Source code for virttest.yumrepo

This module implements classes that allow a user to create, enable and disable
YUM repositories on the system.

import os

__all__ = ['REPO_DIR', 'YumRepo']

REPO_DIR = '/etc/yum.repos.d'

[docs]class YumRepo(object): ''' Represents a YUM repository The goal of this class is not to give access to all features of a YUM Repository, but to provide a simple way to configure a valid one during a test run. Sample usage: >>> mainrepo = YumRepo("main", "", "/etc/yum.repos.d/main.repo") Or to use a default path: >>> mainrepo = YumRepo("main", '') And then: >>> When it comes to the repo URL, currently there's no support for setting a mirrorlist, only a baseurl. ''' def __init__(self, name, baseurl, path=None): ''' Initilizes a new YumRepo object If path is not given, it is assumed to be "$(name)s.repo" at the default YUM repo directory. :param name: the repository name :param path: the full path of the file that defines this repository ''' = name self.path = path if self.path is None: self.path = self._get_path_from_name( self.baseurl = baseurl self.enabled = True self.gpgcheck = False self.gpgkey = '' @classmethod def _get_path_from_name(cls, name): ''' Returns the default path for the a repo of a given name :param name: the repository name :return: the default repo file path for the given name ''' return os.path.join(REPO_DIR, "%s.repo" % name) @classmethod def _yum_value_for_boolean(cls, boolean): ''' Returns a boolean in YUM acceptable syntax ''' if boolean: return '1' else: return '0'
[docs] def render(self): ''' Renders the repo file Yes, we could use ConfigParser for this, but it produces files with spaces between keys and values, which look akward by YUM defaults. ''' template = ("[%(name)s]\n" "name=%(name)s\n" "baseurl=%(baseurl)s\n" "enabled=%(enabled)s\n" "gpgcheck=%(gpgcheck)s\n" "gpgkey=%(gpgkey)s\n") values = {'name':, 'baseurl': self.baseurl, 'enabled': self._yum_value_for_boolean(self.enabled), 'gpgcheck': self._yum_value_for_boolean(self.gpgcheck), 'gpgkey': self.gpgkey} return template % values
[docs] def save(self): ''' Saves the repo file ''' output_file = open(self.path, 'w') output_file.write(self.render()) output_file.close()
[docs] def remove(self): ''' Removes the repo file ''' if os.path.exists(self.path): os.unlink(self.path)