.get('source_name') device_name = kwargs.get('device_name', "/DEV/EXAMPLE") try: if sp.pool_exists(pool_name): pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if pool_type in ["dir", "netfs", "logical", "disk"]: if sp.is_pool_active(pool_name): vols = pv.list_volumes() for vol in vols: # Ignore failed deletion here for deleting pool pv.delete_volume(vol) if not sp.delete_pool(pool_name): raise error.TestFail("Delete pool %s failed" % pool_name) finally: if pool_type == "netfs" and source_format != 'glusterfs': nfs_server_dir = self.params.get("nfs_server_dir", "nfs-server") nfs_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, nfs_server_dir) setup_or_cleanup_nfs(is_setup=False, export_dir=nfs_path, restore_selinux=self.selinux_bak) if os.path.exists(nfs_path): shutil.rmtree(nfs_path) if pool_type == "logical": cmd = "pvs |grep vg_logical|awk '{print $1}'" pv = utils.system_output(cmd) # Cleanup logical volume anyway"vgremove -f vg_logical", ignore_status=True)"pvremove %s" % pv, ignore_status=True) # These types used iscsi device # If we did not provide block device if (pool_type in ["logical", "fs", "disk"] and device_name.count("EXAMPLE")): setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(is_setup=False, emulated_image=emulated_image) # Used iscsi device anyway if pool_type in ["iscsi", "scsi"]: setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(is_setup=False, emulated_image=emulated_image) if pool_type == "scsi": scsi_xml_file = self.params.get("scsi_xml_file", "") if os.path.exists(scsi_xml_file): os.remove(scsi_xml_file) if pool_type in ["dir", "fs", "netfs"]: pool_target = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, pool_target) if os.path.exists(pool_target): shutil.rmtree(pool_target) if pool_type == "gluster" or source_format == 'glusterfs': setup_or_cleanup_gluster(False, source_name)
[docs] def pre_pool(self, pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, **kwargs): """ Prepare(define or create) the specific type pool :param pool_name: created pool name :param pool_type: dir, disk, logical, fs, netfs or else :param pool_target: target of storage pool :param emulated_image: use an image file to simulate a scsi disk it could be used for disk, logical pool, etc :param kwargs: key words for specific pool """ extra = "" image_size = kwargs.get('image_size', "100M") source_format = kwargs.get('source_format') source_name = kwargs.get('source_name', None) persistent = kwargs.get('persistent', False) device_name = kwargs.get('device_name', "/DEV/EXAMPLE") # If tester does not provide block device, creating one if (device_name.count("EXAMPLE") and pool_type in ["disk", "fs", "logical"]): device_name = setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(is_setup=True, emulated_image=emulated_image, image_size=image_size) if pool_type == "dir" and not persistent: pool_target = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, pool_target) if not os.path.exists(pool_target): os.mkdir(pool_target) elif pool_type == "disk": # Disk pool does not allow to create volume by virsh command, # so introduce parameter 'pre_disk_vol' to create partition(s) # by 'parted' command, the parameter is a list of partition size, # and the max number of partitions is 4. If pre_disk_vol is None, # disk pool will have no volume pre_disk_vol = kwargs.get('pre_disk_vol', None) if type(pre_disk_vol) == list and len(pre_disk_vol): for vol in pre_disk_vol: mk_part(device_name, vol) else: mk_label(device_name, "gpt") extra = " --source-dev %s" % device_name if source_format: extra += " --source-format %s" % source_format elif pool_type == "fs": cmd = "mkfs.ext4 -F %s" % device_name pool_target = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, pool_target) if not os.path.exists(pool_target): os.mkdir(pool_target) extra = " --source-dev %s" % device_name elif pool_type == "logical": logical_device = device_name cmd_pv = "pvcreate %s" % logical_device vg_name = "vg_%s" % pool_type cmd_vg = "vgcreate %s %s" % (vg_name, logical_device) extra = "--source-name %s" % vg_name # Create a small volume for verification # And VG path will not exist if no any volume in.(bug?) cmd_lv = "lvcreate --name default_lv --size 1M %s" % vg_name elif pool_type == "netfs": export_options = kwargs.get('export_options', "rw,async,no_root_squash") pool_target = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, pool_target) if not os.path.exists(pool_target): os.mkdir(pool_target) if source_format == 'glusterfs': hostip = setup_or_cleanup_gluster(True, source_name, pool_name=pool_name) logging.debug("hostip is %s", hostip) extra = "--source-host %s --source-path %s" % (hostip, source_name) extra += " --source-format %s" % source_format utils.system("setsebool virt_use_fusefs on") else: nfs_server_dir = self.params.get("nfs_server_dir", "nfs-server") nfs_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, nfs_server_dir) if not os.path.exists(nfs_path): os.mkdir(nfs_path) res = setup_or_cleanup_nfs(is_setup=True, export_options=export_options, export_dir=nfs_path) self.selinux_bak = res["selinux_status_bak"] source_host = self.params.get("source_host", "localhost") extra = "--source-host %s --source-path %s" % (source_host, nfs_path) elif pool_type == "iscsi": ip_protocal = kwargs.get('ip_protocal', "ipv4") setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(is_setup=True, emulated_image=emulated_image, image_size=image_size) iscsi_sessions = iscsi.iscsi_get_sessions() iscsi_target = None for iscsi_node in iscsi_sessions: if iscsi_node[1].count(emulated_image): iscsi_target = iscsi_node[1] break iscsi.iscsi_logout(iscsi_target) if ip_protocal == "ipv6": ip_addr = "::1" else: ip_addr = "" extra = " --source-host %s --source-dev %s" % (ip_addr, iscsi_target) elif pool_type == "scsi": scsi_xml_file = self.params.get("scsi_xml_file", "") if not os.path.exists(scsi_xml_file): logical_device = setup_or_cleanup_iscsi( is_setup=True, emulated_image=emulated_image, image_size=image_size) cmd = ("iscsiadm -m session -P 3 |grep -B3 %s| grep Host|awk " "'{print $3}'" % logical_device.split('/')[2]) scsi_host = utils.system_output(cmd) scsi_pool_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML() = pool_name scsi_pool_xml.pool_type = "scsi" scsi_pool_xml.target_path = pool_target scsi_pool_source_xml = pool_xml.SourceXML() scsi_pool_source_xml.adp_type = 'scsi_host' scsi_pool_source_xml.adp_name = "host" + scsi_host scsi_pool_xml.set_source(scsi_pool_source_xml) logging.debug("SCSI pool XML %s:\n%s", scsi_pool_xml.xml, str(scsi_pool_xml)) scsi_xml_file = scsi_pool_xml.xml self.params['scsi_xml_file'] = scsi_xml_file elif pool_type == "gluster": source_path = kwargs.get('source_path') hostip = setup_or_cleanup_gluster(True, source_name, pool_name=pool_name) logging.debug("Gluster host ip address: %s", hostip) extra = "--source-host %s --source-path %s --source-name %s" % \ (hostip, source_path, source_name) func = virsh.pool_create_as if pool_type == "scsi": func = virsh.pool_create if persistent: func = virsh.pool_define_as if pool_type == "scsi": func = virsh.pool_define # Create/define pool if pool_type == "scsi": result = func(scsi_xml_file, debug=True) else: result = func(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, extra, debug=True) # Here, virsh.pool_create_as return a boolean value and all other 3 # functions return CmdResult object if isinstance(result, bool): re_v = result else: re_v = result.exit_status == 0 if not re_v: self.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, **kwargs) raise error.TestFail("Prepare pool failed") xml_str = virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name) logging.debug("New prepared pool XML: %s", xml_str)
[docs] def pre_vol(self, vol_name, vol_format, capacity, allocation, pool_name): """ Preapare the specific type volume in pool """ pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if not pv.create_volume(vol_name, capacity, allocation, vol_format): raise error.TestFail("Prepare volume failed.") if not pv.volume_exists(vol_name): raise error.TestFail("Can't find volume: %s" % vol_name)
##########Migration Relative functions##############
[docs]class MigrationTest(object): """Class for migration tests""" def __init__(self): # To get result in thread, using member parameters # Result of virsh migrate command # True means command executed successfully self.RET_MIGRATION = True # A lock for threads self.RET_LOCK = threading.RLock() # The time spent when migrating vms # format: vm_name -> time(seconds) self.mig_time = {}
[docs] def thread_func_migration(self, vm, desturi, options=None): """ Thread for virsh migrate command. :param vm: A libvirt vm instance(local or remote). :param desturi: remote host uri. """ # Migrate the domain. try: if options is None: options = "--live --timeout=60" stime = int(time.time()) vm.migrate(desturi, option=options, ignore_status=False, debug=True) etime = int(time.time()) self.mig_time[] = etime - stime except error.CmdError, detail: logging.error("Migration to %s failed:\n%s", desturi, detail) self.RET_LOCK.acquire() self.RET_MIGRATION = False self.RET_LOCK.release()
[docs] def do_migration(self, vms, srcuri, desturi, migration_type, options=None, thread_timeout=60): """ Migrate vms. :param vms: migrated vms. :param srcuri: local uri, used when migrate vm from remote to local :param descuri: remote uri, used when migrate vm from local to remote :param migration_type: do orderly for simultaneous migration """ if migration_type == "orderly": for vm in vms: migration_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_func_migration, args=(vm, desturi, options)) migration_thread.start() migration_thread.join(thread_timeout) if migration_thread.isAlive(): logging.error("Migrate %s timeout.", migration_thread) self.RET_LOCK.acquire() self.RET_MIGRATION = False self.RET_LOCK.release() elif migration_type == "cross": # Migrate a vm to remote first, # then migrate another to remote with the first vm back vm_remote = vms.pop() self.thread_func_migration(vm_remote, desturi) for vm in vms: thread1 = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_func_migration, args=(vm_remote, srcuri, options)) thread2 = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_func_migration, args=(vm, desturi, options)) thread1.start() thread2.start() thread1.join(thread_timeout) thread2.join(thread_timeout) vm_remote = vm if thread1.isAlive() or thread1.isAlive(): logging.error("Cross migrate timeout.") self.RET_LOCK.acquire() self.RET_MIGRATION = False self.RET_LOCK.release() # Add popped vm back to list vms.append(vm_remote) elif migration_type == "simultaneous": migration_threads = [] for vm in vms: migration_threads.append(threading.Thread( target=self.thread_func_migration, args=(vm, desturi, options))) # let all migration going first for thread in migration_threads: thread.start() # listen threads until they end for thread in migration_threads: thread.join(thread_timeout) if thread.isAlive(): logging.error("Migrate %s timeout.", thread) self.RET_LOCK.acquire() self.RET_MIGRATION = False self.RET_LOCK.release() if not self.RET_MIGRATION: raise error.TestFail()
[docs] def cleanup_dest_vm(self, vm, srcuri, desturi): """ Cleanup migrated vm on remote host. """ vm.connect_uri = desturi if vm.exists(): if vm.is_persistent(): vm.undefine() if vm.is_alive(): # If vm on remote host is unaccessible # graceful shutdown may cause confused vm.destroy(gracefully=False) # Set connect uri back to local uri vm.connect_uri = srcuri
[docs]def check_result(result, expected_fails=[], skip_if=[], any_error=False): """ Check the result of a command and check command error message against expectation. :param result: Command result instance. :param expected_fails: list of regex of expected stderr patterns. The check will pass if any of these patterns matches. :param skip_if: list of regex of expected patterns. The check will raise a TestNAError if any of these patterns matches. :param any_error: Whether expect on any error message. Setting to True will will override expected_fails """ logging.debug("Command result:\n%s" % result) if skip_if: for patt in skip_if: if, result.stderr): raise error.TestNAError("Test skipped: found '%s' in test " "result:\n%s" % (patt, result.stderr)) if any_error: if result.exit_status: return else: raise error.TestFail("Expect should fail but got:\n%s" % result) if result.exit_status: if expected_fails: if not any(, result.stderr) for patt in expected_fails): raise error.TestFail("Expect should fail with one of %s, " "but failed with:\n%s" % (expected_fails, result)) else: raise error.TestFail("Expect should succeed, but got:\n%s" % result) else: if expected_fails: raise error.TestFail("Expect should fail with one of %s, " "but succeeded:\n%s" % (expected_fails, result))
[docs]def check_exit_status(result, expect_error=False): """ Check the exit status of virsh commands. :param result: Virsh command result object :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail """ if not expect_error: if result.exit_status != 0: raise error.TestFail(result.stderr) else: logging.debug("Command output:\n%s", result.stdout.strip()) elif expect_error and result.exit_status == 0: raise error.TestFail("Expect fail, but run successfully.")
[docs]def get_interface_details(vm_name): """ Get the interface details from virsh domiflist command output :return: list of all interfaces details """ # Parse the domif-list command output domiflist_out = virsh.domiflist(vm_name).stdout # Regular expression for the below output # vnet0 bridge virbr0 virtio 52:54:00:b2:b3:b4 rg = re.compile(r"^(\w+|-)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+)\s+" "(([a-fA-F0-9]{2}:?){6})") iface_cmd = {} ifaces_cmd = [] for line in domiflist_out.split('\n'): match_obj = # Due to the extra space in the list if match_obj is not None: iface_cmd['interface'] = iface_cmd['type'] = iface_cmd['source'] = iface_cmd['model'] = iface_cmd['mac'] = ifaces_cmd.append(iface_cmd) iface_cmd = {} return ifaces_cmd
[docs]def get_ifname_host(vm_name, mac): """ Get the vm interface name on host :return: interface name, None if not exist """ ifaces = get_interface_details(vm_name) for iface in ifaces: if iface["mac"] == mac: return iface["interface"] return None
[docs]def check_iface(iface_name, checkpoint, extra="", **dargs): """ Check interface with specified checkpoint. :param iface_name: Interface name :param checkpoint: Check if interface exists, and It's MAC address, IP address and State, also connectivity by ping. valid checkpoint: [exists, mac, ip, ping, state] :param extra: Extra string for checking :return: Boolean value, true for pass, false for fail """ support_check = ["exists", "mac", "ip", "ping"] iface = utils_net.Interface(name=iface_name) check_pass = False try: if checkpoint == "exists": # extra is iface-list option list_find, ifcfg_find = (False, False) # Check virsh list output result = virsh.iface_list(extra, ignore_status=True) check_exit_status(result, False) output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)\ +(\S+|\s+)[\ +\n]", str(result.stdout)) if filter(lambda x: x[0] == iface_name, output[1:]): list_find = True logging.debug("Find '%s' in virsh iface-list output: %s", iface_name, list_find) # Check network script iface_script = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + iface_name ifcfg_find = os.path.exists(iface_script) logging.debug("Find '%s': %s", iface_script, ifcfg_find) check_pass = list_find and ifcfg_find elif checkpoint == "mac": # extra is the MAC address to compare iface_mac = iface.get_mac().lower() check_pass = iface_mac == extra logging.debug("MAC address of %s: %s", iface_name, iface_mac) elif checkpoint == "ip": # extra is the IP address to compare iface_ip = iface.get_ip() check_pass = iface_ip == extra logging.debug("IP address of %s: %s", iface_name, iface_ip) elif checkpoint == "state": # check iface State result = virsh.iface_list(extra, ignore_status=True) check_exit_status(result, False) output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)\ +(\S+|\s+)[\ +\n]", str(result.stdout)) iface_state = filter(lambda x: x[0] == iface_name, output[1:])[0][1] # active corresponds True, otherwise return False check_pass = iface_state == "active" elif checkpoint == "ping": # extra is the ping destination count = dargs.get("count", 3) timeout = dargs.get("timeout", 5) ping_s, _ = ping(dest=extra, count=count, interface=iface_name, timeout=timeout,) check_pass = ping_s == 0 else: logging.debug("Support check points are: %s", support_check) logging.error("Unsupport check point: %s", checkpoint) except Exception, detail: raise error.TestFail("Interface check failed: %s" % detail) return check_pass
[docs]def create_hostdev_xml(pci_id, boot_order=0): """ Create a hostdev configuration file. :param pci_id: such as "0000:03:04.0" """ # Create attributes dict for device's address element device_domain = pci_id.split(':')[0] device_domain = "0x%s" % device_domain device_bus = pci_id.split(':')[1] device_bus = "0x%s" % device_bus device_slot = pci_id.split(':')[-1].split('.')[0] device_slot = "0x%s" % device_slot device_function = pci_id.split('.')[-1] device_function = "0x%s" % device_function hostdev_xml = hostdev.Hostdev() hostdev_xml.mode = "subsystem" hostdev_xml.managed = "yes" hostdev_xml.hostdev_type = "pci" if boot_order: hostdev_xml.boot_order = boot_order attrs = {'domain': device_domain, 'slot': device_slot, 'bus': device_bus, 'function': device_function} hostdev_xml.source_address = hostdev_xml.new_source_address(**attrs) logging.debug("Hostdev XML:\n%s", str(hostdev_xml)) return hostdev_xml.xml
[docs]def alter_boot_order(vm_name, pci_id, boot_order=0): """ Alter the startup sequence of VM to PCI-device firstly OS boot element and per-device boot elements are mutually exclusive, It's necessary that remove all OS boots before setting PCI-device order :param vm_name: VM name :param pci_id: such as "0000:06:00.1" :param boot_order: order priority, such as 1, 2, ... """ vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name) # remove all of OS boots vmxml.remove_all_boots() # prepare PCI-device XML with boot order try: device_domain = pci_id.split(':')[0] device_domain = "0x%s" % device_domain device_bus = pci_id.split(':')[1] device_bus = "0x%s" % device_bus device_slot = pci_id.split(':')[-1].split('.')[0] device_slot = "0x%s" % device_slot device_function = pci_id.split('.')[-1] device_function = "0x%s" % device_function except IndexError: raise error.TestError("Invalid PCI Info: %s" % pci_id) attrs = {'domain': device_domain, 'slot': device_slot, 'bus': device_bus, 'function': device_function} vmxml.add_hostdev(attrs, boot_order=boot_order) # synchronize XML vmxml.sync()
[docs]def create_disk_xml(params): """ Create a disk configuration file. """ # Create attributes dict for disk's address element type_name = params.get("type_name", "file") target_dev = params.get("target_dev", "vdb") target_bus = params.get("target_bus", "virtio") diskxml = disk.Disk(type_name) diskxml.device = params.get("device_type", "disk") snapshot_attr = params.get('disk_snapshot_attr') if snapshot_attr: diskxml.snapshot = snapshot_attr source_attrs = {} source_host = [] source_seclabel = [] auth_attrs = {} driver_attrs = {} try: if type_name == "file": source_file = params.get("source_file", "") source_attrs = {'file': source_file} elif type_name == "block": source_file = params.get("source_file", "") source_attrs = {'dev': source_file} elif type_name == "dir": source_dir = params.get("source_dir", "") source_attrs = {'dir': source_dir} elif type_name == "volume": source_pool = params.get("source_pool") source_volume = params.get("source_volume") source_mode = params.get("source_mode", "") source_attrs = {'pool': source_pool, 'volume': source_volume} if source_mode: source_attrs.update({"mode": source_mode}) elif type_name == "network": source_protocol = params.get("source_protocol") source_name = params.get("source_name") source_host_name = params.get("source_host_name").split() source_host_port = params.get("source_host_port").split() transport = params.get("transport") source_attrs = {'protocol': source_protocol, 'name': source_name} source_host = [] for host_name, host_port in zip(source_host_name, source_host_port): source_host.append({'name': host_name, 'port': host_port}) if transport: source_host[0].update({'transport': transport}) else: error.TestNAError("Unsupport disk type %s" % type_name) source_startupPolicy = params.get("source_startupPolicy") if source_startupPolicy: source_attrs['startupPolicy'] = source_startupPolicy sec_model = params.get("sec_model") relabel = params.get("relabel") label = params.get("sec_label") if sec_model or relabel: sec_dict = {} sec_xml = seclabel.Seclabel() if sec_model: sec_dict.update({'model': sec_model}) if relabel: sec_dict.update({'relabel': relabel}) if label: sec_dict.update({'label': label}) sec_xml.update(sec_dict) logging.debug("The sec xml is %s", sec_xml.xmltreefile) source_seclabel.append(sec_xml) source_params = {"attrs": source_attrs, "seclabels": source_seclabel, "hosts": source_host} src_config_file = params.get("source_config_file") if src_config_file: source_params.update({"config_file": src_config_file}) # If we use config file, "hosts" isn't needed if "hosts" in source_params: source_params.pop("hosts") snapshot_name = params.get('source_snap_name') if snapshot_name: source_params.update({"snapshot_name": snapshot_name}) diskxml.source = diskxml.new_disk_source(**source_params) auth_user = params.get("auth_user") secret_type = params.get("secret_type") secret_uuid = params.get("secret_uuid") secret_usage = params.get("secret_usage") if auth_user: auth_attrs['auth_user'] = auth_user if secret_type: auth_attrs['secret_type'] = secret_type if secret_uuid: auth_attrs['secret_uuid'] = secret_uuid elif secret_usage: auth_attrs['secret_usage'] = secret_usage if auth_attrs: diskxml.auth = diskxml.new_auth(**auth_attrs) driver_name = params.get("driver_name", "qemu") driver_type = params.get("driver_type", "") driver_cache = params.get("driver_cache", "") driver_discard = params.get("driver_discard", "") driver_iothread = params.get("driver_iothread", "") if driver_name: driver_attrs['name'] = driver_name if driver_type: driver_attrs['type'] = driver_type if driver_cache: driver_attrs['cache'] = driver_cache if driver_discard: driver_attrs['discard'] = driver_discard if driver_iothread: driver_attrs['iothread'] = driver_iothread if driver_attrs: diskxml.driver = driver_attrs diskxml.readonly = "yes" == params.get("readonly", "no") diskxml.share = "yes" == params.get("shareable", "no") = {'dev': target_dev, 'bus': target_bus} except Exception, detail: logging.error("Fail to create disk XML:\n%s", detail) logging.debug("Disk XML %s:\n%s", diskxml.xml, str(diskxml)) # Wait for file completed def file_exists(): if not"ls %s" % diskxml.xml, ignore_status=True).exit_status: return True utils_misc.wait_for(file_exists, 5) return diskxml.xml
[docs]def create_net_xml(net_name, params): """ Create a new network or update an existed network xml """ dns_dict = {} host_dict = {} net_name = params.get("net_name", "default") net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", '{}') net_forward = params.get("net_forward", '{}') forward_iface = params.get("forward_iface") net_dns_forward = params.get("net_dns_forward") net_dns_txt = params.get("net_dns_txt") net_dns_srv = params.get("net_dns_srv") net_dns_forwarders = params.get("net_dns_forwarders", "").split() net_dns_hostip = params.get("net_dns_hostip") net_dns_hostnames = params.get("net_dns_hostnames", "").split() net_domain = params.get("net_domain") net_virtualport = params.get("net_virtualport") net_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_inbound", "{}") net_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_outbound", "{}") net_ip_family = params.get("net_ip_family") net_ip_address = params.get("net_ip_address") net_ip_netmask = params.get("net_ip_netmask", "") net_ipv6_address = params.get("net_ipv6_address") net_ipv6_prefix = params.get("net_ipv6_prefix", "64") nat_port = params.get("nat_port") guest_name = params.get("guest_name") guest_ipv4 = params.get("guest_ipv4") guest_ipv6 = params.get("guest_ipv6") guest_mac = params.get("guest_mac") dhcp_start_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv4", "") dhcp_end_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv4", "") dhcp_start_ipv6 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv6") dhcp_end_ipv6 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv6") tftp_root = params.get("tftp_root") bootp_file = params.get("bootp_file") routes = params.get("routes", "").split() pg_name = params.get("portgroup_name", "").split() try: if not virsh.net_info(net_name, ignore_status=True).exit_status: # Edit an existed network netxml = network_xml.NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml(net_name) netxml.del_ip() else: netxml = network_xml.NetworkXML(net_name) if net_dns_forward: dns_dict["dns_forward"] = net_dns_forward if net_dns_txt: dns_dict["txt"] = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_txt) if net_dns_srv: dns_dict["srv"] = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_srv) if net_dns_forwarders: dns_dict["forwarders"] = [ast.literal_eval(x) for x in net_dns_forwarders] if net_dns_hostip: host_dict["host_ip"] = net_dns_hostip if net_dns_hostnames: host_dict["hostnames"] = net_dns_hostnames dns_obj = netxml.new_dns(**dns_dict) if host_dict: host = dns_obj.new_host(**host_dict) = host netxml.dns = dns_obj bridge = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge) if bridge: netxml.bridge = bridge forward = ast.literal_eval(net_forward) if forward: netxml.forward = forward if forward_iface: interface = [ {'dev': x} for x in forward_iface.split()] netxml.forward_interface = interface if nat_port: netxml.nat_port = ast.literal_eval(nat_port) if net_domain: netxml.domain_name = net_domain net_inbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_inbound) net_outbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_outbound) if net_inbound: netxml.bandwidth_inbound = net_inbound if net_outbound: netxml.bandwidth_outbound = net_outbound if net_virtualport: netxml.virtualport_type = net_virtualport if net_ip_family == "ipv6": ipxml = network_xml.IPXML() = net_ip_family ipxml.prefix = net_ipv6_prefix del ipxml.netmask if net_ipv6_address: ipxml.address = net_ipv6_address if dhcp_start_ipv6 and dhcp_end_ipv6: ipxml.dhcp_ranges = {"start": dhcp_start_ipv6, "end": dhcp_end_ipv6} if guest_name and guest_ipv6 and guest_mac: ipxml.hosts = [{"name": guest_name, "ip": guest_ipv6}] netxml.set_ip(ipxml) if net_ip_address: ipxml = network_xml.IPXML(net_ip_address, net_ip_netmask) if dhcp_start_ipv4 and dhcp_end_ipv4: ipxml.dhcp_ranges = {"start": dhcp_start_ipv4, "end": dhcp_end_ipv4} if tftp_root: ipxml.tftp_root = tftp_root if bootp_file: ipxml.dhcp_bootp = bootp_file if guest_name and guest_ipv4 and guest_mac: ipxml.hosts = [{"mac": guest_mac, "name": guest_name, "ip": guest_ipv4}] netxml.set_ip(ipxml) if routes: netxml.routes = [ast.literal_eval(x) for x in routes] if pg_name: pg_default = params.get("portgroup_default", "").split() pg_virtualport = params.get( "portgroup_virtualport", "").split() pg_bandwidth_inbound = params.get( "portgroup_bandwidth_inbound", "").split() pg_bandwidth_outbound = params.get( "portgroup_bandwidth_outbound", "").split() pg_vlan = params.get("portgroup_vlan", "").split() for i in range(len(pg_name)): pgxml = network_xml.PortgroupXML() = pg_name[i] if len(pg_default) > i: pgxml.default = pg_default[i] if len(pg_virtualport) > i: pgxml.virtualport_type = pg_virtualport[i] if len(pg_bandwidth_inbound) > i: pgxml.bandwidth_inbound = ast.literal_eval(pg_bandwidth_inbound[i]) if len(pg_bandwidth_outbound) > i: pgxml.bandwidth_outbound = ast.literal_eval(pg_bandwidth_outbound[i]) if len(pg_vlan) > i: pgxml.vlan_tag = ast.literal_eval(pg_vlan[i]) netxml.set_portgroup(pgxml) logging.debug("New network xml file: %s", netxml) netxml.xmltreefile.write() return netxml except Exception, detail: utils.log_last_traceback() raise error.TestFail("Fail to create network XML: %s" % detail)
[docs]def create_nwfilter_xml(params): """ Create a new network filter or update an existed network filter xml """ filter_name = params.get("filter_name", "testcase") exist_filter = params.get("exist_filter", "no-mac-spoofing") filter_chain = params.get("filter_chain") filter_priority = params.get("filter_priority", "") filter_uuid = params.get("filter_uuid") # process filterref_name filterrefs_list = [] filterrefs_key = [] for i in params.keys(): if 'filterref_name_' in i: filterrefs_key.append(i) filterrefs_key.sort() for i in filterrefs_key: filterrefs_dict = {} filterrefs_dict['filter'] = params[i] filterrefs_list.append(filterrefs_dict) # prepare rule and protocol attributes protocol = {} rule_dict = {} rule_dict_tmp = {} RULE_ATTR = ('rule_action', 'rule_direction', 'rule_priority', 'rule_statematch') PROTOCOL_TYPES = ['mac', 'vlan', 'stp', 'arp', 'rarp', 'ip', 'ipv6', 'tcp', 'udp', 'sctp', 'icmp', 'igmp', 'esp', 'ah', 'udplite', 'all', 'tcp-ipv6', 'udp-ipv6', 'sctp-ipv6', 'icmpv6', 'esp-ipv6', 'ah-ipv6', 'udplite-ipv6', 'all-ipv6'] # rule should end with 'EOL' as separator, multiple rules are supported rule = params.get("rule") if rule: rule_list = rule.split('EOL') for i in range(len(rule_list)): if rule_list[i]: attr = rule_list[i].split() for j in range(len(attr)): attr_list = attr[j].split('=') rule_dict_tmp[attr_list[0]] = attr_list[1] rule_dict[i] = rule_dict_tmp rule_dict_tmp = {} # process protocol parameter for i in rule_dict.keys(): if 'protocol' not in rule_dict[i]: # Set protocol as string 'None' as parse from cfg is # string 'None' protocol[i] = 'None' else: protocol[i] = rule_dict[i]['protocol'] rule_dict[i].pop('protocol') if protocol[i] in PROTOCOL_TYPES: # replace '-' with '_' in ipv6 types as '-' is not # supposed to be in class name if '-' in protocol[i]: protocol[i] = protocol[i].replace('-', '_') else: raise error.TestFail("Given protocol type %s" " is not in supported list %s" % (protocol[i], PROTOCOL_TYPES)) try: new_filter = nwfilter_xml.NwfilterXML() filterxml = new_filter.new_from_filter_dumpxml(exist_filter) # Set filter attribute filterxml.filter_name = filter_name filterxml.filter_priority = filter_priority if filter_chain: filterxml.filter_chain = filter_chain if filter_uuid: filterxml.uuid = filter_uuid filterxml.filterrefs = filterrefs_list # Set rule attribute index_total = filterxml.get_rule_index() rule = filterxml.get_rule(0) rulexml = rule.backup_rule() for i in index_total: filterxml.del_rule() for i in range(len(rule_dict.keys())): rulexml.rule_action = rule_dict[i].get('rule_action') rulexml.rule_direction = rule_dict[i].get('rule_direction') rulexml.rule_priority = rule_dict[i].get('rule_priority') rulexml.rule_statematch = rule_dict[i].get('rule_statematch') for j in RULE_ATTR: if j in rule_dict[i].keys(): rule_dict[i].pop(j) # set protocol attribute if protocol[i] != 'None': protocolxml = rulexml.get_protocol(protocol[i]) new_one = protocolxml.new_attr(**rule_dict[i]) protocolxml.attrs = new_one rulexml.xmltreefile = protocolxml.xmltreefile else: rulexml.del_protocol() filterxml.add_rule(rulexml) # Reset rulexml rulexml = rule.backup_rule() filterxml.xmltreefile.write()"The network filter xml is:\n%s" % filterxml) return filterxml except Exception, detail: utils.log_last_traceback() raise error.TestFail("Fail to create nwfilter XML: %s" % detail)
[docs]def create_channel_xml(params, alias=False, address=False): """ Create a XML contains channel information. :param params: the params for Channel slot :param alias: allow to add 'alias' slot :param address: allow to add 'address' slot """ # Create attributes dict for channel's element channel_source = {} channel_target = {} channel_alias = {} channel_address = {} channel_params = {} channel_type_name = params.get("channel_type_name") source_mode = params.get("source_mode") source_path = params.get("source_path") target_type = params.get("target_type") target_name = params.get("target_name") if channel_type_name is None: raise error.TestFail("channel_type_name not specified.") # if these params are None, it won't be used. if source_mode: channel_source['mode'] = source_mode if source_path: channel_source['path'] = source_path if target_type: channel_target['type'] = target_type if target_name: channel_target['name'] = target_name channel_params = {'type_name': channel_type_name, 'source': channel_source, 'target': channel_target} if alias: channel_alias = target_name channel_params['alias'] = {'name': channel_alias} if address: channel_address = {'type': 'virtio-serial', 'controller': '0', 'bus': '0'} channel_params['address'] = channel_address channelxml = channel.Channel.new_from_dict(channel_params) logging.debug("Channel XML:\n%s", channelxml) return channelxml
[docs]def set_domain_state(vm, vm_state): """ Set domain state. :param vm: the vm object :param vm_state: the given vm state string "shut off", "running" "paused", "halt" or "pm_suspend" """ # reset domain state if vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) if not vm_state == "shut off": vm.start() session = vm.wait_for_login() if vm_state == "paused": vm.pause() elif vm_state == "halt": try: session.cmd("halt") except (aexpect.ShellProcessTerminatedError, aexpect.ShellStatusError): # The halt command always gets these errors, but execution is OK, # skip these errors pass elif vm_state == "pm_suspend": # Execute "pm-suspend-hybrid" command directly will get Timeout error, # so here execute it in background, and wait for 3s manually if session.cmd_status("which pm-suspend-hybrid"): raise error.TestNAError("Cannot execute this test for domain" " doesn't have pm-suspend-hybrid command!") session.cmd("pm-suspend-hybrid &") time.sleep(3)
[docs]def set_guest_agent(vm): """ Set domain xml with guest agent channel and install guest agent rpm in domain. :param vm: the vm object """ logging.warning("This function is going to be deprecated. " "Please use vm.prepare_guest_agent() instead.") # reset domain state if vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml( logging.debug("Attempting to set guest agent channel") vmxml.set_agent_channel() vmxml.sync() vm.start() session = vm.wait_for_login() # Check if qemu-ga already started automatically cmd = "rpm -q qemu-guest-agent || yum install -y qemu-guest-agent" stat_install = session.cmd_status(cmd, 300) if stat_install != 0: raise error.TestFail("Fail to install qemu-guest-agent, make " "sure that you have usable repo in guest") # Check if qemu-ga already started stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga") if stat_ps != 0: session.cmd("qemu-ga -d") # Check if the qemu-ga really started stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga") if stat_ps != 0: raise error.TestFail("Fail to run qemu-ga in guest")
[docs]def set_vm_disk(vm, params, tmp_dir=None, test=None): """ Replace vm first disk with given type in domain xml, including file type (local, nfs), network type(gluster, iscsi), block type(use connected iscsi block disk). For all types, all following params are common and need be specified: disk_device: default to 'disk' disk_type: 'block' or 'network' disk_target: default to 'vda' disk_target_bus: default to 'virtio' disk_format: default to 'qcow2' disk_src_protocol: 'iscsi', 'gluster' or 'netfs' For 'gluster' network type, following params are gluster only and need be specified: vol_name: string pool_name: default to 'gluster-pool' transport: 'tcp', 'rdma' or '', default to '' For 'iscsi' network type, following params need be specified: image_size: default to "10G", 10G is raw size of jeos disk disk_src_host: default to "" disk_src_port: default to "3260" For 'netfs' network type, following params need be specified: mnt_path_name: the mount dir name, default to "nfs-mount" export_options: nfs mount options, default to "rw,no_root_squash,fsid=0" For 'block' type, using connected iscsi block disk, following params need be specified: image_size: default to "10G", 10G is raw size of jeos disk :param vm: the vm object :param tmp_dir: string, dir path :param params: dict, dict include setup vm disk xml configurations """ vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml( logging.debug("original xml is: %s", vmxml.xmltreefile) disk_device = params.get("disk_device", "disk") disk_snapshot_attr = params.get("disk_snapshot_attr") disk_type = params.get("disk_type") disk_target = params.get("disk_target", 'vda') disk_target_bus = params.get("disk_target_bus", "virtio") disk_src_protocol = params.get("disk_source_protocol") disk_src_name = params.get("disk_source_name") disk_src_host = params.get("disk_source_host", "") disk_src_port = params.get("disk_source_port", "3260") disk_src_config = params.get("disk_source_config") disk_snap_name = params.get("disk_snap_name") emu_image = params.get("emulated_image", "emulated-iscsi") image_size = params.get("image_size", "10G") disk_format = params.get("disk_format", "qcow2") driver_iothread = params.get("driver_iothread", "") mnt_path_name = params.get("mnt_path_name", "nfs-mount") exp_opt = params.get("export_options", "rw,no_root_squash,fsid=0") first_disk = vm.get_first_disk_devices() blk_source = first_disk['source'] disk_xml = vmxml.devices.by_device_tag('disk')[0] src_disk_format = disk_xml.xmltreefile.find('driver').get('type') sec_model = params.get('sec_model') relabel = params.get('relabel') sec_label = params.get('sec_label') pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "set-vm-disk-pool") disk_src_mode = params.get('disk_src_mode', 'host') auth_user = params.get("auth_user") secret_type = params.get("secret_type") secret_usage = params.get("secret_usage") secret_uuid = params.get("secret_uuid") disk_params = {'device_type': disk_device, 'disk_snapshot_attr': disk_snapshot_attr, 'type_name': disk_type, 'target_dev': disk_target, 'target_bus': disk_target_bus, 'driver_type': disk_format, 'driver_cache': 'none', 'driver_iothread': driver_iothread, 'sec_model': sec_model, 'relabel': relabel, 'sec_label': sec_label, 'auth_user': auth_user, 'secret_type': secret_type, 'secret_uuid': secret_uuid, 'secret_usage': secret_usage} if not tmp_dir: tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() # gluster only params vol_name = params.get("vol_name") transport = params.get("transport", "") brick_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, pool_name) image_convert = "yes" == params.get("image_convert", 'yes') if vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) # Replace domain disk with iscsi, gluster, block or netfs disk if disk_src_protocol == 'iscsi': if disk_type == 'block': is_login = True elif disk_type == 'network' or disk_type == 'volume': is_login = False else: raise error.TestFail("Disk type '%s' not expected, only disk " "type 'block', 'network' or 'volume' work " "with 'iscsi'" % disk_type) if disk_type == 'volume': pvt = PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, 'iscsi', "/dev/disk/by-path", emulated_image=emu_image, image_size=image_size) # Get volume name cmd_result = virsh.vol_list(pool_name) try: vol_name = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)[\ +\n]", str(cmd_result.stdout))[1][0] except IndexError: raise error.TestError("Fail to get volume name in pool %s" % pool_name) emulated_path = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, pool_name, debug=True).stdout.strip() else: # Setup iscsi target if is_login: iscsi_target = setup_or_cleanup_iscsi( is_setup=True, is_login=is_login, image_size=image_size, emulated_image=emu_image) else: iscsi_target, lun_num = setup_or_cleanup_iscsi( is_setup=True, is_login=is_login, image_size=image_size, emulated_image=emu_image) emulated_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, emu_image) # Copy first disk to emulated backing store path cmd = "qemu-img convert -f %s -O %s %s %s" % (src_disk_format, disk_format, blk_source, emulated_path), ignore_status=False) if disk_type == 'block': disk_params_src = {'source_file': iscsi_target} elif disk_type == "volume": disk_params_src = {'source_pool': pool_name, 'source_volume': vol_name, 'source_mode': disk_src_mode} else: disk_params_src = {'source_protocol': disk_src_protocol, 'source_name': iscsi_target + "/" + lun_num, 'source_host_name': disk_src_host, 'source_host_port': disk_src_port} elif disk_src_protocol == 'gluster': # Setup gluster. host_ip = setup_or_cleanup_gluster(True, vol_name, brick_path, pool_name) logging.debug("host ip: %s " % host_ip) dist_img = "gluster.%s" % disk_format if image_convert: # Convert first disk to gluster disk path disk_cmd = ("qemu-img convert -f %s -O %s %s /mnt/%s" % (src_disk_format, disk_format, blk_source, dist_img)) else: # create another disk without convert disk_cmd = "qemu-img create -f %s /mnt/%s 10M" % (src_disk_format, dist_img) # Mount the gluster disk and create the image."mount -t glusterfs %s:%s /mnt; %s; umount /mnt" % (host_ip, vol_name, disk_cmd)) disk_params_src = {'source_protocol': disk_src_protocol, 'source_name': "%s/%s" % (vol_name, dist_img), 'source_host_name': host_ip, 'source_host_port': "24007"} if transport: disk_params_src.update({"transport": transport}) elif disk_src_protocol == 'netfs': # Setup nfs res = setup_or_cleanup_nfs(True, mnt_path_name, is_mount=True, export_options=exp_opt) exp_path = res["export_dir"] mnt_path = res["mount_dir"] params["selinux_status_bak"] = res["selinux_status_bak"] dist_img = "nfs-img" # Convert first disk to gluster disk path disk_cmd = ("qemu-img convert -f %s -O %s %s %s/%s" % (src_disk_format, disk_format, blk_source, exp_path, dist_img)), ignore_status=False) src_file_path = "%s/%s" % (mnt_path, dist_img) disk_params_src = {'source_file': src_file_path} elif disk_src_protocol == 'rbd': mon_host = params.get("mon_host") if image_convert: disk_cmd = ("qemu-img convert -f %s -O %s %s rbd:%s:mon_host=%s" % (src_disk_format, disk_format, blk_source, disk_src_name, mon_host)), ignore_status=False) disk_params_src = {'source_protocol': disk_src_protocol, 'source_name': disk_src_name, 'source_host_name': disk_src_host, 'source_host_port': disk_src_port, 'source_config_file': disk_src_config} if disk_snap_name: disk_params_src.update({'source_snap_name': disk_snap_name}) else: # use current source file with update params disk_params_src = {'source_file': blk_source} # Delete disk elements disks = vmxml.get_devices(device_type="disk") for disk_ in disks: if['dev'] == disk_target: vmxml.del_device(disk_) # New disk xml new_disk = disk.Disk(type_name=disk_type) new_disk.new_disk_source(attrs={'file': blk_source}) disk_params.update(disk_params_src) disk_xml = create_disk_xml(disk_params) new_disk.xml = disk_xml # Add new disk xml and redefine vm vmxml.add_device(new_disk) # Set domain options dom_iothreads = params.get("dom_iothreads") if dom_iothreads: vmxml.iothreads = int(dom_iothreads) logging.debug("The vm xml now is: %s" % vmxml.xmltreefile) vmxml.sync() vm.start()
[docs]def attach_additional_device(vm_name, targetdev, disk_path, params, config=True): """ Create a disk with disksize, then attach it to given vm. :param vm_name: Libvirt VM name. :param disk_path: path of attached disk :param targetdev: target of disk device :param params: dict include necessary configurations of device """"Attaching disk...") # Update params for source file params['source_file'] = disk_path params['target_dev'] = targetdev # Create a file of device xmlfile = create_disk_xml(params) # To confirm attached device do not exist. if config: extra = "--config" else: extra = "" virsh.detach_disk(vm_name, targetdev, extra=extra) return virsh.attach_device(domain_opt=vm_name, file_opt=xmlfile, flagstr=extra, debug=True)
[docs]def device_exists(vm, target_dev): """ Check if given target device exists on vm. """ targets = vm.get_blk_devices().keys() if target_dev in targets: return True return False
[docs]def create_local_disk(disk_type, path=None, size="10", disk_format="raw", vgname=None, lvname=None): if disk_type != "lvm" and path is None: raise error.TestError("Path is needed for creating local disk") if path:"mkdir -p %s" % os.path.dirname(path)) try: size = str(float(size)) + "G" except ValueError: pass cmd = "" if disk_type == "file": cmd = "qemu-img create -f %s %s %s" % (disk_format, path, size) elif disk_type == "floppy": cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s count=1024 bs=1024" % path elif disk_type == "iso": cmd = "mkisofs -o %s /root/*.*" % path elif disk_type == "lvm": if vgname is None or lvname is None: raise error.TestError("Both VG name and LV name are needed") lv_utils.lv_create(vgname, lvname, size) path = "/dev/%s/%s" % (vgname, lvname) else: raise error.TestError("Unknown disk type %s" % disk_type) if cmd:, ignore_status=True) return path
[docs]def delete_local_disk(disk_type, path=None, vgname=None, lvname=None): if disk_type in ["file", "floppy", "iso"]: if path is None: raise error.TestError("Path is needed for deleting local disk") else: cmd = "rm -f %s" % path, ignore_status=True) elif disk_type == "lvm": if vgname is None or lvname is None: raise error.TestError("Both VG name and LV name needed") lv_utils.lv_remove(vgname, lvname) else: raise error.TestError("Unknown disk type %s" % disk_type)
[docs]def create_scsi_disk(scsi_option, scsi_size="2048"): """ Get the scsi device created by scsi_debug kernel module :param scsi_option. The scsi_debug kernel module options. :return: scsi device if it is created successfully. """ try: utils_misc.find_command("lsscsi") except ValueError: raise error.TestNAError("Missing command 'lsscsi'.") try: # Load scsi_debug kernel module. # Unload it first if it's already loaded. if utils.module_is_loaded("scsi_debug"): utils.unload_module("scsi_debug") utils.load_module("scsi_debug dev_size_mb=%s %s" % (scsi_size, scsi_option)) # Get the scsi device name scsi_disk ="lsscsi|grep scsi_debug|" "awk '{print $6}'").stdout.strip()"scsi disk: %s" % scsi_disk) return scsi_disk except Exception, e: logging.error(str(e)) return None
[docs]def delete_scsi_disk(): """ Delete scsi device by removing scsi_debug kernel module. """ if utils.module_is_loaded("scsi_debug"): utils.unload_module("scsi_debug")
[docs]def set_controller_multifunction(vm_name, controller_type='scsi'): """ Set multifunction on for controller device and expand to all function. """ vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name) exist_controllers = vmxml.get_devices("controller") # Used to contain controllers in format: # domain:bus:slot:func -> controller object expanded_controllers = {} # The index of controller index = 0 for e_controller in exist_controllers: if e_controller.type != controller_type: continue # Set multifunction on address_attrs = e_controller.address.attrs address_attrs['multifunction'] = "on" domain = address_attrs['domain'] bus = address_attrs['bus'] slot = address_attrs['slot'] all_funcs = ["0x0", "0x1", "0x2", "0x3", "0x4", "0x5", "0x6"] for func in all_funcs: key = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (domain, bus, slot, func) address_attrs['function'] = func # Create a new controller instance new_controller = controller.Controller(controller_type) new_controller.xml = str(xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(e_controller.xml)) new_controller.index = index new_controller.address = new_controller.new_controller_address( attrs=address_attrs) # Expand controller to all functions with multifunction if key not in expanded_controllers.keys(): expanded_controllers[key] = new_controller index += 1 logging.debug("Expanded controllers: %s", expanded_controllers.values()) vmxml.del_controller(controller_type) vmxml.set_controller(expanded_controllers.values()) vmxml.sync()
[docs]def attach_disks(vm, path, vgname, params): """ Attach multiple disks.According parameter disk_type in params, it will create lvm or file type disks. :param path: file type disk's path :param vgname: lvm type disk's volume group name """ # Additional disk on vm disks_count = int(params.get("added_disks_count", 1)) - 1 multifunction_on = "yes" == params.get("multifunction_on", "no") disk_size = params.get("added_disk_size", "0.1") disk_type = params.get("added_disk_type", "file") disk_target = params.get("added_disk_target", "virtio") disk_format = params.get("added_disk_format", "raw") # Whether attaching device with --config attach_config = "yes" == params.get("attach_disk_config", "yes") def generate_disks_index(count, target="virtio"): # Created disks' index target_list = [] # Used to flag progression index = 0 # A list to maintain prefix for generating device # ['a','b','c'] means prefix abc prefix_list = [] while count > 0: # Out of range for current prefix_list if (index / 26) > 0: # Update prefix_list to expand disks, such as [] -> ['a'], # ['z'] -> ['a', 'a'], ['z', 'z'] -> ['a', 'a', 'a'] prefix_index = len(prefix_list) if prefix_index == 0: prefix_list.append('a') # Append a new prefix to list, then update pre-'z' in list # to 'a' to keep the progression 1 while prefix_index > 0: prefix_index -= 1 prefix_cur = prefix_list[prefix_index] if prefix_cur == 'z': prefix_list[prefix_index] = 'a' # All prefix in prefix_list are 'z', # it's time to expand it. if prefix_index == 0: prefix_list.append('a') else: # For whole prefix_list, progression is 1 prefix_list[prefix_index] = chr(ord(prefix_cur) + 1) break # Reset for another iteration index = 0 prefix = "".join(prefix_list) suffix_index = index % 26 suffix = chr(ord('a') + suffix_index) index += 1 count -= 1 # Generate device target according to driver type if target == "virtio": target_dev = "vd%s" % (prefix + suffix) elif target == "scsi": target_dev = "sd%s" % (prefix + suffix) target_list.append(target_dev) return target_list target_list = generate_disks_index(disks_count, disk_target) # A dict include disks information: source file and size added_disks = {} for target_dev in target_list: # Do not attach if it does already exist if device_exists(vm, target_dev): continue # Prepare controller for special disks like virtio-scsi # Open multifunction to add more controller for disks(150 or more) if multifunction_on: set_controller_multifunction(, disk_target) disk_params = {} disk_params['type_name'] = disk_type disk_params['target_dev'] = target_dev disk_params['target_bus'] = disk_target disk_params['device_type'] = params.get("device_type", "disk") device_name = "%s_%s" % (target_dev, disk_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), device_name) disk_path = create_local_disk(disk_type, disk_path, disk_size, disk_format, vgname, device_name) added_disks[disk_path] = disk_size result = attach_additional_device(, target_dev, disk_path, disk_params, attach_config) if result.exit_status: raise error.TestFail("Attach device %s failed." % target_dev) logging.debug("New VM XML:\n%s", vm.get_xml()) return added_disks
[docs]def define_new_vm(vm_name, new_name): """ Just define a new vm from given name """ try: vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name) vmxml.vm_name = new_name del vmxml.uuid vmxml.define() return True except xcepts.LibvirtXMLError, detail: logging.error(detail) return False
[docs]def remotely_control_libvirtd(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, action='restart', status_error='no'): """ Remotely restart libvirt service """ session = None try: session = remote.wait_for_login('ssh', server_ip, '22', server_user, server_pwd, r"[\#\$]\s*$")"%s libvirt daemon\n", action) service_libvirtd_control(action, session) session.close() except (remote.LoginError, aexpect.ShellError, error.CmdError), detail: if session: session.close() if status_error == "no": raise error.TestFail("Failed to %s libvirtd service on " "server: %s\n", action, detail) else:"It is an expect %s", detail)
[docs]def connect_libvirtd(uri, read_only="", virsh_cmd="list", auth_user=None, auth_pwd=None, vm_name="", status_error="no", extra="", log_level='LIBVIRT_DEBUG=3', su_user="", patterns_virsh_cmd=".*Id\s*Name\s*State\s*.*"): """ Connect libvirt daemon """ patterns_yes_no = r".*[Yy]es.*[Nn]o.*" patterns_auth_name_comm = r".*name:.*" patterns_auth_name_xen = r".*name.*root.*:.*" patterns_auth_pwd = r".*[Pp]assword.*" command = "%s %s virsh %s -c %s %s %s" % (extra, log_level, read_only, uri, virsh_cmd, vm_name) # allow specific user to run virsh command if su_user != "": command = "su %s -c '%s'" % (su_user, command)"Execute %s", command) # setup shell session session = aexpect.ShellSession(command, echo=True) try: # requires access authentication match_list = [patterns_yes_no, patterns_auth_name_comm, patterns_auth_name_xen, patterns_auth_pwd, patterns_virsh_cmd] while True: match, text = session.read_until_any_line_matches(match_list, timeout=30, internal_timeout=1) if match == -5:"Matched 'yes/no', details: <%s>", text) session.sendline("yes") elif match == -3 or match == -4:"Matched 'username', details: <%s>", text) session.sendline(auth_user) elif match == -2:"Matched 'password', details: <%s>", text) session.sendline(auth_pwd) elif match == -1:"Expected output of virsh command: <%s>", text) break else: logging.error("The real prompt text: <%s>", text) break session.close() return True except (aexpect.ShellError, aexpect.ExpectError), details: log = session.get_output() session.close() logging.error("Failed to connect libvirtd: %s\n%s", details, log) return False
[docs]def get_all_vol_paths(): """ Get all volumes' path in host """ vol_path = [] sp = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() for pool_name in sp.list_pools().keys(): if sp.list_pools()[pool_name]['State'] != "active": logging.warning("Inactive pool '%s' cannot be processed" % pool_name) continue pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) for path in pv.list_volumes().values(): vol_path.append(path) return set(vol_path)
[docs]def do_migration(vm_name, uri, extra, auth_pwd, auth_user="root", options="--verbose", virsh_patterns=".*100\s%.*", su_user="", timeout=30): """ Migrate VM to target host. """ patterns_yes_no = r".*[Yy]es.*[Nn]o.*" patterns_auth_name = r".*name:.*" patterns_auth_pwd = r".*[Pp]assword.*" command = "%s virsh migrate %s %s %s" % (extra, vm_name, options, uri) # allow specific user to run virsh command if su_user != "": command = "su %s -c '%s'" % (su_user, command)"Execute %s", command) # setup shell session session = aexpect.ShellSession(command, echo=True) try: # requires access authentication match_list = [patterns_yes_no, patterns_auth_name, patterns_auth_pwd, virsh_patterns] while True: match, text = session.read_until_any_line_matches(match_list, timeout=timeout, internal_timeout=1) if match == -4:"Matched 'yes/no', details: <%s>", text) session.sendline("yes") elif match == -3:"Matched 'username', details: <%s>", text) session.sendline(auth_user) elif match == -2:"Matched 'password', details: <%s>", text) session.sendline(auth_pwd) elif match == -1:"Expected output of virsh migrate: <%s>", text) break else: logging.error("The real prompt text: <%s>", text) break session.close() return True except (aexpect.ShellError, aexpect.ExpectError), details: log = session.get_output() session.close() logging.error("Failed to migrate %s: %s\n%s", vm_name, details, log) return False
[docs]def update_vm_disk_source(vm_name, disk_source_path, source_type="file"): """ Update disk source path of the VM :param source_type: it may be 'dev' or 'file' type, which is default """ if not os.path.isdir(disk_source_path): logging.error("Require disk source path!!") return False # Prepare to update VM first disk source file vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name) devices = vmxml.devices disk_index = devices.index(devices.by_device_tag('disk')[0]) disks = devices[disk_index] disk_source = disks.source.get_attrs().get(source_type) logging.debug("The disk source file of the VM: %s", disk_source) if not os.path.exists(disk_source): logging.error("The disk source doesn't exist!!") return False vm_name_with_format = os.path.basename(disk_source) new_disk_source = os.path.join(disk_source_path, vm_name_with_format) logging.debug("The new disk source file of the VM: %s", new_disk_source) # Update VM disk source file disks.source = disks.new_disk_source(**{'attrs': {'%s' % source_type: "%s" % new_disk_source}}) # SYNC VM XML change vmxml.devices = devices logging.debug("The new VM XML:\n%s", vmxml.xmltreefile) vmxml.sync() return True
[docs]def hotplug_domain_vcpu(domain, count, by_virsh=True, hotplug=True): """ Hot-plug/Hot-unplug vcpu for domian :param domain: Domain name, id, uuid :param count: to setvcpus it's the current vcpus number, but to qemu-monitor-command, we need to designate a specific CPU ID. The default will be got by (count - 1) :param by_virsh: True means hotplug/unplug by command setvcpus, otherwise, using qemu_monitor :param hotplug: True means hot-plug, False means hot-unplug """ if by_virsh: result = virsh.setvcpus(domain, count, "--live", debug=True) else: if hotplug: cpu_opt = "cpu-add" else: cpu_opt = "cpu-del" # Note: cpu-del is supported currently, it will return error. # as follow, # { # "id": "libvirt-23", # "error": { # "class": "CommandNotFound", # "desc": "The command cpu-del has not been found" # } # } # so, the caller should check the result. # hot-plug/hot-plug the CPU has maximal ID params = (cpu_opt, (count - 1)) cmd = '{\"execute\":\"%s\",\"arguments\":{\"id\":%d}}' % params result = virsh.qemu_monitor_command(domain, cmd, "--pretty", debug=True) return result
[docs]def exec_virsh_edit(source, edit_cmd, connect_uri="qemu:///system"): """ Execute edit command. :param source : virsh edit's option. :param edit_cmd: Edit command list to execute. :return: True if edit is successful, False if edit is failure. """"Trying to edit xml with cmd %s", edit_cmd) session = aexpect.ShellSession("sudo -s") try: session.sendline("virsh -c %s edit %s" % (connect_uri, source)) for cmd in edit_cmd: session.sendline(cmd) session.send('\x1b') session.send('ZZ') remote.handle_prompts(session, None, None, r"[\#\$]\s*$", debug=True) session.close() return True except Exception, e: session.close() logging.error("Error occurred: %s", e) return False
[docs]def new_disk_vol_name(pool_name): """ According to BZ#1138523, the new volume name must be the next created partition(sdb1, etc.), so we need to inspect the original partitions of the disk then count the new partition number. :param pool_name: Disk pool name :return: New volume name or none """ poolxml = pool_xml.PoolXML.new_from_dumpxml(pool_name) if poolxml.get_type(pool_name) != "disk": logging.error("This is not a disk pool") return None disk = poolxml.get_source().device_path[5:] part_num = len(filter(lambda s: s.startswith(disk), get_parts_list())) return disk + str(part_num)
[docs]def update_polkit_rule(params, pattern, new_value): """ This function help to update the rule during testing. :param params: Test run params :param pattern: Regex pattern for updating :param new_value: New value for updating """ polkit = LibvirtPolkitConfig(params) polkit_rules_path = polkit.polkit_rules_path try: polkit_f = open(polkit_rules_path, 'r+') rule = new_rule = re.sub(pattern, new_value, rule) polkit_f.truncate() polkit_f.write(new_rule) polkit_f.close() logging.debug("New polkit config rule is:\n%s", new_rule) polkit.polkitd.restart() except IOError, e: logging.error(e)