Source code for virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices

Autotest representation of qemu devices.

These classes implements various features in order to simulate, verify or
interact with qemu qdev structure.

:copyright: 2012-2013 Red Hat Inc.
# Python imports
import logging
import re

# Autotest imports
from utils import DeviceError
from virttest import qemu_monitor
from virttest import utils_misc
import qbuses
import traceback

    # pylint: disable=E0611
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from virttest.staging.backports.collections import OrderedDict

def _convert_args(arg_dict):
    Convert monitor command arguments dict into humanmonitor string.

    :param arg_dict: The dict of monitor command arguments.
    :return: A string in humanmonitor's 'key=value' format, or a empty
             '' when the dict is empty.
    return ",".join("%s=%s" % (key, val) for key, val in arg_dict.iteritems())

def _build_cmd(cmd, args=None, q_id=None):
    Format QMP command from cmd and args

    :param cmd: Command ('device_add', ...)
    :param q_id: queue id; True = generate random, None = None, str = use str
    obj = {"execute": cmd}
    if args is not None:
        obj["arguments"] = args
    if q_id is True:
        obj["id"] = utils_misc.generate_random_string(8)
    elif q_id is not None:
        obj["id"] = q_id
    return obj

# Device objects
[docs]class QBaseDevice(object): """ Base class of qemu objects """ def __init__(self, dev_type="QBaseDevice", params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None): """ :param dev_type: type of this component :param params: component's parameters :param aobject: Autotest object which is associated with this device :param parent_bus: list of dicts specifying the parent bus :param child_bus: list of buses, which this device provides """ self.aid = None # unique per VM id self.type = dev_type # device type self.aobject = aobject # related autotest object if parent_bus is None: parent_bus = tuple() self.parent_bus = parent_bus # list of buses into which this dev fits self.child_bus = [] # list of buses which this dev provides if child_bus is None: child_bus = [] elif not isinstance(child_bus, (list, tuple)): self.add_child_bus(child_bus) else: for bus in child_bus: self.add_child_bus(bus) self.dynamic_params = [] self.params = OrderedDict() # various device params (id, name, ...) if params: for key, value in params.iteritems(): self.set_param(key, value)
[docs] def add_child_bus(self, bus): """ Add child bus :param bus: Bus, which this device contains :type bus: QSparseBus-like """ self.child_bus.append(bus) bus.set_device(self)
[docs] def rm_child_bus(self, bus): """ removes child bus :param bus: Bus, which this device contains :type bus: QSparseBus-like """ self.child_bus.remove(bus) bus.set_device(None)
[docs] def set_param(self, option, value, option_type=None, dynamic=False): """ Set device param using qemu notation ("on", "off" instead of bool...) :param option: which option's value to set :param value: new value :param option_type: type of the option (bool) :param dynamic: if true value is changed to DYN for not_dynamic compare """ if dynamic: if option not in self.dynamic_params: self.dynamic_params.append(option) else: if option in self.dynamic_params: self.dynamic_params.remove(option) if option_type is bool or isinstance(value, bool): if value in ['yes', 'on', True]: self.params[option] = "on" elif value in ['no', 'off', False]: self.params[option] = "off" elif value or value == 0: if value == "EMPTY_STRING": self.params[option] = '""' else: self.params[option] = value elif value is None and option in self.params: del(self.params[option]) if option in self.dynamic_params: self.dynamic_params.remove(option)
[docs] def get_param(self, option, default=None): """ :return: object param """ return self.params.get(option, default)
def __getitem__(self, option): """ :return: object param """ return self.params[option] def __delitem__(self, option): """ deletes self.params[option] """ del(self.params[option]) def __len__(self): """ length of self.params """ return len(self.params) def __setitem__(self, option, value): """ self.set_param(option, value, None) """ return self.set_param(option, value) def __contains__(self, option): """ Is the option set? """ return option in self.params def __str__(self): """ :return: Short string representation of this object. """ return self.str_short() def __eq__(self, dev2, dynamic=True): """ :return: True when devs are similar, False when different. """ check_attrs = ['cmdline_nd', 'hotplug_hmp_nd', 'hotplug_qmp_nd'] try: for check_attr in check_attrs: try: _ = getattr(self, check_attr)() except (DeviceError, NotImplementedError, AttributeError): try: getattr(dev2, check_attr)() except (DeviceError, NotImplementedError, AttributeError): pass else: if _ != getattr(dev2, check_attr)(): return False except Exception: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def __ne__(self, dev2): """ :return: True when devs are different, False when similar. """ return not self.__eq__(dev2)
[docs] def str_short(self): """ Short representation (aid, qid, alternative, type) """ if self.get_qid(): # Show aid only when it's based on qid if self.get_aid(): return self.get_aid() else: return "q'%s'" % self.get_qid() elif self._get_alternative_name(): return "a'%s'" % self._get_alternative_name() else: return "t'%s'" % self.type
[docs] def str_long(self): """ Full representation, multi-line with all params """ out = """%s aid = %s aobject = %s parent_bus = %s child_bus = %s params:""" % (self.type, self.aid, self.aobject, self.parent_bus, self.child_bus) for key, value in self.params.iteritems(): out += "\n %s = %s" % (key, value) return out + '\n'
def _get_alternative_name(self): """ :return: alternative object name """ return None
[docs] def get_qid(self): """ :return: qemu_id """ return self.params.get('id', '')
[docs] def get_aid(self): """ :return: per VM unique autotest_id """ return self.aid
[docs] def set_aid(self, aid): """:param aid: new autotest id for this device""" self.aid = aid
[docs] def get_children(self): """ :return: List of all children (recursive) """ children = [] for bus in self.child_bus: children.extend(bus) return children
[docs] def cmdline(self): """ :return: cmdline command to define this device """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cmdline_nd(self): """ Command line without dynamic params. :return: cmdline command to define this device without dynamic parameters """ self.cmdline()
# pylint: disable=E0202
[docs] def hotplug(self, monitor): """ :return: the output of monitor.cmd() hotplug command """ if isinstance(monitor, qemu_monitor.QMPMonitor): try: cmd, args = self.hotplug_qmp() return monitor.cmd(cmd, args) except DeviceError: # qmp command not supported return monitor.human_monitor_cmd(self.hotplug_hmp()) elif isinstance(monitor, qemu_monitor.HumanMonitor): return monitor.cmd(self.hotplug_hmp()) else: raise TypeError("Invalid monitor object: %s(%s)" % (monitor, type(monitor)))
[docs] def hotplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command """ raise DeviceError("Hotplug is not supported by this device %s", self)
[docs] def hotplug_qmp(self): """ :return: tuple(hotplug qemu command, arguments)""" raise DeviceError("Hotplug is not supported by this device %s", self)
[docs] def unplug_hook(self): """ Modification prior to unplug can be made here """ pass
[docs] def unplug_unhook(self): """ Roll back the modification made before unplug """ pass
[docs] def unplug(self, monitor): """ :return: the output of monitor.cmd() unplug command """ if isinstance(monitor, qemu_monitor.QMPMonitor): try: cmd, args = self.unplug_qmp() return monitor.cmd(cmd, args) except DeviceError: # qmp command not supported return monitor.human_monitor_cmd(self.unplug_hmp()) elif isinstance(monitor, qemu_monitor.HumanMonitor): return monitor.cmd(self.unplug_hmp()) else: raise TypeError("Invalid monitor object: %s(%s)" % (monitor, type(monitor)))
[docs] def unplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the unplug monitor command """ raise DeviceError("Unplug is not supported by this device %s", self)
[docs] def unplug_qmp(self): """ :return: tuple(unplug qemu command, arguments)""" raise DeviceError("Unplug is not supported by this device %s", self)
[docs] def verify_hotplug(self, out, monitor): """ :param out: Output of the hotplug command :param monitor: Monitor used for hotplug :return: True when successful, False when unsuccessful, string/None when can't decide. """ return out
[docs] def verify_unplug(self, out, monitor): # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201 """ :param out: Output of the unplug command :param monitor: Monitor used for unplug """ return out
[docs]class QStringDevice(QBaseDevice): """ General device which allows to specify methods by fixed or parametrizable strings in this format: :: "%(type)s,id=%(id)s,addr=%(addr)s" ``params`` will be used to subst ``%()s`` """ def __init__(self, dev_type="dummy", params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None, cmdline="", cmdline_nd=None): """ :param dev_type: type of this component :param params: component's parameters :param aobject: Autotest object which is associated with this device :param parent_bus: bus(es), in which this device is plugged in :param child_bus: bus, which this device provides :param cmdline: cmdline string """ super(QStringDevice, self).__init__(dev_type, params, aobject, parent_bus, child_bus) self._cmdline = cmdline self._cmdline_nd = cmdline_nd if cmdline_nd is None: self._cmdline_nd = cmdline
[docs] def cmdline(self): """ :return: cmdline command to define this device """ try: if self._cmdline: return self._cmdline % self.params except KeyError, details: raise KeyError("Param %s required for cmdline is not present in %s" % (details, self.str_long()))
[docs] def cmdline_nd(self): """ Command line without dynamic parameters. :return: cmdline command to define this device without dynamic parameters. """ try: if self._cmdline_nd: return self._cmdline_nd % self.params except KeyError, details: raise KeyError("Param %s required for cmdline is not present in %s" % (details, self.str_long()))
[docs]class QCustomDevice(QBaseDevice): """ Representation of the '-$option $param1=$value1,$param2...' qemu object. This representation handles only cmdline. """ def __init__(self, dev_type, params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None, backend=None): """ :param dev_type: The desired -$option parameter (device, chardev, ..) """ super(QCustomDevice, self).__init__(dev_type, params, aobject, parent_bus, child_bus) if backend: self.__backend = backend else: self.__backend = None
[docs] def cmdline(self): """ :return: cmdline command to define this device """ if self.__backend and self.params.get(self.__backend): out = "-%s %s," % (self.type, self.params.get(self.__backend)) params = self.params.copy() del params[self.__backend] else: out = "-%s " % self.type params = self.params for key, value in params.iteritems(): if value != "NO_EQUAL_STRING": out += "%s=%s," % (key, value) else: out += "%s," % key if out[-1] == ',': out = out[:-1] return out
[docs] def cmdline_nd(self): """ Command line without dynamic parameters. :return: cmdline command to define this device without dynamic parameters. """ if self.__backend and self.params.get(self.__backend): out = "-%s %s," % (self.type, self.params.get(self.__backend)) params = self.params.copy() del params[self.__backend] else: out = "-%s " % self.type params = self.params for key, value in params.iteritems(): if value != "NO_EQUAL_STRING": if key in self.dynamic_params: out += "%s=DYN," % (key,) else: out += "%s=%s," % (key, value) else: out += "%s," % key if out[-1] == ',': out = out[:-1] return out
[docs]class QDrive(QCustomDevice): """ Representation of the '-drive' qemu object without hotplug support. """ def __init__(self, aobject, use_device=True): child_bus = qbuses.QDriveBus('drive_%s' % aobject, aobject) super(QDrive, self).__init__("drive", {}, aobject, (), child_bus) if use_device: self.params['id'] = 'drive_%s' % aobject
[docs] def set_param(self, option, value, option_type=None): """ Set device param using qemu notation ("on", "off" instead of bool...) It restricts setting of the 'id' param as it's automatically created. :param option: which option's value to set :param value: new value :param option_type: type of the option (bool) """ if option == 'id': raise KeyError("Drive ID is automatically created from aobject. %s" % self) elif option == 'bus': # Workaround inconsistency between -drive and -device value = re.findall(r'(\d+)', value) if value is not None: value = value[0] super(QDrive, self).set_param(option, value, option_type)
[docs]class QOldDrive(QDrive): """ This is a variant for -drive without 'addr' support """
[docs] def set_param(self, option, value, option_type=None): """ Ignore addr parameters as they are not supported by old qemus """ if option == 'addr': logging.warn("Ignoring 'addr=%s' parameter of %s due of old qemu" ", PCI addresses might be messed up.", value, self.str_short()) return return super(QOldDrive, self).set_param(option, value, option_type)
[docs]class QHPDrive(QDrive): """ Representation of the '-drive' qemu object with hotplug support. """ def __init__(self, aobject): super(QHPDrive, self).__init__(aobject) self.__hook_drive_bus = None
[docs] def verify_hotplug(self, out, monitor): if isinstance(monitor, qemu_monitor.QMPMonitor): if out.startswith('OK'): return True else: if out == 'OK': return True return False
[docs] def verify_unplug(self, out, monitor): out ="qtree", debug=False) if "unknown command" in out: # Old qemu don't have info qtree return True dev_id_name = 'id "%s"' % self.aid if dev_id_name in out: return False else: return True
[docs] def get_children(self): """ Device bus should be removed too """ for bus in self.child_bus: if isinstance(bus, qbuses.QDriveBus): drive_bus = bus self.rm_child_bus(bus) break devices = super(QHPDrive, self).get_children() self.add_child_bus(drive_bus) return devices
[docs] def unplug_hook(self): """ Devices from this bus are not removed, only 'drive' is set to None. """ for bus in self.child_bus: if isinstance(bus, qbuses.QDriveBus): for dev in bus: self.__hook_drive_bus = dev.get_param('drive') dev['drive'] = None break
[docs] def unplug_unhook(self): """ Set back the previous 'drive' (unsafe, using the last value) """ if self.__hook_drive_bus is not None: for bus in self.child_bus: if isinstance(bus, qbuses.QDriveBus): for dev in bus: dev['drive'] = self.__hook_drive_bus break
[docs] def hotplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command """ args = self.params.copy() pci_addr = args.pop('addr', 'auto') args = _convert_args(args) return "drive_add %s %s" % (pci_addr, args)
[docs] def unplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the unplug monitor command """ if self.get_qid() is None: raise DeviceError("qid not set; device %s can't be unplugged" % self) return "drive_del %s" % self.get_qid()
[docs]class QRHDrive(QDrive): """ Representation of the '-drive' qemu object with RedHat hotplug support. """ def __init__(self, aobject): super(QRHDrive, self).__init__(aobject) self.__hook_drive_bus = None
[docs] def hotplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command """ args = self.params.copy() args.pop('addr', None) # not supported by RHDrive args.pop('if', None) args = _convert_args(args) return "__com.redhat_drive_add %s" % args
[docs] def hotplug_qmp(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command """ args = self.params.copy() args.pop('addr', None) # not supported by RHDrive args.pop('if', None) return "__com.redhat_drive_add", args
[docs] def get_children(self): """ Device bus should be removed too """ for bus in self.child_bus: if isinstance(bus, qbuses.QDriveBus): drive_bus = bus self.rm_child_bus(bus) break devices = super(QRHDrive, self).get_children() self.add_child_bus(drive_bus) return devices
[docs] def unplug_hook(self): """ Devices from this bus are not removed, only 'drive' is set to None. """ for bus in self.child_bus: if isinstance(bus, qbuses.QDriveBus): for dev in bus: self.__hook_drive_bus = dev.get_param('drive') dev['drive'] = None break
[docs] def unplug_unhook(self): """ Set back the previous 'drive' (unsafe, using the last value) """ if self.__hook_drive_bus is not None: for bus in self.child_bus: if isinstance(bus, qbuses.QDriveBus): for dev in bus: dev['drive'] = self.__hook_drive_bus break
[docs] def unplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the unplug monitor command """ if self.get_qid() is None: raise DeviceError("qid not set; device %s can't be unplugged" % self) return "__com.redhat_drive_del %s" % self.get_qid()
[docs] def unplug_qmp(self): """ :return: the unplug monitor command """ if self.get_qid() is None: raise DeviceError("qid not set; device %s can't be unplugged" % self) return "__com.redhat_drive_del", {'id': self.get_qid()}
[docs]class QDevice(QCustomDevice): """ Representation of the '-device' qemu object. It supports all methods. :note: Use driver format in full form - 'driver' = '...' (usb-ehci, ide-hd) """ def __init__(self, driver=None, params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None): super(QDevice, self).__init__("device", params, aobject, parent_bus, child_bus, 'driver') if driver: self.set_param('driver', driver) self.hook_drive_bus = None def _get_alternative_name(self): """ :return: alternative object name """ if self.params.get('driver'): return self.params.get('driver')
[docs] def hotplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command """ if self.params.get('driver'): params = self.params.copy() out = "device_add %s" % params.pop('driver') params = _convert_args(params) if params: out += ",%s" % params else: out = "device_add %s" % _convert_args(self.params) return out
[docs] def hotplug_qmp(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command """ return "device_add", self.params
[docs] def hotplug_hmp_nd(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command without dynamic parameters""" if self.params.get('driver'): params = self.params.copy() out = "device_add %s" % params.pop('driver') for key in self.dynamic_params: params[key] = "DYN" params = _convert_args(params) if params: out += ",%s" % params else: params = self.params.copy() for key in self.dynamic_params: params[key] = "DYN" out = "device_add %s" % _convert_args(params) return out
[docs] def hotplug_qmp_nd(self): """ :return: the hotplug monitor command without dynamic parameters""" params = self.params.copy() for key in self.dynamic_params: params[key] = "DYN" return "device_add", params
[docs] def get_children(self): """ Device bus should be removed too """ devices = super(QDevice, self).get_children() if self.hook_drive_bus: devices.append(self.hook_drive_bus) return devices
[docs] def unplug_hmp(self): """ :return: the unplug monitor command """ if self.get_qid(): return "device_del %s" % self.get_qid() else: raise DeviceError("Device has no qemu_id.")
[docs] def unplug_qmp(self): """ :return: the unplug monitor command """ if self.get_qid(): return "device_del", {'id': self.get_qid()} else: raise DeviceError("Device has no qemu_id.")
[docs] def verify_unplug(self, out, monitor): out ="qtree", debug=False) if "unknown command" in out: # Old qemu don't have info qtree return out dev_id_name = 'id "%s"' % self.get_qid() if dev_id_name in out: return False else: return True
# pylint: disable=E0202
[docs] def verify_hotplug(self, out, monitor): out ="qtree", debug=False) if "unknown command" in out: # Old qemu don't have info qtree return out dev_id_name = 'id "%s"' % self.get_qid() if dev_id_name in out: return True else: return False
[docs]class QGlobal(QBaseDevice): """ Representation of qemu global setting (-global """ def __init__(self, driver, prop, value, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None): """ :param driver: Which global driver to set :param prop: Which property to set :param value: What's the desired value :param params: component's parameters :param aobject: Autotest object which is associated with this device :param parent_bus: bus(es), in which this device is plugged in :param child_bus: bus, which this device provides """ params = {'driver': driver, 'property': prop, 'value': value} super(QGlobal, self).__init__('global', params, aobject, parent_bus, child_bus)
[docs] def cmdline(self): return "-global %s.%s=%s" % (self['driver'], self['property'], self['value'])
[docs]class QFloppy(QGlobal): """ Imitation of qemu floppy disk defined by -global$drive """ def __init__(self, unit=None, drive=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None): """ :param unit: Floppy unit (None, 0, 1 or driveA, driveB) :param drive: id of drive :param aobject: Autotest object which is associated with this device :param parent_bus: bus(es), in which this device is plugged in :param child_bus: bus(es), which this device provides """ super(QFloppy, self).__init__('isa-fdc', unit, drive, aobject, parent_bus, child_bus) def _get_alternative_name(self): return "floppy-%s" % (self.get_param('property'))
[docs] def set_param(self, option, value, option_type=None): """ drive and unit params have to be 'translated' as value and property. """ if option == 'drive': option = 'value' elif option == 'unit': option = 'property' super(QFloppy, self).set_param(option, value, option_type)