virttest.qemu_devices package


virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses module

Autotest representations of qemu buses.

These classes emulates the usual qemu buses behaviors in order to create or match the autotest params into qemu qdev structure.

copyright:2012-2013 Red Hat Inc.
class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QAHCIBus(busid, aobject=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QBusUnitBus

AHCI bus (ich9-ahci, ahci)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QBusUnitBus(busid, bus_type, lengths, aobject=None, atype=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QDenseBus

Implementation of bus-unit bus (ahci, ide)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QDenseBus(bus_item, addr_spec, busid, bus_type=None, aobject=None, atype=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus

Dense bus representation. The only difference from SparseBus is the output string format. DenseBus iterates over all addresses and show free slots too. SparseBus on the other hand prints always the device address.

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QDriveBus(busid, aobject=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus

QDrive bus representation (single slot, drive=...)


Use only drive as slot

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QFloppyBus(busid, aobject=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QDenseBus

Floppy bus (-global$drive)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QIDEBus(busid, aobject=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QBusUnitBus

IDE bus (piix3-ide)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QNoAddrCustomBus(bus_item, addr_spec, busid, bus_type=None, aobject=None, atype=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus

This is the opposite of QStrictCustomBus. Even when addr is set it’s not updated in the device’s params.

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QOldFloppyBus(busid, aobject=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QDenseBus

Floppy bus (-drive index=n)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QPCIBus(busid, bus_type, aobject=None, length=32, first_port=0)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus

PCI Bus representation (bus&addr, uses hex digits)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QPCISwitchBus(busid, bus_type, downstream_type, aobject=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QPCIBus

PCI Switch bus representation (creates downstream device while inserting a device).


Add downstream port of the certain address

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSCSIBus(busid, bus_type, addr_spec, aobject=None, atype=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus

SCSI bus representation (bus + 2 leves, don’t iterate over lun by default)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus(bus_item, addr_spec, busid, bus_type=None, aobject=None, atype=None)[source]

Bases: object

Universal bus representation object.

It creates an abstraction of the way how buses works in qemu. Additionally it can store incorrect records (out-of-range addr, multiple devs, ...). Everything with bad* prefix means it concerns the bad records (badbus).

You can insert and remove device to certain address, address ranges or let the bus assign first free address. The order of addr_spec does matter since the last item is incremented first.

There are 3 different address representation used:

stored address representation ‘$first-$second-...-$ZZZ’
internal address representation [$first, $second, ..., $ZZZ]
qemu address stored into separate device params (bus, port) device{$param1:$first, $param2:$second, ..., $paramZZZ, $ZZZ}
Note:When you insert a device, it’s properties might be updated (addr,..)
Parameters:item – autotest id or QObject-like object
Returns:First matching object from this bus or None

Get device in which this bus is present


Finds unoccupied address

Parameters:addr_pattern – Address pattern (full qualified or with Nones)
Returns:First free address when found, (free or reserved for this dev) None when no free address is found, (all occupied) False in case of incorrect address (oor)
insert(device, strict_mode=False)[source]

Insert device into this bus representation.

  • device – qdevices.QBaseDevice device
  • strict_mode – Use strict mode (set optional params)

list of added devices on success, string indicating the failure on failure.

match_bus(bus_spec, type_test=True)[source]

Check if the bus matches the bus_specification. :param bus_spec: Bus specification :type bus_spec: dict :param type_test: Match only type :type type_test: bool :return: True when the bus matches the specification :rtype: bool


Remove device from this bus :param device: qdevices.QBaseDevice device :return: True when removed, False when the device wasn’t found


Reserve the slot :param addr: Desired address :type addr: internal [addr1, addr2, ..] or stor format “addr1-addr2-..”


Set the device in which this bus belongs


long string representation


short string representation

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QStrictCustomBus(bus_item, addr_spec, busid, bus_type=None, aobject=None, atype=None, first_port=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus

Similar to QSparseBus. The address starts with 1 and addr is always set

class virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QUSBBus(length, busid, bus_type, aobject=None, port_prefix=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qbuses.QSparseBus

USB bus representation including usb-hub handling.

virttest.qemu_devices.qcontainer module

Autotest qdev-structure representation.

This is the main class which represent qdev-structure. It allows to create, interact and verify the qemu qdev structure.

copyright:2012-2013 Red Hat Inc.
class virttest.qemu_devices.qcontainer.DevContainer(qemu_binary, vmname, strict_mode='no', workaround_qemu_qmp_crash='no', allow_hotplugged_vm='yes')[source]

Bases: object

Device container class

cdroms_define_by_params(name, image_params, media=None, index=None, image_boot=None, image_bootindex=None)[source]

Wrapper for creating cdrom and related hbas from autotest image params.


To skip the argument use None, to disable it use False


Strictly bool options accept “yes”, “on” and True (“no”...)


Options starting with ‘_’ are optional and used only when strict_mode is True

  • name – Name of the new disk
  • params – Disk params (params.object_params(name))

Creates cmdline arguments for creating all defined devices :return: cmdline of all devices (without qemu-cmd itself)

execute_qemu(options, timeout=5)[source]

Execute this qemu and return the stdout+stderr output. :param options: additional qemu options :type options: string :param timeout: execution timeout :type timeout: int :return: Output of the qemu :rtype: string

Parameters:item – autotest id or QObject-like object
Returns:First matching object defined in this QDevContainer or None
get_buses(bus_spec, type_test=False)[source]
  • bus_spec (dict) – Bus specification (dictionary)
  • atype (bool) – Match qemu and atype params

All matching buses

Return type:

List of QSparseBus


Return list of matching devices :param filt: filter {‘param’: ‘value’, ...} :type filt: dict


Return list of matching devices :param filt: filter {‘property’: ‘value’, ...} :type filt: dict

Parameters:qid – qemu id
Returns:List of items with matching qemu id
get_first_free_bus(bus_spec, addr)[source]
  • bus_spec – Bus specification (dictionary)
  • addr – Desired address

First matching bus with free desired address (the latest added matching bus)

Returns:Full output of “qemu -help”

Get the current state (0 = synchronized with VM)

Parameters:device – Desired device
Returns:Is the desired device supported by current qemu?
Parameters:cmd – Desired command
Returns:Is the desired command supported by this qemu’s human monitor?
Parameters:option – Desired option
Returns:Is the desired option supported by current qemu?
Parameters:cmd – Desired command
Returns:Is the desired command supported by this qemu’s QMP monitor?

This hook creates dummy scsi hba per 7 -drive ‘scsi’ devices.


This function should be used after you verify, that hotplug was successful. For each hotplug call, hotplug_verified have to be executed in order to mark VM as clear.

Warning:If you can’t verify, that hotplug was successful, don’t use this function! You could screw-up following tests.
Parameters:bus_pattern – Bus name prefix without %s and tailing digit
Returns:Name of the next bus (integer is appended and incremented until there is no existing bus).
images_define_by_params(name, image_params, media=None, index=None, image_boot=None, image_bootindex=None)[source]

Wrapper for creating disks and related hbas from autotest image params.


To skip the argument use None, to disable it use False


Strictly bool options accept “yes”, “on” and True (“no”...)


Options starting with ‘_’ are optional and used only when strict_mode is True

  • name – Name of the new disk
  • params – Disk params (params.object_params(name))
images_define_by_variables(name, filename, index=None, fmt=None, cache=None, werror=None, rerror=None, serial=None, snapshot=None, boot=None, blkdebug=None, bus=None, unit=None, port=None, bootindex=None, removable=None, min_io_size=None, opt_io_size=None, physical_block_size=None, logical_block_size=None, readonly=None, scsiid=None, lun=None, aio=None, strict_mode=None, media=None, imgfmt=None, pci_addr=None, scsi_hba=None, x_data_plane=None, blk_extra_params=None, scsi=None, pci_bus='pci.0', drv_extra_params=None, num_queues=None, bus_extra_params=None, force_fmt=None)[source]

Creates related devices by variables :note: To skip the argument use None, to disable it use False :note: Strictly bool options accept “yes”, “on” and True (“no”...) :param name: Autotest name of this disk :param filename: Path to the disk file :param index: drive index (used for generating names) :param fmt: drive subsystem type (ide, scsi, virtio, usb2, ...) :param force_fmt: Force to use specific drive format :param cache: disk cache (none, writethrough, writeback) :param werror: What to do when write error occurs (stop, ...) :param rerror: What to do when read error occurs (stop, ...) :param serial: drive serial number ($string) :param snapshot: use snapshot? ($bool) :param boot: is bootable? ($bool) :param blkdebug: use blkdebug (None, blkdebug_filename) :param bus: 1st level of disk location (index of bus) ($int) :param unit: 2nd level of disk location (unit/scsiid/...) ($int) :param port: 3rd level of disk location (port/lun/...) ($int) :param bootindex: device boot priority ($int) :param removable: can the drive be removed? ($bool) :param min_io_size: Min allowed io size :param opt_io_size: Optimal io size :param physical_block_size: set physical_block_size ($int) :param logical_block_size: set logical_block_size ($int) :param readonly: set the drive readonly ($bool) :param scsiid: Deprecated 2nd level of disk location (&unit) :param lun: Deprecated 3rd level of disk location (&port) :param aio: set the type of async IO (native, threads, ..) :param strict_mode: enforce optional parameters (address, ...) ($bool) :param media: type of the media (disk, cdrom, ...) :param imgfmt: image format (qcow2, raw, ...) :param pci_addr: drive pci address ($int) :param scsi_hba: Custom scsi HBA :param num_queues: performace option for virtio-scsi-pci :param bus_extra_params: options want to add to virtio-scsi-pci bus

insert(devices, strict_mode=None)[source]

Inserts devices into this VM representation :param devices: List of qdevices.QBaseDevice devices :raise DeviceError: On failure. The representation remains unchanged.

list_missing_named_buses(bus_pattern, bus_type, bus_count)[source]
  • bus_pattern – Bus name pattern with 1x%s for idx or %s is appended in the end. (‘mybuses’ or ‘my%sbus’).
  • bus_type – Type of the bus.
  • bus_count – Desired number of buses.

List of buses, which are missing in range(bus_count)


Choose the used machine and set the default devices accordingly :param params: VM params :return: List of added devices (including default buses)

pcic_by_params(name, params)[source]

Creates pci controller/switch/... based on params

  • name – Autotest name
  • params – PCI controller params

x3130 creates x3130-upstream bus + xio3130-downstream port for each inserted device.


x3130-upstream device creates only x3130-upstream device and you are responsible for creating the downstream ports.

remove(device, recursive=True)[source]

Remove device from this representation :param device: autotest id or QObject-like object :param recursive: remove children recursively :return: None on success, -1 when the device is not present


Mark representation as completely clean, without hotplugged devices.


Decrease VM dirtiness (synchronized with VM)


Increase VM dirtiness (not synchronized with VM)

simple_hotplug(device, monitor)[source]

Function hotplug device to devices representation. If verification is supported by hodplugged device and result of verification is True then it calls set_clean. Otherwise it don’t call set_clean because devices representatio don’t know if device is added correctly.

  • device (string, qdevices.QDevice.) – Device which should be unplugged.
  • monitor (qemu_monitor.Monitor) – Monitor from vm.

tuple(monitor.cmd(), verify_hotplug output)

simple_unplug(device, monitor)[source]

Function unplug device to devices representation. If verification is supported by unplugged device and result of verification is True then it calls set_clean. Otherwise it don’t call set_clean because devices representatio don’t know if device is added correctly.

  • device (string, qdevices.QDevice.) – Device which should be unplugged.
  • monitor (qemu_monitor.Monitor) – Monitor from vm.

tuple(monitor.cmd(), verify_unplug output)


Long representation of all buses


Short representation of all buses


Long string representation of all devices


Short string representation of all devices

usb_by_params(usb_name, params)[source]

Wrapper for creating usb devices from autotest params. :param usb_name: Name of the usb :param params: USB device’s params :return: QDev device

usb_by_variables(usb_name, usb_type, controller_type, bus=None, port=None)[source]

Creates usb-devices by variables. :param usb_name: usb name :param usb_type: usb type (usb-tablet, usb-serial, ...) :param controller_type: type of the controller (uhci, ehci, xhci, ...) :param bus: the bus name (my_bus.0, ...) :param port: port specifiacation (4, 4.1.2, ...) :return: QDev device

usbc_by_params(usb_name, params)[source]

Wrapper for creating usb bus from autotest usb params. :param usb_name: Name of the usb bus :param params: USB params (params.object_params(usb_name)) :return: List of QDev devices

usbc_by_variables(usb_id, usb_type, multifunction=False, masterbus=None, firstport=None, freq=None, max_ports=6, pci_addr=None, pci_bus='pci.0')[source]

Creates usb-controller devices by variables :param usb_id: Usb bus name :param usb_type: Usb bus type :param multifunction: Is the bus multifunction :param masterbus: Is this bus master? :param firstport: Offset of the first port :param freq: Bus frequency :param max_ports: How many ports this bus have [6] :param pci_addr: Desired PCI address :return: List of QDev devices


Removes any traces of the device from representation. :param device: qdevices.QBaseDevice device

virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices module

Autotest representation of qemu devices.

These classes implements various features in order to simulate, verify or interact with qemu qdev structure.

copyright:2012-2013 Red Hat Inc.
class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QBaseDevice(dev_type='QBaseDevice', params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class of qemu objects


Add child bus :param bus: Bus, which this device contains :type bus: QSparseBus-like

Returns:cmdline command to define this device

Command line without dynamic params.

Returns:cmdline command to define this device without dynamic parameters
Returns:per VM unique autotest_id
Returns:List of all children (recursive)
get_param(option, default=None)[source]
Returns:object param
Returns:the output of monitor.cmd() hotplug command
Returns:the hotplug monitor command
Returns:tuple(hotplug qemu command, arguments)

removes child bus :param bus: Bus, which this device contains :type bus: QSparseBus-like

Parameters:aid – new autotest id for this device
set_param(option, value, option_type=None, dynamic=False)[source]

Set device param using qemu notation (“on”, “off” instead of bool...) :param option: which option’s value to set :param value: new value :param option_type: type of the option (bool) :param dynamic: if true value is changed to DYN for not_dynamic compare


Full representation, multi-line with all params


Short representation (aid, qid, alternative, type)

Returns:the output of monitor.cmd() unplug command
Returns:the unplug monitor command

Modification prior to unplug can be made here

Returns:tuple(unplug qemu command, arguments)

Roll back the modification made before unplug

verify_hotplug(out, monitor)[source]
  • out – Output of the hotplug command
  • monitor – Monitor used for hotplug

True when successful, False when unsuccessful, string/None when can’t decide.

verify_unplug(out, monitor)[source]
  • out – Output of the unplug command
  • monitor – Monitor used for unplug
class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QCustomDevice(dev_type, params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None, backend=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QBaseDevice

Representation of the ‘-$option $param1=$value1,$param2...’ qemu object. This representation handles only cmdline.

Returns:cmdline command to define this device

Command line without dynamic parameters.

Returns:cmdline command to define this device without dynamic parameters.
class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QDevice(driver=None, params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QCustomDevice

Representation of the ‘-device’ qemu object. It supports all methods. :note: Use driver format in full form - ‘driver’ = ‘...’ (usb-ehci, ide-hd)


Device bus should be removed too

Returns:the hotplug monitor command
Returns:the hotplug monitor command without dynamic parameters
Returns:the hotplug monitor command
Returns:the hotplug monitor command without dynamic parameters
Returns:the unplug monitor command
Returns:the unplug monitor command
verify_hotplug(out, monitor)[source]
verify_unplug(out, monitor)[source]
class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QDrive(aobject, use_device=True)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QCustomDevice

Representation of the ‘-drive’ qemu object without hotplug support.

set_param(option, value, option_type=None)[source]

Set device param using qemu notation (“on”, “off” instead of bool...) It restricts setting of the ‘id’ param as it’s automatically created. :param option: which option’s value to set :param value: new value :param option_type: type of the option (bool)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QFloppy(unit=None, drive=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QGlobal

Imitation of qemu floppy disk defined by -global$drive

set_param(option, value, option_type=None)[source]

drive and unit params have to be ‘translated’ as value and property.

class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QGlobal(driver, prop, value, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QBaseDevice

Representation of qemu global setting (-global

class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QHPDrive(aobject)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QDrive

Representation of the ‘-drive’ qemu object with hotplug support.


Device bus should be removed too

Returns:the hotplug monitor command
Returns:the unplug monitor command

Devices from this bus are not removed, only ‘drive’ is set to None.


Set back the previous ‘drive’ (unsafe, using the last value)

verify_hotplug(out, monitor)[source]
verify_unplug(out, monitor)[source]
class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QOldDrive(aobject, use_device=True)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QDrive

This is a variant for -drive without ‘addr’ support

set_param(option, value, option_type=None)[source]

Ignore addr parameters as they are not supported by old qemus

class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QRHDrive(aobject)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QDrive

Representation of the ‘-drive’ qemu object with RedHat hotplug support.


Device bus should be removed too

Returns:the hotplug monitor command
Returns:the hotplug monitor command
Returns:the unplug monitor command

Devices from this bus are not removed, only ‘drive’ is set to None.

Returns:the unplug monitor command

Set back the previous ‘drive’ (unsafe, using the last value)

class virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QStringDevice(dev_type='dummy', params=None, aobject=None, parent_bus=None, child_bus=None, cmdline='', cmdline_nd=None)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.qdevices.QBaseDevice

General device which allows to specify methods by fixed or parametrizable strings in this format:


params will be used to subst %()s

Returns:cmdline command to define this device

Command line without dynamic parameters.

Returns:cmdline command to define this device without dynamic parameters.

virttest.qemu_devices.utils module

Shared classes and functions (exceptions, ...)

copyright:2013 Red Hat Inc.
exception virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

General device exception

exception virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceHotplugError(device, reason, vmdev)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceInsertError

Fail to hotplug device

exception virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceInsertError(device, reason, vmdev)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceError

Fail to insert device

exception virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceRemoveError(device, reason, vmdev)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceInsertError

Fail to remove device

exception virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceUnplugError(device, reason, vmdev)[source]

Bases: virttest.qemu_devices.utils.DeviceHotplugError

Fail to unplug device


Helper fction which returns None or int()

Module contents