Source code for virttest.utils_virtio_port

import logging
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import env_process, qemu_virtio_port

[docs]class VirtioPortTest(object): def __init__(self, test, env, params): self.test = test self.env = env self.params = params @error.context_aware def get_vm_with_ports(self, no_consoles=0, no_serialports=0, spread=None, quiet=False, strict=False): """ Checks whether existing 'main_vm' fits the requirements, modifies it if needed and returns the VM object. :param no_console: Number of desired virtconsoles. :param no_serialport: Number of desired virtserialports. :param spread: Spread consoles across multiple virtio-serial-pcis. :param quiet: Notify user about VM recreation. :param strict: Whether no_consoles have to match or just exceed. :return: vm object matching the requirements. """ params = self.params.copy() main_vm = self.params['main_vm'] # check the number of running VM's consoles vm = self.env.get_vm(main_vm) if not vm: _no_serialports = -1 _no_consoles = -1 else: _no_serialports = 0 _no_consoles = 0 for port in vm.virtio_ports: if isinstance(port, qemu_virtio_port.VirtioSerial): _no_serialports += 1 else: _no_consoles += 1 _spread = int(params.get('virtio_port_spread', 2)) if spread is None: spread = _spread if strict: if (_no_serialports != no_serialports or _no_consoles != no_consoles): _no_serialports = -1 _no_consoles = -1 # If not enough ports, modify params and recreate VM if (_no_serialports < no_serialports or _no_consoles < no_consoles or spread != _spread): if not quiet: out = "tests reqirements are different from cfg: " if _no_serialports < no_serialports: out += "serial_ports(%d), " % no_serialports if _no_consoles < no_consoles: out += "consoles(%d), " % no_consoles if spread != _spread: out += "spread(%s), " % spread logging.warning(out[:-2] + ". Modify config to speedup tests.") params['virtio_ports'] = "" if spread: params['virtio_port_spread'] = spread else: params['virtio_port_spread'] = 0 for i in xrange(max(no_consoles, _no_consoles)): name = "console-%d" % i params['virtio_ports'] += " %s" % name params['virtio_port_type_%s' % name] = "console" for i in xrange(max(no_serialports, _no_serialports)): name = "serialport-%d" % i params['virtio_ports'] += " %s" % name params['virtio_port_type_%s' % name] = "serialport" if quiet: logging.debug("Recreating VM with more virtio ports.") else: logging.warning("Recreating VM with more virtio ports.") env_process.preprocess_vm(self.test, params, self.env, main_vm) vm = self.env.get_vm(main_vm) vm.verify_kernel_crash() return vm @error.context_aware def get_vm_with_worker(self, no_consoles=0, no_serialports=0, spread=None, quiet=False): """ Checks whether existing 'main_vm' fits the requirements, modifies it if needed and returns the VM object and guest_worker. :param no_console: Number of desired virtconsoles. :param no_serialport: Number of desired virtserialports. :param spread: Spread consoles across multiple virtio-serial-pcis. :param quiet: Notify user about VM recreation. :param strict: Whether no_consoles have to match or just exceed. :return: tuple (vm object matching the requirements, initialized GuestWorker of the vm) """ vm = self.get_vm_with_ports(no_consoles, no_serialports, spread, quiet) guest_worker = qemu_virtio_port.GuestWorker(vm) return vm, guest_worker @error.context_aware def get_vm_with_single_port(self, port_type='serialport'): """ Wrapper which returns vm, guest_worker and virtio_ports with at lest one port of the type specified by fction parameter. :param port_type: type of the desired virtio port. :return: tuple (vm object with at least 1 port of the port_type, initialized GuestWorker of the vm, list of virtio_ports of the port_type type) """ if port_type == 'serialport': vm, guest_worker = self.get_vm_with_worker(no_serialports=1) virtio_ports = self.get_virtio_ports(vm)[1][0] else: vm, guest_worker = self.get_vm_with_worker(no_consoles=1) virtio_ports = self.get_virtio_ports(vm)[0][0] return vm, guest_worker, virtio_ports @error.context_aware def get_virtio_ports(self, vm): """ Returns separated virtconsoles and virtserialports :param vm: VM object :return: tuple (all virtconsoles, all virtserialports) """ consoles = [] serialports = [] for port in vm.virtio_ports: if isinstance(port, qemu_virtio_port.VirtioSerial): serialports.append(port) else: consoles.append(port) return (consoles, serialports) @staticmethod @error.context_aware def cleanup(vm=None, guest_worker=None): """ Cleanup function. :param vm: VM whose ports should be cleaned :param guest_worker: guest_worker which should be cleaned/exited """ error.context("Cleaning virtio_ports on guest.") if guest_worker: guest_worker.cleanup() error.context("Cleaning virtio_ports on host.") if vm: for port in vm.virtio_ports: port.clean_port() port.close() port.mark_as_clean()