Source code for virttest.virsh

Utility classes and functions to handle connection to a libvirt host system

The entire contents of callables in this module (minus the names defined in
NOCLOSE below), will become methods of the Virsh and VirshPersistent classes.
A Closure class is used to wrap the module functions, lambda does not
properly store instance state in this implementation.

Because none of the methods have a 'self' parameter defined, the classes
are defined to be dict-like, and get passed in to the methods as a the
special ``**dargs`` parameter.  All virsh module functions _MUST_ include a
special ``**dargs`` (variable keyword arguments) to accept non-default
keyword arguments.

The standard set of keyword arguments to all functions/modules is declared
in the VirshBase class.  Only the 'virsh_exec' key is guaranteed to always
be present, the remainder may or may not be provided.  Therefor, virsh
functions/methods should use the dict.get() method to retrieve with a default
for non-existant keys.

:copyright: 2012 Red Hat Inc.

import signal
import logging
import urlparse
import re
import weakref
import time
import select
import utils_misc
from autotest.client import utils
from autotest.client import os_dep
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import aexpect
from virttest import propcan
from virttest import remote

# list of symbol names NOT to wrap as Virsh class methods
# Everything else from globals() will become a method of Virsh class
NOCLOSE = globals().keys() + [
    'VIRSH_EXEC', 'VirshBase', 'VirshClosure', 'VirshSession', 'Virsh',
    'VirshPersistent', 'VirshConnectBack', 'VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE',

# Needs to be in-scope for Virsh* class screenshot method and module function

# Cache of virsh commands, used by help_command_group() and help_command_only()
# TODO: Make the cache into a class attribute on VirshBase class.

# This is used both inside and outside classes
    VIRSH_EXEC = os_dep.command("virsh")
except ValueError:
    logging.warning("Virsh executable not set or found on path, "
                    "virsh module will not function normally")
    VIRSH_EXEC = '/bin/true'

[docs]class VirshBase(propcan.PropCanBase): """ Base Class storing libvirt Connection & state to a host """ __slots__ = ('uri', 'ignore_status', 'debug', 'virsh_exec', 'readonly') def __init__(self, *args, **dargs): """ Initialize instance with virsh_exec always set to something """ init_dict = dict(*args, **dargs) init_dict['virsh_exec'] = init_dict.get('virsh_exec', VIRSH_EXEC) init_dict['uri'] = init_dict.get('uri', None) init_dict['debug'] = init_dict.get('debug', False) init_dict['ignore_status'] = init_dict.get('ignore_status', False) init_dict['readonly'] = init_dict.get('readonly', False) super(VirshBase, self).__init__(init_dict)
[docs] def get_uri(self): """ Accessor method for 'uri' property that must exist """ # self.get() would call get_uri() recursivly try: return self.__dict_get__('uri') except KeyError: return None
[docs]class VirshSession(aexpect.ShellSession): """ A virsh shell session, used with Virsh instances. """ # No way to get virsh sub-command "exit" status # Check output against list of known error-status strings ERROR_REGEX_LIST = ['error:\s*.+$', '.*failed.*'] def __init__(self, virsh_exec=None, uri=None, a_id=None, prompt=r"virsh\s*[\#\>]\s*", remote_ip=None, remote_user=None, remote_pwd=None, ssh_remote_auth=False, readonly=False, unprivileged_user=None, auto_close=False, check_libvirtd=True): """ Initialize virsh session server, or client if id set. :param virsh_exec: path to virsh executable :param uri: uri of libvirt instance to connect to :param id: ID of an already running server, if accessing a running server, or None if starting a new one. :param prompt: Regular expression describing the shell's prompt line. :param remote_ip: Hostname/IP of remote system to ssh into (if any) :param remote_user: Username to ssh in as (if any) :param remote_pwd: Password to use, or None for host/pubkey :param auto_close: Param to init ShellSession. :param ssh_remote_auth: ssh to remote first.(VirshConnectBack). Then execute virsh commands. Because the VirshSession is designed for class VirshPersistent, so the default value of auto_close is False, and we manage the reference to VirshSession in VirshPersistent manually with counter_increase and counter_decrease. If you really want to use it directly over VirshPe- rsistent, please init it with auto_close=True, then the session will be closed in __del__. * session = VirshSession(virsh.VIRSH_EXEC, auto_close=True) """ self.uri = uri self.remote_ip = remote_ip self.remote_user = remote_user self.remote_pwd = remote_pwd # Special handling if setting up a remote session if ssh_remote_auth: # remote to remote if remote_pwd: pref_auth = "-o PreferredAuthentications=password" else: pref_auth = "-o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey" # ssh_cmd is not None flags this as remote session ssh_cmd = ("ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null %s -p %s %s@%s" % (pref_auth, 22, self.remote_user, self.remote_ip)) if uri: self.virsh_exec = ("%s \"%s -c '%s'\"" % (ssh_cmd, virsh_exec, self.uri)) else: self.virsh_exec = ("%s \"%s\"" % (ssh_cmd, virsh_exec)) else: # setting up a local session or re-using a session self.virsh_exec = virsh_exec if self.uri: self.virsh_exec += " -c '%s'" % self.uri ssh_cmd = None # flags not-remote session if readonly: self.virsh_exec += " -r" if unprivileged_user: self.virsh_exec = "su - %s -c '%s'" % (unprivileged_user, self.virsh_exec) # aexpect tries to auto close session because no clients connected yet aexpect.ShellSession.__init__(self, self.virsh_exec, a_id, prompt=prompt, auto_close=auto_close) # Handle remote session prompts: # 1.remote to remote with ssh # 2.local to remote with "virsh -c uri" if ssh_remote_auth or self.uri: # Handle ssh / password prompts remote.handle_prompts(self, self.remote_user, self.remote_pwd, prompt, debug=True) # fail if libvirtd is not running if check_libvirtd: if self.cmd_status('list', timeout=60) != 0: logging.debug("Persistent virsh session is not responding, " "libvirtd may be dead.") self.auto_close = True raise aexpect.ShellStatusError(virsh_exec, 'list')
[docs] def cmd_status_output(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None, print_func=None): """ Send a virsh command and return its exit status and output. :param cmd: virsh command to send (must not contain newline characters) :param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait for the prompt to return :param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking :param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read (should take a string parameter) :return: A tuple (status, output) where status is the exit status and output is the output of cmd :raise ShellTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires :raise ShellProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the shell process terminates while waiting for output :raise ShellStatusError: Raised if the exit status cannot be obtained :raise ShellError: Raised if an unknown error occurs """ out = self.cmd_output(cmd, timeout, internal_timeout, print_func) for line in out.splitlines(): if self.match_patterns(line, self.ERROR_REGEX_LIST) is not None: return 1, out return 0, out
[docs] def cmd_result(self, cmd, ignore_status=False, debug=False, timeout=60): """Mimic""" exit_status, stdout = self.cmd_status_output(cmd, timeout=timeout) stderr = '' # no way to retrieve this separately result = utils.CmdResult(cmd, stdout, stderr, exit_status) if not ignore_status and exit_status: raise error.CmdError(cmd, result, "Virsh Command returned non-zero exit status") if debug: logging.debug(result) return result
[docs] def read_until_output_matches(self, patterns, filter_func=lambda x: x, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None, print_func=None, match_func=None): """ Read from child using read_nonblocking until a pattern matches. Read using read_nonblocking until a match is found using match_patterns, or until timeout expires. Before attempting to search for a match, the data is filtered using the filter_func function provided. :param patterns: List of strings (regular expression patterns) :param filter_func: Function to apply to the data read from the child before attempting to match it against the patterns (should take and return a string) :param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait until a match is found :param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking :param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read (should take a string parameter) :param match_func: Function to compare the output and patterns. :return: Tuple containing the match index and the data read so far :raise ExpectTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires :raise ExpectProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the child process terminates while waiting for output :raise ExpectError: Raised if an unknown error occurs """ if not match_func: match_func = self.match_patterns fd = self._get_fd("expect") o = "" end_time = time.time() + timeout while True: try: r, w, x =[fd], [], [], max(0, end_time - time.time())) except (select.error, TypeError): break if not r: raise aexpect.ExpectTimeoutError(patterns, o) # Read data from child data = self.read_nonblocking(internal_timeout, end_time - time.time()) if not data: break # Print it if necessary if print_func: for line in data.splitlines(): print_func(line) # Look for patterns o += data out = '' match = match_func(filter_func(o), patterns) if match is not None: output = o.splitlines() # Find the second match in output reverse list, only return # the content between the last match and the second last match. # read_nonblocking might include output of last command or help # info when session initiated, # e.g. # When use VirshPersistent initiate a virsh session, an list # command is send in to test libvirtd status, and the first # command output will be like: # Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal. # # Type: 'help' for help with commands # 'quit' to quit # # virsh # Id Name State #---------------------------------------------------- # # virsh # # the session help info is included, and the exact output # should be the content start after first virsh # prompt. # The list command did no harm here with help info included, # but sometime other commands get list command output included, # e.g. # Running virsh command: net-list --all # Sending command: net-list --all # Id Name State # ---------------------------------------------------- # # virsh # Name State Autostart Persistent # ---------------------------------------------------------- # default active yes yes # # virsh # # The list command output is mixed in the net-list command # output, this will fail to extract network name if use set # number 2 in list of output splitlines like in function # virsh.net_state_dict. for i in reversed(range(len(output)-1)): if match_func(output[i].strip(), patterns) is not None: if re.split(patterns[match], output[i])[-1]: output[i] = re.split(patterns[match], output[i])[-1] output_slice = output[i:] else: output_slice = output[i+1:] for j in range(len(output_slice)-1): output_slice[j] = output_slice[j] + '\n' for k in range(len(output_slice)): out += output_slice[k] return match, out return match, o # Check if the child has terminated if utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: not self.is_alive(), 5, 0, 0.1): raise aexpect.ExpectProcessTerminatedError(patterns, self.get_status(), o) else: # This shouldn't happen raise aexpect.ExpectError(patterns, o)
# Work around for inconsistent builtin closure local reference problem # across different versions of python
[docs]class VirshClosure(object): """ Callable with weak ref. to override ``**dargs`` when calling reference_function """ def __init__(self, reference_function, dict_like_instance): """ Callable reference_function with weak ref dict_like_instance """ if not issubclass(dict_like_instance.__class__, dict): raise ValueError("dict_like_instance %s must be dict or subclass" % dict_like_instance.__class__.__name__) self.reference_function = reference_function self.dict_like_weakref = weakref.ref(dict_like_instance) def __call__(self, *args, **dargs): """ Call reference_function with dict_like_instance augmented by **dargs :param args: Passthrough to reference_function :param dargs: Updates dict_like_instance copy before call """ new_dargs = self.dict_like_weakref() if new_dargs is None: new_dargs = {} for key in new_dargs.keys(): if key not in dargs.keys(): dargs[key] = new_dargs[key] return self.reference_function(*args, **dargs)
[docs]class Virsh(VirshBase): """ Execute libvirt operations, using a new virsh shell each time. """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, *args, **dargs): """ Initialize Virsh instance with persistent options :param args: Initial property keys/values :param dargs: Initial property keys/values """ super(Virsh, self).__init__(*args, **dargs) # Define the instance callables from the contents of this module # to avoid using class methods and hand-written aliases for sym, ref in globals().items(): if sym not in NOCLOSE and callable(ref): # Adding methods, not properties, so avoid special __slots__ # handling. __getattribute__ will still find these. self.__super_set__(sym, VirshClosure(ref, self))
[docs]class VirshPersistent(Virsh): """ Execute libvirt operations using persistent virsh session. """ __slots__ = ('session_id', 'remote_pwd', 'remote_user', 'uri', 'remote_ip', 'ssh_remote_auth', 'unprivileged_user', 'readonly') # B/c the auto_close of VirshSession is False, we # need to manage the ref-count of it manually. COUNTERS = {} def __init__(self, *args, **dargs): super(VirshPersistent, self).__init__(*args, **dargs) if self.get('session_id') is None: # set_uri does not call when INITIALIZED = False # and no session_id passed to super __init__ self.new_session() # increase the counter of session_id in COUNTERS. self.counter_increase() def __del__(self): """ Clean up any leftover sessions """ self.close_session()
[docs] def counter_increase(self): """ Method to increase the counter to self.a_id in COUNTERS. """ session_id = self.__dict_get__("session_id") try: counter = self.__class__.COUNTERS[session_id] except KeyError, e: VirshPersistent.COUNTERS[session_id] = 1 return # increase the counter of session_id. VirshPersistent.COUNTERS[session_id] += 1
[docs] def counter_decrease(self): """ Method to decrease the counter to self.a_id in COUNTERS. If the counter is less than 1, it means there is no more VirshSession instance referring to the session. So close this session, and return True. Else, decrease the counter in COUNTERS and return False. """ session_id = self.__dict_get__("session_id") self.__class__.COUNTERS[session_id] -= 1 counter = self.__class__.COUNTERS[session_id] if counter <= 0: # The last reference to this session. Closing it. session = VirshSession(a_id=session_id) # try nicely first session.close() if session.is_alive(): # Be mean, in case it's hung session.close(sig=signal.SIGTERM) del self.__class__.COUNTERS[session_id] return True else: return False
[docs] def close_session(self): """ If a persistent session exists, close it down. """ try: session_id = self.__dict_get__('session_id') if session_id: try: existing = VirshSession(a_id=session_id) if existing.is_alive(): self.counter_decrease() except (aexpect.ShellStatusError, aexpect.ShellProcessTerminatedError): # session was already closed pass # don't check is_alive or update counter self.__dict_del__("session_id") except KeyError: # Allow other exceptions to be raised pass # session was closed already
[docs] def new_session(self): """ Open new session, closing any existing """ # Accessors may call this method, avoid recursion virsh_exec = self.__dict_get__('virsh_exec') # Must exist, can't be None uri = self.__dict_get__('uri') # Must exist, can be None readonly = self.__dict_get__('readonly') try: remote_user = self.__dict_get__('remote_user') except KeyError: remote_user = "root" try: remote_pwd = self.__dict_get__('remote_pwd') except KeyError: remote_pwd = None try: remote_ip = self.__dict_get__('remote_ip') except KeyError: remote_ip = None try: ssh_remote_auth = self.__dict_get__('ssh_remote_auth') except KeyError: ssh_remote_auth = False try: unprivileged_user = self.__dict_get__('unprivileged_user') except KeyError: unprivileged_user = None self.close_session() # Always create new session new_session = VirshSession(virsh_exec, uri, a_id=None, remote_ip=remote_ip, remote_user=remote_user, remote_pwd=remote_pwd, ssh_remote_auth=ssh_remote_auth, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, readonly=readonly) session_id = new_session.get_id() self.__dict_set__('session_id', session_id)
[docs] def set_uri(self, uri): """ Accessor method for 'uri' property, create new session on change """ if not self.INITIALIZED: # Allow __init__ to call new_session self.__dict_set__('uri', uri) else: # If the uri is changing if self.__dict_get__('uri') != uri: self.__dict_set__('uri', uri) self.new_session()
# otherwise do nothing
[docs]class VirshConnectBack(VirshPersistent): """ Persistent virsh session connected back from a remote host """ __slots__ = ('remote_ip', )
[docs] def new_session(self): """ Open new remote session, closing any existing """ # Accessors may call this method, avoid recursion virsh_exec = self.__dict_get__('virsh_exec') # Must exist, can't be None uri = self.__dict_get__('uri') # Must exist, can be None remote_ip = self.__dict_get__('remote_ip') try: remote_user = self.__dict_get__('remote_user') except KeyError: remote_user = 'root' try: remote_pwd = self.__dict_get__('remote_pwd') except KeyError: remote_pwd = None super(VirshConnectBack, self).close_session() new_session = VirshSession(virsh_exec, uri, a_id=None, remote_ip=remote_ip, remote_user=remote_user, remote_pwd=remote_pwd, ssh_remote_auth=True) session_id = new_session.get_id() self.__dict_set__('session_id', session_id)
[docs] def kosher_args(remote_ip, uri): """ Convenience static method to help validate argument sanity before use :param remote_ip: ip/hostname of remote libvirt helper-system :param uri: fully qualified libvirt uri of local system, from remote. :return: True/False if checks pass or not """ if remote_ip is None or uri is None: return False all_false = [ # remote_ip checks bool(remote_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM")), bool(remote_ip.count("localhost")), bool(remote_ip.count("127.")), # uri checks uri is None, uri is "", bool(uri.count("default")), bool(uri.count(':///')), bool(uri.count("localhost")), bool(uri.count("127.")) ] return True not in all_false
# virsh module functions follow (See module docstring for API) #####
[docs]def command(cmd, **dargs): """ Interface to cmd function as 'cmd' symbol is polluted. :param cmd: Command line to append to virsh command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object :raise: CmdError if non-zero exit status and ignore_status=False """ virsh_exec = dargs.get('virsh_exec', VIRSH_EXEC) uri = dargs.get('uri', None) debug = dargs.get('debug', False) # Caller deals with errors ignore_status = dargs.get('ignore_status', True) session_id = dargs.get('session_id', None) readonly = dargs.get('readonly', False) unprivileged_user = dargs.get('unprivileged_user', None) timeout = dargs.get('timeout', None) # Check if this is a VirshPersistent method call if session_id: # Retrieve existing session session = VirshSession(a_id=session_id) else: session = None if debug: logging.debug("Running virsh command: %s", cmd) if timeout: try: timeout = int(timeout) except ValueError: logging.error("Ignore the invalid timeout value: %s", timeout) timeout = None if session: # Utilize persistent virsh session, not suit for readonly mode if readonly: logging.debug("Ignore readonly flag for this virsh session") if timeout is None: timeout = 60 ret = session.cmd_result(cmd, ignore_status=ignore_status, debug=debug, timeout=timeout) # Mark return value with session it came from ret.from_session_id = session_id else: # Normal call to run virsh command # Readonly mode if readonly: cmd = " -r " + cmd if uri: # uri argument IS being used uri_arg = " -c '%s' " % uri else: uri_arg = " " # No uri argument being used cmd = "%s%s%s" % (virsh_exec, uri_arg, cmd) if unprivileged_user: # Run cmd as unprivileged user cmd = "su - %s -c '%s'" % (unprivileged_user, cmd) # Raise exception if ignore_status is False ret =, timeout=timeout, verbose=debug, ignore_status=ignore_status) # Mark return as not coming from persistent virsh session ret.from_session_id = None # Always log debug info, if persistent session or not if debug: logging.debug("status: %s", ret.exit_status) logging.debug("stdout: %s", ret.stdout.strip()) logging.debug("stderr: %s", ret.stderr.strip()) # Return CmdResult instance when ignore_status is True return ret
[docs]def domname(dom_id_or_uuid, **dargs): """ Convert a domain id or UUID to domain name :param dom_id_or_uuid: a domain id or UUID. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("domname --domain %s" % dom_id_or_uuid, **dargs)
[docs]def qemu_monitor_command(name, cmd, options="", **dargs): """ This helps to execute the qemu monitor command through virsh command. :param name: Name of monitor domain :param cmd: monitor command to execute :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd_str = "qemu-monitor-command %s %s --cmd \'%s\'" % (name, options, cmd) return command(cmd_str, **dargs)
[docs]def qemu_agent_command(name, cmd, options="", **dargs): """ This helps to execute the qemu agent command through virsh command. :param name: Name of monitor domain :param cmd: agent command to execute :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd_str = "qemu-agent-command %s %s --cmd \'%s\'" % (name, options, cmd) return command(cmd_str, **dargs)
[docs]def qemu_attach(pid, extra="", **dargs): """ This helps to execute the qemu-attach command through virsh command. :param pid: pid of qemu process :param extra: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd_str = "qemu-attach --pid %s %s" % (pid, extra) return command(cmd_str, **dargs)
[docs]def setvcpus(name, count, extra="", **dargs): """ Change the number of virtual CPUs in the guest domain. :param name: name of vm to affect :param count: value for vcpu parameter :param options: any extra command options. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object from command """ cmd = "setvcpus %s %s %s" % (name, count, extra) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vcpupin(name, vcpu="", cpu_list="", options="", **dargs): """ Changes the cpu affinity for respective vcpu. :param name: name of domain :param vcpu: virtual CPU to modify :param cpu_list: physical CPU specification (string) :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :param options: --live, --current or --config. :return: CmdResult object. """ cmd_vcpupin = "vcpupin %s %s %s %s" % (name, vcpu, cpu_list, options) return command(cmd_vcpupin, **dargs)
[docs]def vcpuinfo(name, **dargs): """ :param name: name of domain :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("vcpuinfo %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def freecell(cellno=None, options="", **dargs): """ Prints the available amount of memory on the machine or within a NUMA cell. :param cellno: number of cell to show. :param options: extra argument string to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "freecell " if cellno: cmd = "%s --cellno %s " % (cmd, cellno) cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nodeinfo(extra="", **dargs): """ Returns basic information about the node,like number and type of CPU, and size of the physical memory. :param extra: extra argument string to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd_nodeinfo = "nodeinfo %s" % extra return command(cmd_nodeinfo, **dargs)
[docs]def nodecpumap(extra="", **dargs): """ Displays the node's total number of CPUs, the number of online CPUs and the list of online CPUs. :param extra: extra argument string to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "nodecpumap %s" % extra return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nodesuspend(target, duration, extra='', **dargs): """ Suspend the host node for a given time duration. :param target: Suspend target mem/disk/hybrid. mem(Suspend-to-RAM) disk(Suspend-to-Disk) hybrid(Hybrid-Suspend) :param duration: Suspend duration in seconds, at least 60. :param extra: extra argument string to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "nodesuspend %s %s" % (target, duration) if extra: cmd += " %s" % extra return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def canonical_uri(option='', **dargs): """ Return the hypervisor canonical URI. :param option: additional option string to pass :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: standard output from command """ return command("uri %s" % option, **dargs).stdout.strip()
[docs]def hostname(option='', **dargs): """ Return the hypervisor hostname. :param option: additional option string to pass :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: standard output from command """ return command("hostname %s" % option, **dargs).stdout.strip()
[docs]def version(option='', **dargs): """ Return the major version info about what this built from. :param option: additional option string to pass :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("version %s" % option, **dargs)
[docs]def maxvcpus(option='', **dargs): """ Return the connection vcpu maximum number. :param: option: additional option string to pass :param: dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "maxvcpus %s" % option return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def dom_list(options="", **dargs): """ Return the list of domains. :param options: options to pass to list command :return: CmdResult object """ return command("list %s" % options, **dargs)
[docs]def reboot(name, options="", **dargs): """ Run a reboot command in the target domain. :param name: Name of domain. :param options: options: options to pass to reboot command :return: CmdResult object """ return command("reboot --domain %s %s" % (name, options), **dargs)
[docs]def managedsave(name, options="", **dargs): """ Managed save of a domain state. :param name: Name of domain to save :param options: options: options to pass to list command :return: CmdResult object """ return command("managedsave --domain %s %s" % (name, options), **dargs)
[docs]def managedsave_remove(name, **dargs): """ Remove managed save of a domain :param name: name of managed-saved domain to remove :return: CmdResult object """ return command("managedsave-remove --domain %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def driver(**dargs): """ Return the driver by asking libvirt :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: VM driver name """ # libvirt schme composed of driver + command # ref: scheme = urlparse.urlsplit(canonical_uri(**dargs))[0] # extract just the driver, whether or not there is a '+' return scheme.split('+', 2)[0]
[docs]def domstate(name, extra="", **dargs): """ Return the state about a running domain. :param name: VM name :param extra: command options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("domstate %s %s" % (name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def domid(name_or_uuid, **dargs): """ Return VM's ID. :param name_or_uuid: VM name or uuid :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("domid %s" % (name_or_uuid), **dargs)
[docs]def dominfo(name, **dargs): """ Return the VM information. :param name: VM's name or id,uuid. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("dominfo %s" % (name), **dargs)
[docs]def domuuid(name_or_id, **dargs): """ Return the Converted domain name or id to the domain UUID. :param name_or_id: VM name or id :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("domuuid %s" % name_or_id, **dargs)
[docs]def screenshot(name, filename, **dargs): """ Capture a screenshot of VM's console and store it in file on host :param name: VM name :param filename: name of host file :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: filename """ # Don't take screenshots of shut-off domains if is_dead(name, **dargs): return None global SCREENSHOT_ERROR_COUNT dargs['ignore_status'] = False try: command("screenshot %s %s" % (name, filename), **dargs) except error.CmdError, detail: if SCREENSHOT_ERROR_COUNT < 1: logging.error("Error taking VM %s screenshot. You might have to " "set take_regular_screendumps=no on your " "tests.cfg config file \n%s. This will be the " "only logged error message.", name, detail) SCREENSHOT_ERROR_COUNT += 1 return filename
[docs]def screenshot_test(name, filename="", options="", **dargs): """ Capture a screenshot of VM's console and store it in file on host :param name: VM name or id :param filename: name of host file :param options: command options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("screenshot %s %s %s" % (name, filename, options), **dargs)
[docs]def domblkstat(name, device, option, **dargs): """ Store state of VM into named file. :param name: VM's name. :param device: VM's device. :param option: command domblkstat option. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("domblkstat %s %s %s" % (name, device, option), **dargs)
[docs]def dumpxml(name, extra="", to_file="", **dargs): """ Return the domain information as an XML dump. :param name: VM name :param to_file: optional file to write XML output to :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object. """ cmd = "dumpxml %s %s" % (name, extra) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return result
[docs]def domifstat(name, interface, **dargs): """ Get network interface stats for a running domain. :param name: Name of domain :param interface: interface device :return: CmdResult object """ return command("domifstat %s %s" % (name, interface), **dargs)
[docs]def domjobinfo(name, **dargs): """ Get domain job information. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("domjobinfo %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def edit(options, **dargs): """ Edit the XML configuration for a domain. :param options: virsh edit options string. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("edit %s" % options, **dargs)
[docs]def dompmsuspend(name, target, duration=0, **dargs): """ Suspends a running domain using guest OS's power management. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "dompmsuspend %s %s --duration %s" % (name, target, duration) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def dompmwakeup(name, **dargs): """ Wakeup a domain that was previously suspended by power management. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("dompmwakeup %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def domjobabort(name, **dargs): """ Aborts the currently running domain job. :param name: VM's name, id or uuid. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: result from command """ return command("domjobabort %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def domxml_from_native(info_format, native_file, options=None, **dargs): """ Convert native guest configuration format to domain XML format. :param info_format:The command's options. For exmple:qemu-argv. :param native_file:Native information file. :param options:extra param. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: result from command """ cmd = "domxml-from-native %s %s %s" % (info_format, native_file, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domxml_to_native(info_format, xml_file, options, **dargs): """ Convert domain XML config to a native guest configuration format. :param info_format:The command's options. For exmple:qemu-argv. :param xml_file:XML config file. :param options:extra param. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: result from command """ cmd = "domxml-to-native %s %s %s" % (info_format, xml_file, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vncdisplay(name, **dargs): """ Output the IP address and port number for the VNC display. :param name: VM's name or id,uuid. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: result from command """ return command("vncdisplay %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def is_alive(name, **dargs): """ Return True if the domain is started/alive. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True operation was successful """ return not is_dead(name, **dargs)
[docs]def is_dead(name, **dargs): """ Return True if the domain is undefined or not started/dead. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True operation was successful """ dargs['ignore_status'] = False try: state = domstate(name, **dargs).stdout.strip() except error.CmdError: return True if state not in ('running', 'idle', 'paused', 'in shutdown', 'shut off', 'crashed', 'pmsuspended', 'no state'): logging.debug("State '%s' not known", state) if state in ('shut off', 'crashed', 'no state'): return True return False
[docs]def suspend(name, **dargs): """ True on successful suspend of VM - kept in memory and not scheduled. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("suspend %s" % (name), **dargs)
[docs]def resume(name, **dargs): """ True on successful moving domain out of suspend :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("resume %s" % (name), **dargs)
[docs]def dommemstat(name, extra="", **dargs): """ Store state of VM into named file. :param name: VM name :param extra: extra options to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("dommemstat %s %s" % (name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def dump(name, path, option="", **dargs): """ Dump the core of a domain to a file for analysis. :param name: VM name :param path: absolute path to state file :param option: command's option. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("dump %s %s %s" % (name, path, option), **dargs)
[docs]def save(name, path, options="", **dargs): """ Store state of VM into named file. :param name: VM'name, id or uuid. :param path: absolute path to state file :param options: command's options. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("save %s %s %s" % (name, path, options), **dargs)
[docs]def restore(path, options="", **dargs): """ Load state of VM from named file and remove file. :param path: absolute path to state file. :param options: options for virsh restore. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ return command("restore %s %s" % (path, options), **dargs)
[docs]def start(name, options="", **dargs): """ True on successful start of (previously defined) inactive domain. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object. """ return command("start %s %s" % (name, options), **dargs)
[docs]def shutdown(name, options="", **dargs): """ True on successful domain shutdown. :param name: VM name :param options: options for virsh shutdown. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("shutdown %s %s" % (name, options), **dargs)
[docs]def destroy(name, options="", **dargs): """ True on successful domain destruction :param name: VM name :param options: options for virsh destroy :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("destroy %s %s" % (name, options), **dargs)
[docs]def define(xml_path, **dargs): """ Return cmd result of domain define. :param xml_path: XML file path :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "define --file %s" % xml_path logging.debug("Define VM from %s", xml_path) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def undefine(name, options=None, **dargs): """ Return cmd result of domain undefine (after shutdown/destroy). :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "undefine %s" % name if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options logging.debug("Undefine VM %s", name) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def remove_domain(name, options=None, **dargs): """ Return True after forcefully removing a domain if it exists. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True operation was successful """ if domain_exists(name, **dargs): if is_alive(name, **dargs): destroy(name, **dargs) try: dargs['ignore_status'] = False undefine(name, options, **dargs) except error.CmdError, detail: logging.error("Undefine VM %s failed:\n%s", name, detail) return False return True
[docs]def domain_exists(name, **dargs): """ Return True if a domain exits. :param name: VM name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True operation was successful """ dargs['ignore_status'] = False try: command("domstate %s" % name, **dargs) return True except error.CmdError, detail: logging.warning("VM %s does not exist", name) if dargs.get('debug', False): logging.warning(str(detail)) return False
[docs]def migrate(name="", dest_uri="", option="", extra="", **dargs): """ Migrate a guest to another host. :param name: name of guest on uri. :param dest_uri: libvirt uri to send guest to :param option: Free-form string of options to virsh migrate :param extra: Free-form string of options to follow <domain> <desturi> :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "migrate" if option: cmd += " %s" % option if name: cmd += " --domain %s" % name if dest_uri: cmd += " --desturi %s" % dest_uri if extra: cmd += " %s" % extra return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def migrate_setspeed(domain, bandwidth, extra=None, **dargs): """ Set the maximum migration bandwidth (in MiB/s) for a domain which is being migrated to another host. :param domain: name/uuid/id of guest :param bandwidth: migration bandwidth limit in MiB/s :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd = "migrate-setspeed %s %s" % (domain, bandwidth) if extra is not None: cmd += " %s" % extra return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def migrate_getspeed(domain, **dargs): """ Get the maximum migration bandwidth (in MiB/s) for a domain. :param domain: name/uuid/id of guest :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: standard output from command """ cmd = "migrate-getspeed %s" % domain return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def migrate_setmaxdowntime(domain, downtime, extra=None, **dargs): """ Set maximum tolerable downtime of a domain which is being live-migrated to another host. :param domain: name/uuid/id of guest :param downtime: downtime number of live migration """ cmd = "migrate-setmaxdowntime %s %s" % (domain, downtime) if extra is not None: cmd += " %s" % extra return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def migrate_compcache(domain, size=None, **dargs): """ Get/set compression cache size for migration. :param domain: name/uuid/id of guest :param size: compression cache size to be set. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = 'migrate-compcache %s' % domain if size is not None: cmd += ' --size %s' % size return command(cmd, **dargs)
def _adu_device(action, domainarg=None, filearg=None, domain_opt=None, file_opt=None, flagstr=None, **dargs): """ Private helper for attach, detach, update device commands """ # N/B: Parameter order is significant: RH BZ 1018369 cmd = action if domain_opt is not None: cmd += " --domain %s" % domain_opt if domainarg is not None: cmd += " %s" % domainarg if file_opt is not None: cmd += " --file %s" % file_opt if filearg is not None: cmd += " %s" % filearg if flagstr is not None: cmd += " %s" % flagstr return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def attach_device(domainarg=None, filearg=None, domain_opt=None, file_opt=None, flagstr=None, **dargs): """ Attach a device using full parameter/argument set. :param domainarg: Domain name (first pos. parameter) :param filearg: File name (second pos. parameter) :param domain_opt: Option to --domain parameter :param file_opt: Option to --file parameter :param flagstr: string of "--force, --persistent, etc." :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return _adu_device("attach-device", domainarg=domainarg, filearg=filearg, domain_opt=domain_opt, file_opt=file_opt, flagstr=flagstr, **dargs)
[docs]def detach_device(domainarg=None, filearg=None, domain_opt=None, file_opt=None, flagstr=None, **dargs): """ Detach a device using full parameter/argument set. :param domainarg: Domain name (first pos. parameter) :param filearg: File name (second pos. parameter) :param domain_opt: Option to --domain parameter :param file_opt: Option to --file parameter :param flagstr: string of "--force, --persistent, etc." :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return _adu_device("detach-device", domainarg=domainarg, filearg=filearg, domain_opt=domain_opt, file_opt=file_opt, flagstr=flagstr, **dargs)
[docs]def update_device(domainarg=None, filearg=None, domain_opt=None, file_opt=None, flagstr="", **dargs): """ Update device from an XML <file>. :param domainarg: Domain name (first pos. parameter) :param filearg: File name (second pos. parameter) :param domain_opt: Option to --domain parameter :param file_opt: Option to --file parameter :param flagstr: string of "--force, --persistent, etc." :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return _adu_device("update-device", domainarg=domainarg, filearg=filearg, domain_opt=domain_opt, file_opt=file_opt, flagstr=flagstr, **dargs)
[docs]def attach_disk(name, source, target, extra="", **dargs): """ Attach a disk to VM. :param name: name of guest :param source: source of disk device :param target: target of disk device :param extra: additional arguments to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "attach-disk --domain %s --source %s --target %s %s"\ % (name, source, target, extra) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def detach_disk(name, target, extra="", **dargs): """ Detach a disk from VM. :param name: name of guest :param target: target of disk device :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "detach-disk --domain %s --target %s %s" % (name, target, extra) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def attach_interface(name, option="", **dargs): """ Attach a NIC to VM. :param name: name of guest :param option: options to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "attach-interface " if name: cmd += "--domain %s" % name if option: cmd += " %s" % option return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def detach_interface(name, option="", **dargs): """ Detach a NIC to VM. :param name: name of guest :param option: options to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "detach-interface " if name: cmd += "--domain %s" % name if option: cmd += " %s" % option return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def net_dumpxml(name, extra="", to_file="", **dargs): """ Dump XML from network named param name. :param name: Name of a network :param extra: Extra parameters to pass to command :param to_file: Send result to a file :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "net-dumpxml %s %s" % (name, extra) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return result
[docs]def net_create(xml_file, extra="", **dargs): """ Create _transient_ network from a XML file. :param xml_file: xml defining network :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-create %s %s" % (xml_file, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_define(xml_file, extra="", **dargs): """ Define network from a XML file, do not start :param xml_file: xml defining network :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-define %s %s" % (xml_file, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_list(options, extra="", **dargs): """ List networks on host. :param options: options to pass to command :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-list %s %s" % (options, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_state_dict(only_names=False, virsh_instance=None, **dargs): """ Return network name to state/autostart/persistent mapping :param only_names: When true, return network names as keys and None values :param virsh_instance: Call net_list() on this instance instead of module :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: dictionary """ # Using multiple virsh commands in different ways dargs['ignore_status'] = False # force problem detection if virsh_instance is not None: net_list_result = virsh_instance.net_list("--all", **dargs) else: net_list_result = net_list("--all", **dargs) # If command failed, exception would be raised here netlist = net_list_result.stdout.strip().splitlines() # First two lines contain table header followed by entries # for each network on the host, such as: # # Name State Autostart Persistent # ---------------------------------------------------------- # default active yes yes # # TODO: Double-check first-two lines really are header netlist = netlist[2:] result = {} for line in netlist: # Split on whitespace, assume 3 columns linesplit = line.split(None, 3) name = linesplit[0] # Several callers in libvirt_xml only require defined names if only_names: result[name] = None continue # Keep search fast & avoid first-letter capital problems active = not bool(linesplit[1].count("nactive")) autostart = bool(linesplit[2].count("es")) if len(linesplit) == 4: persistent = bool(linesplit[3].count("es")) else: # There is no representation of persistent status in output # in older libvirt. When libvirt older than 0.10.2 no longer # supported, this block can be safely removed. try: # Rely on net_autostart will raise() if not persistent state if autostart: # Enabled, try enabling again # dargs['ignore_status'] already False if virsh_instance is not None: virsh_instance.net_autostart(name, **dargs) else: net_autostart(name, **dargs) else: # Disabled, try disabling again if virsh_instance is not None: virsh_instance.net_autostart(name, "--disable", **dargs) else: net_autostart(name, "--disable", **dargs) # no exception raised, must be persistent persistent = True except error.CmdError, detail: # Exception thrown, could be transient or real problem if bool(str(detail.result_obj).count("ransient")): persistent = False else: # A unexpected problem happened, re-raise it. raise # Warning: These key names are used by libvirt_xml and test modules! result[name] = {'active': active, 'autostart': autostart, 'persistent': persistent} return result
[docs]def net_start(network, extra="", **dargs): """ Start network on host. :param network: name/parameter for network option/argument :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-start %s %s" % (network, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_destroy(network, extra="", **dargs): """ Destroy (stop) an activated network on host. :param network: name/parameter for network option/argument :param extra: extra string to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-destroy %s %s" % (network, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_undefine(network, extra="", **dargs): """ Undefine a defined network on host. :param network: name/parameter for network option/argument :param extra: extra string to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-undefine %s %s" % (network, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_name(uuid, extra="", **dargs): """ Get network name on host. :param uuid: network UUID. :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-name %s %s" % (uuid, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_uuid(network, extra="", **dargs): """ Get network UUID on host. :param network: name/parameter for network option/argument :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-uuid %s %s" % (network, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_autostart(network, extra="", **dargs): """ Set/unset a network to autostart on host boot :param network: name/parameter for network option/argument :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command (e.g. --disable) :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("net-autostart %s %s" % (network, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_info(network, extra="", **dargs): """ Get network information :param network: name/parameter for network option/argument :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("net-info %s %s" % (network, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def net_update(network, update_cmd, section, xml, extra="", **dargs): """ Update parts of an existing network's configuration :param network: network name or uuid :param update_cmd: type of update (add-first, add-last, delete, or modify) :param section: which section of network configuration to update :param xml: name of file containing xml :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "net-update %s %s %s %s %s" \ % (network, update_cmd, section, xml, extra) return command(cmd, **dargs)
def _pool_type_check(pool_type): """ check if the pool_type is supported or not :param pool_type: pool type :return: valid pool type or None """ valid_types = ['dir', 'fs', 'netfs', 'disk', 'iscsi', 'logical', 'gluster', 'rbd'] if pool_type and pool_type not in valid_types: logging.error("Specified pool type '%s' not in '%s'", pool_type, valid_types) pool_type = None elif not pool_type: # take the first element as default pool_type pool_type = valid_types[0] return pool_type
[docs]def pool_info(name, **dargs): """ Returns basic information about the storage pool. :param name: name of pool :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd = "pool-info %s" % name return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def pool_destroy(name, **dargs): """ Forcefully stop a given pool. :param name: name of pool :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd = "pool-destroy %s" % name dargs['ignore_status'] = False try: command(cmd, **dargs) return True except error.CmdError, detail: logging.error("Failed to destroy pool: %s.", detail) return False
[docs]def pool_create(xml_file, extra="", **dargs): """ Create a pool from an xml file. :param xml_file: file containing an XML pool description :param extra: extra parameters to pass to command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("pool-create %s %s" % (extra, xml_file), **dargs)
[docs]def pool_create_as(name, pool_type, target, extra="", **dargs): """ Create a pool from a set of args. :param name: name of pool :param pool_type: storage pool type such as 'dir' :param target: libvirt uri to send guest to :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True if pool creation command was successful """ if not name: logging.error("Please give a pool name") pool_type = _pool_type_check(pool_type) if pool_type is None: return False"Create %s type pool %s", pool_type, name) cmd = "pool-create-as --name %s --type %s --target %s %s" \ % (name, pool_type, target, extra) dargs['ignore_status'] = False try: command(cmd, **dargs) return True except error.CmdError, detail: logging.error("Failed to create pool: %s.", detail) return False
[docs]def pool_list(option="", extra="", **dargs): """ Prints the pool information of Host. :param option: options given to command all gives all pool details, including inactive inactive gives only inactive pool details details Gives the complete details about the pools :param extra: to provide extra options(to enter invalid options) """ return command("pool-list %s %s" % (option, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def pool_uuid(name, **dargs): """ Convert a pool name to pool UUID :param name: Name of the pool :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("pool-uuid %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def pool_name(uuid, **dargs): """ Convert a pool UUID to pool name :param name: UUID of the pool :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("pool-name %s" % uuid, **dargs)
[docs]def pool_refresh(name, **dargs): """ Refresh a pool :param name: Name of the pool :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("pool-refresh %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def pool_delete(name, **dargs): """ Delete the resources used by a given pool object :param name: Name of the pool :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("pool-delete %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def pool_state_dict(only_names=False, **dargs): """ Return pool name to state/autostart mapping :param only_names: When true, return pool names as keys and None values :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: dictionary """ # Using multiple virsh commands in different ways dargs['ignore_status'] = False # force problem detection pool_list_result = pool_list("--all", **dargs) # If command failed, exception would be raised here poollist = pool_list_result.stdout.strip().splitlines() # First two lines contain table header followed by entries # for each pool on the host, such as: # # Name State Autostart # ------------------------------------------- # default active yes # iscsi-net-pool active yes # # TODO: Double-check first-two lines really are header poollist = poollist[2:] result = {} for line in poollist: # Split on whitespace, assume 3 columns linesplit = line.split(None, 3) name = linesplit[0] # Several callers in libvirt_xml only require defined names # TODO: Copied from net_state_dict where this is true, but # as of writing only caller is virsh_pool_create test # which doesn't use this 'feature'. if only_names: result[name] = None continue # Keep search fast & avoid first-letter capital problems active = not bool(linesplit[1].count("nactive")) autostart = bool(linesplit[2].count("es")) # Warning: These key names are used by libvirt_xml and test modules! result[name] = {'active': active, 'autostart': autostart} return result
[docs]def pool_define_as(name, pool_type, target="", extra="", **dargs): """ Define the pool from the arguments :param name: Name of the pool to be defined :param pool_type: Type of the pool to be defined dir file system directory disk Physical Disk Device fs Pre-formatted Block Device netfs Network Exported Directory iscsi iSCSI Target logical LVM Volume Group mpath Multipath Device Enumerater scsi SCSI Host Adapter rbd Rados Block Device :param target: libvirt uri to send guest to :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True if pool define command was successful """ pool_type = _pool_type_check(pool_type) if pool_type is None: return False logging.debug("Try to define %s type pool %s", pool_type, name) cmd = "pool-define-as --name %s --type %s %s" \ % (name, pool_type, extra) # Target is not a must if target: cmd += " --target %s" % target return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def pool_start(name, extra="", **dargs): """ Start the defined pool :param name: Name of the pool to be started :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True if pool start command was successful """ return command("pool-start %s %s" % (name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def pool_autostart(name, extra="", **dargs): """ Mark for autostart of a pool :param name: Name of the pool to be mark for autostart :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True if pool autostart command was successful """ return command("pool-autostart %s %s" % (name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def pool_edit(name, **dargs): """ Edit XML configuration for a storage pool. :param name: pool name or uuid :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "pool-edit %s" % name return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def pool_undefine(name, extra="", **dargs): """ Undefine the given pool :param name: Name of the pool to be undefined :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True if pool undefine command was successful """ return command("pool-undefine %s %s" % (name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def pool_build(name, options="", **dargs): """ Build pool. :param name: Name of the pool to be built :param options: options for pool-build """ return command("pool-build %s %s" % (name, options), **dargs)
[docs]def find_storage_pool_sources_as(source_type, options="", **dargs): """ Find potential storage pool sources :param source_type: type of storage pool sources to find :param options: cmd options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ return command("find-storage-pool-sources-as %s %s" % (source_type, options), **dargs)
[docs]def find_storage_pool_sources(source_type, srcSpec, **dargs): """ Find potential storage pool sources :param source_type: type of storage pool sources to find :param srcSpec: file of source xml to qurey for pools :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("find-storage-pool-sources %s %s" % (source_type, srcSpec), **dargs)
[docs]def pool_dumpxml(name, extra="", to_file="", **dargs): """ Return the pool information as an XML dump. :param name: pool_name name :param to_file: optional file to write XML output to :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: standard output from command """ dargs['ignore_status'] = True cmd = "pool-dumpxml %s %s" % (name, extra) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() if result.exit_status: raise error.CmdError(cmd, result, "Virsh dumpxml returned non-zero exit status") return result.stdout.strip()
[docs]def pool_define(xml_path, **dargs): """ To create the pool from xml file. :param xml_path: XML file path :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "pool-define --file %s" % xml_path return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_create(pool_name, xml_file, extra="", **dargs): """ To create the volumes from xml file. :param pool_name: Name of the pool to be used :param xml_file: file containing an XML vol description :param extra: string of extra options :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "vol-create --pool %s --file %s %s" % (pool_name, xml_file, extra) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_create_as(volume_name, pool_name, capacity, allocation, frmt, extra="", **dargs): """ To create the volumes on different available pool :param name: Name of the volume to be created :param pool_name: Name of the pool to be used :param capacity: Size of the volume :param allocaltion: Size of the volume to be pre-allocated :param frmt: volume formats(e.g. raw, qed, qcow2) :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True if pool undefine command was successful """ cmd = "vol-create-as --pool %s" % pool_name cmd += " %s --capacity %s" % (volume_name, capacity) if allocation: cmd += " --allocation %s" % (allocation) if frmt: cmd += " --format %s" % (frmt) if extra: cmd += " %s" % (extra) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_create_from(pool_name, vol_file, input_vol, input_pool, extra="", **dargs): """ Create a vol, using another volume as input :param: pool_name: Name of the pool to create the volume in :param: vol_file: XML <file> with the volume definition :param: input_vol: Name of the source volume :param: input_pool: Name of the pool the source volume is in :param: extra: Free-form string of options :return: True if volume create successfully """ cmd = ("vol-create-from --pool %s --file %s --vol %s --inputpool %s" % (pool_name, vol_file, input_vol, input_pool)) if extra: cmd += " %s" % (extra) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_list(pool_name, extra="", **dargs): """ List the volumes for a given pool :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ return command("vol-list %s %s" % (pool_name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def vol_delete(volume_name, pool_name, extra="", **dargs): """ Delete a given volume :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ return command("vol-delete %s %s %s" % (volume_name, pool_name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def vol_key(volume_name, pool_name, extra="", **drags): """ Prints the key of the given volume name :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ return command("vol-key --vol %s --pool %s %s" % (volume_name, pool_name, extra), **drags)
[docs]def vol_info(volume_name, pool_name, extra="", **drags): """ Prints the given volume info :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ cmd = "vol-info --vol %s" % volume_name if pool_name: cmd += " --pool %s" % pool_name if extra: cmd += " %s" % extra return command(cmd, **drags)
[docs]def vol_name(volume_key, extra="", **drags): """ Prints the given volume name :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ return command("vol-name --vol %s %s" % (volume_key, extra), **drags)
[docs]def vol_path(volume_name, pool_name, extra="", **dargs): """ Prints the give volume path :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ return command("vol-path --vol %s --pool %s %s" % (volume_name, pool_name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def vol_dumpxml(volume_name, pool_name, to_file=None, options="", **dargs): """ Dumps volume details in xml :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param to_file: path of the file to store the output :param options: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ cmd = ('vol-dumpxml --vol %s --pool %s %s' % (volume_name, pool_name, options)) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file is not None: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return result
[docs]def vol_pool(volume_name, extra="", **dargs): """ Returns pool name for a given vol-key :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: returns the output of the command """ return command("vol-pool %s %s" % (volume_name, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def vol_clone(volume_name, new_name, pool_name="", extra="", **dargs): """ Clone an existing volume. :param volume_name: Name of the original volume :param new_name: Clone name :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: Returns the output of the command """ cmd = "vol-clone --vol %s --newname %s %s" % (volume_name, new_name, extra) if pool_name: cmd += " --pool %s" % pool_name return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_wipe(volume_name, pool_name="", alg="", **dargs): """ Ensure data previously on a volume is not accessible to future reads. :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param alg: Perform selected wiping algorithm :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: Returns the output of the command """ cmd = "vol-wipe --vol %s" % volume_name if pool_name: cmd += " --pool %s" % pool_name if alg: cmd += " --algorithm %s" % alg return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_resize(volume_name, capacity, pool_name="", extra="", **dargs): """ Resizes a storage volume. :param volume_name: Name of the volume :param capacity: New capacity for the volume (default bytes) :param pool_name: Name of the pool :param extra: Free-form string options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: Returns the output of the command """ cmd = "vol-resize --vol %s --capacity %s " % (volume_name, capacity) if pool_name: cmd += " --pool %s " % pool_name if extra: cmd += extra return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def capabilities(option='', to_file=None, **dargs): """ Return output from virsh capabilities command :param option: additional options (takes none) :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd_result = command('capabilities %s' % option, **dargs) if to_file is not None: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(cmd_result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return cmd_result.stdout.strip()
[docs]def nodecpustats(option='', **dargs): """ Returns basic information about the node CPU statistics :param option: additional options (takes none) :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd_nodecpustat = "nodecpustats %s" % option return command(cmd_nodecpustat, **dargs)
[docs]def nodememstats(option='', **dargs): """ Returns basic information about the node Memory statistics :param option: additional options (takes none) :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ return command('nodememstats %s' % option, **dargs)
[docs]def memtune_set(name, options, **dargs): """ Set the memory controller parameters :param domname: VM Name :param options: contains the values limit, state and value """ return command("memtune %s %s" % (name, options), **dargs)
[docs]def memtune_list(name, **dargs): """ List the memory controller value of a given domain :param domname: VM Name """ return command("memtune %s" % (name), **dargs)
[docs]def memtune_get(name, key): """ Get the specific memory controller value :param domname: VM Name :param key: memory controller limit for which the value needed :return: the memory value of a key in Kbs """ memtune_output = memtune_list(name) memtune_value = re.findall(r"%s\s*:\s+(\S+)" % key, str(memtune_output)) if memtune_value: return int(memtune_value[0]) else: return -1
[docs]def help_command(options='', cache=False, **dargs): """ Return list of commands and groups in help command output :param options: additional options to pass to help command :param cache: Return cached result if True, or refreshed cache if False :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: List of command and group names """ # Combine virsh command list and virsh group list. virsh_command_list = help_command_only(options, cache, **dargs) virsh_group_list = help_command_group(options, cache, **dargs) virsh_command_group = None virsh_command_group = virsh_command_list + virsh_group_list return virsh_command_group
[docs]def help_command_only(options='', cache=False, **dargs): """ Return list of commands in help command output :param options: additional options to pass to help command :param cache: Return cached result if True, or refreshed cache if False :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: List of command names """ # global needed to support this function's use in Virsh method closure global VIRSH_COMMAND_CACHE if not VIRSH_COMMAND_CACHE or cache is False: VIRSH_COMMAND_CACHE = [] regx_command_word = re.compile(r"\s+([a-z0-9-]+)\s+") for line in help(options, **dargs).stdout.strip().splitlines(): # Get rid of 'keyword' line if line.find("keyword") != -1: continue mobj_command_word = if mobj_command_word: VIRSH_COMMAND_CACHE.append( # Prevent accidental modification of cache itself return list(VIRSH_COMMAND_CACHE)
[docs]def help_command_group(options='', cache=False, **dargs): """ Return list of groups in help command output :param options: additional options to pass to help command :param cache: Return cached result if True, or refreshed cache if False :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: List of group names """ # global needed to support this function's use in Virsh method closure global VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE, VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE_NO_DETAIL if VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE_NO_DETAIL: return [] if not VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE or cache is False: VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE = [] regx_group_word = re.compile(r"[\']([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[\']") for line in help(options, **dargs).stdout.strip().splitlines(): # 'keyword' only exists in group line. if line.find("keyword") != -1: mojb_group_word = if mojb_group_word: VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE.append( if len(list(VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE)) == 0: VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE_NO_DETAIL = True # Prevent accidental modification of cache itself return list(VIRSH_COMMAND_GROUP_CACHE)
[docs]def has_help_command(virsh_cmd, options='', **dargs): """ String match on virsh command in help output command list :param virsh_cmd: Name of virsh command or group to look for :param options: Additional options to send to help command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: True/False """ return bool(help_command_only(options, cache=True, **dargs).count(virsh_cmd))
[docs]def has_command_help_match(virsh_cmd, regex, **dargs): """ Regex search on subcommand help output :param virsh_cmd: Name of virsh command or group to match help output :param regex: regular expression string to match :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: re match object """ command_help_output = help(virsh_cmd, **dargs).stdout.strip() return, command_help_output)
[docs]def help(virsh_cmd='', **dargs): """ Prints global help, command specific help, or help for a group of related commands :param virsh_cmd: Name of virsh command or group :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("help %s" % virsh_cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def schedinfo(domain, options="", **dargs): """ Show/Set scheduler parameters. :param domain: vm's name id or uuid. :param options: additional options. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords """ cmd = "schedinfo %s %s" % (domain, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def setmem(domainarg=None, sizearg=None, domain=None, size=None, use_kilobytes=False, flagstr="", **dargs): """ Change the current memory allocation in the guest domain. :param domainarg: Domain name (first pos. parameter) :param sizearg: Memory size in KiB (second. pos. parameter) :param domain: Option to --domain parameter :param size: Option to --size or --kilobytes parameter :param use_kilobytes: True for --kilobytes, False for --size :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :param flagstr: string of "--config, --live, --current, etc." :return: CmdResult instance :raise: error.CmdError: if libvirtd is not running """ cmd = "setmem" if domainarg is not None: # Allow testing of "" cmd += " %s" % domainarg if domain is not None: # Allow testing of --domain "" cmd += " --domain %s" % domain if sizearg is not None: # Allow testing of 0 and "" cmd += " %s" % sizearg if size is not None: # Allow testing of --size "" or --size 0 if use_kilobytes: cmd += " --kilobytes %s" % size else: cmd += " --size %s" % size if len(flagstr) > 0: cmd += " %s" % flagstr return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def setmaxmem(domainarg=None, sizearg=None, domain=None, size=None, use_kilobytes=False, flagstr="", **dargs): """ Change the maximum memory allocation for the guest domain. :param domainarg: Domain name (first pos. parameter) :param sizearg: Memory size in KiB (second. pos. parameter) :param domain: Option to --domain parameter :param size: Option to --size or --kilobytes parameter :param use_kilobytes: True for --kilobytes, False for --size :param flagstr: string of "--config, --live, --current, etc." :return: CmdResult instance :raise: error.CmdError: if libvirtd is not running. """ cmd = "setmaxmem" if domainarg is not None: # Allow testing of "" cmd += " %s" % domainarg if sizearg is not None: # Allow testing of 0 and "" cmd += " %s" % sizearg if domain is not None: # Allow testing of --domain "" cmd += " --domain %s" % domain if size is not None: # Allow testing of --size "" or --size 0 if use_kilobytes: cmd += " --kilobytes %s" % size else: cmd += " --size %s" % size if len(flagstr) > 0: cmd += " %s" % flagstr return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def snapshot_create(name, options="", **dargs): """ Create snapshot of domain. :param name: name of domain :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: name of snapshot """ cmd = "snapshot-create %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def snapshot_edit(name, options="", **dargs): """ Edit snapshot xml :param name: name of domain :param options: options of snapshot-edit command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "snapshot-edit %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def snapshot_create_as(name, options="", **dargs): """ Create snapshot of domain with options. :param name: name of domain :param options: options of snapshot-create-as :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: name of snapshot """ # CmdResult is handled here, force ignore_status cmd = "snapshot-create-as %s" % name if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def snapshot_parent(name, options, **dargs): """ Get name of snapshot parent :param name: name of domain :param options: options of snapshot-parent :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: name of snapshot """ cmd = "snapshot-parent %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def snapshot_current(name, options="--name", **dargs): """ Get name or xml of current snapshot. :param name: name of domain :param options: options of snapshot-current, default is --name :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "snapshot-current %s" % name if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def snapshot_list(name, options=None, **dargs): """ Get list of snapshots of domain. :param name: name of domain :param options: options of snapshot_list :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: list of snapshot names """ # CmdResult is handled here, force ignore_status dargs['ignore_status'] = True ret = [] cmd = "snapshot-list %s" % name if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options sc_output = command(cmd, **dargs) if sc_output.exit_status != 0: raise error.CmdError(cmd, sc_output, "Failed to get list of snapshots") data = re.findall("\S* *\d*-\d*-\d* \d*:\d*:\d* [+-]\d* \w*", sc_output.stdout) for rec in data: if not rec: continue ret.append(re.match("\S*", rec).group()) return ret
[docs]def snapshot_dumpxml(name, snapshot, options=None, to_file=None, **dargs): """ Get dumpxml of snapshot :param name: name of domain :param snapshot: name of snapshot :param options: options of snapshot_list :param to_file: optional file to write XML output to :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: standard output from command """ cmd = "snapshot-dumpxml %s %s" % (name, snapshot) if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file is not None: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return result
[docs]def snapshot_info(name, snapshot, **dargs): """ Check snapshot information. :param name: name of domain :param snapshot: name os snapshot to verify :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: snapshot information dictionary """ # CmdResult is handled here, force ignore_status dargs['ignore_status'] = True ret = {} values = ["Name", "Domain", "Current", "State", "Parent", "Children", "Descendants", "Metadata"] cmd = "snapshot-info %s %s" % (name, snapshot) sc_output = command(cmd, **dargs) if sc_output.exit_status != 0: raise error.CmdError(cmd, sc_output, "Failed to get snapshot info") for val in values: data ="(?<=%s:) *\w*" % val, sc_output.stdout) if data is None: continue ret[val] = if ret["Parent"] == "-": ret["Parent"] = None return ret
[docs]def snapshot_revert(name, snapshot, options="", **dargs): """ Revert domain state to saved snapshot. :param name: name of domain :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :param snapshot: snapshot to revert to :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "snapshot-revert %s %s %s" % (name, snapshot, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def snapshot_delete(name, snapshot, options='', **dargs): """ Remove domain snapshot :param name: name of domain :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :param snapshot: snapshot to delete :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "snapshot-delete %s %s %s" % (name, snapshot, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def blockcommit(name, path, options="", **dargs): """ Start a block commit operation. :param name: name of domain :param options: options of blockcommit :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "blockcommit %s %s" % (name, path) if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def blockpull(name, path, options="", **dargs): """ Start a block pull operation. :param name: name of domain :param options: options of blockpull :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "blockpull %s %s" % (name, path) if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def blockresize(name, path, size, **dargs): """ Resize block device of domain. :param name: name of domain :param path: path of block device :size: new size of the block device :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("blockresize %s %s %s" % (name, path, size), **dargs)
[docs]def domblkinfo(name, device, **dargs): """ Get block device size info for a domain. :param name: VM's name or id,uuid. :param device: device of VM. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: CmdResult object. """ return command("domblkinfo %s %s" % (name, device), **dargs)
[docs]def domblklist(name, options=None, **dargs): """ Get domain devices. :param name: name of domain :param options: options of domblklist. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "domblklist %s" % name if options: cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domiflist(name, options='', extra='', **dargs): """ Get the domain network devices :param name: name of domain :param options: options of domiflist :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command('domiflist %s %s %s' % (name, options, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def cpu_stats(name, options, **dargs): """ Display per-CPU and total statistics about domain's CPUs :param name: name of domain :param options: options of cpu_stats :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "cpu-stats %s" % name if options: cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def change_media(name, device, options, **dargs): """ Change media of CD or floppy drive. :param name: VM's name. :param path: Fully-qualified path or target of disk device :param options: command change_media options. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "change-media %s %s " % (name, device) if options: cmd += " %s " % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def cpu_compare(xml_file, **dargs): """ Compare host CPU with a CPU described by an XML file :param xml_file: file containing an XML CPU description. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("cpu-compare %s" % xml_file, **dargs)
[docs]def cpu_baseline(xml_file, **dargs): """ Compute baseline CPU for a set of given CPUs. :param xml_file: file containing an XML CPU description. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("cpu-baseline %s" % xml_file, **dargs)
[docs]def numatune(name, mode=None, nodeset=None, options=None, **dargs): """ Set or get a domain's numa parameters :param name: name of domain :param options: options may be live, config and current :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "numatune %s" % name if options: cmd += " --%s" % options if mode: cmd += " --mode %s" % mode if nodeset: cmd += " --nodeset %s" % nodeset return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_reset(name, options="", **dargs): """ Trigger a device reset for device node. :param name: device node name to be reset. :param options: additional options passed to virsh command :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: cmdresult object. """ cmd = ("nodedev-reset --device %s %s" % (name, options)) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def ttyconsole(name, **dargs): """ Print tty console device. :param name: name, uuid or id of domain :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("ttyconsole %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_dumpxml(name, options="", to_file=None, **dargs): """ Do dumpxml for node device. :param name: the name of device. :param options: extra options to nodedev-dumpxml cmd. :param to_file: optional file to write XML output to. :return: Cmdobject of virsh nodedev-dumpxml. """ cmd = ('nodedev-dumpxml %s %s' % (name, options)) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file is not None: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return result
[docs]def connect(connect_uri="", options="", **dargs): """ Run a connect command to the uri. :param connect_uri: target uri connect to. :param options: options to pass to connect command :return: CmdResult object. """ return command("connect %s %s" % (connect_uri, options), **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_list(tree=False, cap="", options="", **dargs): """ List the node devices. :param tree: list devices in a tree :param cap: capability names, separated by comma :param options: extra command options. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object. """ cmd = "nodedev-list" if tree: cmd += " --tree" if cap: cmd += " --cap %s" % cap if options: cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_detach(name, options="", **dargs): """ Detach node device from host. :return: cmdresult object. """ cmd = ("nodedev-detach --device %s %s" % (name, options)) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_dettach(name, options="", **dargs): """ Detach node device from host. :return: nodedev_detach(name). """ return nodedev_detach(name, options, **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_reattach(name, options="", **dargs): """ If node device is detached, this action will reattach it to its device driver. :return: cmdresult object. """ cmd = ("nodedev-reattach --device %s %s" % (name, options)) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vcpucount(name, options="", **dargs): """ Get the vcpu count of guest. :param name: name of domain. :param options: options for vcpucoutn command. :return: CmdResult object. """ cmd = "vcpucount %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def blockcopy(name, path, dest, options="", **dargs): """ Start a block copy operation. :param name: name of domain. :param path: fully-qualified path or target of disk. :param dest: path of the copy to create. :param options: options of blockcopy. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: CmdResult instance. """ cmd = "blockcopy %s %s %s %s" % (name, path, dest, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def blockjob(name, path, options="", **dargs): """ Manage active block operations. :param name: name of domain. :param path: fully-qualified path or target of disk. :param options: options of blockjob. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: CmdResult instance. """ cmd = "blockjob %s %s %s" % (name, path, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domiftune(name, interface, options=None, inbound=None, outbound=None, **dargs): """ Set/get parameters of a virtual interface. :param name: name of domain. :param interface: interface device (MAC Address). :param inbound: control domain's incoming traffics. :param outbound: control domain's outgoing traffics. :param options: options may be live, config and current. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: CmdResult instance. """ cmd = "domiftune %s %s" % (name, interface) if inbound: cmd += " --inbound %s" % inbound if outbound: cmd += " --outbound %s" % outbound if options: cmd += " --%s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def desc(name, options, desc_str, **dargs): """ Show or modify description or title of a domain. :param name: name of domain. :param options: options for desc command. :param desc_str: new desc message. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: CmdResult object. """ if desc_str: options = options + " \"%s\"" % desc_str cmd = "desc %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def autostart(name, options, **dargs): """ Autostart a domain :return: cmdresult object. """ cmd = ("autostart %s %s" % (name, options)) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def node_memtune(shm_pages_to_scan=None, shm_sleep_millisecs=None, shm_merge_across_nodes=None, options=None, **dargs): """ Get or set node memory parameters. :param options: Extra options to virsh. :param shm-pages-to-scan: Pages to scan. :param shm-sleep-millisecs: Sleep time (ms). :param shm-merge-across-nodes: Merge across nodes. :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords. :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "node-memory-tune" if shm_pages_to_scan: cmd += " --shm-pages-to-scan %s" % shm_pages_to_scan if shm_sleep_millisecs: cmd += " --shm-sleep-millisecs %s" % shm_sleep_millisecs if shm_merge_across_nodes: cmd += " --shm-merge-across-nodes %s" % shm_merge_across_nodes if options: cmd += " --%s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_list(extra="", **dargs): """ List physical host interfaces. :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: Standardized virsh functiont API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-list %s" % extra, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_define(xml_path, **dargs): """ Define (but don't start) a physical host interface from an XML file. :param xml_path: XML file path :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-define --file %s" % xml_path, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_start(iface, **dargs): """ Start a physical host interface. :param iface: Interface name or MAC address :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-start %s" % iface, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_destroy(iface, **dargs): """ Destroy a physical host interface. :param iface: Interface name or MAC address :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-destroy %s" % iface, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_undefine(iface, **dargs): """ Undefine a physical host interface (remove it from configuration). :param iface: Interface name or MAC address :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-undefine %s" % iface, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_dumpxml(iface, extra="", to_file="", **dargs): """ Interface information in XML. :param iface: Interface name or MAC address :param extra: Free-form string of options :param to_file: Optional file to write xml :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: standard output from command """ dargs['ignore_status'] = True cmd = "iface-dumpxml %s %s" % (iface, extra) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() if result.exit_status: raise error.CmdError(cmd, result, "Dumpxml returned non-zero exit status") return result.stdout.strip()
[docs]def iface_name(mac, **dargs): """ Convert an interface MAC address to interface name. :param mac: Interface MAC address :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-name %s" % mac, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_mac(name, **dargs): """ Convert an interface name to interface MAC address. :param name: Interface name :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-mac %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_edit(iface, **dargs): """ Edit XML configuration for a physical host interface. :param iface: Interface name or MAC address :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-edit %s" % iface, **dargs)
[docs]def iface_bridge(iface, bridge, extra="", **dargs): """ Create a bridge device and attach an existing network device to it. :param iface: Interface name or MAC address :param bridge: New bridge device name :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: Standardized virsh functiont API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-bridge %s %s %s" % (iface, bridge, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def iface_unbridge(bridge, extra="", **dargs): """ Undefine a bridge device after detaching its slave device. :param bridge: Current bridge device name :param extra: Free-form string of options :param dargs: Standardized virsh functiont API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ return command("iface-unbridge %s %s" % (bridge, extra), **dargs)
[docs]def iface_begin(**dargs): """ Create a snapshot of current interfaces settings :param: dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("iface-begin", **dargs)
[docs]def iface_commit(**dargs): """ Commit changes made since iface-begin and free restore point :param: dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("iface-commit", **dargs)
[docs]def iface_rollback(**dargs): """ Rollback to previous saved configuration created via iface-begin :param: dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ return command("iface-rollback", **dargs)
[docs]def emulatorpin(name, cpulist=None, options=None, **dargs): """ Control or query domain emulator affinity :param name: name of domain :param cpulist: a list of physical CPU numbers :param options: options may be live, config and current :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "emulatorpin %s" % name if options: cmd += " --%s" % options if cpulist: cmd += " --cpulist %s" % cpulist return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def secret_list(options="", **dargs): """ Get list of secret. :param options: the option may be '--ephemeral' :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: list of secret """ # CmdResult is handled here, force ignore_status cmd = "secret-list %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def secret_define(xml_file, options=None, **dargs): """ Return cmd result of secret define. :param xml_file: secret XML file :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "secret-define --file %s" % xml_file if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options logging.debug("Define secret from %s", xml_file) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def secret_undefine(uuid, options=None, **dargs): """ Return cmd result of secret undefine. :param uuid: secret UUID :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "secret-undefine %s" % uuid if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options logging.debug("Undefine secret %s", uuid) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def secret_dumpxml(uuid, to_file="", options=None, **dargs): """ Return the secret information as an XML dump. :param uuid: secret UUID :param to_file: optional file to write XML output to :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: standard output from command """ dargs['ignore_status'] = True cmd = "secret-dumpxml %s" % uuid if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() if result.exit_status: raise error.CmdError(cmd, result, "Virsh secret-dumpxml returned \ non-zero exit status") return result
[docs]def secret_get_value(uuid, options=None, **dargs): """ Get a secret value :param uuid: secret UUID :return: CmdResult object. """ cmd = "secret-get-value --secret %s" % uuid if options: cmd += " --%s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def secret_set_value(uuid, base64, options=None, **dargs): """ Set a secret value :param uuid: secret UUID :param base64: base64-encoded secret value :return: CmdResult object. """ cmd = "secret-set-value --secret %s" % uuid if base64: cmd += " --base64 %s" % base64 if options: cmd += " --%s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_create(xml_file, options=None, **dargs): """ Return cmd result of the device to be created by an XML file :param xml_file: device XML file :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "nodedev-create %s" % xml_file if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options logging.debug("Create the device from %s", xml_file) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nodedev_destroy(dev_name, options=None, **dargs): """ Return cmd result of the device to be destroyed :param dev_name: name of the device :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "nodedev-destroy %s" % dev_name if options is not None: cmd += " %s" % options logging.debug("Destroy the device %s on the node", dev_name) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domfstrim(name, minimum=None, mountpoint=None, options="", **dargs): """ Do fstrim on domain's mounted filesystems :param name: name of domain :param options: options maybe --minimum <number>, --mountpoint <string> :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "domfstrim %s" % name if minimum is not None: cmd += " --minimum %s" % minimum if mountpoint is not None: cmd += " --mountpoint %s" % mountpoint cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domfsfreeze(name, mountpoint=None, options="", **dargs): """ Freeze domain's mounted filesystems :param name: name of domain :param mountpoint: specific mountpoints to be frozen :param options: extra options to domfsfreeze cmd. :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "domfsfreeze %s" % name if mountpoint is not None: cmd += " --mountpoint %s" % mountpoint cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domfsthaw(name, mountpoint=None, options="", **dargs): """ Thaw domain's mounted filesystems :param name: name of domain :param mountpoint: specific mountpoints to be thawed :param options: extra options to domfsfreeze cmd. :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "domfsthaw %s" % name if mountpoint is not None: cmd += " --mountpoint %s" % mountpoint cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domtime(name, now=False, pretty=False, sync=False, time=None, options="", **dargs): """ Get/Set domain's time :param name: name of domain :param now: set to the time of the host running virsh :param pretty: print domain's time in human readable form :param sync: instead of setting given time, synchronize from domain's RTC :param time: integer time to set :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "domtime %s" % name if now: cmd += " --now" if pretty: cmd += " --pretty" if sync: cmd += " --sync" if time is not None: cmd += " --time %s" % time cmd += " %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nwfilter_dumpxml(name, options="", to_file=None, **dargs): """ Do dumpxml for network filter. :param name: the name or uuid of filter. :param options: extra options to nwfilter-dumpxml cmd. :param to_file: optional file to write XML output to. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: Cmdobject of virsh nwfilter-dumpxml. """ cmd = ('nwfilter-dumpxml %s %s' % (name, options)) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file is not None: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return result
[docs]def nwfilter_define(xml_file, options="", **dargs): """ Return cmd result of network filter define. :param xml_file: network filter XML file :param options: extra options to nwfilter-define cmd. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "nwfilter-define --file %s %s" % (xml_file, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nwfilter_undefine(name, options="", **dargs): """ Return cmd result of network filter undefine. :param name: network filter name or uuid :param options: extra options to nwfilter-undefine cmd. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "nwfilter-undefine %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nwfilter_list(options="", **dargs): """ Get list of network filters. :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: list of network filters """ cmd = "nwfilter-list %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def nwfilter_edit(name, options="", **dargs): """ Edit the XML configuration for a network filter. :param name: network filter name or uuid. :param options: extra options to nwfilter-edit cmd. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "nwfilter-edit %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def cd(dir_path, options="", **dargs): """ Run cd command in virsh interactive session. :param dir_path: dir path string :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "cd --dir %s %s" % (dir_path, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def pwd(options="", **dargs): """ Run pwd command in virsh session. :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "pwd %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def echo(echo_str, options="", **dargs): """ Run echo command in virsh session. :param echo_str: the echo string :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "echo %s %s" % (echo_str, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def exit(**dargs): """ Run exit command in virsh session. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "exit" return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def quit(**dargs): """ Run quit command in virsh session. :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "quit" return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def sendkey(name, options="", **dargs): """ Send keycodes to the guest :param name: name of domain :param codeset: the codeset of keycodes :param keycode: the key code :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "send-key %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def create(xmlfile, options="", **dargs): """ Create guest from xml :param xmlfile: domain xml file :param options: --paused :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "create %s %s" % (xmlfile, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def sysinfo(options="", **dargs): """ Return the hypervisor sysinfo xml. :param options: extra options :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "sysinfo %s" % options return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def reset(name, **dargs): """ Reset a domain :param name: name of domain :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "reset %s" % name return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domdisplay(name, options="", **dargs): """ Get domain display connection URI :param name: name of domain :param options: options of domdisplay :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "domdisplay %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domblkerror(name, **dargs): """ Show errors on block devices :param name: name of domain :return: CmdResult object """ return command("domblkerror %s" % name, **dargs)
[docs]def domcontrol(name, options="", **dargs): """ Return domain control interface state. :param name: name of domain :param options: extra options :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "domcontrol %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def save_image_dumpxml(state_file, options="", to_file="", **dargs): """ Dump xml from saved state file :param state_file: saved state file to read :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "save-image-dumpxml %s %s" % (state_file, options) result = command(cmd, **dargs) if to_file: result_file = open(to_file, 'w') result_file.write(result.stdout.strip()) result_file.close() return result
[docs]def save_image_define(state_file, xmlfile, options="", **dargs): """ Redefine the XML for a domain's saved state file :param state_file: saved state file to modify :param xmlfile: filename containing updated XML for the target :param options: extra options :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "save-image-define %s %s %s" % (state_file, xmlfile, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def inject_nmi(name, options="", **dargs): """ Inject NMI to the guest :param name: domain name :param options: extra options """ cmd = "inject-nmi %s %s" % (name, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_download(name, dfile, options="", **dargs): """ Download volume contents to a file :param name: name of volume :param dfile: file path that will download to :param options: pool name, offset and length :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "vol-download %s %s %s" % (name, dfile, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def vol_upload(name, dfile, options="", **dargs): """ Upload file contents to a volume :param name: name of volume :param dfile: file path that will upload from :param options: pool name, offset and length :return: CmdResult object """ cmd = "vol-upload %s %s %s" % (name, dfile, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def blkiotune(name, weight=None, device_weights=None, options=None, **dargs): """ Set or get a domain's blkio parameters :param name: name of domain :param options: options may be live, config and current :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "blkiotune %s" % name if options: cmd += " --%s" % options if weight: cmd += " --weight %s" % weight if device_weights: cmd += " --device-weights %s" % device_weights return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def blkdeviotune(name, device=None, options=None, total_bytes_sec=None, read_bytes_sec=None, write_bytes_sec=None, total_iops_sec=None, read_iops_sec=None, write_iops_sec=None, **dargs): """ Set or get a domain's blkio parameters :param name: name of domain :param options: options may be live, config and current :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "blkdeviotune %s" % name if options: cmd += " %s" % options if device: cmd += " --device %s" % device if total_bytes_sec: cmd += " --total-bytes-sec %s" % total_bytes_sec if read_bytes_sec: cmd += " --read-bytes-sec %s" % read_bytes_sec if write_bytes_sec: cmd += " --write-bytes-sec %s" % write_bytes_sec if total_iops_sec: cmd += " --total-iops-sec %s" % total_iops_sec if read_iops_sec: cmd += " --read-iops-sec %s" % read_iops_sec if write_iops_sec: cmd += " --write-iops-sec %s" % write_iops_sec return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domstats(domains="", options="", **dargs): """ Get statistics about one or multiple domains :param domains: List of domains :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "domstats %s %s" % (domains, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def freepages(cellno=None, pagesize=None, options="", **dargs): """ Display available free pages for the NUMA cell :param cellno: NUMA cell number :param pagesize: Page size (in kibibytes) :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "freepages %s" % options if cellno is not None: cmd += " --cellno %s" % cellno if pagesize is not None: cmd += " --pagesize %s" % pagesize return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def domcapabilities(virttype=None, emulatorbin=None, arch=None, machine=None, options="", **dargs): """ Capabilities of emulator with respect to host and libvirt :param virttype: Virtualization type (/domain/@type) :param emulatorbin: Path to emulator binary (/domain/devices/emulator) :param arch: Domain architecture (/domain/os/type/@arch) :param machine: machine type (/domain/os/type/@machine) :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "domcapabilities %s" % options if virttype: cmd += " --virttype %s" % virttype if emulatorbin: cmd += " --emulatorbin %s" % emulatorbin if arch: cmd += " --arch %s" % arch if machine: cmd += " --machine %s" % machine return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def metadata(name, uri, options="", key=None, new_metadata=None, **dargs): """ Show or set domain's custom XML Metadata :param name: Domain name, id or uuid :param uri: URI of the namespace :param options: options may be live, config and current :param key: Key to be used as a namespace identifier :param new_metadata: new metadata to set :param dargs: standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "metadata --domain %s --uri %s %s" % (name, uri, options) if key: cmd += " --key %s" % key if new_metadata: cmd += " --set '%s'" % new_metadata.replace("\'", "\"") return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def cpu_models(arch, options="", **dargs): """ Get the CPU models for an arch. :param arch: Architecture :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "cpu-models %s %s" % (arch, options) return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def net_dhcp_leases(network, mac=None, options="", **dargs): """ Print lease info for a given network :param network: Network name or uuid :param mac: Mac address :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "net-dhcp-leases %s %s" % (network, options) if mac: cmd += " --mac %s" % mac return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def qemu_monitor_event(domain=None, event=None, event_timeout=None, options="", **dargs): """ Listen for QEMU Monitor Events :param domain: Domain name, id or UUID :param event: Event type name :param event_timeout: Timeout seconds :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "qemu-monitor-event %s" % options if domain: cmd += " --domain %s" % domain if event: cmd += " --event %s" % event if event_timeout: cmd += " --timeout %s" % event_timeout return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def net_event(network=None, event=None, event_timeout=None, options="", **dargs): """ List event types, or wait for network events to occur :param network: Network name or uuid :param event: Event type to wait for :param event_timeout: Timeout seconds :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "net-event %s" % options if network: cmd += " --network %s" % network if event: cmd += " --event %s" % event if event_timeout: cmd += " --timeout %s" % event_timeout return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def event(domain=None, event=None, event_timeout=None, options="", **dargs): """ List event types, or wait for domain events to occur :param domain: Domain name, id or UUID :param event: Event type name :param event_timeout: Timeout seconds :param options: Extra options :param dargs: Standardized virsh function API keywords :return: CmdResult instance """ cmd = "event %s" % options if domain: cmd += " --domain %s" % domain if event: cmd += " --event %s" % event if event_timeout: cmd += " --timeout %s" % event_timeout return command(cmd, **dargs)
[docs]def move_mouse(name, coordinate, **dargs): """ Move VM mouse. :param name: domain name :param coordinate: Mouse coordinate """ cmd = "mouse_move %s %s" % coordinate qemu_monitor_command(name=name, cmd=cmd, options='--hmp', **dargs) # Sleep 1 sec to make sure VM received mouse move event time.sleep(1)
[docs]def click_button(name, left_button=True, **dargs): """ Click left/right button of VM mouse. :param name: domain name :param left_button: Click left or right button """ state = 1 if not left_button: state = 4 cmd = "mouse_button %s" % state qemu_monitor_command(name=name, cmd=cmd, options='--hmp', **dargs) # Sleep 1 sec to make sure VM received mouse button event, # then release button(state=0) time.sleep(1) cmd = "mouse_button 0" qemu_monitor_command(name=name, cmd=cmd, options='--hmp', **dargs) time.sleep(1)